
How To Use Afterlife In A Sentence

  • His answer offers no fairy tales of salvation or a paradisiacal afterlife. Michael Brenner: The Buddha As Icon
  • Satimbe masks represents the women ancestors who, according to legend, first discover the role of the masks in escorting the spirits of the dead onto the path to the afterlife.
  • Peruvians' notion of an afterlife very much follows Catholic notions of heaven, purgatory, and hell.
  • Afterlife energy is an unusual strand running through the life after death debate.
  • In the famous attack by al-Ghazali (d. 1111) in his Incoherence of the Philosophers, thinkers such as Avicenna were condemned for heresy for their failure to demonstrate the supposed Qur™anic account of physical resurrection and the reality of the afterlife. Mulla Sadra
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  • At the end she's reunited with her father and the two of them swim off into what might be the afterlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maya tradition also merits them a special place - cenotes are seen as the wellspring of life, an entrance into the afterlife and a point of contact with the gods.
  • I've met people who don't believe in afterlife, but never anyone who said they didn't want one. The Proust Questionnaire
  • They dug up thousands of plates, brooches, hairpins and pendants, carefully placed for the afterlife with the bodies of wealthy rulers entombed in royal burial chambers.
  • Occasionally, for my benefit, she would recall sanctimonious preachers who would dismiss three quarters of the world's people as ignorant heathens doomed to spend the afterlife in eternal damnation ¾ and who in the next breath would insist that the earth and the heavens had been created in seven days, all geologic and astrophysical evidence to the contrary. Greg Barrett: Obama's speech bridges the Abrahamic faiths
  • But still my wishful dreams persist, and in them the dead streets are resurrected in a bustling afterlife, the ravaged downtown neighborhoods dense with foot traffic and a lively mercantile carnival.
  • That is pretty much it, so far as the great questions of death and the afterlife are concerned. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ba is also the link between life on earth and the afterlife.
  • Their twin USPs are, first, their cleverly constructed harmonies, which offset the affectlessness of Roxanne Clifford's voice, and, second, that they eschew the twee and embrace the gothic, be it suicide (Beachy Head), romance with the afterlife (Found Love in a Graveyard), or simply nameless dread (Bad Feeling). Veronica Falls: Veronica Falls – review
  • Those other features revealed in various divine forms were simply ignored, in particular with relation to Osiris and the afterlife.
  • The novel could be a kind of myth or fable of the afterlife for the 20th century.
  • The afterlife here is complied of the kind of romantically dreamy natural settings that you can imagine a young girl desiring to be her personal heaven, so considering this, the vision satisfies. Darren sees a lot to like in THE LOVELY BONES | Obsessed With Film
  • At the heart of all this is a Sufi aphorism that speaks agelessly to the true nature of loss itself, that it has an afterlife where spirit lies. Knowing Jesse
  • This ritual restored to the mummy all his faculties so that he might enjoy the afterlife to the full.
  • With the beaming patriarch, the tolerant kuia, the benign figures from the afterlife (including a stereotypical errant male) and the quota of cute talking animals (though only the reader gets to hear them), the story is at times overrun with syrupy sweetness and light.
  • How archaeologists set about trying to demonstrate belief in supernatural powers and an afterlife is the subject of Chapter 10.
  • My upbringing instilled in me all-pervasive fear — the sense that most everything in life (especially pleasure and taking chances) was baneful; that good existed only in the afterlife; that people, places, and things were never to be trusted. Best of 2009: Web tool and learning experience
  • Through special prayers and offerings, the living can improve the afterworld conditions of the deceased and their chances in the afterlife.
  • One of Mr. Echenoz's most unorthodox and playful novels, "Piano" 2004, extends this puckish futilitarianism to the realm of the afterlife. A Window Onto Comic Tedium
  • There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark. Stephen Hawking 
  • Both involve pissed off clerics from the afterlife brutally murdering everyone in their path. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • I do not need or want his "salvation" and I am grateful to know that the afterlife is not as described in your often plagiarized and mistranslated book. Friendly religious questions for Christians and other monotheists
  • The work of a theatrical impresario rarely has an afterlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is more, the story has situated him in an afterlife which guarantees his terms: he knows about time and language because he is in the unchallengeable position of having transcended them both.
  • If there were an afterlife, is it something that we should look forward to or fear? Times, Sunday Times
  • It is incredible to me that there should be an afterlife.
  • I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark. Stephen Hawking 
  • He is now an atheist and skeptic - although I fear he'll fall back into faith someday, given how sad he seems to find the idea of no afterlife.
  • The sporting afterlife will be about her family. Times, Sunday Times
  • In interviews with the Italian press, she said she would remain single, return to America and enter a convent, hoping to be reunited with him in the afterlife.
  • Such ideas, so distant from the old Puritan concepts of afterlife in heaven, became part of his transcendentalist package.
  • Displaying an incredible amount of maturity and wisdom for their young age, these kids share their most inner thoughts and reveal their deepest beliefs on death, reincarnation and the afterlife.
  • In this mythology the preservation of the body after death was important for the survival of the deceased in the afterlife, but if the body was damaged, a proxy could be used in place of the dead person.
  • To them life was just a dress rehearsal for the afterlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • He says: "There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark. Stephen Hawking: Heaven Is A Myth
  • Embalming required 40 days (although this was an Egyptian custom, the Egyptians recognized the period of 40 for the preparation of going into a new life, what they called the afterlife) (Gen 50: 3 KJV) And forty days were fulfilled for him; for so are fulfilled the days of those which are embalmed: and the Egyptians mourned for him threescore and ten days. British Blogs
  • At first the pharaohs were buried in underground chambers over which were built rectangular mastabas; these were stone structures housing the food and accoutrements the pharaoh would need in the afterlife.
  • The laicization and secularizing of death stemming from the Scientific Revolution led to sublimation of the belief in a divine afterlife into the prospect of a sublunary life extension.
  • At the end she's reunited with her father and the two of them swim off into what might be the afterlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • To them life was just a dress rehearsal for the afterlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, he investigates what he calls the instrumental functions, that is, the afterlife of the narrative or the consequences of the work.
  • In the famous attack by al-Ghazali (d. 1111) in his Incoherence of the Philosophers, thinkers such as Avicenna were condemned for heresy for their failure to demonstrate the supposed Qur™anic account of physical resurrection and the reality of the afterlife. Mulla Sadra
  • The man who would conquer his contradictory feelings, would reach bliss in the afterlife.
  • Like everyone else I know, I am a first-timer on this earth and can shed no light on the existence of an afterlife or heaven and hell.
  • Studies and personal experiences in shamanic practices have brought me further into a place of peace around understanding our souls, the nature of an afterlife and the return to earth again. If Prayers Were Horses, Grievers Would Ride - Her Bad Mother
  • Mark Svenvold has retraced McCurdy's life, death and eventful afterlife in a fascinating tale of the macabre under-belly of American sideshows and carnivals.
  • Depending on what aspects of the evidence you choose to stress or underplay, it's not that hard to conclude that belief or disbelief in afterlife is warranted.
  • The world's most visited cemetery has a star-studded afterlife gathering, with residents as diverse as Edith Piaf, Marcel Proust, Oscar Wilde, Honore de Balzac and Isadora Duncan.
  • Her belief in the promised afterlife, in a fixed system of rewards and punishments, was great.
  • Reinhardt describes himself as someone whose goal is to “break the bonds twixt world and dream,” and “Afterlife” obliges him by turning his own story into an “Everyman” drama, a consideration of the transience of life and the inevitably of death, often delivered in rhymed couplets. London Theater Journal: ‘Afterlife’ is a Rare Misfire from Michael Frayn - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • Noro gave religious sermons wearing only his underpants and told his disciples they would be taught "Kamasutra" sex techniques to use in the afterlife, former follower Eko was quoted as saying by news website Okezone. Planet Atheism
  • The statues here portray Ramses II as Osiris, god of the afterlife, who helps the dead live for eternity.
  • Have yourself frozen by cryonics, a near death experience that should settle once and for all any doubts about the afterlife.
  • He also stands by his rejection of an afterlife.
  • Some people believe in an afterlife or in reincarnation or other form of continuity of energy or spirit.
  • I am an atheist in life and I won't choose to have my memory blemished by anyone taking the freedom to meddle with my choices in life, neither with my memory afterlife.
  • Her belief in the promised afterlife, in a fixed system of rewards and punishments, was great.
  • Back in 1986, they hadn't even sprouted much coral yet, and so were without blue lagoons and white beaches, amenities many human beings used to regard as foretastes of an ideal afterlife. Galapagos
  • Unlike most Buddhists, I'm not convinced of reincarnation, though being able to play with possible afterlife scenarios intrigues me.
  • Bob Olson is a former private investigator and skeptic who began using his investigation skills to research psychics, mediums and the afterlife in 1999.
  • If we can prove an afterlife, then we have less pressure to make our physical life last forever. Chuck Palahniuk 
  • The Iranians are a god-fearing people and believe in an afterlife, and this is certainly true of the mullahs and ayatollahs who comprise their government.
  • Whether heavenly or hellish, the afterlife presents moviemakers with a problem: eternity.
  • Fenwyck had once told him of the old Roman story about the River Styx, which one had to cross in order to reach the afterlife. WATER BOOK TWO: REUNION
  • In these circumstances, belief in the afterlife was perhaps necessary to preserve sanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • They dug up thousands of plates, brooches, hairpins and pendants, carefully placed for the afterlife with the bodies of wealthy rulers entombed in royal burial chambers.
  • We sit through 75 minutes of disembodied voices, recordings of dead writers musing on the afterlife and the void. Times, Sunday Times
  • The irony is that he has found his sporting afterlife on roads that have claimed more than 230 lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • I appreciate that in many definitions of the afterlife what form it takes depends upon how you have acted in your life, but how can a few years determine your existence for the rest of eternity?
  • How archaeologists set about trying to demonstrate belief in supernatural powers and an afterlife is the subject of Chapter 10.
  • The widow's small thickset neighbours, gathered in the plain, seemly room, are doggedly attentive as the priest, comically, explains the afterlife to a ghost.
  • He is now an atheist and skeptic - although I fear he'll fall back into faith someday, given how sad he seems to find the idea of no afterlife.
  • At first the pharaohs were buried in underground chambers over which were built rectangular mastabas; these were stone structures housing the food and accoutrements the pharaoh would need in the afterlife.
  • You will be given the chance to correct your ways and progress in the afterlife accordingly.
  • Perhaps the eeriest insight into the designer's final weeks was a dress imprinted with a scene from Bosch's triptych "The Garden of Earthly Delights," which shows the artist's hellish conception of the afterlife. McQueen's Angels and Demons
  • Calvinism is people deluding themselves they can buy their way into the afterlife. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • Even in the afterlife, a bullfighter wears his splendid traje de luces and fights a skeletal bull. Even in the afterlife, a bullfighter wears his splendid traje de luces and fights a skeletal bull. These whimsical Day of the Dead sculptures can be seen in  Mexico's Museo Nacional de la Muerte (National Museum of Death) in Aguascalientes. © Diodora
  • The slain bodies of the townspeople had been given the ritual burial, cremated in the fire, their souls sent to the afterlife to live in peace.
  • Many scholars regarded it as the counterpart of Walter Benjamins afterlife.
  • In particular, he argues that the Afterlife is a condition to which we ought to aspire, that it is a moral improvement even on the life of virtue in this world, and that recognizing this is constitutive of wanting to do what God wants, that is, to live according to the Golden Rule, which guarantees as much as anything can (pending divine grace) our long-term postmortem happiness. Peter Abelard
  • It is enough if he has provided an account that makes plain the intelligibility of the notion of disembodied survival; the believer in an afterlife can then say, “If not in just this way, then in some other.” Afterlife
  • If we can prove an afterlife, then we have less pressure to make our physical life last forever. Chuck Palahniuk 
  • I remember the mixture of fascination and terror I felt as a child listening to the missioners in my local church describing the afterlife for those who died in the state of sin.
  • What will the sporting afterlife look like? Times, Sunday Times
  • It was left for Plato (in the myths of the afterlife, the doctrine of intelligible Forms, and the moral psychology of the Republic) to provide a fuller philosophical justification for the view of man en - shrined in the Socratic paradoxes. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • If we can prove an afterlife, then we have less pressure to make our physical life last forever. Chuck Palahniuk 
  • She accustomed afterlife threats from aborticide rights activists and was accustomed badge protection. 16 Parliament voted by 187 to 108 to adios the bill. 17 Labour of Love
  • I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark. Stephen Hawking 
  • Given that the Canopic jars of Egyptians hold the vital organs of the deceased should they be of use in the afterlife, the title seemingly endows the claw with the function of extracting the metal insides of the deceased Chrysler Imperial god. G. Roger Denson: From Detroit, Egypt: Matthew Barney Resurrects an American God
  • The afterlife is unlivable, it now seems, without a digital camera, powerful airconditioner and decent broadband router. Times, Sunday Times
  • Born performer: funny, canny and sharp, Paula Sage is a natural who made her name starring with Kevin McKidd in Afterlife.
  • Those other features revealed in various divine forms were simply ignored, in particular with relation to Osiris and the afterlife.
  • One irony, of course, is that this passage, which is so clearly at odds with later Christian doctrines about the afterlife, could probably be accepted as "inerrant" by many people today - but not by most Christians! The Inerrancy of Ecclesiastes 9:2-6
  • Plots can contain the memorial stones and ashes of several generations, each ancestor bearing a new name bestowed by priests for the afterlife.
  • I imagine that mom herself might have said, had she had the "churchy" words and spiritual support, that she believed in an afterlife, in part because she had been blessed with vivid experiences her father's and brother's non-physical presence after their deaths. Archive 2006-07-01
  • Given that the Canopic jars of Egyptians hold the vital organs of the deceased should they be of use in the afterlife, the title seemingly endows the claw with the function of extracting the metal insides of the deceased Chrysler Imperial god. G. Roger Denson: From Detroit, Egypt: Matthew Barney Resurrects an American God
  • The Egytpians mummified their dead because they believed a person needed a preserved body in order to survive in the afterlife.
  • This short book is arranged in forty second-person point-of-view chapters, each one a new thought experiment on what the afterlife might be like. REVIEW: Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman
  • I'm not leaving you to deal with this whole afterlife thing by yourself.
  • Occasionally, for my benefit, she would recall the sanctimonious preachers who would dismiss three-quarters of the world's people as ignorant heathens doomed to spend the afterlife in eternal damnation-and who in the same breath would insist that the earth and the heavens had been created in seven days, all geologic and astrophysical evidence to the contrary. The Audacity of Hope
  • Why should it not be possible to appreciate the depiction of modesty in portraits of Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem, yet bypass the doctrine of the annunciation; admire Christianity's emphasis on compassion, yet shun its theories of the afterlife? An atheist at Christmas: Oh come all ye faithless
  • Uncertainty about the afterlife is the human condition. We, Who Need Such Great Mysteries | Her Bad Mother
  • This established teaching fails to take into account the belief that in the afterlife people will be as recognisable as they had been in life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Built some 4,500 years ago as way-stations to the afterlife, they are the lineaments of gratified desire. Richard Bangs: Quest for the Lord of the Nile, Part II
  • In ancient Egypt, cats and dogs were mummified because they were believed to have an afterlife, and Egyptian Gods had animal heads.
  • Men fire blank charges during mock battles intended to guide the spirit of the deceased onto the path to the afterlife.
  • There is no judgment in what you call the afterlife … there is no accounting, no one giving “thumbs up” or “thumbs down.” HOW EVIL WORKS
  • Bleak as it is, it is not the book of a disenchanter; and in writing it Crace was not simply proclaiming his adherence to a scientifically informed world view or crudely demolishing the concept of an afterlife. Homo Erectus
  • Although people believe in an eternal afterlife, there is no clear understanding of its nature; people observe rules and try to reduce their grief by ritualizing the mourning process.
  • Learning that the afterlife is a lie and souls live on through computer "death switches". REVIEW: Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman
  • The general consensus is that faith in an afterlife is a positive psychological state.
  • Most Christians believe in an afterlife of some sort, often referred to as heaven.
  • There is no doubt that in the canine afterlife, Maltese poodles are the lapdogs that inhabit level nine of Dante's vision of hell.
  • It also has a different, non-surrealist afterlife in photomontage, invented by the Berlin Dadaists and instrumental for the development of Soviet film.
  • But debate is raging over whether it was intended to float on water or through the afterlife.
  • I'm sure that the promise of sheer bliss in the afterlife appeased some people's fears.
  • Christina believed she was released from the afterlife to pray for the souls in purgatory.
  • Does it mean that the survivor will never see them again in whatever sort of afterlife they envisage?
  • Others argue that belief in an afterlife is necessary to make us behave properly in this one.
  • Regarding both the issue of the nature of God and the nature of the afterlife, the question is how much of our present experience is allowably introduced when addressing these issues, and at what point an account involves the unwarranted extension of our present experience to theological topics radically different from that experience. Heaven and Hell
  • The divine city must explain universal concerns and dark scenarios: not just life but afterlife too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without a belief in an afterlife to house the dead, the dead persist, psychologized, as continuously mourned memories that recur with an intensity potent enough to overturn the order of the real. Introduction: Gothic Romance as Visual Technology
  • Noro gave religious sermons wearing only his underpants and told his disciples they would be taught “Kamasutra” sex techniques to use in the afterlife, former follower Eko was quoted as saying by news website Okezone. Indonesian ’sex cult’ leader arrested
  • I find it curious to hear people who denounce the belief of an afterlife as a fear coping mechanism or an anti-depressant. You cannot kill a dream or an ambition | My[confined]Space
  • Although Sheol later evolved into a type of shadowy afterlife in some circles influenced by Greek spirituality, originally the term Sheol meant merely the grave. The Origin of Hell
  • The catastrophic plague losses of the Black Death helped fuel an obsession with the afterlife and to popularize chantries.
  • Williams's exploration into the various realms of the afterlife is as engaging as it is disturbing -- a page-turner of the highest order. Archive 2006-05-01
  • As it's quite a religious belief, many people don't believe there is an Afterlife.
  • I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark. Stephen Hawking 
  • Needless to say he came of worse and, in fact, nobody else was injured apart from the hapless chap who was quickly dispatched to the afterlife in a hail of well-aimed bullets.
  • Hawke showed her the path down the cliff taken by the souls of Maori dead on their way to the afterlife, and the ancient pohutukawa tree that was their last link to the earthly realm. The Rich Man's Royal Mistress
  • There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark. Stephen Hawking 
  • I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark. Stephen Hawking 
  • So much emphasis is placed on the afterlife that the conditions of the present life are extremely neglected.
  • Remember, this criterion also applies to your internal voice: is it your psychological complex talking to you, or something independent of your own history that could be “other-directed,” as we say in afterlife research? The Sacred Promise
  • There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark. Stephen Hawking 
  • But the narrative of the afterlife is so fully developed it seems to be Self's surreal dystopia of urban alienation.
  • In Norse mythology, the paradise of Valhalla is the great hall where war heroes greet the afterlife. The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson: Questions
  • The mystery of the afterlife, the questions that surround the very idea of omnipotence are vivid and real within the scope of Wings of Desire.
  • I hope, at the very least, that the whale can close its eyes and think of a happy, kelpy place, and as he drifts into whatever afterlife awaits him, that he's swum a few good laps, eaten some succulent fish, and given at least one Ahab a run for his money. The Ocean is a Giant Grave
  • Dying kuia or kaumatua have called for a final meal of kereru in the belief that it will help them on their journey to the afterlife. - Stuff
  • Hardly along the lines of most religions which convey the idea that the afterlife is a spiritual place. Offensive « BuzzMachine
  • I have no clue about an afterlife, and I don't really care.
  • But then, it would be a very naive reader who hopes twenty smackers is going to get him all he'll ever need to know about the afterlife.
  • He gets to spend an afterlife in karmic bliss.

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