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[ US /ˈeɪˈdʒi/ ]
[ UK /ˈæd‍ʒiː/ ]
  1. United States novelist (1909-1955)

How To Use Agee In A Sentence

  • Those duties were imposed to ensure that a mortgagee is diligent in discharging his mortgage and returning the property to the mortgagor.
  • Every buyer, lessee and mortgagee of property in or in the vicinity of a coalmining area should search before exchanging contracts.
  • If there is no agreement between the mortgagees, one party may sell their share to a third party.
  • Similar vegetable gums, with the same possible adverse effects, are carrageenan, gum tragacanth, and carob or locust bean gum.
  • Magee pulled up his collar as protection against the breeze.
  • In the confectionery industry today, fruit pastes appear to have been reduced to a minor role as centres for fondant, chocolates, and dragées.
  • The most interesting part of your post Bock was that Magee called the embalmer and not the police when JPI died. Irish Blogs
  • Keep in mind, too, that most commercial soy milks, especially the fortified ones, contain added salt and sweeteners (cane juice, usually) and are thickened with carrageenan (extracted from seaweed).
  • Alternately, the Democratic leadership could add in key Democratic priorities, such as toughened financial regulations, bankruptcy law reforms helping homeowners prevent foreclosure, direct government aid to mortgagees, a tax on the financial industry to pay for the bailout, and the job-creating $60 billion economic stimulus / infrastructure spending package the House passed a few days ago. Suburban Guerrilla
  • I remember it was passed decades ago to be sure a mortgagee would have clear account of the lending terms. Wonk Room » Warner Concerned Consumer Protection Agency Will Be ‘Divorced From The Reality Of The Market’
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