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How To Use Afforest In A Sentence

  • Many people found it worth their while to pay the king to disafforest their district, so that they could get out from under that regulation.
  • ‘I was shown the spot where, until the disafforesting, it had long lain prostrate,’ says J R. Akerman in A View of the Ancient Limits of the Forest of Wychwood, Archaeologia l858.
  • They reafforested a wide stretch of badlands.
  • In maintain assign an instrument oneself, abound gardens landscape, raise afforest level.
  • Some of the changes are the result of afforestation and reservoir construction so that not every change is attributable to agricultural development.
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  • Hence it was recommended that disafforestation must be allowed after obtaining legal sanction of the commission to check the depletion and degradation of forest areas.
  • Until the spiric be fioured u/ion 21s from on highland the luiUleriiess be a fruitful field.) and the fruitful field be afforest. Letters, and sketches of sermons : in three volumes
  • The parish of Wicken, for example, was disafforested at this time.
  • Strategies like mixed cropping, animal raising, terracing, and afforestation are widely employed to halt degradation of soils and to restore the productive power of the land.
  • Like forest manipulation, afforestation also modifies the environment and must thus be regarded as a significant agent of environmental change.
  • When farmland is afforested or peatlands drained, the owner gets a certain tax relief.
  • From 1618 the area was disafforested and the land leased, often to people who were already occupying it illegally.
  • Lindsay therefore wrote to the king to try to "disafforest" the lands which were contiguous to the monastery, and he effected his object by payment of 1320 marks. The New Guide to Peterborough Cathedral
  • Excellent price-performance of its products by the Shenzhen municipal housing bureau, Shenzhen, identified as the preferred roofing material afforestation and beautification.
  • The kings, in the exercise of their right to establish hunting preserves, afforested not only the royal and the lordless woodlands but also the woods, and the lands lying between them.
  • Other causes of this are discharges of inadequately treated sewage from urban centres, poorly sited or malfunctioning septic tanks and run-off of fertilisers from afforestation areas.
  • Most have long since gone, leaving behind their legacy of sunless, blanket afforestation.
  • The settlement locations were disforested, but agricultural holdings were established with minimal disafforestation.
  • In 1817 the Commission of Woods applied for an Act of Parliament to enclose part of the forest for the Crown, to do away with commoners right in the forest, and disafforest the whole Forest.
  • In order to execute the lesser charter, it was requisite, by new perambulations, to set bounds to the royal forests, and to disafforest all land which former encroachments had comprehended within their limits. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part B. From Henry III. to Richard III.
  • When the disafforestation took place, the local people lost any rights they had in the Forest, even the right to walk.
  • II., were disafforested, and new perambulations were appointed for that purpose; offences in the forests were declared to be no longer capital, but punishable by fine, imprisonment, and more gentle penalties; and all the proprietors of land recovered the power of cutting and using their own wood at their pleasure. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part B. From Henry III. to Richard III.
  • Under such circumstances, woodlands would soon become disafforested, and where facilities of transportation and a good demand for timber have increased the inducements to fell it, as upon the borders of the Mediterranean, the destruction of the forest and all the evils which attend it have gone on at a seriously alarming rate. Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 03 (historical)
  • The highway landscape design with afforest is a main item of ecosystem with the landscape ecology.
  • Of the reafforestation which was supposed to follow logging there was no sign.
  • All forests that have been made such in our time shall forthwith be disafforested; and a similar course shall be followed with regard to river-banks that have been placed "in defense" by us in our time. The Magna Carta
  • He "disafforested" several lands about _Peterburgh_, and added them to the possessions of the monastery. The New Guide to Peterborough Cathedral
  • Like their attempts to afforest treeless subalpine meadows, they planted forage species that had never grown in these mountains.
  • * We shall have similar respite in rendering justice in connexion with forests that are to be disafforested, or to remain forests, when these were first aforested by our father Henry or our brother The Magna Carta
  • The sum of £42,000 was expended, and the farm is let at a rental of £4,000; the annual product of the trees, etc., before the ground was disafforested, was about £500.
  • Ecological rehabilitation, somewhat different than the traditional closing off the afforested hills, is an essential way for soil ...
  • In addition, if virgin land is to be broken, or if steep land is to be afforested, or if flood plains are to be afforested, permission from the Department of Agriculture is required. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The 'afforested' areas were much more than just royal hunting grounds, however.
  • No distinction is made between losses due to agriculture and afforestation.
  • These increases apply to those who afforested their lands between 1993 and 1999 and who did not qualify for the significant increases announced last year.
  • We shall have, moreover, the same respite and in the same manner in rendering justice concerning the disafforestation or retention of those forests which Henry our father and Richard our brother afforested, and concerning the wardship of lands which are of the fief of another (namely, such wardships as we have hitherto had by reason of a fief which anyone held of us by knight's service), and concerning abbeys founded on other fiefs than our own, in which the lord of the fee claims to have right; and when we have returned, or if we desist from our expedition, we will immediately grant full justice to all who complain of such things. The Magna Carta
  • Under such circumstances, woodlands would soon become disafforested, and where facilities of transportation and a good demand for timber have increased the inducements to fell it, as upon the borders of the The Earth as Modified by Human Action
  • In 1596, the ancient hunting park of Toxteth, which had for 400 years been inhabited only by deer and their keepers, was disafforested by the Earl of Derby.
  • There are just not enough of them and were we to reafforest the countryside for that purpose one might ask what we would eat.
  • Protecting forests and afforestation will be a permanent solution.
  • Ecophysiology of Prosopis cineraria in the Wahiba Sands, with reference to its reafforestation potential in Oman. Arabian Desert and East Sahero-Arabian xeric shrublands
  • My father propagated native plants in 1946 and 47, puffing seeds in the oven and pouring boiling water over them, then he'd surreptitiously go back and plant these plants as a means of reafforesting the hillside.
  • Not all silvicultural practices are as extreme and the character of the ground flora will also depend on the land-use prior to afforestation.
  • The province's forest coverage rate is currently 19 per cent and there are 2 million hectares of land left for afforestation.
  • The matter of attendant erosion from benching, slashings and burning would need to be patiently addressed over time, as replantings and reafforestation take years of effort and maintenance.
  • Like forest manipulation, afforestation also modifies the environment and must thus be regarded as a significant agent of environmental change.
  • Most sites with trees have become much denser and more productive (up to 4-5 times) and many tundra sites located within the treeline ecotone have been afforested. Climate change and forest distribution in the Arctic
  • Mangroves have been converted to shrimp aquacultural ponds, while intertidal mudflats have been extensively afforested with mangrove or intensely fished by lines of stack nets, which severely impacts their value as feeding habitat for migratory waterbirds and other species. Biological diversity in Indo-Burma
  • Within afforested areas, Forest Law applied in parallel to Common Law.
  • Water yield as well as water quality is affected by afforestation and reforestation.
  • The disafforestation is twice as harmful, as with the trees destruction not only the natural ‘captivators’ of the carbon are wasted, but increases its proportion in the atmosphere.
  • In Canadaa, n areao f about5 00,000s quare kilometers of former tundra was afforested during this episode, over several centuries Nichols 1976. Medieval Treeline in Finland « Climate Audit
  • The monsoon, which has been eluding Punjab so far and has affected kharif crops, has brought the afforestation drive in the state to a halt.
  • Production of milk and grain will eventually move to a smaller number of larger producers and the likelihood is that the remainder of the land will be farmed extensively or afforested.
  • Its clauses provided the framework of forest law throughout the 13th cent., but only in the 14th cent., when large areas were disafforested, did the political issue subside.
  • In this paper, the advantages of afforestation by blasting on two sides of highway are outlined, the blasting digging of tree pits, calculation of charge mass and charging structure are expatiated.
  • The rippling note of the birds he distinguished so acutely seemed a part of this tree-less place, open freely to sun and air, such as rose and carnation loved, in the midst of the old disafforested chase. Miscellaneous Studies; a series of essays
  • Hence, the demand to disafforest in chapter 47 of the Magna Carta.
  • Most have long since gone, leaving behind their legacy of sunless, blanket afforestation.
  • We shall have, moreover, the same respite and in the same manner in rendering justice concerning the disafforestation or retention of those forests which Henry our father and Richard our brother afforested, and concerning wardship of lands which are of the fief of another (namely, such wardships as we have hitherto had by reason of a fief which any one held of us by knight's service), and concerning abbeys founded on other fiefs than our own, in which the lord of the fief claims to have right; and when we have returned, or if we desist from our expedition, we will immediately grant full justice to all who complain of such things. The Magna Carta
  • Beijing banned the logging which had stripped the upper reaches of China's major rivers bare and embarked on a huge reafforestation campaign.
  • It is likely that the report will provide added ammunition to environmentalists who have for long opposed the blanket afforestation of uplands.
  • They may sequester carbon through ecosystem restoration, reforestation, agro-forestry, and afforestation; or they may develop substitutes for fossil fuels such as bioenergy projects.
  • The whole of the inhabitants of the county may be regarded as possessing an interest in the Devonshire Commons, with the exception of the people of Barnstaple and Totnes, the reason being that those districts not having been afforested with the rest of the county, the residents acquired no new privileges when Devonshire was disafforested. The Customs of Old England
  • The €3m fund in the fourth investment plan will be used for direct investment in pre-established and bare land afforestation supported by EU and Irish government grants.
  • The provision can be applied to farmers who have afforested some of their land since the beginning of the reference period and those who have disposed of land to a public authority for non agricultural use.
  • Not all silvicultural practices are as extreme and the character of the ground flora will also depend on the land-use prior to afforestation.
  • In addition to afforested land, the area of bush forest, the area of woodland inside farmland, and the area of trees planted adjacent to farmhouses and along roads, rivers, and fields should also be included in the area of afforested land in the calculation of the forest coverage rate. When a Billion Chinese Jump
  • Better use of existing mashambas, and reafforestation of old ones, means a total end to slash-and-burn.
  • The €3m fund in the fourth investment plan will be used for direct investment in pre-established and bare land afforestation supported by EU and Irish government grants.
  • Henry disafforested land that King John and Henry II had afforested. The Charter of the Forest in 1217 relaxed Forest Laws - there was no more death and mutilation for Forest offences.
  • Edward the Confessor granted the land to the Abbey of Westminster, and it was disafforested in 1218. Mayfair, Belgravia, and Bayswater The Fascination of London
  • His defence that King John had disafforested Brewood saved his life and he escaped with only a fine.
  • The only remaining issue was the total area to be afforested, which was subject to an environmental impact study," Sappi Forests managing director Barry Melrose said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The idea is to finance programmes making it possible to afforest non-arable farmland, improve the quality of forests, invest in construction of forest roads, and develop forestry farms.
  • Sirex could, however, spread to the heavily pine afforested area of Mpumalanga. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In 1984 an area of 9557 ha was designated as part of the State Forest and steps are being taken to reafforest the already deforested area.
  • The fund is to be used as loans and grants to community-based organisations for reafforestation and other environmentally friendly undertakings.
  • In the 12th century King John afforested the whole of the county of Devon and such was the population's resentment that after a petition it was agreed, in return for a huge sum of money, to disafforest the county "up to the boundary of Dartmoor and Exmoor."
  • No distinction is made between losses due to agriculture and afforestation.
  • Besides treating patients during my visits, I chose to give talks on the importance of afforestation and use of iodised salt.
  • Asked if the commission was going to reafforest Windsor Park, given the denudation caused by the quarrying on lands listed as a watershed area, he replied: ‘Let me not answer that.’
  • We of these afforest battlefront veteran, it is to do happier more really!
  • Some of the changes are the result of afforestation and reservoir construction so that not every change is attributable to agricultural development.
  • Mr Shamuyarira qaid Zimbabwe would like to improve relations in such areas as economic planning, agriculture afforestation and water development. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It is likely that the report will provide added ammunition to environmentalists who have for long opposed the blanket afforestation of uplands.
  • afforest the mountains
  • The Seppos found a cure for fiesty natives, opposed to cultural imperialism and resident in heavily afforested regions - they called it Napalm. Cheeseburger Gothic » Just got back from Avatar.
  • Tendring hundred had been disafforested by king Stephen before the grant of John mentioned above.
  • Like forest manipulation, afforestation also modifies the environment and must thus be regarded as a significant agent of environmental change.
  • They grazed cattle on disafforested surfaces, building small stone huts to accommodate themselves, as well as the cattle they grazed.
  • These forests were largely unaffected by the disafforestations made by Richard I and John, and the communities within them suffered from John's increasingly rigorous imposition of forest law.
  • He argued that afforestation and expansion of forests might therefore even increase climate warming.
  • The earliest record in which this word occurs, so far as I have seen, is in an act of Edward III., quoted by Manwood, and it is there spelt _puraley_; and it relates to the disafforested parts which several preceding kings permitted to be detached from their royal forests. Notes and Queries, Number 185, May 14, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • The afforestation, the beautified environment, the advocation nature, has become the cosmopolis to walk the sustainable road's mutual recognition and the practical action.
  • The number of forests even in the restricted days after the great disafforestations of Edward III was listed at approximately seventy, and the extent of their liberty must once have been greater.
  • Not all silvicultural practices are as extreme and the character of the ground flora will also depend on the land-use prior to afforestation.
  • Environmental monitoring in the catchment assesses fresh water impacts on the survival of juveniles including issues such as afforestation, overgrazing and climate change.
  • re-afforest the area that was burned during the fighting

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