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[ US /əˈɡeɪp/ ]
  1. (Christian theology) the love of God or Christ for mankind
  2. selfless love of one person for another without sexual implications (especially love that is spiritual in nature)
  3. a religious meal shared as a sign of love and fellowship
  1. with the mouth wide open as in wonder or awe
    with mouth agape
    we stood there agape with wonder
    the gaping audience

How To Use agape In A Sentence

  • We followed him into the house, trying not to look too much like tourists with our mouths agape.
  • He may, notwithstanding, as has been recently shown in the famous Agapemone case, keep her under restraint, to prevent her leaving him, provided this be effected without cruelty. The Book of Household Management
  • we stood there agape with wonder
  • What a privilege to break the fast with an agape meal… a love feast!
  • Jesus' new commandment is that his followers practice love, agape.
  • Agape laid in d' Armano's arms, uncaring of the surroundings, his bare feet falling down into my lap.
  • At the NYFF press screening, mouths were agape, eyes entranced during this sequence – and with good reason, as it's fun, end-of-the-world-movie stuff: the slo-mo planetary crash also evokes a pupilary explosion, making for a macro-micro meditation, as well as a kind of update to Michael Vazquez: 2011's Doomsday Cinema, Part I: Melancholia @ 49th NYFF plus Gainsbourg on Von Trier & Lars' NYFF 47 Press Conference (VIDEO)
  • Christ is agape; self - giving, nonresistant love.
  • Like most other things, the "Agapemone" wickedness, which has recently disgusted all decent people, does not appear to be a new thing by any means. Notes and Queries, Number 32, June 8, 1850
  • So you've got to get an enormous charge out of watching the audience with their mouths agape.
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