How To Use AFL-CIO In A Sentence
- This week's roundup is brought to you by Steve at WhosPlayin while Vince recovers from his wild weekend of covering the AFL-CIO Convention Easter Lemming Liberal News
- What the AFL-CIO and the SEIU have stated expressly is they want a contemporaneous fix of the bill (READ “of the excise tax”) to support passage of the Senate health bill. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Herding Cats
- Roll Call: Even as the AFL-CIO braces for losses among its Democratic allies in Congress, the union federation is mobilizing its grass-roots operation in the weeks leading up to the midterm elections. HUFFPOST HILL - OCTOBER 18TH, 2010
- The AFL-CIO also has spent in excess of $ 10 million to organize its election-year drive.
- Officials with the AFL-CIO were hesitant to discuss the administration plan because they said they had not seen details of the proposal.
- So in keeping with the spirit of reform that propelled Obama to the White House, it could well be smart politics that the AFL-CIO is kicking off today a national week of action that aims to inspire a million of its members to write hand-written letters and phone calls favoring the House version of the legislation. Art Levine: AARP, AFL-CIO Boost House Health Plan That Taxes Rich, Not Middle Class
- The AFL-CIO, the teamsters and others have vowed to force congress to reject the bilateral agreement.
- The week before, however, in a speech to the AFL-CIO convention in Hartford, Lieberman used the phrase liquor store. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
- The AFL-CIO is planning an effort modeled on its powerful get-out-the-vote political machine.
- The AFL-CIO is quietly packing up its local support operation, sensing that SAG has no stomach for a real fight.