How To Use Agave In A Sentence

  • My second joyful memory centres round another thing of beauty -- a spiky agave (miscalled aloe) of monstrous dimensions which may be seen in the garden of a certain hill-side hotel. Alone
  • And some of them have those things you used to use in the backyard to cut down the agave plant. OFF THE CHART
  • Unlike tequila, another agave-derived drink, pulque is not distilled. Lloyd Mexico Economic Report - August 1999
  • The balmy air was scented with aloes that were planted all the way up, along with agaves and cactuses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Modern tequila production often uses large autoclaves to steam the agave pina instead.
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  • Until five years ago nobody would come here because of the guerrillas, " said Michael McMurdo, a New York City-trained chef who recently opened a Mexican restaurant, Agave Azul, in Santa Marta.
  • Illustration by Jason Lee for The Wall Street Journal More discerning tequila drinkers know it comes from the agave plant and can recognize the difference between the major types: the unaged blancos; reposados, which are aged in oak between two months and a year; and añejos, which spend between one and three years in barrels. Tequila Terroir
  • Grow thorny plants like agave, barberry, cactus, Natal plum, and yucca under rear windows.
  • Across the surface of a vast upland plateau stretched the plains of Maras, fallow fields of gold and russet, broken by hedgerows of agave and patches of brown earth where oxen and ploughmen had been. One River
  • But they, not sure of the voice they heard, sprang up and peered all round; then once again his bidding came; and when the daughters of Cadmus knew it was the Bacchic god in very truth that called, swift as doves they dirted off in cager haste, his mother Agave and her sisters dear and all the Bacchanals; through torrent glen, o'er boulders huge they bounded on, inspired with madness by the god. The Bacchantes
  • They lead into pine forests as well as impressive stands of coastal sage scrub and chaparral communities notable for Mojave yuccas, prickly pear, and agaves.
  • Heavy machinery is used for clearing agave from the construction site. Heavy machinery is used for clearing agave from the construction site.© Norma Hawthorne 2008
  • However, about 90% of mezcal is made with the espadín agave, perhaps 5% uses tobalá, and the remaining types, found predominantly in the wild, comprise the balance. A connoisseur's guide to mezcal
  • Spiny agaves are limited to the front yard, while softer plants grow in back, where the children play.
  • Mesquite and prickly pear, agave and tall, bloomed-out stalks of sotol gave a sparse shade for the baking land. THIS TIME LOVE
  • As we began descending from mountains into the desert, I saw agaves, cacti, and ocotillo thriving on the dry, rugged slopes.
  • Her breath reeked of scalded sugar, copal, and agave.
  • DEWIDAR, A.M. and EL-MUNAJJED, D. (1970) The steroid sapogenin constituents of Agave americana, A. variegate and Yucca gloriosa. Chapter 5
  • Mezcal, or more usually (in English) mescal, is an alcoholic drink derived from various types of agave, as opposed to tequila which is, strictly speaking, made only from the blue agave. The Oaxaca Valley: a week's adventures in a single day...
  • Until five years ago nobody would come here because of the guerrillas, " said Michael McMurdo, a New York City-trained chef who recently opened a Mexican restaurant, Agave Azul, in Santa Marta.
  • Plants with strong forms predominate, notably agaves and cycads, which complement the existing bird of paradise and queen palm.
  • Their primary staple was probably agave cactus, which the Spaniards later began distilling into mezcal, a liquor.
  • Shakespeare doubtless knew his roses, but let's face it, in a world without HFCS, invert sugar, dextrose, maltose or agave nectar, he was a novice regarding sweet stuff. David Katz, M.D.: HFCS Name Change: Good, Bad or In Between?
  • Mexican liquor made from fermented juices of an Agave plant.
  • Agave theft is considered a serious offense in Jalisco and carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison.
  • The distillation of agaves to produce tequila is believed to date from the second half of the 16th century; the earliest substantiated written record dates from 1621. Ancient eucalyptus trees
  • She offers food, such as what she calls a decadent sweet roll, that's sweetened mostly with agave instead of sugar. Blogs Master Site Feed
  • Two features make the Chihuahuan Desert region unique: the vast temperate grasslands that skirt the mountain flanks at mid-elevation and the diversity of yuccas and agaves.
  • Tanta dulcedine captos afficit ille animos tantaque libidine volgi auditur; sed, cum fregit subsellia versu, esurit, intactam Paridi nisi vendit Agaven. ' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Prickly pear cacti and large agave succulents, introduced from Mexico, grow everywhere in the north of the island.
  • Anchor the landscape with permanent plants that look good year-round; Armann planted agave, lantana, rosemary, and yucca.
  • The fierce agave spines make for treacherous farming conditions; the maguey must be collected by hand.
  • Actually in the agave family, there are many varieties of sansevieria that are exceptionally tough. About Today
  • The indigenous peoples of central America produced a wine from the agave plant which they called mescal.
  • Examples of this are certain aeoniums like A. nobilis, A. tabulaeforme, Agave victoria-regina, some large rosulate tillandsias, navelworts, etc.
  • Its larger counterpart, the agave or century plant, like a tank-trap, can still be seen used as a washing line, with the clothes hung on the huge spikes.
  • As we began descending from mountains into the desert, I saw agaves, cacti, and ocotillo thriving on the dry, rugged slopes.
  • While most of us can easily identify a cactus, it may be harder to differentiate between an agave and an aloe.
  • Indeed, Mediterranean plants and succulents like agaves work splendidly in coastal and desert plantings.
  • (A propagule is any part of a plant that can separate from the parent and grow into a new plant, for example, a seed, an agave aerial plantlet, a cholla joint.) Adaptations of desert plants
  • While the garden's toughest souls - including agaves, plumbago and ornamental grasses - remain healthy enough to prevent us from feeling total despair, other plants are showing signs of stress.
  • Bleached stalks of agave and sotol pierce the cloudless blue sky.
  • D. (1974) Isolation of hecogenin from some Agave species. Chapter 5
  • Plants such as tree ferns, agaves and olive trees can all be grown quite well.
  • Use strong architectural plants such as aloes and agaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • To start, there were "ento-teasers": waxworm potato fritters; kalamata hummus with crickets and a dung beetle garnish; bamboo worm guacamole, and "pokies" — a sliced cucumber with pickled ginger, topped with a Jing Leed cricket from Thailand boiled in Chinese Lapsang Souchong tea, with a dollop of agave nectar. Would You Like Flies With That? Bug Eaters Try to Get Some Buzz
  • (A propagule is any part of a plant that can separate from the parent and grow into a new plant, for example, a seed, an agave aerial plantlet, a cholla joint.) Adaptations of desert plants
  • On the wetter slopes, fields were laid out like checkerboards, lined with eucalyptus and agave, and those that had been left fallow were thick with cosmos and zinnias, helianthus, bidens, and calceolaria, all yellows and golds and reds. One River
  • Buttons were missing from the shirt and it hung open at the side as well from a close encounter with the agave. SNOWLINE
  • Species with leathery leaves such as agaves, aloes, echeverias and sanseverias are the obvious choice because they can tolerate extremes of heat, cold and drought.
  • I left off the agave nectar because agave is a natural complement of tequila. The Spicy Sister… A Cocktail Recipe… at
  • Hot yellows and reds are very popular right now and in the last five years agaves and yuccas have been making impressive architectural statements in gardens.
  • Some vascular plants have also developed succulence, a condition in which the tissues are spongy and swollen for storing water, as in cacti and agaves.
  • In warmer climates such as those of California and Texas, I've seen it growing with desert plants like cactus and agave.
  • The gardens which surround it include mature bamboos, tree ferns, Italian Cypresses and mature Agaves.
  • The often steep and rugged lower slopes of the mountains are dominated by cacti, agaves, yuccas, and thorn-bearing shrubs.
  • Aged for more than four years in American oak barrels, this Extra Añejo tequila is creamy, vanilla-y and has an ultra-long, oaky finish that's practically whiskey-like but, with all of the agave notes, much more exotic. Dad's Top Shelf
  • Most in this area produced henequen, an agave fibre that we know under the name ‘sisal’ and which the Mexicans nicknamed ‘green gold’.
  • The blue agave is no longer a wild plant, but rather a carefully cultivated cash crop.
  • Prickly pear cacti and large agave succulents, introduced from Mexico, grow everywhere in the north of the island.
  • Although the process varies from distiller to distiller, the basics are pretty much the same: first the agave is allowed to grow for ten years. Tequila, more than just a margarita
  • Other Blue Barn dishes include a $9 tostada salad with chopped romaine, toasted corn, black beans, jicama, cherry tomatoes, cheddar, pumpkin seeds and spicy chipotle-agave vinaigrette. Blue Barn
  • Contrary to popular belief, the agave is not a member of the cactus family, but rather comprises its own distinct botanical family, agavaceae, related to the lily. Cooking with Tequila: Mexico's National Drink Moves Into The Kitchen, part 1
  • The fibre of the agave, known as sisal hemp, is used in the manufacture of rope, twine, mats, brushes, etc. The Western United States A Geographical Reader
  • Paloverde-cactus shrub vegetation includes various types of cacti, such as saguaro, cholla and agave. North American Deserts ecoregion (CEC)
  • As a native Californian, she was particularly drawn to plants that define Southern California gardening, such as agaves, bush anemones, cycads, and New Zealand flax.
  • Getty Images Ex-Big Leaguer Takes a Shot, and Misses Tequila isn't usually associated with intense sporting competitions, but the Cuervo Games, a multicity tour of tequila-inspired challenges including waterfall climbing and agave collection, is trying to change that. Broad Street Bullies Still Drawing Crowds
  • The exotic effect can be extended into pots, with agaves and aloes brought out in summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or like this shell ginger, cordyline, agave, lipstick plant, and the thanksgiving cactus that dresses up the porch's little birdbath each summer: Garden Voices
  • Pistacia lentiscus, Peganum harmala, Agave americana, Anonis natrix, rubus discolor and Ruta montana. Chapter 7
  • I like to use tropical looking plants in our yard – usually numerous banana trees, one palm, a number of canna, tropical looking hosta, hanging baskets, and in pots an agave tree, a century plant cactus and two sago palm cycads. The Great Tropical Plant Experiment of 2008 « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • The shortage is so severe that agave rustlers steal plants in the dead of night.
  • Treviño's seminar includes a candid discussion of good and bad tequilas and a comparison with mescal, a sister beverage (but, unlike tequila, made from more than one type agave).
  • Maguey is a kind of agave with succulent leaves and a sharp thorn on the tip.
  • As we began descending from mountains into the desert, I saw agaves, cacti, and ocotillo thriving on the dry, rugged slopes.
  • Species with leathery leaves such as agaves, aloes, echeverias and sanseverias are the obvious choice because they can tolerate extremes of heat, cold and drought.
  • They changed the way they cooked agave to alter the sugar content.
  • Indeed, Mediterranean plants and succulents like agaves work splendidly in coastal and desert plantings.
  • As a native Californian, she was particularly drawn to plants that define Southern California gardening, such as agaves, bush anemones, cycads, and New Zealand flax.
  • The predominant vegetation is agave under cultivation -- occasionally on the steepest of hillsides -- and mixed brush, with pole cactus and palm interspersed. A driving tour from Oaxaca to San Cristobal de las Casas and Palenque: Part One
  • Succulent plants such as agaves, aloes, and echeverias are often associated with heat-loving landscapes.
  • Trees with a strong vertical growth habit - such as Italian cypress and liquidambar - or spiked plants such as agave will ‘channel fast-moving chi towards us, producing a knife-like effect in our direction.’
  • A sustainable cropping system is used to harvest the agave plants just before they flower.
  • While the garden's toughest souls - including agaves, plumbago and ornamental grasses - remain healthy enough to prevent us from feeling total despair, other plants are showing signs of stress.
  • We walked around to the other end of the ovens where the agave is taken out of the ovens and run through a machine, which shreds and squeezes it. Drinking Tequila In Tequila
  • In 1834, the plant, now known by its scientific name agave sisalena, was transplanted from the Yucatán to southern Florida where it adapted and soon flourished. Did You Know? - Henequen - Sisal
  • Sweeten with a teaspoon of raw sugar (15 calories per teaspoon), ½ teaspoon of Agave nectar (about 10 calories per ½ teaspoon), or your favorite calorie-free sweetener. The Mommy Diet
  • Many plants also have methods of asexual reproduction (vegetative reproduction), which produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent: root-sprouting (limberbush, palo verde, aspen), stolons and rhizomes (agaves, strawberries, many grasses), and aerial plantlets (some agaves, mother-of-millions, kalanchoe). Pollination ecology of desert plants
  • Although there are relatively few introduced species present on Fraser Island in comparison to other mainland areas, there are extensive and widespread infestations of groundsel Baccharis halimolia and lantana Lantana camara, while species such as bitou bush Chrysanthemoides monilifera rotundata, sisal hemp Agave sisalana, and Easter cassia Senna pendula glabrata are significant localized problems. Fraser Island, Australia
  • Their primary staple was probably agave cactus, which the Spaniards later began distilling into mezcal, a liquor.
  • They devote an entire chapter to analyzing the problems associated with Jalisco's single-crop agriculture, which have led to devastating agave blights.
  • _Asclepias tuberosa_, with fiery red umbels, the strong-scented _Monarda fistulosa_, and an umbelliferous plant, the grass-like, spiculated leaves of which recall to mind the Southern Agaves, the _Eryngo. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 43, May, 1861 Creator
  • But the thing that lends a character's voice historical veracity is the quality of the quotidian details — that the journalist in "The One in White" is drinking blue agave, for example. Faraway Voices
  • They are the raw material from which tequila is made, the pared hearts of the blue-tinged agave cactus.
  • The team found the production of agave-ethanol led to the net emission of 35g of carbon dioxide for each megajoule of energy, far lower than the 85g/MJ estimated for corn ethanol. Tequila gives new biofuel crops a shot
  • A maguey (agave) and a bisnaga (cactus) are two Durangan plants that are very symbolic of the Mexican flora. A maguey (agave) and a bisnaga (cactus) are two Durangan plants that are very symbolic of the Mexican flora. © 2008, Jeffrey R. Bacon
  • Tequila is not made from cactus, but from the agave plant, a relative of the aloe.
  • Protected in its nest of agave leaves, the meat would steam away for hours before carefully being dug from the pit.
  • Sisal carpeting is made from the fiber of the agave plant.
  • This was accomplished by photographing and netting both species as they foraged at the Palmer agave flowers.
  • Rather spookily, an agave and some opium poppies had survived last winter almost unscathed.
  • If the beverage distilled from the agave has less than 51% fermented sugars obtained from blue agave, it cannot be called tequila. Cooking with Tequila: Mexico's National Drink Moves Into The Kitchen, part 1
  • Plants with strong forms predominate, notably agaves and cycads, which complement the existing bird of paradise and queen palm.
  • Agave theft is considered a serious offense in Jalisco and carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison.
  • Hosta sieboldiana ‘Elegans’, the grey-blue tinge of an agave and the blue flowers of nepeta all work in harmony with the piece.
  • The often steep and rugged lower slopes of the mountains are dominated by cacti, agaves, yuccas, and thorn-bearing shrubs.
  • The Feast for the Greatly Revered Ones: Cacao mixed with ground maize, agave wine, and octli, mixed with herbs and spices native to central Mexico. Thor's Day
  • This plant, a bromelia, is of the same genus as the _Agave Americana_, and by travellers often confounded with the latter, though quite a distinct plant from the _maguey_ of cultivation. The War Trail The Hunt of the Wild Horse
  • Grow thorny plants like agave, barberry, cactus, Natal plum, and yucca under rear windows.
  • There I saw Autonoe, that bare Actaeon on a day to Aristaeus, and Ino with her, still ranging the oak-groves in their unhappy frenzy; but one told me that that Agave, was rushing wildly hither, nor was it idly said, for there I see her, sight of woe! The Bacchantes
  • Who could not love a historical drink like tequila developed from the fermented agave drinks "octli" and "pulque" of the Aztecs? The Denver Newspaper Agency Stories
  • According to the article you cite: While agave spirit and tequila are the same thing, the name "tequila" is protected under international trade laws. South Africa exporting Tequila to Mexico?
  • I instantly knew that that "citrusy" flavor I detect in agave nectar is acidity! Archive 2009-03-01
  • Agaves, pelargoniums, yuccas, sedum, sempervivum, cacti - if they can survive your winters or you have a light frost-free place to overwinter them - all are suitable.
  • Although the process is similar to that used for mezcal, sotol is not a mezcal, since it is not made from agave.
  • The often steep and rugged lower slopes of the mountains are dominated by cacti, agaves, yuccas, and thorn-bearing shrubs.
  • The well-known passage of Juvenal, vii. 86 ( 'cum fregit subsellia versu, esurit, intactam Paridi nisi vendit Agaven'), as has been pointed out, is only Juvenal's exaggerated way of saying that the _Thebais_ brought Statius no material gain. Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • The Euripides story tells of a young and prudish king who tries to stop a vengeful God and his band of tutu-clad Bacchae from corrupting the women of his kingdom - including his own mother, Agave.
  • Agaves are often mistakenly classed as cacti, leading many people to refer to tequila as "a drink made from cactus", but while both agave and cacti species thrive in drier, more arid conditions, agaves are botanically unrelated to their thorny bedfellows. Did you know? Agaves function as Mexico's 7-Elevens
  • When your Mother Agavë heard my horned cattle bellowing, she stood bolt upright among the Bacchae and called to them to stir themselves from sleep, and they shook the dust of the sandman from their weary eyes and leapt to their feet.
  • The first course is a Mexican Baja lobster ceviche made with Patron 100 percent agave tequila, lobster, yellow grapefruit and tomatillos served with a Dos Equis or Negro Modelo beer.
  • The first course is a Mexican Baja lobster ceviche made with Patron 100 percent agave tequila, lobster, yellow grapefruit and tomatillos served with a Dos Equis or Negro Modelo beer.
  • Hosta sieboldiana ‘Elegans’, the grey-blue tinge of an agave and the blue flowers of nepeta all work in harmony with the piece.

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