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How To Use Age-old In A Sentence

  • America's most senior general was 'hoodwinked' by top Bush administration officials determined to push through aggressive interrogation techniques of terror suspects held at Guantánamo Bay, leading to the US military abandoning its age-old ban on the cruel and inhumane treatment of prisoners, the Guardian reveals today. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Top Bush aides pushed for Guantanamo torture
  • In itself, the letter will not stop fanaticism or allay age-old suspicions. Times, Sunday Times
  • It solves an age-old problem for makers of sterling silver. Times, Sunday Times
  • Writing letters to Santa Claus is an age-old Christmas tradition for children all over the world. The Magic of Macy’s « Happy Healthy Hip Parenting
  • Britain has an age-old tradition of Euro scepticism that goes back to well before the Second World War.
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  • At least drinking a herbal brew gets around that age-old question of whether to put the milk in first or last. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we raise this money now, we will be preventing future generations from suffering this age-old scourge.
  • The struggle between abundance and abjection is an age-old story that has left physical and psychic scars on the watery landscape of the Delta.
  • The age-old institution is closing forever next Tuesday due to lack of funds.
  • In itself, the letter will not stop fanaticism or allay age-old suspicions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bohr may be thought to have got perilously close to this when he suggested that complementarity could shed light on the age-old question of determinism and free will in relation to human nature.
  • It is an age-old question. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women are subject to this discourse both in the name of religion as well as in the name of age-old customs and traditions.
  • Author Roy Rob and his wife, Jaki, used the age-old technique of cordwood masonry to construct the main living quarters and outbuildings on their homestead in West Chazy, New York.
  • This neatly solves the age-old problem of how "flightless" birds could have reached the different continents: they were not flightless at all, and simply flew. - latest science and technology news stories
  • In the end, one has to say that the age-old and staid principles of banking are more relevant in the era of retail financing.
  • IT'S an age-old dilemma - do you go for a tiny flat in a great location or a larger house somewhere not so desirable? The Sun
  • It's an age-old tradition to decorate the succah with samples of the year's produce. Times, Sunday Times
  • Russia and Gabon are blatantly banning all imports of the other white meat, while Egypt has ordered the mass-execution of all of their unhallowed hoggies (although this could merely be a convenient excuse to settle an age-old Islamic grudge -- why must unsanctified flesh taste so delicious!). Warren Holstein: Preparing for the Swine Flu Apocalypse
  • So of course it's the age-old experience really of the death and rebirth of religious tradition.
  • Pupils of Wanborough Primary School packed their village church yesterday to carry on an age-old tradition.
  • It may be the current fad, but fasting is also an age-old way of eating. Times, Sunday Times
  • In front of the palazzo stands an age-old Kashmir cypress with its cascading leaves, like a frozen firework trail.
  • The age-old distinction between day and night eroded, especially during the 1940s, when wartime needs necessitated round-the-clock production.
  • The image of the Supercontinent Cycle adds yet another twist to this age-old theory.
  • At least drinking a herbal brew gets around that age-old question of whether to put the milk in first or last. Times, Sunday Times
  • Contrary to age-old belief, leprosy is surprisingly hard to catch. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog
  • One international agency has implemented an age-old idea to empower people in new ways. IOM Suggestion Box Gives Haitians Outlet for Frustration
  • Was this the age-old militarist strategy of provoking the sort of violence that made them indispensable?
  • After nine years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, they are beginning to recognize age-old legacies of the battlefield -- once known as shellshock or battle fatigue -- as combat wounds, not signs of weakness. Michael Winship: Don't You Know There's a War On?
  • In the age-old tradition of creative folk, they were just looking for a gig to support their art.
  • First off is the age-old question of gas or charcoal. Times, Sunday Times
  • One is an age-old Scottish tradition, while most people are guilty of doing the other at some stage in their lives.
  • In the market where these contemporary artists ply their trade, the age-old discipline of drawing human figures is considered a rather fuddy-duddy exercise.
  • It is the age-old question: do the best players make the best managers? Times, Sunday Times
  • And should he choose to be a father one day, please give to him the age-old experience of wrestling his own infant son on the changing table, all at once getting headbutted by this pudgy Tasmanian Devil who has now befouled four diapers and smeared feces on the wall because he WILL NOT JUST F%#KING LIE STILL, and being more in love with this mini Genghis Khan than he ever thought possible. Jamie Denbo: Tina Fey, Mothers, Daughters, Sons
  • In a world of large-scale commercialism and big business, one age-old industry is witnessing a reverse trend.
  • The fear in itself invoked age-old mythologies about the end of the world and gave religious cults the chance to enact rituals based on obscure prophecies.
  • Being an industrial town, renowned for the innumerable small-scale industries, Coimbatore is no longer a place with old gadgets and age-old systems.
  • I suspect it was the age-old problem that has damaged so many politicians before him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The age-old term "spinster," for example, continues to be used to deride unmarried women -- past their prime, and left spinning in the tower. Adam Foldes: 'Spinster'? What About 'Peddler'? A Gender Inequality in Terms of Commitment
  • It seems these slaves to efficiency have mastered the age-old art of time maximization like no others of our generation.
  • In the last analysis, most of our difficulties come from losing contact with our instincts, with the age-old unforgotten wisdom stored up in us.
  • There is another age-old problem all governments face. Times, Sunday Times
  • Full marks for honesty and full marks too for the age-old cliche about matchplay golf being the graveyard of expectations. Rory McIlroy out of World Match Play after heavy defeat to Ben Crane
  • The multitude of available food products makes the age-old snack of graham crackers and vanilla wafers obsolete.
  • In addition to shedding light on an age-old riddle involving a plant Charles Darwin called ‘one of the most wonderful in the world,’ the discovery has implications for biomimetic systems.
  • It is ditching the age-old practice for new methods. The Sun
  • The image of the Supercontinent Cycle adds yet another twist to this age-old theory.
  • At least drinking a herbal brew gets around that age-old question of whether to put the milk in first or last. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such a state of confusing dilemma caused heavy blow to the age-old traditions and beliefs of these cultures.
  • It was the age-old family mystery.
  • This age-old struggle for control had led to untold bloody wars.
  • Lying about one's age is, forgive the expression, an age-old practice if one is a woman.
  • St. Patrick's Day is an age-old tradition celebrated by the Irish all over the world.
  • I got this call around the time I learned why red clover has an age-old reputation as a cancer preventer.
  • The two worlds are colliding in an age-old clash that is causing some to wonder how long this great thing will last.
  • At least drinking a herbal brew gets around that age-old question of whether to put the milk in first or last. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such a state of confusing dilemma caused heavy blow to the age-old traditions and beliefs of these cultures.
  • The age-old question is trust; who can we trust with our medical data? Times, Sunday Times
  • These are the age-old questions being asked anew with extra edge after the final on Sunday. Times, Sunday Times
  • With all its grandeur, the place was blanketed in an age-old sorrow.
  • And back in the 90s, some other scientists studied age-old chunks of a mystery blob from 1869.
  • This, of course, was an age-old phenomenon, present in all materially advanced societies in the past.
  • They were carrying out an age-old tradition which goes back into the mists of time.
  • Ostracism is an age-old social tactic which is employed for all kinds of reasons.
  • An urgent problem requires more than age-old solutions. Bankers and politicians have turned food into a betting game | Aditya Chakrabortty
  • Essentially it is the age-old problem: does the end justify the means? Times, Sunday Times
  • A second conclusion concerns the age-old maxim never to deploy a force without giving it a clear military mission.
  • The age-old secrets of distilling witblits, a traditional local moonshine will be revealed.
  • According to age-old tradition they follow the example of Shiva in this respect.
  • The age-old response by spiritual practitioners has been to encourage the affirmer to believe more. Dr. Susan Corso: Afformations: A New Kind of Question
  • The age-old mindset seems to be that nothing but instability and drama can result from a frank statement about such matters.
  • I hope, however, that they are equally keen on maintaining the age-old tradition of literary backscratching.
  • First off is the age-old question of gas or charcoal. Times, Sunday Times
  • And in Mauritania, the age-old practice of force-feeding young girls-a life-threatening process that is intended to make them round and therefore "marriageable" - has seen a renaissance. Latest Articles
  • The age-old tradition has been to grow cotton in villages where it was not possible to plant rice.
  • Can you think of a better foundation to a little child's value system than that age-old nemesis of evil - The Man who cannot die and The Ghost who walks.
  • But their age-old political animus is reviving too; only a fifth of China's exports are in categories that compete with Japanese ones.
  • Not only are the non-violent actions of one man and the people who are following him causing millions of people to convulse with political and civic activism, but agents of the state are involved in speech suppression using modern technology, while it is age-old social media that seems to be the primary driver. Alan W. Silberberg: Oldest Tech, Newest Hero?
  • This story makes reference to the age-old anxiety surrounding the idea of legitimacy and wedlock.
  • Is it because of his respect for the age-old prejudice of the orthodoxy against these arts?
  • IT'S an age-old dilemma - do you go for a tiny flat in a great location or a larger house somewhere not so desirable? The Sun
  • This is the supreme Zapatista authority and its decision-making follows an age-old democratic pattern.
  • Orientalism" is the term academic historians and literary scholars like Edward Said have used to describe this age-old pattern of depicting Middle and Far Easterners as primitive NPR Topics: News
  • Age-old enemies have accepted that compromise is the only peaceful way forward.
  • They rejuvenate their age-old vocal style by breathing new life into some time-worn standards.
  • This has been a continuation of an age-old argument in New Zealand rugby history when two halfbacks of similar class have been available.
  • The Dublin-based writer has taken an age-old story and created a new perspective that sparkles with a crispness of writing that is breathtaking.
  • This is why I think the age-old problem of things being raw in the middle and burnt on the outside tends to happen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Should everyone respect our age-old civil liberties and the rule of law?
  • Hiding behind the sofa is an age-old ritual for younger viewers of Doctor Who.
  • Villagers get together every year to keep this age-old tradition alive.
  • News of forthcoming private A&E departments demonstrate age-old forces of supply and demand are preparing to work their magic on Britain's flagging and decayed health service.
  • It's time to dispose of an age-old question. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eros is the age-old goad and rarely the sex act itself.
  • Today, these age-old ruins lie beneath the wind-blown sands of a place we know as Abydos, some 300 miles south of Cairo. Sacred Sands
  • More importantly, it will also provide a platform to revive age-old weaves with a contemporary and fashionable look for the discerning Indian customer.
  • Will thirtysomethings ask age-old questions? Times, Sunday Times
  • In meta-ethics: ranking with her solution to the problem of universals is the solution she offered to the age-old “is-ought gap”: showing that “ought” is derived from “value,” which is derived inductively (not deductively) from the concept of “life” (through the concept of “alternative”). The Volokh Conspiracy » Was Ayn Rand the Most Influential Russian Immigrant to the United States?
  • I also had occasion to read the Talmud where I found the answer to the age-old question of why everybody hates the jews: barbaric jewish anti-gentilism or anti-goyism if you prefer. One Cult For Another | Jewschool
  • Age-old traditions are mixed with digital sci-fi themes; hints of religious ritual merge with almost fetishist fantasies; hyperrealist techniques reinforce idealised stereotypes; and backstreet culture is given the glamour treatment. This week's new exhibitions
  • Chaulmoogra was later identified as a source of chaulmoogra oil, an age-old leprosy treatment.
  • In itself, the letter will not stop fanaticism or allay age-old suspicions. Times, Sunday Times
  • In general, it's fine to fall back on the age-old trick of wearing black to look taller and slimmer, says image consultant Carol Davidson of New York City, but going all black can make a dull impression and rob the face of color. Ace the School Reunion
  • Even though vanilla remains an age-old ice cream favorite, numerous other flavors have arrived on the scene.
  • Their triumph there merely confirmed their age-old reputation in Catholic eyes as subversives and troublemakers.
  • a brash newcomer disputed the age-old rules for admission to the club
  • Bryan Sykes's forthcoming Saxons, Vikings, and Celts (UK title: Blood of the Isles) is a genetic guidebook to Britain and Ireland that answers such age-old questions as "How are the Irish and Scots related?" and "What the hell is a 'Pict'? Book Review: Saxons, Vikings, and Celts
  • This age-old struggle for control had led to untold bloody wars.
  • If the university is indeed the product of the Enlightenment and is its visible presence in modern democracy, and if Enlightenment was a political project that undertook to alter the age-old character of the relation between wisdom and power, knowledge and society, it might be suspected that the crisis of knowledge that has become politically useful—i.e., the crisis of the university—and the crisis of liberal democracy, the political order dependent on knowledge, have something to do with the new relationship between the two promoted by Enlightenment. THE CLOSING OF THE AMERICAN MIND
  • That the let's-put-on-a-show plot was age-old mattered not among lively performances, inventive comedy and barnstorming dance routines.
  • Since it's really all about the glass, modern mixologists have solved the age-old problem in the simplest way possible - they put flavors in that wonderful glass.
  • Like the age-old concept of customer service, it seems that the thriller element in many modern psychological or sociological chillers is all but missing.
  • After a few passes, we were bored of the age-old game of catch.
  • Unfortunately they still don't solve the age-old problem - what to do with the things afterwards?
  • Theosophists rejuvenated an age-old belief in the visibility of spiritual states.
  • We can have the age-old debate over whether or not song lyrics are poetry - Kelly's words and form are simpler than Plath's, for instance - but I think the value of Paul Kelly to Australian literary culture is inarguable.
  • This was another age-old tradition that was still being done; love had nothing to do with marriage.
  • They will explore the age-old monuments, shop till they drop or sample some traditional Italian fare at an authentic ristorante.
  • The language carries its own values, the comforting familiarity of its age-old prejudices.
  • Somewhere in the recesses of my mind, an age-old tradition has been corrupted.
  • It is an age-old security question used routinely by high street banks. Times, Sunday Times
  • I mean, I have no problems with research that disprove age-old theories that already mutated into dogma.
  • With this age-old problem neatly disposed of, Warwick feels he need only concentrate on defining intelligence.
  • This is the supreme Zapatista authority and its decision-making follows an age-old democratic pattern.
  • But the solution would represent such a dramatic reversal of age-old Catholic doctrine as to undermine any pretense of papal infallibility.
  • It is even implicit in the age-old teachings espoused in nearly identical language by Confucius, Jesus, and Rabbi Hillel: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Manifesting Michelangelo
  • Unfortunately they still don't solve the age-old problem - what to do with the things afterwards?
  • Yet one of the side-effects of independence was that age-old ethnic disputes could now bubble over. Times, Sunday Times
  • After recuperating for some 20 years, they return to the island of their birth, repeating the age-old cycle.
  • It is they who are tearing down sustainable economies, delicate environments and age-old social systems in the name of a one-size-fits-all corporate beanfeast.
  • However, it does pose the age-old question of whether or not money can buy you happiness.
  • But wearing a poppy on a football shirt is not some age-old, essential part of remembrance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Age-old enemies have accepted that compromise is the only peaceful way forward.
  • Its potency as a source of viable prospects and clients is indisputable and the power of the Internet has done nothing less than supercharge this age-old marketing technique.
  • Or is it little more than lipstick on a pig the gussying up of age-old tactics? Daily Digest: Commence Shoe Leather Phase?
  • In practical terms there is the age-old problem of accurate recording.
  • The distillation of witblits is an age-old tradition that started in 1659 in South Africa.
  • A recent report credits the age-old beverage with yet another curative property: joint protector.
  • From Somalia and the Balkans to Iraq, the U.S. military has been embroiled in conflicts that reflect an age-old debate: Can individual agency triumph over deep-seated historical, cultural, ethnic, and economic forces? Man Versus Afghanistan
  • As a result, he can hardly be regarded as the solution to the age-old problem on the left. Times, Sunday Times
  • The age-old curse on the line of Aenarion affected Tyrion's twin brother Teclis more strongly.
  • These are age-old canards that undermine freedom and encourage authoritarian states.
  • This age-old struggle for control had led to untold bloody wars.
  • Few could have predicted this re-enactment of the age-old squabble which underpins the dodgy plots of so many Hollywood Westerns would occur in the last 16 of the World Cup, but both teams of sharpshooters have made it through on merit.
  • Age-old traditions are mixed with digital sci-fi themes; hints of religious ritual merge with almost fetishist fantasies; hyperrealist techniques reinforce idealised stereotypes; and backstreet culture is given the glamour treatment. This week's new exhibitions
  • age-old customs
  • The antidote to kleptocracy is the age-old story of democratic struggle.
  • Indeed, each patient seems to add a new wrinkle to an age-old problem.
  • Appearance: Mountains, forests, fast-flowing rivers, picturesque castles, sleepy villages, horse carts, elderly peasants ploughing land with age-old implements, blacksmiths sloshed on the deadly local brew palinka plying their time-honoured trade. The Guardian World News
  • If planning permission were granted, then there is the age-old chestnut of any memorial being vandalised or messed upon by pigeons.
  • Obsession with grain-growing sprang, of course, from an age-old but well-justified fear of famine.
  • It has proved to me the age-old saying that we don't know what we've got until it's gone.
  • His thoughts came as a response to the now-age-old question regarding why Nokia hasn't adopted Android with his argument essentially being that the market is over-saturated as it is and that manufacturers would be stinting growth in the long run since it'll be hard for consumers to find meaningful differences from one piece of hardware to another. Outgoing-Nokia Exec: Using Android Is Like Peeing In Your Pants For Warmth
  • But the solution to negativity is also age-old and part of being human. Deepak Chopra: How to Dispel Darkness (Part 2)
  • There is no way to re-educate consumers within the age-old culture of abundancy, the Siamese twin of the culture of waste," writes financial columnist Joelmir Beting. The Perils Of Abundance
  • But underlying all this, there are tensions born of age-old rivalries, long unsettled land disputes and of arguments long forgotten.
  • And the age-old problems are still there. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hard Times 3 depicts the lives of a family in Kerry and includes the age-old themes of love and death.
  • Others have been nothing short of bloodbaths, where age-old rivalries and enmities were brought out to be settled once and for all!
  • It is an age-old tactic of fascists to target trade unionists and label them a fifth column or traitors.
  • Your military coat is both warm and chic, which combats that age-old dilemma of what to wear over your favourite dress. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vine is an age-old symbol of peace and prosperity.
  • This is the supreme Zapatista authority and its decision-making follows an age-old democratic pattern.
  • Part II presents the major contribution of this work, my "Quest for Potential" formulation, a solution of the age-old problem of theodicy .
  • Iraq and Egypt formed the confluence of ancient cultures with age-old traditions of their own.
  • From the age-old cupolas and minarets, vibrant markets to skyscraping buildings and pulsating nightlife, Cairo has it all.
  • Little was done to resolve the age-old problem of land-distribution.
  • Women are subject to this discourse both in the name of religion as well as in the name of age-old customs and traditions.
  • According to the findings published in ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences’ journal, a lopsided face is less attractive to both Hadza and Britons, so that the age-old idea that beauty is in the eye of the beholder is a romantic myth. Study: Symmetry is Sexy | Impact Lab
  • In the place of the age-old Iyengar bakeries are trendy cake shops.
  • The removal of the age-old plough from farming could lead to a major drop in pollution in rivers and lakes, according to environmentalists.
  • The removal of the age-old plough from farming could lead to a major drop in pollution in rivers and lakes, according to environmentalists.
  • As a cradle of the coal, iron and steel industries many of its age-old traditions still continue to this day.
  • We're not going to subscribe to the terrible trickle-down economics, the unfair trickle-down theories of the age-old, ideological approach used by this administration.
  • These social networking sites harness the age-old power of the word-of-mouth recommendation and can be potent marketing tools.
  • Seated next to the Russian diplomat at a press conference in Moscow Friday, Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara responded icily: "The Northern Territories are age-old Japanese territory. Russia, Japan Trade Insults Over Islands
  • The upshot is that the age-old nature versus nurture dichotomy is completely erroneous.
  • Child instruction has always been hampered by the age-old problem posed by constraints of religion.
  • The age-old period of 'rugger' being hard yet squeaky clean has certainly taken a hefty hit during the first half of 2009 - and the fallout of recent events have left many with spinning heads if not still prostrate on the canvas. Planet Rugby | Rugby Union News
  • It seems to facilitate the age-old premise that menstruation is unclean. Xombies: Apocalypse Blues (Avoid This Like the Plague) « A Working Title
  • First off is the age-old question of gas or charcoal. Times, Sunday Times
  • But his practice score shot up after he took a $900 test-preparation course and received some age-old advice on how to outfox the examiners.
  • The shillelagh is hung on the wall now, for the most part, and faction fighting is at an end; but in the very last moments of it there were still 'ructions' between the Fitzgeralds and the Moriartys, and the age-old reason of the quarrel was, according to the Fitzgeralds, the betrayal of the 'Cause of Ireland. ' Penelope's Irish Experiences
  • The singing of psalms, provision of a confessor, entreaties for repentance, and the Eucharistic offering followed age-old traditions for those close to death, natural and otherwise.
  • From the age-old cupolas and minarets, vibrant markets to skyscraping buildings and pulsating nightlife, Cairo has it all.
  • The most common way to combine garden crops is via an age-old technique called interplanting, which in essence means planting various garden edibles with different growth and spacing attributes together in the same soil beds or rows. Undefined
  • It's an age-old problem and nothing that a dab of string lubricant or Vaseline wouldn't cure.
  • Each boat is over l00 ft long, with arched snake-like prows, vividly decorated; crews of over 100 men row in perfect unison to age-old chants, cheered on by delirious crowds, all part of an unforgettable drama.
  • Despite gaps between cultures, intercultural contact is age-old.
  • Neither is rooted in Freudian psychology, though both were products of rootless lives, written after war and revolution had destroyed age-old certainties.
  • Prof. MASK: Orientalism is the term academics have given this age-old pattern of depicting Middle and Far Easterners as primitive others. Eat, Pray, Love, Leave: Orientalism Still Big Onscreen
  • We recognise the value of belonging to a culture: the age-old rituals, the candles, the specialness.
  • The wide-ranging project will allow visitors to try their hands at age-old country crafts with the help of trained demonstrators.
  • As a cradle of the coal, iron and steel industries many of its age-old traditions still continue to this day.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Top Bush aides pushed for Guantanamo torture'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'America\'s most senior general was "hoodwinked" by top Bush administration officials determined to push through aggressive interrogation techniques of terror suspects held at Guantánamo Bay, leading to the US military abandoning its age-old ban on the cruel and inhumane treatment of prisoners, the Guardian reveals today.' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Top Bush aides pushed for Guantanamo torture
  • We were led to this research by an age-old racetrack puzzle economists call the “favorite-longshot bias”: horse bettors historically have overbet long shots, and they win less often than their odds suggest. What A Night! Interpreting the New Hampshire Primary - Freakonomics Blog -
  • He declared: ‘It is the age-old divide between right and left.’
  • Whether or not ‘long distance’ relationships can work is one of those age-old questions in the book of love.

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