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  1. someone who claims to speak the truth
    a declarer of his intentions
    affirmers of traditional doctrine
    a bold asserter
    an asseverator of strong convictions
    an avower of his own great intelligence

How To Use affirmer In A Sentence

  • Pour notre part, nous pouvons affirmer: le légendaire serpent de mer existe bel et bein ... Archive 2006-09-01
  • Book now for all of these shows and events and join the life affirmers filling the venues.
  • To tell someone that s/he should be obligated to the pursuit of an idealizing end is not to be an affirmer of life but a denier.
  • But if what it overwhelmingly finds is smallness, spiritual squalor, it would seem to be required of the affirmer to intervene and raise the tone of the world.
  • If what it overwhelmingly finds is smallness, spiritual squalor, it would seem to be required of the affirmer to intervene and raise the tone of the world.
  • Il est certain que ces prix sont en fonction des conditions locales (prix des matires premires, de la main d'oeuvre, concurence, etc ...) mais, de faon gnrale, on peut affirmer que le prix de revient des toitures en tuiles fibro ou micro-mortier est nettement moins lev que celui des autres types de couverture (tles galvanises et tuiles en terre cuite pour ne citer que les principales). Chapter 12
  • On ne peut rien affirmer sur des choses qu'on ne connait pas! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Le but de ce groupe est de soutenir les militants de MALI, et de réaffirmer notre attachement à la liberté de culte, il ne s'agit pas d'inciter les gens à ne pas jeuner, chacun fait ce qu'il veut. Global Voices in English » Morocco: Rage Against the Sandwich Continues
  • I treasure your friendship because we are steadfast affirmers of the same belief and that makes us profoundly one.
  • As an affirmer, the teacher appeared to support and encourage student contributions to the classroom discourse.
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