How To Use Agastache In A Sentence
He says a flowering plant called agastache is also popular in gardens.
The best choices include abutilon, agastache, alstroemeria, bee balm, cestrum, cleome, coral bells, fuchsia, honeysuckle, lion's tail, penstemon, red-flowered perennial lobelia, salvia, and zauschneria.
Agastache Desert Sunrise ™ with Perovskia atriplicifolia
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Grow annual plants like Amaranthus and Agastache, which produce large quantities of seed, valuable food for adult sparrows.
The best choices include abutilon, agastache, alstroemeria, bee balm, cestrum, cleome, coral bells, fuchsia, honeysuckle, lion's tail, penstemon, red-flowered perennial lobelia, salvia, and zauschneria.
SHAPIRO: One group of students picked basil for a salad, while other kids showed Mrs. Obama how to suck the nectar from the base of a purple flower called agastache.
Mrs. Obama: From Spouses' Circuit To Campaign Trail