
How To Use Affirmed In A Sentence

  • The statement affirmed the two countries' willingness to maintain their diplomatic, economic and military ties.
  • Galileo was attracted by the implicit contrast between physical propositions that were demonstrated and those that were merely affirmed.
  • He reaffirmed his commitment to the country's economic reform programme.
  • Both Bush and Allawi affirmed on Thursday that elections would be held as promised.
  • Their convictions were reaffirmed by the higher courts and their sentences were similarly upheld. Times, Sunday Times
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  • My position on euthanasia is actually derived from the ancient Greek one; that is, I am generally in favour of allowing it, as long as the person being euthanized is in perfectly sound mental condition, not non compos mentis, and has positively re-affirmed his decision at least three times over the period of at least a suspended period of time to allow for reconsideration (say 15 or 30 days). Matthew Yglesias » Bishops and Abortion
  • The Government also reaffirmed its commitment to introduce a national bowel cancer screening programme, meeting a key demand by campaigners.
  • The West, from Rome to Britain, was called into action; the kings of Poland and Bohemia obeyed the summons of Conrad; and it is affirmed by the Greeks and Latins, that, in the passage of a strait or river, the Byzantine agents, after a tale of nine hundred thousand, desisted from the endless and formidable computation. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • For this, a decentralisation of the initiative is necessary, or in other words, an affirmed self-organisation of the struggle. Anarchist news dot org - Comments
  • They affirmed that existing and emerging regional trading agreements should be consistent with WTO rules and disciplines.
  • On appeal, the Supreme Court affirmed the Lower Court's ruling, but not without some controversy.
  • The opposite of honourable antagonism between men is honourable alliance, typically affirmed in the image and name of the brother.
  • But even then, Carey affirmed with a "howsomdever," and "nevertheless," that if they carried young, and especially a "'possum," (which has more young ones than most other beasts,) he thought they ought to be let alone until their appropriate time. Swallow Barn, or A Sojourn in the Old Dominion. In Two Volumes. Vol. II.
  • The last was the 2000 Durban Declaration, which reaffirmed that H.I.V. was the cause of AIDS.
  • In 1533, the first Henrician Act of Succession had reaffirmed the ruling of the Church of England that she was illegitimate. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • From this topic he transferred his disquisitions to the verb drink, which he affirmed was improperly applied to the taking of coffee, inasmuch as people did not drink, but sip or sipple that liquor; that the genuine meaning of drinking is to quench one's thirst, or commit a debauch by swallowing wine; that the Latin word, which conveyed the same idea, was bibere or potare, and that of the The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • A lower court affirmed the ruling last week, prompting an appeal by the companies involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each colony insures that every elderly member is included in meaningful activities, taking into account their needs, so that the dignity of their lives is affirmed to the very end.
  • The principle of moderation, it is affirmed, is the mathematical expression for rightness.
  • Both the positive and the negative aspects of the Monroe Doctrine were often repeated and reaffirmed in later years.
  • Satan's rebellion arises in no small measure from an over-estimation of the importance of existents and a rejection of those aspects of his relationship with God to be affirmed through belief: the unobservable act of his own creation; and the benevolence of the Son's vicegerent rule, which he takes to be an expression of divine authoritarianism. Feisal G. Mohamed: Evaluating the Post-Secular Return to Belief
  • In July 1969, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court's judgment that positive assessments of S.n. Goldwater's mental dispositions were left out in the magazine's highly selective (misleading and dishonest) excerptings of purported expert analyses. The Orange County Register - News Headlines : News
  • A lower court affirmed the ruling last week, prompting an appeal by the companies involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ministry affirmed that the visit had been postponed.
  • My book argues for pluralism in which classical absolute claims are upheld but their limits are affirmed.
  • In a subsequent appeal to the House of Lords, the Court of Appeal's decision was affirmed.
  • It is affirmed that the aumils and renters exact from the proprietors of the actual harvest a large increase in kind on their stipulated rent: that is, from those who hold their _pottah_ by the tenure of paying _one half_ of the produce of their crops, either _the whole_ without subterfuge, or a _large_ proportion of it by a _false measurement_ or other pretexts; and from those whose engagements are for The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 08 (of 12)
  • He reaffirmed his commitment to the country's economic reform programme.
  • It was hard, but it was good because it reaffirmed my commitment to simplifying our lives, to making this enormous move, to making a real change.
  • By 1996, all member states had affirmed their support to the adoption of national legislation or other suitable measures to give effect to the principles of the code.
  • The government yesterday reaffirmed its commitment to the current peace process.
  • The divine judgment is unexpected, kenotic, eschatological, and apophatically affirmed and denied.
  • I doubt the drafters of the document would have "emphasised" the preamble if they had not thought it worthy to be "affirmed". John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • The wording of the subsection was virtually identical to the comparable wording in the 1875 Act and by re-enacting the old wording Parliament is presumed to have affirmed the decision in Parlby.
  • This is not barely affirmed, concerning these primitive Christians, but spoken of them as their high praise and encomium; as being a discovery of the refinedness, excellency, and greatness of their spirits, who could so far lift up themselves above sense and sensible things, as to place their highest and most vigorous love upon an unseen Object. The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
  • Their say-no-to-drugs mantra affirmed that New York at least has an inexhaustible supply of high energy.
  • The Republican administrations of 1921-33 publicly reaffirmed their commitment to neutrality, repudiating the League in favor of a policy of commercial expansion and political nonintervention.
  • It might be safely affirmed that almost all occupations more or less affect the health.
  • The Supreme Court has affirmed the lower court's ruling.
  • This wide discretion of the chief constable to keep the peace was affirmed by the House of Lords.
  • I do not accept the charge of apostasy, because I have never in my adult life affirmed any belief, and what one has not affirmed one cannot be said to have apostasized from.
  • "We must ensure that we do not let this unprecedented moment in time go unutilized for the dream of a strong, robust and prosperous India", affirmed the President.
  • Last season top-flight sides reaffirmed their commitment to the campaign and there are no plans to change that. The Sun
  • Their convictions were reaffirmed by the higher courts and their sentences were similarly upheld. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the anti-Byelorussian propaganda from certain media, the neutral election observers have affirmed the vote was free and fair. Belarus: That's enough democracy | Editorial
  • While meeting with the journalists, Ajar declined to comment on Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's recent remarks on Israel and instead reaffirmed Ataturk's peaceful legacy and talked about the safety in Antalya, which is the Israeli tourist's favorite travel destination in Turkey. Vos Iz Neias - (Yiddish:What's News?)
  • The lights go down, the audience hushes, and very quickly the few details that I had previously known of the film were all affirmed.
  • Not only was its debt position clarified, its comfort with its financial position was reaffirmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government yesterday reaffirmed its commitment to the current peace process.
  • Papal teaching had also affirmed the licitness of using anovulants (birth control pills) to regulate the menstrual cycle so that conception might be avoided more successfully by couples practicing the rhythm method of contraception.
  • In practical terms, we have reaffirmed our commitment to build the Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers; the future fast-jet fleet will comprise the more capable Joint Strike Fighter and Typhoon; we will develop multirole brigades to be able to conduct the full range of tasks with our ground forces; and we will be capable of deploying a modernized all-arms force into the field up to 30,000 strong. The British Lion Will Continue to Retain His Claws
  • The morrow following, some of the poor in hope of spoil, and some of Dundee to consider what was done, passed up to the said Abbey of Scone; whereat the Bishop's servants offended began to threaten and speak proudly, and as it was constantly affirmed one of the Bishop's sons stogged through with a rapier one of Dundee because he was looking in at the girnel door. Royal Edinburgh Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets
  • _They had heard all the arguments calling its existence in question_ which Lord Denman, Lord Cottenham, and Lord Campbell had heard; they were _in the daily and hourly administration of that branch of the law with reference to which the question arose_; they took ample time to consider the matter, and deliberately affirmed the existence of the rule, and the valid grounds on which it rested. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 349, November, 1844
  • The court of appeals upheld all except the spousal-consent requirement, a judgment affirmed by the Court.
  • Another man -- for the sake of human nature we would fain wish him to be the same -- affirmed that unaided he had "despatched" eighty Huguenots in one day. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 10
  • All further ideas about it, such as the oneness or manyness of the spiritual substance on which it is based, are therefore void of intelligible meaning; and propositions touching such ideas may be indifferently affirmed or denied. The Varieties of Religious Experience
  • The quantity of saliva may also be increased beyond what is natural, by the catenation of the motions of these glands with other motions, or sensations, as by an extraneous body in the ear; of which I have known an instance; or by the application of stizolobium, siliqua hirsuta, cowhage, to the seat of the parotis, as some writers have affirmed. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • I adored the food and felt a connection, but it also reaffirmed that my home and heart are in London. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nonetheless, in 1910 the synod of the diocese reaffirmed their commitment to completing St. Alban's.
  • A mosque is intended as a void: all paths lead to emptiness, reality is affirmed through its negation.
  • Kennedy attempted to ameliorate Southern Baptist opposition to his candidacy with his speech to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association where he reaffirmed his belief in the separation of church and state and pledged that no religious group in other words, the Catholic Church would receive government funds or political preference should he win the presidency. Neil J. Young: Evangelical Good News For Romney?
  • He was careful to proclaim his allegiance to President Karzai, and affirmed that he would send more money to the center if they needed it.
  • Scripture was vetted and canonized, and a creed adopted and reaffirmed against those who would challenge, alter, or undermine it.
  • The witness disaffirmed her former testimony.
  • Tiffin Girls' School reaffirmed its position as the borough's best with more than half of all exams sat resulting in the highest A * grade.
  • The President reaffirmed his commitment to democratic elections.
  • The government has affirmed its commitment to equal rights.
  • The rights to information and travel are restated and reaffirmed in the proposal and no court will be able to restrict the rights of any woman to travel abroad.
  • I adored the food and felt a connection, but it also reaffirmed that my home and heart are in London. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had not been well for some time before, but whether he really felt as indisposed on this occasion as he affirmed is open to doubt. My Three Years in Manipur and Escape from the Recent Mutiny
  • The next day, she released a statement to the media that reaffirmed her testimony.
  • A lower court affirmed the ruling last week, prompting an appeal by the companies involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • The general affirmed rumors of an attack.
  • The difficulty for the applicant is that he has been unable to point to any errors of law in the judgment of the federal magistrate or, indeed, in the judgment of the Justice, which affirmed the federal magistrate's decisions.
  • The committee members affirmed their support in a letter organized over the last 24 hours by Maryland committeewoman Joyce Terhes and California GOP chairman Ron Nehring in response to calls for Steele to step down. Steele looks safe as more RNC members voice support
  • It was followed by an explosively dazzling Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No 11, which affirmed her purposeful and communicative pianism.
  • Constantius at first supported these homoiousians but soon transferred his support to the homoousians, led by Acacius, who affirmed that the Son was ‘like’ the Father.
  • He affirmed that the juries were the most singularly obtuse and obstinate bodies he had ever encountered; and that the courts were, beyond all question, the most incurably opinionated tribunals that ever were formed. Swallow Barn, or A Sojourn in the Old Dominion. In Two Volumes. Vol. I.
  • Hence, Plato introduces Socrates as observing that "the sages who introduced the Teletæ had positively affirmed that whatever soul should arrive in the infernal mansions _unhouselled_ and _unannealed_ should lie there immersed in mire and filth. Mysticism and its Results Being an Inquiry into the Uses and Abuses of Secrecy
  • She then affirmed publicly her respect for the communal authorities.
  • On campus they have affirmed the equality of women, invited lay people to peer and team ministry, accepted homosexuals and allowed them to have their own voice.
  • Australia reaffirmed its international reputation as a friendly country.
  • And they that hated him affirmed the same, and all they together cried that he had right nobly tourneyed, and some went to him and said that he had taken them. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • Eeles, are (say some) diversly bred; as namely, out of the corruption of the earth, and by dew, and other wayes (as I have said to you:) and yet it is affirmed by some, that for a certain, the Silver – Eele breeds by generation, but not by The Compleat Angler
  • The court of appeals upheld all except the spousal-consent requirement, a judgment affirmed by the Court.
  • It (the vote) has reaffirmed what all patriotic South Africans have maintained: that local is lekker," said spokesman Moferefere ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Many persons affirmed that the history and elucidation of the facts, long so mysterious, had been obtained by the daguerreotypist from one of those mesmerical seers who, nowadays, so strangely perplex the aspect of human affairs, and put everybody's natural vision to the blush, by the marvels which they see with their eyes shut. The House of the Seven Gables
  • Also having that call affirmed through several rounds of discernment, in my congregation, and then at seminary and then in the diocese. Mpho Tutu: Her Faith, Her Ministry And Her Father
  • ‘To a certain degree, that is correct,’ the Commander affirmed yet disaffirmed simultaneously.
  • In 381, the Council of Constantinople reaffirmed the credo of Nicaea and condemned the semi-Arians, the homoiousians.
  • He insisted that he had acted within the Constitution and reaffirmed his commitment to multiparty democracy.
  • She affirmed her intention to apply for the post.
  • A spokesman for the company affirmed that a merger was likely.
  • The slanderer was a Mr. Prendergast, who affirmed that Dr. Carey's conduct had changed so much for the worse since the departure of Lord Life of William Carey
  • It might be safely affirmed that almost all occupations more or less affect the health.
  • On appeal, the Supreme Court affirmed the Lower Court's ruling, but not without some controversy.
  • In Korematsu, the Supreme Court affirmed the constitutionality of forcible evacuation; however, on the very same day, in Endo, the Court held indefinite detention to be illegal. Is That Legal?: Japanese American internment Archives
  • Article 14 of the 1992 UNFCCC negotiated in New York and Rio de Janeiro, which is reaffirmed in Article 19 of the Kyoto Protocol, states: Ken Cloke: The Copenhagen Climate Change Conference: What You Can Do
  • If one were to merely list what is affirmed by Cooley, there would be a long list.
  • Dougal underwent another and very close examination, in which he steadfastly asserted the truth of what he had before affirmed; and being rebuked on account of the suspicious and dangerous appearance of the route by which he was guiding them, he answered with a sort of testiness that seemed very natural, “Her nainsell didna mak ta road; an shentlemans likit grand roads, she suld hae pided at Glasco.” Rob Roy
  • At yesterday's bilateral meeting between President Yeltsin and President Clinton, President Yeltsin in the strongest terms affirmed that it was in Russia's national interest not to have its high tech products diverted to countries which -- including Iran -- are trying to develop weapons of mass destruction. Background Briefing On The Eu Meeting
  • Their place in the pop tradition is I think affirmed, as is the fact that they were great songwriters, unlike many of their gobby peers.
  • The opposite of honourable antagonism between men is honourable alliance, typically affirmed in the image and name of the brother.
  • In addition to predicate denial, in which a predicate F is denied of a subject a, Aristotelian logic allows for narrow-scope predicate term negation, in which a negative predicate not-F is affirmed of a. The relation of predicate denial and predicate term negation to a simple affirmative proposition can be schematized on a generalized square of opposition Contradiction
  • The Council of Ministers' meeting reaffirmed the commitment to achieve long-term harmonisation based on these policies.
  • More than one gold-rusher, shooting keen glances at her ankles and gray-gaitered calves, affirmed Del CHAPTER I
  • His presence or absence is in belief or unbelief, and each of the two, once acquired, will necessarily be affirmed by all observations.
  • The Hamdi plurality in turn reaffirmed this limitation on the reach of Milligan, emphasizing that Quirin, a unanimous opinion, “both postdates and clarifies Milligan.” The Volokh Conspiracy » John Yoo’s Appeal
  • It was the realisation of much which I have affirmed all my life, and steadfastly believed as well, but only with what might be called a notional assent, as the blind man might believe that light is sweet, or one who had never experienced pain might believe it was something from which the senses shrink. Cecilia de Noël
  • Later, this curse was reaffirmed when Isaac blessed Jacob, and once more when Balaam pronounced a prophetic blessing on Israel as a nation.
  • This place is a dump," affirmed Miss T.
  • A federal appeals court affirmed the district court's ruling. Christianity Today
  • The decree reaffirmed central banking control pending the conclusion of a new union treaty.
  • This relationship has recently been reaffirmed and reinterpreted to provide for greater logistical support to U.S. forces operating in the area.
  • It is not so much that its resistances are actually to be understood as complicities, but that it unequivocally takes its complicities as the social and moral ideals, usually affirmed by Mr. Knightley, as the measure against which all other behavior is to be judged. Box Hill and the Limits of Realism
  • The appeals-court panel yesterday affirmed that presidents enjoy total immunity only from suits concerning their official actions.
  • Taking the theory of evolution as a basis, Comte affirmed that the fundamental law of history was that of historic filiation, that is, the Law of the Three States. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • It supported the proposal to foster more regeneration - provided it allows for sensitive re-use of historic buildings - but affirmed its support for locally distinctive new developments.
  • In broadcasting - not a priority issue for the General - the state monopoly of both transmissions and programming was reaffirmed.
  • The old values of community are reaffirmed while progress is forever the bogeyman.
  • She affirmed her intention to apply for the post.
  • It would have been immobilism reaffirmed - the status quo with lipstick. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nonetheless, in 1910 the synod of the diocese reaffirmed their commitment to completing St. Alban's.
  • It was the religion of Truth, not Hinduism, that every satyagrahi affirmed.
  • The vendor has publicly affirmed that it will continue to support and promote the product.
  • The pope’s right to appoint the senator and the conservator is implied, rather than affirmed, in the statutes.] The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • -- To this question asked in the former half of 17 (anvayâd iti/k/et) the latter half replies, 'Still it denotes the Self, owing to the affirmatory statement,' i.e. the fact of the highest Self having been affirmed in a previous passage also, viz. II, 1, 'From that Self sprang ether.' The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Sankaracarya Sacred Books of the East, Volume 1
  • The highest court in the land has affirmed the rights of Metis people in regards to hunting and fishing.
  • The new citizens promised to uphold British values and either affirmed or swore to ‘be faithful to Her Majesty, her heirs and successors according to law’.
  • In this way, he publicly affirmed his restored links with the left-wing, experts said.
  • On the contrary, it affirmed the principle that the onus of proving causation lies on the pursuer or plaintiff.
  • Prevailing Aristotelian philosophy also affirmed a fundamental division between two regions in the cosmos.
  • It affirmed what Stanley calls ‘the ontology of objective nature’ at the expense of a worldview sublating nature to Spirit.
  • Schelling, for example, affirmed evil's reality as a principle of darkness manifesting in the grandiose exaltation of self-will. Robert D. Stolorow: The Meaning and the Rhetoric of Evil: Auschwitz and Bin Laden
  • The party reaffirmed its commitment to nuclear disarmament.
  • Some jurisconsults, indeed, have wisely held that the contumacious person ought not to be condemned unless the crime were clearly established; but other lawyers have been of a contrary opinion: they have boldly affirmed that the flight of the accused was a proof of the crime; that the contempt which he showed for justice, by refusing to appear, merited the same chastisement as would have followed his conviction. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • This report, while not claiming the need for a new confession of faith, affirmed the 1963 statement and upheld the Peace Committee report, including the Glorieta Statement.
  • Convicted killer Lister Jack yesterday had his 25-year jail term affirmed by the Court of Appeal. TrinidadExpress Today's News
  • The Supreme Court in 1960 reaffirmed the federal position on interposition and discounted the legal significance of massive resistance as a tactic.
  • We have reaffirmed our commitment to Canadian aid.
  • She must have been for a long time out of her wits; some said she had been born so, others maintained that the roof had fallen right upon her head and injured her brain; others again affirmed that the marriage of her only daughter with the hangman was the cause of her mental aberration. The Day of Wrath
  • That this is Justice White's position is clearly affirmed by Justice John Paul Stevens' comments on Justice White's dissent.
  • A lower court affirmed the ruling last week, prompting an appeal by the companies involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • October 11th, 2009 at 3: 12 pm it seems to me that the Y [oung] E [arth] C [reationist]/Flood position is worth consideration if you really want to honor the text of the Tanakh and of the New Testament writers (including Jesus, who affirmed the reality of Noah's Flood and of Adam's and Eve's being at "the beginning"). Alternative to Dembski's Theodicy?
  • It also reduced the long-term counterparty credit rating on National City's bank subsidiary one notch to A and affirmed its short-term counterparty credit rating on the bank subsidiary at A-1. S&P Cuts Ratings
  • She affirmed that all was well.
  • The government reaffirmed its commitment to the peace process.
  • The April and July elections reaffirmed the strength of moderate Islam in Indonesia.
  • Information published in a New York Timesarticle by Michelle York, June 21, 2006 affirmed that "The President of Alfred State College whose leadership was the focus of a rare, three-month investigation by state education officials last year …" It would appear that the New York Times article (and later The Chronicle of Higher Education) used the term investigation erroneously. An Investigative Report on Cyber-stalking at Alfred State College, New York
  • The courts affirmed this limited and narrow understanding until the New Deal, when Congress began to regulate harum-scarum and the Supreme Court inflated the clause into a general license for anything a majority happened to favor. The Constitutional Moment
  • In London, in the presence of six Muslim scholars, he affirmed his belief in ‘the oneness of God and the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad’.
  • He affirmed that he had performed a magical ceremony, termed tine egan, by which he evoked a fiend, from whom he extorted a confession that Conachar, now called Eachin, or Hector, MacIan, was the only man in the approaching combat between the two hostile clans who should come off without blood or blemish. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • As a matter of fact, sex is affirmed by sociologists as a source of pleasure and shared intimacy between husband and wife.
  • And Australia affirmed its long - time security alliance with Washington - a counterweight to China's growing might.
  • Every now and then, my belief in the gods of fate is reaffirmed.
  • The Council reaffirmed the sanctity of the seven sacraments, transubstantiation, purgatory, and papal authority.
  • Last season top-flight sides reaffirmed their commitment to the campaign and there are no plans to change that. The Sun
  • Ecclesiastical Polity," Book I., had affirmed the sovereignty or legislative power of the people as the ultimate authority, and had also declared for an original social contract, "all public regiment of what kind soever seemeth evidently to have risen from deliberate advice, consultation, and composition between men, judging it convenient and behoveful. The Rise of the Democracy
  • He reaffirmed that he was wholly responsible for the confusion.
  • The party reaffirmed its commitment to replacing council tax with a local income tax. Times, Sunday Times
  • He insisted that he had acted within the Constitution and reaffirmed his commitment to multiparty democracy.
  • Cherry Blossom in horrible pidgin English affirmed that all was well, all was happiness and delight and bliss in the realm beyond. Galusha the Magnificent
  • His signature routine, which he lovingly reworked for years (and through frequent arrests) was "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television" (you can find it on 1972's platinum album Class Clown, or watch a 1978 update), a radio broadcast of which brought his work to the attention the Supreme Court, which in FCC v. Pacifica Foundation (1978) affirmed the government's right to say "earmuffs" to New York radio listeners. An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • OUTCOME: Judgment affirming the denial of appellant corporation's motion to dismiss an order and notice of assessment of delinquent contributions entered by appellee state was affirmed.
  • He affirmed the claims of justice, even if he had transgressed against them.
  • A lower court affirmed the ruling last week, prompting an appeal by the companies involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • The House of Lords affirmed that the terms of a contract cannot be rewritten retrospectively.
  • But it cannot be affirmed how having a female president or a woman lok sabha speaker has improved the status of women in India. WSJIDEBATE: Is the Women's Reservation Bill Good for India?
  • A federal appeals court affirmed the district court's ruling. Christianity Today
  • Triple Crown winner Affirmed, who recently underwent surgery to repair a chronic ligament injury in his left front pastern, returned home to Jonabell Farm near Lexington on Thursday.
  • But if we take the task of analyzing terms to be that of making explicit and systematizing the platitudes employing that term affirmed by masterful users of that term (Smith 1994, pp. 29-32), and we note that many thoughtful Jews and Christians who otherwise appear to be masterful users of the language of moral obligation have rejected, either explicitly or implicitly, the notion that an act is obligatory if and only if it has been commanded by God, then we would have some reason to doubt whether the analysis formulation of theological voluntarism is defensible. Theological Voluntarism
  • In the late Seventies and Eighties the production of westerns declined to the point that several critics affirmed the death of the genre.
  • The decree reaffirmed central banking control pending the conclusion of a new union treaty.
  • The appeals-court panel yesterday affirmed that presidents enjoy total immunity only from suits concerning their official actions.
  • Becoming Criminal, calls "transversal territory" insofar as they strive to "transcen [d], fractur [e], or displac [e] the constantly affirmed world of subjective territory" (19). [ 'Pleasure is now, and ought to be, your business': Stealing Sexuality in Jane Austen's _Juvenilia_
  • The requirement for community consent to ordinances was affirmed, but delegated to the Common Council.
  • First, her identity as a knight is determined by her relation to Amoret, which has been secured by her martial victory over her rival and affirmed by the court's seneschal.
  • Mannkind on Friday affirmed its commitment to its inhaler, which is in Phase III studies and which the company expects to submit for Food and Drug Administration approval by the end of the year. Eli Lilly Drops Inhalable-Insulin Product
  • He reaffirmed the government's commitment to its programme to return the country to democratic civilian rule on schedule in 1992.
  • The Court of Appeal affirmed the existence of an implied duty not to prepare to compete and gave judgment for the plaintiffs.
  • ‘President Clinton reaffirmed his commitment to push the Palestinian track forward,’ he said.
  • After the convictions were affirmed on appeal, the defendant requested and obtained delays in the issuance of the mittimus in each case.
  • Dr. Griffin raided NASA's non human exploration programs because he felt his first priority was to fulfill VSE since it was a policy affirmed by the President. Augustine Committee Meets at MSFC Today - NASA Watch
  • In the gallery, the two bodies of untitled works affirmed the blurred boundary between genres through their adjacency.
  • Our association with the swamis under him has helped our organization grow and has reaffirmed our dedication to Hindu dharma.
  • The Church Fathers of the first three centuries affirmed that all of the natural world was essentially and equally good.
  • Judgment in favor of patentee respecting validity issues was affirmed on interlocutory appeal, in suit against the parent.
  • Xenocles affirmed, that ripe fruit had usually a pleasing, vellicating sapor, and thereby provoked the appetite better than sauces or sweetmeats; for sick men of a vitiated stomach usually recover it by eating fruit. Symposiacs
  • The porteress that let him in, and afterwards seeing him at the fire, first put the question to him; and then positively affirmed that he was with Christ. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
  • He affirmed that if the empire of the true faith could be established by no other means, a circumstance which he assumed it was sufficiently apparent to all understandings could not be done, he pronounced it the duty of young and old, the weak and the strong, to unite in assisting to visit the former possessors of the country with what he termed the wrath of an offended The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish
  • “Today, the Supreme Court once again affirmed the validity of the rules under which this recount was conducted,” Mr. Elias said. Minnesota Board Certifies Franken Win - The Caucus Blog -
  • In the last letter, I had suggested you to reach my place by post-haste but you neither affirmed the proposal nor rejected it.
  • Yet during the past week's uncertainties, many voters have also reaffirmed their desire for strong government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Canadian miners whose proposed merger is under pressure from hostile takeover bids, reaffirmed their support for their planned union. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rome's supremacy in metalwork had already been affirmed when the conventual church's lavish new high altar was installed in 1686.
  • The government yesterday reaffirmed its commitment to the current peace process.
  • The witness disaffirmed her former testimony.
  • While she affirmed learning across social classes, Jane Addams was a critic of higher education.
  • He affirmed that he had performed a magical ceremony, termed tine egan, by which he evoked a fiend, from whom he extorted a confession that The Fair Maid of Perth St. Valentine's Day
  • The Court of Appeal affirmed the existence of an implied duty not to prepare to compete and gave judgment for the plaintiffs.

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