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How To Use Afl In A Sentence

  • And how about my father's Graflex that I had never used, and my baby clothes in the brassbound trunk and the files full of dead people's passport photos? Earthly Possessions
  • The report criticized a former commissioner and two device division leaders for their role in approving Menaflex. FDA to Revoke Knee-Device Approval, Saying It Erred
  • We were still playing at war — dropping leaflets instead of bombs.
  • She incited racial hatred by distributing anti-Semitic leaflets.
  • Teflon is a fluorocarbon polymer known by the chemical name polytetrafluoroethylene.
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  • But they emphasise the importance of relinquishing some of what you've been struggling to keep afloat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thousands of leaflets had been given to motorists passing through and 1,000 had been hand-delivered to addresses in the city centre.
  • But she also comes across as a humourless frump, needing constant cajoling from her husband to stay afloat.
  • He says fear of failure keeps him afloat. Times, Sunday Times
  • By analyzing DNA sequences of two single-copy nuclear genes and the genomic AFLP data, we assess the allopolyploid origin of A. collina-4x from ancestors corresponding to A. setacea-2x and A. asplenifolia-2x, and the ongoing backcross introgression between these diploid progenitor and tetraploid progeny lineages. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • After four hours afloat, the gorge narrowed to some two hundred yards. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • She had to remortgage her house to keep the business afloat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The leaflets are in two planes, giving a slightly plumate appearance.
  • The leaflet says: ‘We need to form a new committee and require other helpers to assist in organising and running events that you want.’
  • Based on data submitted so far, Mr. Dongarra said, the Sunway machine has "credible" sustained performance of about 795 teraflops--or trillion floating-point operations per second, a measure of scientific calculations based on standard tests. China Supercomputer Uses Homegrown Chips
  • Allium aflatunense (native to Iran) has dense spherical umbels of starry lilac-purple flowers (the puffball effect) on stems two to three feet tall.
  • -- A tree, with leaves bunched at the extremities of the branches, oblong, oval, acuminate, odd-pinnate, 3-4 pairs of opposite leaflets. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • It has a wildlife display and information leaflets. A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
  • The leaflet explains how to complain to the banking ombudsman.
  • Pickles is a grassroots "leafleteer" the type of a Local Government Pol and Political obsessive that are in fact the hallmark of the DimLebs. Eric Pickles made a fool of himself on Question Time
  • Most of the city was aflame, and bitter fighting had taken over the downtown suburbs.
  • The highest priority is the publication of a suite of up-to-date comprehensive guidebooks and map leaflets for the four gardens.
  • They bear bipinnate leaves with small, oval to lanceolate leaflets.
  • Two things clearly needed to be worked out: backup gas supplies and reversing lanes of traffic, so called contraflow plans. CNN Transcript Sep 26, 2005
  • Students were handing out election leaflets at the station.
  • For the manufacturer to insist the Swiss Diamond pans contain no Teflon whatsoever when it is made primarily from polytetrafluoroethylene, the chemical widely known as Teflon, is extremely deceptive. Consumer fraud alert: Swiss Diamond non-stick cookware made with same chemical as Teflon
  • Like all the seafloor, they are created at midocean ridges, where two plates diverge and hot lava wells up from the underlying mantle.
  • But directly, as a Mississippi regiment passed by, he noticed at the head of one of the companies an old man, almost as old as himself, his clothes torn, and ragged from long marching; shoeless, his feet tied up in sack-cloth and his old slouch hat aflop over his ears. The Bishop of Cottontown A Story of the Southern Cotton Mills
  • She had 500 envelopes to stuff with leaflets.
  • My stomach was already aflutter with all the excitement.
  • The clouds have no notion of being caricatured, and the trees keep cautiously away from the brink of such streams -- save, perchance, now and then, here and there, a weak well-meaning willow -- a thing of shreds and patches -- its leafless wands covered with bits of old worsted stockings, crowns of hats, a bauchle Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
  • And for those who want to stay afloat, or sail out of the doldrums, experienced and effective management will become even more crucial.
  • The Neuroptera, called Spongillaflies for their favorite food, are often paired with the Megaloptera in discussions of aquatic insects because of their similar lifestyles. Insecta (Aquatic)
  • Underneath the smaller leaflets the spores are arranged in pairs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The calyx, the subtending bracts and the two prophylls bear groups of extrafloral nectaries (single peltate trichomes).
  • This corrupt and bureaucratized organization, which by its own account formally represents barely 12 percent of Venezuelan workers, is among the closest allies of the US AFL-CIO.
  • Therefore, the boat was equipped with fifteen watertight compartments, strictly divided up lengthways and breadthways, so she could stay afloat whatever happened.
  • Tap the momentum of the big events to encourage supporters to leaflet their own areas and build support among people they know.
  • Residents in the area were leafleted about trees being cleared.
  • Others handout leaflets, talk to passers-by, and do chalk outlines of the bodies of the dead.
  • HAMILTON: What keeps them afloat is the bestsellers. Jonathan Maberry Interviews Laurell K. Hamilton
  • But even the cutesy spelling of the store's name couldn't keep it afloat; the space has now reinvented itself as Spirit Halloween superstore. Harmon Leon: Do All Closed Businesses in SF Resurrect as Halloween Superstores?
  • Certain corals, for example, build structures with hexagonal symmetry, but not in seafloor sediment.
  • If would have been quite hilarious to see the pampered boys' reaction to having his expensive clothing set aflame.
  • The lean, purposeful man who gives the impression of getting things done may set more hearts aflutter than he knows. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • An aggregate of about 400 gigaflops was needed to paint a semi-realistic image of a compact car on a display screen.
  • Long-backed, thin, ‘lank as a leafless elm,’ a New England coach driver might look as though a high wind would blow him away, yet he would wear nankeens and low shoes in winter weather, and was not fragile but lusty.
  • The trees were bare and leafless, but the snow made them a sight for sore eyes.
  • Here is a jade-coloured conglomeration of life resembling nothing in the world more than a loose handful of worms without beginning and without end, interloped and writhing and glowing as it writhes with opalescent fires; and here a tiny leafless shrub, jointed with each alternate joint, ivory, white, and ruby-red respectively; again this tracery of gold and green and salmon pink decorating a shiny stone, in formal and consistent pattern. My Tropic Isle
  • How majestic will it be to see Lafleur soar down the right wing one more time?
  • He said it was not reasonably foreseeable that, by placing a leaflet in the door, a dog could jump up and injure itself.
  • Leaves, each with one to three pairs of smooth, tiny leaflets, shed early, leaving leafstalks to provide lightly filtered shade.
  • In its spare time, Teraflops will work on civilian projects and scientific research.
  • Environmental campaigners who had dressed as penguins today defied a ban on handing out leaflets without permission in Telford Town Park. Archive 2008-08-01
  • The sales leaflet for it duly arrived and circulated amongst the staff.
  • The local church was full of well-heeled people poring over leaflets about the possible dangers of electromagnetic radiation. Times, Sunday Times
  • By now my igloo had become a small lake, and I was trying desperately to stay afloat. RESCUING ROSE
  • In addition, materials can be codeposited into the electroless nickel matrix to improve the hardness, for example nanodiamonds or polytetrafluoroethylene, to decrease the coefficient of friction.
  • The leaves are trifoliate with tomentose leaflets that have the typical reticulate venation of yams, 12-16 cm long, 6-9 cm broad: the petioles are pubescent and often spiny. Chapter 37
  • In Germany huge swathes of the Black Forest died, leaving the stark outlines of leafless conifers in place of the formerly rich vegetation.
  • They had no perceptible impact on German opinion, though the leaflet raids gave aircrew some essential training in night navigation.
  • A new method for the extraction of aflatoxin B _ 1 ( AFB _ 1 ) from the peanut oil is described.
  • All along the rupture, the seafloor moved vertically about ten metres, which displaced hundreds of kilometres of overlaying water resulting in a massive tsunami.
  • Residents in the surrounding areas have also been leafleted about what is proposed for the site and are being urged to write individual letters of objection to the council.
  • The alternate leaves are trifoliate with long petioles and two nectar-producing glands at the base of each leaflet .. Chapter 10
  • And when it was afloat all the chiefs were athirst, not being used to such toil; and I was told to climb the palms beside the canoe-sheds and throw down drink-coconuts. THE BONES OF KAHEKILI
  • Usually when you catch one and open it, you'll find the tank full of ugly chemicals like lithium pentafluorophenyl borate etherate, methoxyphenyl-boronic acid or naphthylboronic acid. Sun of Suns
  • Stress is high, but in all likelihood, enough things are going well to keep you afloat for now.
  • On behalf of the International Federation of Professional & Technical Engineers IFPTE, AFL-CIO, I would like to present your students with the enclosed check in the amount of $1,000 to help support their trip to White Sands, New Mexico to see their "magnets" experiment launch and to participate fully in associated pre- and postlaunch activities. NASA Watch: Keith Cowing: April 2007 Archives
  • The Cord Maker comes complete with an explanatory instruction leaflet, containing suggestions for using the finished braids and cords.
  • According to Page there are still more admirals ashore than ships afloat, more air marshals than squadrons aloft. Times, Sunday Times
  • Agni araflammed and Mithra monished and Shiva slew as maya-mutras the obluvial waters of our noarchic memory withdrew, windingly goharksome, to some hastyswasty timberman torch-priest, flamenfan, the ward of the wind that lightened the fire that lay in the wood that Jove bolt, at his rude word. Finnegans Wake
  • The metal can also be produced by electrolysis of KUF5 or uranium tetrafluoride (UF4), dissolved in a molten mixture of calcium chloride (CaCl2) and sodium chloride (NaCl). Uranium
  • a harvest of new plants in the garden; for the rose-trees, emaciated with leaflessness, had each a shadow that twisted on the earth like ground-ivy or climbed the wall like a creeper. The Judge
  • Her mother took three jobs to keep them afloat. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the prolapse is severe, the valve leaflets can become disconnected from tendons that stretch between the leaflets and the heart muscle. Mitral Stenosis, Mitral Regurgitation and Mitral Valve Prolapse
  • I wish there had been a leaflet distributed or an advertisement campaign.
  • Others handout leaflets, talk to passers-by, and do chalk outlines of the bodies of the dead.
  • Officers will distribute posters and leaflets about the dangers of selling and using imitation weapons.
  • To avoid then thefe inconventeneds; and feveral others xxfc may fafl into by oppofing commonly received opinions'* we ought, in what Place or Society foe - vcr we be, to make a Draught or Map of all the opinions in vogue there, and of the place and rank each of them holds there, that we may have all the confideratioii for them which Charity and Truth can, permit* Moral Essays: Contain'd in Several Treatises on Many Important Duties
  • Once viewed as a relic, continental drift and seafloor spreading evolved into the modern concept of plate tectonics.
  • MPs also agreed that parties will not have to pulp election leaflets due to be distributed to individual households and to allow extra finance to cover unforeseen costs caused by the delay.
  • Evening Standard, the financial district is "aflame" with the idea, being loudly repeated by well-informed "gossips. Fast Company
  • Leaves are alternate, odd-pinnate with 5-7 unequal-sized leaflets originating from the same rachis. Chapter 22
  • In the right hands it is probably the most adaptable and seaworthy vessel afloat.
  • Then a rain of fire arrows light the ladders as some hit the soldiers setting them aflame.
  • The Israelis left behind rose-colored Arabic-language leaflets stating that persons from Beit Jalla killed a young Jewish woman near Beit Vaghan after committing against her a crime that will never be expiated. Crossing Mandelbaum Gate
  • I therefore kept the felucca away until I found that she was rather more than holding her own in the race, when I once more lashed the tiller, and, calling to Dominguez to look out for the things that I was about to launch overboard, ran to the gangway, and first successfully set the wash-deck tub afloat, then rolled the breaker of water out through the open _gangway_, and finally sent the mast and sail adrift; after which I returned to the tiller and watched the process of picking up the several articles, as I gradually brought the felucca to her former course, close-hauled upon the starboard tack. A Pirate of the Caribbees
  • Its lining is made up of millions of leaflike structures called villi, which in turn are covered with millions of microvilli. Gut Reactions
  • Palawan (along with the Calamianes and the island of Mindoro) was rifted (below water) from the Asian mainland approximately 32 million years ago, transported through seafloor spreading across the growing South China Sea, added to the growing Philippine Archipelago approximately 17 million years ago, and uplifted above water approximately 5-10 million years ago. Palawan rain forests
  • A leaflet with the spray warns side-effects could include allergic reactions and breathing difficulty. The Sun
  • Oil companies too followed it up with similar warnings and issued a directive that retail fuel stations educate consumers about the danger of using mobile phones inside petrol pumps through leaflets and display signboards.
  • There is a Thai leaflet available with a map, or just take your chances and follow the roads.
  • SUPREMACY of the prjnce, over all caufes eccle - fiaflical," would indeed ceaie. A review of ecclesiastical establishments in Europe : containing their history ... : and an essay tending to shew both the political and moral necessity of abolishing exclusive establishments, with answers to some principal objections
  • He has leafleted the catchment areas of the two schools, which are a few minutes’ walk apart, with his plans.
  • But if this leaflet is the best the critics can do, I do not think he has much of a case to answer. The Man in the White Suit
  • The approach supports dataflow process definition, consequently It'supports business process reengineering.
  • The combined system, running under Linux, boasts peak performance of four teraflops.
  • The overlying thrombus had eroded and perforated the posterior mitral valve leaflet (white arrows).
  • The roughly oval-shaped leaves are sub-divided into smaller leaflets, tinged bronze when young and turning green with age. The Sun
  • She was trying desperately to stay afloat.
  • The new leaflet draws on a number of international clinical studies and concludes that precautions must be taken when using mobile phones.
  • Wondrous sights seen along the way mixed and mingled with mystic truths discussed afloat a rolling ocean in daily yoga classes with Gurudeva and his swamis.
  • There's a story afloat that he'll resign.
  • This is then reacted in another kiln with hydrogen fluoride (HF) to form uranium tetrafluoride (UF4). Uranium enrichment
  • The AFL-CIO has targeted 75 vulnerable Republican seats as part of a push to restore Democratic control of the House.
  • Costly logos, leaflets and rampant managerialism flourish while the front line often goes short of expertise, beds and medicines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the city was aflame, and bitter fighting had taken over the downtown suburbs.
  • If the AFL sought to present itself as the perfect embodiment of the 1960s — a hip, wide-open alternative to the stodgier NFL — perhaps no team better represented that ideal than the high-flying San Diego Chargers. Chargers' days with Al Davis set stage for Raiders rivalry
  • During the late Paleocene thermal maximum, the upwelling of low-oxygen intermediate Tethyan water into the epicontinental basin led to enhanced biological productivity and anoxia at the seafloor. Bürger and Cubasch: Are multiproxy climate reconstructions robust? « Climate Audit
  • He says fear of failure keeps him afloat. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is trying to fix the blame for the Air India-IA megaflop merger, not the problem. Analysis
  • He's more like the height of an average AFL ruckman or a basketballer.
  • ‘If the central bank cuts rates, it will help take the pressure off many companies as we try to stay afloat in this difficult time,’ he said.
  • Of course they have to make money to stay afloat. The Sun
  • Now, I guess that some of those figures have been pulled out of the ether (hands shaken?) but my main observation is that with apparently double the “activists”, Labour has handed out less than half the leaflets, put up two-thirds of the numbers of the posters and made less than a third of the phone-calls that their nationalist opponents have managed. Never mind the quantity...
  • Schlafly Dry-Hopped APA (American pale ale) draws its flavor from Cascade and Chinook hops, two quintessential American strains noted for their citrusy and resiny qualities. Beer: Schlafly's D.C. connection
  • September 27, 2008 at 4:28 am cewl! da kafleen maded eet adn da anni maded eet toes… adn coffee bees here 2es… onleh fing missin nao is a pie… ai ownleh cin gibs u sum apfelstrudel… wun some? Care Package: - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Like the information leaflets which come with the pills. The Sun
  • Who dareth name the fiend?" croaked an awful voice, whereat Black Lewin halted, gaped and stood a-tremble, while beneath steel cap and bascinet all men's hair stirred and rose with horror; for before them was a ghastly shape, a shape that crouched in the gloom with dreadful face aflame with smouldering green fire. The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
  • Shortly after, when the calm evening was dressed in all the gorgeous colours of a southern sunset, and whilst the military calls were sounding those stirring notes he loved to hear, my good horse was lowered to his rest among the nautili and wondrous seaflowers which floated round the ship. Journal Kept During The Russian War: From The Departure Of The Army From England In April 1854, To The Fall Of Sebastopol
  • But like lefties everywhere, clinging to whatever jetsam keeps us afloat, I believe every revolution ere now was betrayed.
  • Mitral valve prolapse occurs when varying portions of one or both leaflets of the mitral valve extend or protrude abnormally above the mitral annulus into the left atrium.
  • In January we will start our election campaign by leafleting the entire ward.
  • Residents reported grenades setting police cars aflame in the heart of the city.
  • One brown knoll alone breaks the waste, and on it a few leafless wind-clipt oaks stretch their moss-grown arms, like giant hairy spiders, above a desolate pool which crisps and shivers in the biting breeze, while from beside its brink rises a mournful cry, and sweeps down, faint and fitful, amid the howling of the wind. Westward Ho!
  • Hydrogen sulfide, for example, reacts with four molecules of FOOF to give sulfur hexafluoride, 2 molecules of HF and four oxygens. . .and 433 kcal, which is the kind of every-man-for-himself exotherm that you want to avoid at all cost. Making Light: Open thread 136
  • Under a leafless mulberry tree, we sat on a turfed bench sharing a mug of steaming chocolate with snow cream. Exit the Actress
  • My free leaflet on standing up for yourself will help. The Sun
  • The leaflets will remind pensioners never to open their doors to anyone they are unsure of.
  • It had a flat nose and leaflike ears, and its mouth disclosed delicate, needle-sharp teeth. House Of The Scorpion
  • They had been in the water for more than four hours, struggling to stay afloat with just one life vest between them, and had not been seen despite drifting into one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world.
  • He fummoned a council at Placentia, which confifted of four thoufand eccle - fiaflics, and thirty thoufand feculars; and which was o numerous that no hall could contain the multitude, and it was necefiary to hold the affembly in a plain. The history of England : from the invasion iof Julius Cæsar to the revolution in 1688 ...
  • The names usually refer to the tall flowering spike which in medieval times was dipped in tallow and set aflame as a torch in the evening.
  • Certainly, the weakening contract prices are a blow to the company as it struggles to stay afloat under the weight of massive debt.
  • Is there not rather just cause for wonder that he did not speedily sink to the bottom, but that, on the contrary, he kept afloat, advanced to conspicuity and fame, and would, in all probability, have ultimately come with flying colours to a mooring in the port of honour and happiness, if Death had not unexpectedly arrested him in his progress. The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor Volume I, Number 3
  • There have been times in my life when it has been the lifeline keeping me afloat in a very chaotic world.
  • The latter are nearly a foot across, pedate, or palm-shaped; the segments or leaflets are sub-divided and of irregular form, but mostly ovate, lance-shaped, finely and sharply toothed, and of a dull green colour. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • A refining facility to turn uranium yellowcake into uranium oxide and uranium hexafluoride Times, Sunday Times
  • Information on the reaction rates of sulfuryl fluoride (SO2F2), nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) and trifluoromethyl sulfur pentafluoride (SF5CF3) was published Jan. 25, 2010, in the early edition of the PNAS, and will be part of a special issue on atmospheric chemistry. Newswise: Latest News
  • The fractious Monday followed a rough-and-tumble weekend, as the two sparred over an Obama leaflet accusing Clinton of saying the North American Free Trade Agreement was a boon to the economy. CNN Transcript Feb 25, 2008
  • The AFL-CIO has targeted 75 vulnerable Republican seats as part of a push to restore Democratic control of the House.
  • Set against the gorgeous backdrop of Rome, Tom Rachman’s wry, vibrant debut follows the topsy-turvy private lives of the reporters, editors, and executives of an international English language newspaper as they struggle to keep itand themselvesafloat. Days of Atonement by Michael Gregorio: Book summary
  • That leaves uninsured and underinsured low-income residents having to rely on safety-net providers who are already overwhelmed and struggling to stay afloat.
  • Their winsome smiles and charming looks lit up the place, setting hearts aflutter.
  • They distributed leaflets, including some in comic strip form. Times, Sunday Times
  • The name bulrush is more correctly applied to _Scirpus lacustris_, a member of a different family (Cyperaceae), a common plant in wet places, with tall spongy, usually leafless stems, bearing a tuft of many-flowered spikelets. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • He said that those leaflets do not absolve Israel of its responsibility to respect international humanitarian law, which he refers to as allowing groups like the Red Cross, groups like Doctors Without Borders to get to these places. CNN Transcript Aug 8, 2006
  • Fifty feet below the larva, an adult of the same species creeps across the rocky seafloor in search of a meal.
  • They are urged to expand lending, replenish their reserves and pay back the taxpayer for the huge capital injections that have kept them afloat. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the time, it was the largest cruise ship afloat. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has been afloat for three days at a stretch, unable to land safely on any of those rocky islands, trapped on the boat, using a bucket for his latrine, running short of gas, putting life jackets on the carboys of drinking water in anticipation of shipwreck, and then finally limping back to Bahia without having captured a single chuckwalla—which for him represents the penultimate indignity. The Song of The Dodo
  • The flag was aflutter in the air.
  • We were paid to leaflet the mall with advertisements.
  • It set a pattern: enrichment was called research but plans went ahead to feed uranium hexafluoride into centrifuges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dawn to dusk, each hour, Patricio would guide twenty pilgrims to the cave while the others queued up, seeking shade under every leafless cactus and scrubby tree near the chain. The Calling
  • The sea cucumber feeds on small plants and decayed debris that settles into seafloor sand and mud.
  • The AFL-CIO waged a million-dollar television campaign against the measure, and threatened to target House and Senate lawmakers who supported it.
  • He is struggling to keep afloat after a series of emotional and health problems.
  • Here we found the flood fetting eafl: - by-north, and the ebb wefl: - by-fouth; there were flioals and fmall iflands between us and the main, which caufed the tide to fet very incondantly, and make many whirl - ings in the water j yet \ye did not find the tide to fet ftrong any way, nor the water to rife much. Voyages and TRavels in All Parts of the World
  • The prize gives special emphasis to research which improves the management or techniques in sick bays ashore and afloat.
  • This is quite a nice idea, as you don't just get a leaflet for the show, but several pages of information that gives you a taster of what it's all about.
  • It is said that the seafloor is a desert, a vast and uniform wasteland, all but devoid of life.
  • With AFL/CIO in bed with Oregon Industries, Business Alliance, and Chamber of Commerce you know you have been bent over and the cattle prod is coming. Sweet nothings from the Goldschmidt people (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The tetrafluoride is then fed into a fluidized bed reactor with gaseous fluorine to produce UF6. Uranium enrichment
  • Everything is molten tetrafluoride, but U is separated from Th by bubbling F gas and that makes it gaseous UF6 reduce to UF4 again for use. Rabett Run
  • The vista beyond was dotted with leafless trees and throngs of firs and pine.
  • Nellist has fought an aggressive campaign on his Parliamentary record and flooded the area with leaflets - 20,000 distributed yesterday alone.
  • We had most of our letterheads and leaflets printed but it's worth paying for the change if it will make the customers happy.
  • Backing out faster than a drunkard reversing his vehicle, cheeks aflame, Jody remembers the useful rule of always knocking before entering.
  • A case can also be made for other diverse agents that support xenobiotic detoxification and also, for example, protect against aflatoxin-induced tumors.
  • He also told Marco to have Urs question where Khan had gotten the two tons of uranium hexafluoride gas that he had supplied to Libya several months earlier. Fallout
  • For that 5 stotinki you lose out on 17 grams of vafla from the blue borovets 55 gr v. 38 gr. Archive 2008-03-23
  • The core of the course will be a publication project and will involve the production of flyers and leaflets for local charities.
  • I wonder why these facts were not mentioned in the local Liberal-Democrat leaflet.
  • Aflatoxin contamination of groundnut can occur before harvest , during field drying or during transport or storage.
  • BP could then have performed positive and negative pressure tests on that liner top, before proceeding with a “tieback string” to complete the connection to the wellhead at the seafloor. Deepwater Well Construction 101 | RedState
  • With the ships at last afloat, all was hustle and bustle as they were prepared for sea. VOYAGES OF DELUSION: The Search for the North West Passage in the Age of Reason
  • They are accused of trying to stir unrest, distribute antigovernment leaflets and carry out attacks. Globe and Mail
  • To make matters worse at the time he succeeded to the ownership of Barra, the Government reduced the duty on imported barilla, knocking out the prop which kept the kelping industry afloat.
  • He apparently calculated to keep his impoverished system afloat and himself in power.
  • Setting: untidy little kitchen; long table around which we take our places when the interview begins; books on the floor; a big fax machine from twenty years ago; watercolors I think at first are stained-glass windows, which he tells me he painted himself; photos from films in which he appeared, as Chief Big Tree and Chief Thundercloud did before him; poster saying don't blame me, i voted for russell means; leaflets from the campaign he's running now, for the presidency of the Tribal Agency, against the man from yesterday's powwow, John Yellowbird Steele; and leaflets in support of George W. Bush, whose side I already knew he had joined. In the Footsteps of Tocqueville
  • Multi-beam Swath Bathymeter is a kind of newly developed advanced seafloor surveying equipment with high efficiency, high accuracy and fine terrain resolution.
  • For all its complexity, the series is kept afloat by immensely watchable performances. Times, Sunday Times
  • From a leafless high branch of a dead tree the huddled heap of a kite regarded them thoughtfully.
  • Leaflets could set out clearly the pros and cons of Caesareans,’ she said.
  • There was everything to repel -- the cold, the frost, the hardness, the snow, dark sky and ground, leaflessness; the very furze chilled and all benumbed. Field and Hedgerow Being the Last Essays of Richard Jefferies
  • I enclose a leaflet about some of the other services we offer.
  • This interaction disrupts the higher tight bond of the LPS, which allow the peptide insertion and translocation to the outer membrane inner leaflet and to the intermembrane space. rBPI PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Backscuttling for the hop off with the odds altogether in favour of his tumbling into the river, Jaun just then I saw to collect from the gentlest weaner among the weiners, (who by this were in half droopleaflong mourning for the passing of the last post) the familiar yellow label into which he let fall a drop, smothered a curse, choked a guffaw, spat expectoratiously and blew his own trumpet. Finnegans Wake
  • He's richt sensible an 'eident whiles; but when the fey blude gets intil his heid, an' he gets into the middle o 'ony rig, he's juist as daft as the rochest haflin that ever fee'd. My Man Sandy
  • Read my free leaflet about ending a relationship and get out now. The Sun
  • To his horror he saw that the thatch was aflame, the rotten pillars were catching fire one by one, and the rafters were burning like tinder. The Art of the Story-Teller
  • They emerged hours after the PM confirmed his role in keeping the charity afloat. The Sun
  • From algae that feed off of power plants 'CO2 emissions to megaflora trees that reach full maturity in just three years to provide rapidly renewable biomass, Tickell shows that numerous sources of biofuels are ready today to power a cleaner America tomorrow. Josh Garrett: Fuel Uses Education and Inspiration to Make Impassioned Case for Green Energy
  • It is also the most economical vafla I know of because one vafla costs only ten stotinki! Archive 2008-03-16
  • It belongs to that section of its numerous genus having an involucrum of stalked leaflets. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • Shikhar Kafle had put the game back in level terms latching on a pass from Manish Rajitkar but was ruled offside. Undefined
  • Objective To measure the distance between the mitral leaflet coaptation point and the mitral annulus (CPMA) and explore the correlation between CPMA increase and left ventricular insufficiency.
  • The endocardial cushions form the lower atrial septum, the upper ventricular septum, the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve and the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve.

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