How To Use After-shave In A Sentence
But the room—with his books, with his lemon-scented after-shave—is still filled with his presence.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Family Matters
For many, the use of fragrances like perfume, cologne, after-shave or scented lotion is a personal choice affecting only the user.
I swear the line about her kid wears after-shave and dresses like a count had me laughing STILL this morning.
'Modern Family' recap: Snap! Tackle Pop? |
Guess that manly after-shave and those shoulders that you can land a Space Shuttle on didn't end up working out for him.
Chris Matthews
Do what you enjoy - whether it's showering, putting on after-shave or perfume, or wearing silk pajamas or a flattering negligee.
Henry Cooper used brute strength to promote after-shave.
Does perfume, after-shave or body odour have an impact, consciously or unconsciously, on interview ratings?
Times, Sunday Times
Must remember to pack the after-shave.
The Sun
The Art of Shaving's full size kit with pre-shave oil, shaving cream, badger hair brush and after-shave balm promises optimal results (read: no ingrown hairs or razor burn).
5 Last Minute Father's Day Deals - The Consumerist
Speaking of after-shave, if you want to apply an after-shave whose scent differs from your cologne's fragrance, I recommend using an unscented after-shave or balm so as not to distort your cologne's scent.
A friend there tells me his image is everywhere, flogging anything from sunglasses to after-shave, underwear to sunscreen.
The Sun
I can just as easily claim my after-shave works as an elephant repellent because I haven't been trampled by an elephant.
Cheney: Investigating CIA interrogations a political move
If you prefer an after-shave product, be wary of those that contain alcohol or menthol; these ingredients can irritate the skin.
According to Priscilla, the genius waitress, an alobar is a unit of measurement that describes the rate at which Old Spice after-shave lotion is absorbed by the lace on crotchless underpants, although at other times she has defined it as the time it takes Chanel No. 5 to evaporate from the wing tips of a wild duck flying backward.
La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
The smell of cheap scent and rancid after-shave was all pervading.
Do you ever wear make-up, for example, or simply use deodorants, after-shave, talcum powder?
There were a lot of men who looked like they'd just failed auditions for after-shave adverts.
The Sun
Shampoo companies also realize that the sheer volume of bubbles a shampoo generates can prompt thoughts of freshness and cleanliness—bubbles signal that the shampoo is strong and invigorating just as the "sting" of an after-shave or the bubbles hitting our throat when we down sparkling water "inform" us that the product is fresh and uncontaminated.
Selling Illusions of Cleanliness
Consequently you end up with a load of unwanted, unnecessary tat like a novelty stand for your mobile phone, an after-shave that smells like cat pee, or a six-pack of socks in fluorescent, lime green.