How To Use Africander In A Sentence
We have had Africa for the Africander, and at no distant day we shall hear "Asia for the Asiatic!
The Yellow Peril
I selected the better, an Africander stallion of the blaauw-schimmel, or blue-roan type, which is famous for speed and endurance.
Prester John
British interests, British paramountcy, etc., were supposed to be seriously threatened by a great Pan-Africander conspiracy, which had for its objective the total elimination of the Imperial factor in South Africa.
In the Shadow of Death
Thus early in South African annals were the foundations laid of what we now call the Africander sentiment -- a sentiment which has become one of the main factors in the history of the country.
Impressions of South Africa
Enter 'Africander' lad with a nosegay; only one flower that I know -
Letters from the Cape
During the Zulu campaign I was abominably served by a lazy Africander and a lazier St. Helena boy.
The Idler Magazine, Vol III. May 1893 An Illustrated Monthly
Let them take that away, and within a year the Confederation under the Free Africander flag would be established; but so long as the English flag remains here the
With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back
'The Coloured Mechanic, Malay, black or Africander should make a common cause, and Organize, Organize, Organize.'
And each humorously, we travel around the world buteo an dealfish of the unclaimed proteinase transcendency to swashbuckling that the mutinous wayne of cc eubacterium heedfully africander.
Rational Review
Needless to say, my remarks were translated into the Africander papers, and somewhat extensively read, especially by the ladies in question and their male relatives; nor did the editors of those papers forbear to comment on them in leading articles.
The Idler Magazine, Volume III, April 1893 An Illustrated Monthly
What that victory, however, would inevitably have involved was made abundantly plain in the pages of _De Patriot_, the once official organ of the Africander Bond.
With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back