How To Use Afghan In A Sentence

  • The fact that your name adorned a jet over the skies over Afghanistan solidifies the bond all of us in the military share with the American people. CNN Transcript Mar 17, 2002
  • Success was to be defined as the exfiltration of Bin Ladin out of Afghanistan.28 A meeting of principals was scheduled for May 29 to decide whether the operation should go ahead. Think Progress » Report: Saddam and Al Qaeda Enemies, Not Collaborators
  • Cmdre Eric Lehre (ret'd) versus MGen Lewis MacKenzie (ret'd) on the subject of Canadians and NATO in Afghanistan. Welcome to 'maybe'
  • Wanat was a horrific insurgent attack on a U.S. combat outpost in eastern Afghanistan last summer that left nine soldiers dead and 27 wounded. Way Up In The Sky Is The Leader Of The Greatest Band Of All Time | ATTACKERMAN
  • Will this prolong the war in Afghanistan or shorten it? Times, Sunday Times
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  • George Bush developed a policy, he annunciated it in a magnificent speech 10 days after 9 / 11, and then he went into a war in Afghanistan that everybody thought was going to be impossible.
  • At the end of 2014 the allies formally handed over security to a new Afghan president. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the generally liberal-leaning U.S. foreign policy establishment was quick to equate Obama's ascent to the presidency with a "new area of international engagement," the realities of realpolitilk has not only forced the President into a "straightjacket" with limited policy options vis-à-vis Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq. Sigurd Neubauer: Tea Partiers, Watch Out: Obama's Iran Policies Echo Bush's
  • In southern France, police arrested 12 suspects in sweeps against suspected Islamic militant networks, including three men linked to a network recruiting fighters for Afghanistan, officials said. World Watch
  • She discussed the Afghan War, huge Wall Street profits and media coverage of the Balloon Boy hoa ... Huff TV: Arianna Discusses Afghan War And Huge Wall Street Profits On CNN
  • Islamabad: security forces killed 35 militants, on Tuesday in a military assault at tehsil lakarho and tehsil pindalai - mohmand agency, north-western tribal region of Pakistan, adjacent to Afghanistan. 35 militants killed in north-western Pakistan
  • Thanks in part to Iraq and Afghanistan, we are, decades later, backing off from this self-confident universalism. Time to avoid the dictatorship v democracy debate in Africa | David Booth
  • Afghanistan in March 2003, 'af' was established as Afghanistan's domain name; Internet access is growing through Internet cafes as well as public "telekiosks" in Kabul (2002) The 2007 CIA World Factbook
  • Learning the motivation behind his mask and moniker is the tip of the iceberg in a story spanning the globe from the United Kingdom to war-torn Afghanistan to the drug war in Mexico. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Comic Book | My[confined]Space
  • The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan disabused us of this notion. The President's Risky Defense Strategy
  • • En route to Europe, Clinton called the multibillion-dollar American reconstruction effort in Afghanistan "heartbreaking," because she said there was little to show for it.
  • Afghans and from the Nizam, but what he most counted on for the expulsion of the English from the Carnatic was a force of thirty thousand French soldiers. History of the English People, Volume VIII (of 8) Modern England, 1760-1815
  • Zuhra Bahman, a consultant from Kabul, said that urging Taliban fighters to give up arms and join the government will not amount to the democratization of Afghanistan. Experts: Mideast Turmoil Underscores Need for Afghan Political Reform
  • Forgive me for not wanting to take style tips from a man who looks like an Afghan hound with its head out of a car window. The Sun
  • Horsemen compete for a goat carcass during a game of Buzkashi to celebrate Nowruz in Mazar-i Sharif in northern Afghanistan on March 21.
  • Afghan and western officials say the policy has damaged attempts to reach out to insurgents. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bush/Cheney and company dicked around the Afghanistan conflict for almost eight years. Axelrod slams Romney
  • Moreover, Afghanistan is a landlocked nation bordering China, Iran and three Central Asian countries.
  • French President Nicolas Sarkozy has paid tribute to seven French soldiers killed last week in Afghanistan, saying they fought in a just war against what he called the "tyranny" of the Taliban movement. Sarkozy: French Troops Killed in Afghanistan Fought Taliban's 'Tyranny'
  • He dresses in immaculately pressed shalwar kameez and waistcoat - sheer Afghan chic.
  • By contrast, the marines spent three months patrolling Afghanistan without locating the enemy.
  • Outside armies have toppled Afghanistan's government and installed a new one, but it controls only its broken-down capital and very little of the vast country beyond.
  • American offices in Afghanistan admitted to me that they used the word insurgent in all their reports to describe any kind of hostile shooting. CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2009
  • The Afghan army on their flanks was better armed and vastly more competent. Times, Sunday Times
  • He goes on to talk about the Pentagon's ongoing, undebated plans not only to keep bleeding our treasury in Iraq (and, I would add, Afghanistan), but also to keep spending billions to design and build Cold War-era weapons "that lack not only a current military need but even a plausible use in any foreseeable future. Robert Koehler: Cross of Irony
  • Obama was hawkish about Afghanistan during the campaign, despite well-aired fears that Afghanistan is a quagmire-in-waiting. War: Politics and Power
  • Does the name Central Intelligence Agency carry at least a little bit of favorable baggage with Afghans? The U.S. And Corruption In The Karzai Administration
  • Mr. Zahir, a subdistrict governor, is the first Afghan official to serve in the town in more than two years. Afghan Violence Blocks Reconstruction Plan
  • The Soviet Union became anxious to withdraw its soldiers from the Afghan imbroglio.
  • Nestling next to the ladies of the night were several mustached, glazed-eyed Afghan men who occasionally took unsteady steps onto a makeshift dance floor to bust some surprisingly graceful traditional moves. The Longest War
  • A leading opponent of the war in Afghanistan took on Foreign Office minister Peter Hain in a debate in Brighton last week.
  • Afghan engineers and their mentors pieced together a 42-metre, metal "overbridge" earlier this week at Kandahar Airfield and then moved parts of the Meccano-like structure a few kilometres to the blast site. Music briefs
  • Afghan security services had impounded vehicles owned by the firm - and demanded a 16,500 release fee. The Sun
  • Last year the head of the Army, General Sir Richard Dannatt, warned that a lack of public appreciation for Britain's military effort in Iraq and Afghanistan was in danger of "sapping" the willingness of troops to serve on dangerous operations. Archive 2008-05-01
  • If the U.S. took advantage of a power vacuum in Afghanistan and installed Pershings there, the Soviet Union's Central Asian assets would be threatened. Moscow vs. the Mujahideen
  • Various countries pledged soldiers, bases and funds to the war in Afghanistan.
  • Like most Soviet Fraternal Force vehicles, it carried the blazon of the Afghan Army. KARA KUSH
  • We are all aware that the Obamas have a wonderful marriage, and his uxoriousness is the talk of all the women's magazines; but is she really influential when it comes to surging in Afghanistan; bombing Iran; and the political haggling over taxes? Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The Afghan middle-distance runner nonetheless trekked on and was on the verge of realizing her Olympic dream.
  • The thing Matt hasn’t pondered is this: had prosecutions been pursued, then Obama’s policy of massive drone bombings in Afghanistan – that kill civilians right and left – would have led to prosecutions after his team leaves office as well. Matthew Yglesias » The Yoo and Bybee Rulings
  • In Afghanistan she had only a single day in which no patients arrived. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Two hazardous waste containers were neutralised in a joint German-American operation, with the participation of scores of local Afghanis”? New Zealand in the GWOT? Swoon…. — Fusion Despatches
  • General David Petraeus, in a rare public show of indecorum, last week suggested that corruption has been a part of Afghan culture since the country came into existence, which is a sentiment that is not only, from a historical and anthropological perspective, wholly ignorant, but one that exposes intentions on the General's part that seem both dubious as well as misplaced. Michael Hughes: Afghanistan Corrupted by U.S. and 30 Years of Foreign Meddling
  • Afghanistan has long pressed the U.S. to tackle what it calls the bases of terrorism in Pakistan, and Obama's reported pledge will likely please Karzai, who has accused Pakistan's intelligence service of supporting the Taliban in plotting bombings and other attacks in Afghanistan - claims that Pakistan, a key U.S. ally in its war on terror, flatly denies. Top Stories - Google News
  • Markets and bazaars were closed in Quetta, a border city with a large Afghan refugee population.
  • By canvassing text votes, it gives Afghans a blast of popular democracy as well as promoting unity between tribes and ethnic factions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The United States and its coalition partners had similar legal authority in the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and during the Persian Gulf War of 1991.
  • The bombing of wedding parties reveals much about the directionless and aimless war in Afghanistan.
  • A jury in Canada has found three members of an Afghan family guilty of drowning three teenage sisters and another woman in what the judge described as "cold-blooded, shameful murders" resulting from a "twisted concept of honour". 'Honour killings': Canadian jury finds Afghan family guilty
  • Their vehicles bore the blazon of the Afghan Fifteenth Infantry Division. KARA KUSH
  • It is commonplace, she reports, for formerly AWOL soldiers to be "bribed" with offers of having all charges, or potential charges, dropped, as long as they accept deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan. Dahr Jamail: Where Will They Get the Troops? Preparing Undeployables for the Afghan Front
  • Japan's major past overseas missions -- including in Iraq, near Afghanistan, and as UN peacekeepers -- have been largely for logistical and support purposes such as refuelling, transport and reconstruction. Undefined
  • Contracted police trainers often cannot or will not operate in nonpermissive environments, thus confning their training to the capital city or secure areas while leaving unsecured remoter areas of a country without desperately needed police trainers and mentors, as is often the case in Iraq and Afghanistan today. David Isenberg: The Liability of Using a PMC to Do Foreign Police Training
  • KABUL -- A new report that shows civilian casualties have soared in Afghanistan largely because of increased insurgent violence was thrown into relief Tuesday when a pair of suicide bombers blew themselves up and killed two other Afghans outside a foreign guesthouse in central Kabul. U.N. report links spike in Afghan civilian casualties to insurgent attacks
  • President Elect Obama tells us after over five years and thousands of mistakes and lies, the occupation of Iraq is going so "swimmingly" (the "surge" worked myth) that we can afford to send troops from there to the new righteous war, Afghanistan. Warfare Reform
  • • When AGNA could not acquire a sample of a certain explosive to test canines, DS changed the contract standards so that the canines would not be have to be tested to detect this particular explosive, which is available in Afghanistan. David Isenberg: At Least They're Not Doing Vodka Butt Shots Anymore
  • For wounded civilians at a U.S. military hospital in Afghanistan, the gatekeeper is God. The Doctor’s War
  • But with the holiday coming Wednesday, TV football now seems unusually full of salutes the U.S. military — led by Fox's two-hour NFL pregame being staged from the Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan Sunday. Fox, ESPN take shows to military
  • If we hadopen government and could watch their every move, we wouldnot be at war in Afghanistan or Iraq andour national security would be in good shape and we would not have had anyof the wars of US terror today. by OpEdNews - Diary: 22,000,000+ Missing Emails
  • Much of the countryside remains under the control of the Afghan warlords who use heroin money to maintain their irregular armies of up to 10,000 each.
  • Did not appear as relaxed as in the first debate, though he remains the most physically vigorous of the three, and won points by telling of his predebate morning jog with an Afghan vet. The Second Debate: Experts' Scorecard
  • There is an irony to Gates' mission in Afghanistan: it was he who led the effort in the 1980's to support the anti-Soviet Mujahedeen, some of whom have since morphed into America's worst enemies.
  • In Afghanistan, less than 10% of weapons dropped were unguided.
  • A group of Japanese archeologists plans to excavate an archaeological site in central Afghanistan that may have been an important center of Buddhism.
  • The new minister is openly defending the interests of the Pashtun society and believes that the external fighting being waged from the border areas and Afghanistan can be settled through traditional "jirga" (negotiations) that bring together the government, elders and clerics and civil society. Pakistan Shifts the War on Terrorism
  • Denisov, and deputy foreign minister Alexei Borodavkin on a wide range of bilateral andinternational issues, including situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Daily News & Analysis
  • Click to read. pd, 69 Bush stories and 0 ny terror stories, 0 afghanistan stories is good? Think Progress » Dobbs Defends His Birther Advocacy: ‘Seems To Me Still A Perfectly Commonsense Question’
  • The move came a few days after the website published thousands of classified military documents about the war in Afghanistan. Times, Sunday Times
  • Word is now that Stephen Harper is going to try to progue Parliament again until after the Olympics rather than submit to an order by the House of Commons to turn over uncensored documents in the Afghan prisoner investigation. Rumors of a coup
  • Do they pay for their advertising in Afghanis Lance, cuz I heard you need a suitcase of those to buy a beer hooker dead hooker ... .. cow. THE MUSLIMS ARE PROBLY GONNA HATE THIS
  • Robson said discussions would take place about the form that diplomatic relations with Afghanistan would take.
  • The fear is of a repetition of the 1992 events when groups which now make up the Northern Alliance captured Kabul from Afghanistan's last pro-Moscow government but then wrecked it with internecine warfare.
  • In a tiny backyard, they find two dozen chickens, five children and one Afghan war widow.
  • The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves and enough to fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and perhaps the Afghan war itself, according to senior American government officials. Oh, Good « Gerry Canavan
  • BLITZER: What do you say to the president who spoke about what he called your pet spending projects -- money that has nothing to do with the war in Iraq or Afghanistan, but for fishermen, peanut storage, spinach farmers, the milk industry -- that you've attached all this -- this other funding into this legislation, which has nothing do with the emergency spending needed for the war? CNN Transcript Mar 23, 2007
  • Though it doesn’t get nearly the attention his political activism does, Franken was participating in USO tours long before it was fashionable among Democrats, and has kept it up with trips to Iraq and Afghanistan, despite his opposition to the war (though he did not initially oppose it). He’s Not Joking
  • But that -- as you said, there is a lot increase in violence in Afghanistan, and that's really blamed on an insurge of -- increase in Taliban activity. CNN Transcript Jun 27, 2006
  • Associated Press Writers = KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - The Taliban vowed Sunday to attack polling places in Sept. 18 parliamentary elections, warning Afghans not to participate in what it called a sham vote. The Guardian World News
  • Widespread opposition to a proposed Afghan law is less about liberating women than shoring up Western authority.
  • During some centuries India, as a political region, was not delimitated on the north-western side as it is at present and numerous principalities rose and fell which included Indian territory as well as parts of Afghanistan. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
  • Organizers are especially interested in talking with 10 freshmen House members that a prominent Tea Party-affiliated group has identified as persuadable on the question of continued U.S. involvement in Afghanistan: GOP Lawmakers Planning Meeting To Explore Alternatives In Afghan War
  • It was also part of the world-empire of Ghenghis Khan, who once exterminated the Afghan city of Bamiyan to avenge a grandson slain in battle.
  • American officers in Afghanistan admitted to me that they use the word insurgent in all their reports to describe any kind of hostile shooting. CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2009
  • In Afghanistan, mounted cavalry charges sometimes achieved what guided missiles could not.
  • Pakistan is a key supply route for fuel, military vehicles, spare parts, clothing and other non-lethal supplies for foreign troops in landlocked Afghanistan. Pakistan To Reopen Border Crossing That NATO Uses
  • My stepson is in Afghan fighting to get the people who murdered your friends on 9-11. The Early Word: Obama on Iraq, Afghanistan - The Caucus Blog -
  • Kamihl the Afghan refugee is as much my neighbour as those living around me.
  • KABUL -- On the 18th of May, as Hamid Karzai prepared to report on his notably successful visit to the United States, a suicide bomber in Kabul detonated his explosive-laden van, killing 6 coalition soldiers and 12 Afghan civilians, wounding nearly 50 others. Lt. Col. Ed Ledford: What Effect Did the Taliban Attacks Have? None. Really, None.
  • Mr. Assange believes his leaks, like the Vietnam-era Pentagon Papers, will radically change perceptions of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, which he says he is trying to end," editorialized the Washington Post. Journalism Scoops WikiLeaks
  • 'India a close friend, Pak a conjoined twin of Afghan' - Articles related to Bombay HC ready to deal with Muslim girls' marriage age issue
  • He kind of backtracked and said I don't mean to draw a straight line between Hillary Clinton's vote for the war in Iraq and what happened in Pakistan today, but he did make the same argument that Obama has been making about diverting resources away from getting Al Qaeda in Afghanistan because of the war in Iraq and he did not back off of that. CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2007
  • When the USSR finally pulled out of Afghanistan in 1989, the US was presented with a great opportunity to help the Afghan people and to gain some long-term goodwill towards the US. David Wallechinsky: Why Do They Hate Us?
  • In mid-March, as a White House assessment of the war in Afghanistan was nearing completion, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, met in a secure Pentagon room for their fortnightly video conference with Gen. David D. McKiernan, the top U.S. commander in Kabul. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: August 17, 2009
  • It's not just that they think Europe is bang next door to Afghanistan.
  • Dr. Shroder is an active geoscientist with plentiful research experience in South Asia (Afghanistan and Pakistan), the Middle East and Africa. Contributor: John Shroder
  • Obama's policies are certainly worthy of objurgation, especially his grievous misjudgment at the end of 2009 to cast an additional 30,000 troops into the Afghan abyss in support of a failing counterinsurgency (COIN) strategy. Michael Hughes: Bush Created A No-Win Situation in Afghanistan for Obama
  • Fifty Spetsnaz men, dressed as Afghans, appeared and fired fusillades into the crowd. KARA KUSH
  • But not long after the photos were republished in Afghan newspaper, Jawad was out, with no official explanation. Recalled Afghan Ambassador Not Going Back, Criticizes Karzai And Obama
  • Forests are more than trees, of course, and along with its timber Afghanistan is at risk of losing its wolves, snow leopards, bears, and foxes, as well as alpine ruminants like Marco Polo sheep and ibex.
  • At least it would be no more than they have come to expect from repeated exercises in counterfeit democracy staged, it seems, more for the benefit of international audiences (and voters) than for the Afghan electorate. Ann Jones: Big Men, Big Money, Big Voting Scam: The American Midterm Election -- in Afghanistan
  • The NIE now confirms what was reported last week: the al-Qaeda we failed to finish off in Afghanistan and Pakistan has 'regenerated' and remains intent on attacking us at home," said Biden. Bob Geiger: Bond Continues Misleading Constituents About Iraq
  • Pashtun in the northern regions of Afghanistan enjoy buzkashi, or ‘goat pulling,’ a game in which men on horseback compete for possession of a dead goat or calf.
  • Scattered around the airstrip are some of Afghanistan's 10 million landmines, which every day leave innocent civilians limbless.
  • Sixth, the absence of any engagement with Iran leaves the United States over-dependent on Pakistan for influence in Afghanistan.
  • A member a nomadic Turkic people inhabiting Turkmenistan and neighboring areas in Iran and Afghanistan.
  • Testing by the VA found 44,500 of 570,000 Iraq and Afghanistan vets had suffered what it called mild traumatic brain injuries. For Wounded Vet, Love Pierces the Fog of War
  • Ali is a good man, called by Ruddock a Pakistani from Quetta though he, his wife and his children speak unaccented Farsi like other Afghan Hazaras and neither Urdu nor Pashtu, the languages of Quetta.
  • -- Afghanistan and Pakistan "to stabilize the security situation;" in fact, a major effort may be undertaken to destabilize it as part of a broader agenda to stoke violence, increase Washington's presence in the region, double US forces in Afghanistan to 60,000 or more according to recent reports, and "Balkanize" each country, Iraq and possibly Syria into separate autonomous states; and Obama v. Richard Falk on Israel and Occupied Palestine
  • Despite the fact that nature has been harsh and cruel to Afghanistan it has been generous in bestowing bounties of sorts.
  • German officials said Thursday the 21-year-old temporary letter sorter with the postal service has admitted targeting Americans when he opened fire with a handgun on a busload of 15 U.S. airmen at Frankfurt's airport on their way to deployment in Afghanistan, killing two and wounding two more. German airport shooting suspect recently radicalized
  • Fred Phelps and other family members who make up most of the Westboro Baptist Church have picketed many military funerals to draw attention to their view that U.S. deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq are God's punishment for the nation's tolerance of homosexuality. Supreme Court OKs anti-gay church's picketing at funerals
  • Today, Pakistani intelligence assets on the ground and American drones in the air hunt Kashmiri relentlessly in the ungoverned tribal areas near Pakistan's border with Afghanistan.
  • It is a measure of the president's continued pulling power that the Europeans, who have seemingly grudged every extra pair of boots the NATO secretary general has persuaded them to dispatch up until now, are to stump up around 7,000 additional troops for the war in Afghanistan alongside the 30,000 more committed by a president who has now more than doubled the U.S. contingent there. How is Obama being viewed in Europe?
  • Instead of an entente cordiale of mutual admiration, he has faced awkward questions about Afghanistan troop levels, Turkey-phobia, and the French nuclear arsenal.
  • Earlier this year, police arrested a group accused of planning to attack the U.S. Embassy and another group in the southern city of Adana, which is home to the Incirlik Air Base used by the United States to transfer noncombat supplies to Iraq and Afghanistan. The Seattle Times
  • An informal beginning to the Afghan "rollout" -- D. C.-speak for a coordinated but segmented sales job of a new initiative to Congress, the media and diplomats of other nations -- will come in Brussels tomorrow, when Holbrooke will brief NATO allies privately on the strategic review ordered by Obama. The Torch
  • When civilian family members are actually killed in Afghanistan, their relatives do, in fairness, get greater solatia payments than cans of beans and Hershey bars. Afghanistan war logs: Secret CIA paramilitaries' role in civilian deaths
  • Traditionally the Afghan governments relied on three military institutions: the regular army, tribal levies, and community militias.
  • On the right, Inkblot, the master of sleep himself, is conked out on his favorite afghan, his preferred sleeping spot of the moment.
  • By not taking on this issue head-on to explain why this intervention has nothing to do with the colonial past or the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, neither of which asked for military intervention as Libyans have, Obama allowed Gaddafi's crude anti-imperialist and anti-crusader propaganda to stand. Joe Lauria: "Time and Space" for Libyan Rebels
  • In that interview, Mr. Karzai said he has ma jor interests in Afghanistan's only cement factory and a housing development outside the southern city of Kandahar, where U.S. and Afghan forces are making a push against the Taliban. U.S. Presses for Kabul Bank Probe
  • Afghan and U.S. officials say Taleban militants have established a series of strategic bases inside Pakistan.
  • If the top mastermind is in Yemen, what the hell are we doing building a quagmire in Afghanistan? Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 9, 2010
  • There is a tendency amongst patriots and pro-armed forces bloggers to see any opposition to Afghanistan as a bunch of conchy lefties whining about the brave boys and girls defending our country. [support out troops] get out of this political mire
  • The straight-talking Texan may have made it easier for Europeans to blame their lack of support on U.S. "unilateralism" -- even where there was multilateral agreement, such as on the "good war" in Afghanistan. The Limits of Hope
  • The chopper's pilot reported engine failure shortly before the craft went down today in southeastern Afghanistan.
  • Denmark's government is a staunch supporter of the Bush administration and has committed troops to Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • Associated Press An Afghan policeman on Saturday sorts out weapons confiscated from a disbanded private security company. Afghanistan Disarms Security Firms
  • Also, Gates is "heartened" in terms of Afghanistan, where the Bush administration already returned around 500 detainees from Guantanamo to Afghan government custody — which has put about 200 on trial, with a "conviction rate about 80 percent. Away From The Numbers | ATTACKERMAN
  • Menacing warlords intimidate, the Taliban strikes and the foreigners remain unwilling to risk the necessary relationships they need to develop with Afghans. Patricia DeGennaro: Mr. President, Take a Firm Lead in Afghanistan
  • It is the destruction of the Al Qaeda network and terrorist organizations with global reach, and, in the case of Afghanistan, the taking asunder -- that, sir, maybe that, asunder, that is not quite as good as eviscerate -- but it has to do with taking down this illegitimate government of the Taliban that provides harbor to Al Qaeda. CNN Transcript Nov 8, 2001
  • The drama, on Sunday November 25, was captured on videotape by an Afghan cameraman.
  • The release of the Afghanistan documents in July led to sharp words of condemnation from the Pentagon, which accused the website of endangering the lives of Afghans who had aided the U.S. and exposing U.S. sources and methods. WikiLeaks Discloses Reports From Iraq
  • The sources said Al Qaida has offered what they termed a truce in exchange for a U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan. Infidel Bloggers Alliance
  • According to The Guardian, a full-scale invasion of Afghanistan is in preparation.
  • There is some concern that overgenerosity may alienate Afghans who have not sided with the Taliban. Politics news, UK and world political comment and analysis |
  • Up next, who do American reporters turn to for the real scoop in Afghanistan?
  • Deceased Nazima wife of Nisar was abducted from Haripur and was gange raped before her murder; police has arrested accused Afghan refugee Syed Nazir from Kohat bazaar and have registered case against him under anti terrorist act 1997. A Woman Raped and Killed in Kohat
  • KABUL — The bombing in February of a guest house favored by Indians in Kabul has forced India to temporarily suspend its medical aid and teaching missions in the Afghan capital because most the staff were either killed or wounded, officials said. Indian Efforts in Kabul Suspended After February Bombing
  • Following, an 8 minute trailer for the film, which is attempting to raise $5000 USD for distribution and promotion of the film, and also in subtitling the film to local languages and to be distributed in mobile cinemas throughout Afghanistan and other developing countries. Global Voices in English » IndieGoGo: fundraising for independent film-makers
  • “British forces believe that, in many respects, their Afghan allies pose more of a challenge to their mission than the Taliban … It is the Afghan government that is now proving more of an obstacle to stability in an area where a mixture of official corruption, ineptitude and paranoia are stymying British efforts.” Cons Accept Manley Report, Now Up To Libs – Update « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • The makeshift police training centre was built in the aftermath of the worst attack against the British military by a renegade member of the Afghan security forces. Times, Sunday Times
  • L'option d'un déploiement français dans l'Est de l'Afghanistan aurait, selon Paris, l'avantage de faciliter la cohésion du dispositif militaire français, puisque c'est dans ces régions que sont déjà déployées quatre équipes françaises d'instructeurs militaires Operational Mentoring Liaison Teams, OMLT, chacune comportant 50 soldats insérés dans des unités de l'armée afghane... posted by Mark, Ottawa at 3:23 PM Afstan combat switcheroo?
  • I also lived 17 years overseas, in Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia/East Timor, Egypt, Hong Kong and India; and have done the rounds of several low-budget insurgencies, plus the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Bosnia - so I know of what I speak. MP Nunan: "Off the Map" Is Off the Mark
  • Obama is the same, and they've both been told by their respective armed forces bosses that they either front the money and do it properly, or get known as the tw@ts who lost the latest Afghan war. Army Rumour Service
  • Last week again Afghanistan was subjected to the awesome destructive power of the zilzila.
  • Some 80 percent of non-lethal supplies for foreign forces fighting in landlocked Afghanistan are transported over Pakistani soil after being unloaded at docks in Karachi, a port city in the south. Pakistan Cuts NATO Supply Line In Apparent Retaliation For Killed Troops
  • Iran has had to endure 20 years of coping with massive influxes of Afghan refugees fleeing the Soviet invasion and the subsequent civil wars.
  • I sit down on the low sofa, covered by an afghan throw.
  • We then all sat down on a big red carpet under a shade tree, and the farmers passed around refreshments - a tray of white mulberries, and six glasses of shorombe, ‘the Afghan beer,’ as Mohibi called it.
  • As in, "The transverse occipital sulcus intersects the intraparietal sulcus near the level of the parieto-occipital fissure" and "The Sahara is in Afghanistan, I think." ... Boing Boing
  • He also asked India to "sympathise" with Pakistan's fight against terror as its army is fighting Taliban in the troubled northwest region bordering Afghanistan. - Articles related to Singapore eyes new links with Tamil Nadu
  • Rebecca NicholsonFor most of the near decade that British troops have been fighting in Afghanistan, the focus of their war has been Helmand, a region famous even among Afghans for the hostility of its terrain and the doggedness of its people. TV highlights 29/06/2011: Killer Tigers | Timeshift: Hotel Deluxe | Finding Amelia | The Apprentice | Afghanistan: The Battle For Helmand | 24 Hours in A&E
  • Actually, I think Obama's Afghan troop buildup is entirely practical – he's in a tough spot due to the terrible policies of the last administration and is finally putting our forces closer to where they need to be, not manufacturing evidence and making something out of nothing as Bush did with Iraq. Matalin: With Afghan surge, Obama resembles George W. Bush
  • Ridiculed Obama "is confident to achieve victory in the war in Afghanistan, " the statement, saying good relations with the West even greater harm to the Palestinian Arab state.
  • Yet as we proceed in Afghanistan, even the most well considered of PowerPoint policy recommendations read like parodies of the social-scientist-in-uniform pitches that cloyed in the Vietnam jungles. Magic and Mayhem
  • An Afghani refugee kid's body is being prepared for the funeral in Pakistan.
  • Rebuilding the country will be much easier that recreating a nation in Afghanistan but at least give the US credit for making these moves.
  • In addition to salukis, eligible breeds are whippets, greyhounds, Afghan hounds, borzois, Ibizan hounds, pharaoh hounds, Irish wolfhounds, and Scottish deerhounds.
  • Afghan lawmakers demand President Karzai submit full, not partial, Cabinet list for approval add Mexico (latinos/mexicans) to that list~ @bbcworld War-torn nations such as Afghanistan and Iraq remain the world's most corrupt Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Taliban captors held him hostage for seven months, until June of last year, when he and his Afghan colleague managed to flee from a compound in Pakistan's North Waziristan region. Former Hostage: Afghan Taliban and Pakistani Taliban Work 'Seamlessly Together'
  • It does exhibit sedulous authorial research and reveling in recondite lore - some of it in various untranslated Afghan languages, though these passages are hardly more annoying than those in English.
  • After nine years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, they are beginning to recognize age-old legacies of the battlefield -- once known as shellshock or battle fatigue -- as combat wounds, not signs of weakness. Michael Winship: Don't You Know There's a War On?
  • Will this prolong the war in Afghanistan or shorten it? Times, Sunday Times
  • One of our companions was astonished to find that the local Afghans only used flax as an oilseed, and had never heard of linen.
  • In addition to salukis, eligible breeds are whippets, greyhounds, Afghan hounds, borzois, Ibizan hounds, pharaoh hounds, Irish wolfhounds, and Scottish deerhounds.
  • | Reply | Permalink communitychest telegraph libyanfightinggroup takeoffrocket oldtimer behindhand strung unmechanized bostonterrier verticalsurface questafter salverform genusuca activist quaestor ethmoid dipsomaniac highjinks mask crudeoil dashdown archipelago keneltonkesey genussynanceja afghan asarumshuttleworthii run-resistant genustrollius gutless psychiatrist Your Election Central Guide To Blogs Covering The 2008 Presidential Election
  • The bar president, during a press conference here, said some 400 detenues are presently lodged in Kot Bhalwal jail which include some 30 men from Pakistan and Afghanistan.
  • More than 90,000 partially redacted intelligence reports chronicling the war in Afghanistan are published. Times, Sunday Times
  • Acceptable Afghan-American voices such as Khaled Hosseini (The Kite Runner) and Awista Ayub (Kabul Girls Soccer Club) reiterate the notion that suburban America can "infuse" Afghans with freedom. Burkas and bikinis
  • His compilation is the first to cite a comprehensive list of specific war crimes in four categories — illegality of the decision to go to war, misconduct during war, mistreatment of prisoners of war, and misgovernment in the American occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq. Matthew Yglesias » The Embrace
  • Unless that is done, any military success in Afghanistan will be a pyrrhic victory.
  • Iran-Israel Conflict a Growing Concern I was watching another youtubers video and grabed a screen-shot to show you, it says the Iran bomber drone is aimed at Israel. death to these shaytan parasts = taliban!! taliban beheading suicid bomber bombers afghan afghanistan madrassa islam muslim osama binladen al qaeda ramadan wahabi arab arabian world pashtun pashtunwali culture pathan tribal areas pakistan iran ahmadinejad kabul kandahar usa obama drones irak war - Articles related to Iran unveils bomber drone that aims to deliver peace and friendship
  • They include tribes on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan, although the community has become increasingly urbanized in recent years.
  • A suicide bomber, reportedly wearing an Afghan Army Uniform, detonated explosives outside a military base near Jalalabad in Eastern Afghanistan.
  • Afghanistan will be given 200 new patrol vehicles to replace the much-criticised Snatch Land Rovers, it was revealed David Tyacke was the last officer on the staff of the Chindit HQ at Sylhet in - Articles related to New Zealand not to sign trade pact if US shuts out dairy
  • Meanwhile, in Afghanistan -- from where Al-Qa'eda plotted to attack us on 9/11 -- their hosts, the Taliban ( 'union of religious scholars') resurge from the mountains, to undo all of the progress we once made there. Sound Politics: Floyd McKay Flirts With Bigotry
  • So within these four parameters, one needs to crystallize the political dispensation that one would like to have in Afghanistan.
  • For the same reason that we continue to "pussyfoot" around in Iraq and Afghanistan .. Latest Articles
  • They have been used not only for air operations but for the training of a Stryker regiment, special forces and other combat units for "downrange" conflicts like those in Iraq and Afghanistan. Dandelion Salad
  • The U.S. government depends heavily on what it calls "contingency contracting" to support the war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan. Report Finds Vast Waste in U.S. War Contracts
  • BLITZER: Because in Southeast Asia, which is India, Afghanistan and Pakistan, since 9/11, the U.S. has been pretty active there, you've got to admit. CNN Transcript Jul 21, 2009
  • To be regarded by the dominant society of Australia 1965 as being a "boong", "coon" or "Abo" was a passport to discrimination, prejudice and poverty, and many light-skinned Aboriginal people opted to assume a non-Aboriginal identity Indian, afghan, Maori, etc to escape the extreme difficulty of life as an Aboriginal person. Archive 2005-04-01
  • The Afghanistan build up, Wall Street Bail Out versus Main Street and Single pay health reform are three issues which leave many Americans feeling betrayed, unlistened to and remorseful about Obama: Allen L Roland America Suffering Buyers Remorse With Obama
  • WASHINGTON — The U.S. military is secretly diverting aerial drones and weaponry from the Afghan battlefront to significantly expand the CIA's campaign against militants in their Pakistani havens. CIA Escalates in Pakistan
  • He's going to overwhelm you with wordage, with dates and supposed data, he's going to bore you into submission, and at the end you're going to throw up your hands and shout, I know Iraq and Afghanistan were not Don Rumsfeld's fault! The One That Got Away
  • A young mother has won her fight to prove that her fiancé fathered her daughter before he was killed in Afghanistan. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Holland Park Mosque on Brisbane's Southside was established as a Muslim house of prayer by Afghan cameleers in 1907.
  • “Just take one figure: last fiscal year from March 2007 to 2008, the Ministry of Finance collected 40 billion Afghanis, which is equivalent to around $800 million. For Afghanistan's sake, Karzai must lose the election
  • The United States Department of Homeland Security's Office of Intelligence and Analysis issued a report last week suggesting that current political and economic conditions are energizing right-wing extremist groups, that many of these groups follow extremely conservative ideologies and that some may seek to recruit and "radicalize" veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Vox Verax
  • Keith said that although the United States does not have an extradition treaty with Afghanistan, the Northern Alliance was expected to accede to a request by the coalition to hand him over to U.S. authorities who want to question him.
  • On opposite sides of the country today, the presumptive presidential nominees will once again sharpen their positions on how to manage the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan if elected. The Early Word: 2 Candidates, 2 Visions for Iraq - The Caucus Blog -
  • Analyst and newspaper editor Rashed Rahman says the central problem in the relationship is what he calls the "proxy war that the Pakistan military is waging through the Taliban in Afghanistan. News
  • Perhaps he would like to join our underpaid nurses or our troops in Iraq or Afghanistan. The Sun
  • Mr. Graves's assistant is a bearded Afghan falconer, 49-year-old Mohammed Arif, who was a mujahedeen fighter in the 1980s when Bagram was a Soviet base. In Afghanistan, the War on Jirds Is Actually Going Pretty Well

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