How To Use Agamogenesis In A Sentence
- Medicine, absence or lack of milk secretion. agalactic, agalactous, agamogenesis
I never knew more than one individual who believed in agamogenesis; she was unmarried, a lovely charac -
Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures
Gamogenesis: reproduction through fertilization: see agamogenesis.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
Mrs. Johnson was surely cured of the rheumatism all right, but that does not prove that Mrs. Eddy is correct in her claim that Eve was made from Adam's rib; that agamogenesis is a fact in
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This certainly has the potential of speeding up the evolutionary process. †“You mean they use a method other than agamogenesis? †They both shuddered. “Tell Us, †Uith†™ eems, “can this perversion be exploited somehow to strengthen the Empire? †“Perhaps.
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