- fungus used in the preparation of punk for fuses
- a saprophytic fungus of the order Agaricales having an umbrellalike cap with gills on the underside
How To Use agaric In A Sentence
- Muscarin" is the leading active principle of the Fly Agaric, in conjunction with agaricin, mycose, and mannite. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
- The Agaricus bisporus was discolored easily before processing as light vegetable, with reduced quality of product.
- China tops the world in producing straw mushrooms, tuckahoe, lentinus adodes, agaric, white jelly fungus and hedgehog fungus, Liu added.
- The lung of a long-winded fox is used as a cure for asthma, the yarrow is used to cure jaundice, agaricos is used for blisters, aristolochia (the fruit of which has the form of a uterus) is used for the pains of child-birth, and nettle-tea for nettle-rash. Criminal Psychology: a manual for judges, practitioners, and students
- Agaricus indicates a mushroom with gills, and bisporus refers to this variety's self-sufficiently needing no second mushroom to make little mushrooms.
- Sporopore The aerial spore - producing body of certain fungi, e . g . the mushroom of Agaricus.
- The fly agaric, the caesars mushroom and the blusher are in many regions widely known.
- Objective To study the determination of agaric polysaccharide in Maikang mixture by visible spectrophotography.
- & is apparetundeinde vacuetur agarico, G-in - do, diaphcemco, roborenturque ventriculus Morborum internorum prope omnium curatio, certa methodo comprehensa, ex ...
- An edible mushroom ( Agaricus campestris ) that thrives in moist soil and is widely cultivated for food.