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age bracket

  1. a group of people having approximately the same age

How To Use age bracket In A Sentence

  • Men in the same age bracket are too pessimistic by about two years. Times, Sunday Times
  • When/if there's an economic upswing, will births resurge, and will the effect ripple upward across age brackets will women who would have liked a first, second or third child during the recession but refrained from childbearing in, say, the 35-39 age band go on to have that child in the 40-44 age band, or similarly will those who delayed at 30-34 pay it forward in the 35-39 band, and so on? Elizabeth Gregory: Fertility Up, Among Women 40-Plus
  • Men in the same age bracket are too pessimistic by about two years. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's in the right age bracket, forty-five, and from his responses today he would seem to be sexually maladjusted.
  • And the 17-24 age bracket accounts for about one in four accidents on Britain's roads, despite representing only one in six drivers.
  • Do you fall outside that age bracket?
  • About 800,000 Irish women fall into that age bracket.
  • Do you fall outside that age bracket?
  • Style - preference gamers tend to be more female, and appear along a wider age bracket.
  • As at the last election, one percent of voters had active party membership, with the biggest age bracket listed as those over 60.
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