How To Use Affirmation In A Sentence

  • Until you awaken this feeling, you should not expect the affirmation to work.
  • By using an affirmation, you are attempting to shift yourself so that you can do or be something even though your mind doesn't accept it yet.
  • He was a strong supporter of the doctrine of papal infallibility and he drew up a postulatum in which he favoured a definition by implication in preference to an explicit affirmation of the dogma. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The budget should reflect policy priorities of social needs cluster departments as a re-affirmation of government's strategic focus on developing the poor and underdeveloped communities.
  • The divergence relationship among ursine bears was not resolved with any of the molecular data sets with the exception of the affirmation of the close affinity of the brown bear and the polar bear.
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  • The girl was silent for a moment, then she nodded, grunting in affirmation.
  • Some protest that this affirmation comes at a cost: you cannot receive it unless you first abase yourself as a hopeless and helpless sinner in need of redemption.
  • The equivocation of its affirmation - if affirmation it be - is first among the defects that ought to disqualify this proposal.
  • Leigh nodded in affirmation and made his way back to the car.
  • New citizens make an oath of allegiance or affirmation and a pledge to respect the rights, freedoms and laws of the UK. Times, Sunday Times
  • After his condemnation, all those who drew back from the most robust affirmations of Christ's full divinity tended to be branded Arians by their opponents.
  • And they need the affirmation from relationships with parents and other adults.
  • As for slavery, I am not sure that a 'literalist' reading of the Bible does lead to affirmation of slavery. Blair on 'doing God'
  • All three elements of perjury [1). belief in falsity, 2). under oath, affirmation or penalty of perjury, and 3). materiality] are matters for a jury to determine. The Volokh Conspiracy » Not the Best Way to Inspire Confidence
  • Friends usually do have something to gain from each other, be it companionship or affirmation of existence.
  • The most difficult young people are often the most damaged young people, the most in need of affirmation and support and love.
  • This question, divested of the phraseology calculated to represent me as struggling for an arbitrary personal prerogative, is either simply a question who shall decide, or an affirmation that nobody shall decide, what the public safety does require, in cases of Rebellion of Invasion. Balkinization
  • The officers nodded in affirmation and pulled out their guns.
  • The affirmation of a proposition is not itself a proposition; it is the determination of an empirical fact, viz., the fulfillment of the intention expressed by the proposition.
  • I guess I need to make some sort of affirmation to myself.
  • Their observation affords both entertainment and an affirmation of their superior restraint and breeding.
  • The actors are uglier, and they swear more, but I still maintain that the Milch-speak of NYPD was more creative, and the 11-year redemption of Andy Sipowicz is a glorious affirmation of hope and positivity which is actually more “realistic” than the acceptance of despair in The Wire, The Shield, and other “gritty, realistic” TV dramas. Mentalist « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • It seems you have a huge need for affirmation through others, so perhaps that? Times, Sunday Times
  • Any theological reflection on human work and social praxis ought to be rooted in this fundamental affirmation.
  • The apophatic dimension is well taken, but what I missed here was affirmation of what is actually given in the apostolic faith and discussion of the limits of diversity.
  • _substantially_ correct, she neither declared nor implied that they were not taught in a manner absolutely correct, but ... as all who believe that they are set forth in a manner _absolutely correct_, believe, necessarily, that they are taught in a manner _substantially_ correct; for that which is absolute embraces that which is substantial and something more; she simply makes an affirmation, so far as two classes American Lutheranism Volume 2: The United Lutheran Church (General Synod, General Council, United Synod in the South)
  • That flowering differentiation which is called individuation was begun in the affirmation of a denial -- the affirmation of the rights of the single over the many and the denial of the power of environment. "Emerson the Individualist"
  • I am not surprised that these conservatives would be excited and thrilled to see a re-affirmation of their authoritarianism and bigotry.
  • Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul; unbelief, in denying them.
  • Go with the to and fro flow through the rhythms of urbanity, through the too-human rhythms of love and loss, through the rhythms of responsible affirmation or negation.
  • I nod in affirmation, holding my breath, expecting the world to wobble off of its axis for a second because of the profoundness of what I have just admitted.
  • In the current climate, equivocating messages of affirmation are overpowered by the religious rhetoric of hatred. Bishop Gene Robinson: How Religion Is Killing Our Most Vulnerable Youth
  • But it's also that affirmation of life. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the face resting against his fist, the apparition assumes the pose of melancholy - an affirmation of how the artistic temperament is born from overcoming tribulation and suffering.
  • Protestant theologian Paul Tillich talks about our affirmation of life and faith as an act of courage in the perpetual face of "nonbeing. Lynn Casteel Harper: Aging with Courage: The Beginning of a Living Faith
  • But the orienting theme throughout the Mosaic canon is life and its blessings, the affirmation of personhood.
  • Reaffirmation of values and morality can lead to a return to an ethical profession.
  • He has so entirely established himself in that ideal that he no longer needs strivingly to assert it, -- any more than Nature needs to pin upon oak-trees an affirmation that the idea of an oak dwells in her formative thought. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 77, March, 1864
  • To “prime” the mind to function in this way, it is helpful to study such subjects as metaphysics, self-hypnosis also known as autosuggestion, the psychic sciences, and positive affirmation. CREATE YOUR OWN FUTURE
  • Stay-at-home pops like me enthusiastically welcome this affirmation; it validates the decision to let our salaried lives fall by the wayside in favor of raising our kids.
  • The problem occurs when we demand affirmation regardless of whether it's called for.
  • Because, in a few words, the dispute between Russia and Georgia for domination in South Ossetia and Abkhazia wasn't virginal generation - actually, it was born as a result of Kosovo's independence, as another one affirmation of the incontrollable consequences that prejudiced support of independence movements can have. Opening Pandora's box of national sovereignty?
  • The SCOTUS has discretionary power to take a case so a denial of certiorari is an implicit affirmation of the lower court rulings. Think Progress » Tea Party sign threatens gun violence if health care passes.
  • Sure certain and affirmation, I already fell in love with you.
  • After hundreds of pages grappling with such subjects as statistical regression analysis of melody and scientific studies of toddlers 'capacity for recognizing harmony, his plea is a bold and welcome affirmation of the mystery that music still poses for us. Hear It, Feel It
  • While the penultimate anti-whaling lament, The Last Leviathan, proves somewhat lugubrious, the album closes on a note of affirmation with the simple but affecting love song Running Home.
  • Balfour deconstructs Coleridge's affirmation of the symbol and symbolic politics by pointing to the allegorical style of his political rhetoric.
  • Anderson intersperses her recollection of treatment and recovery with Bible passages and affirmations.
  • The view of disaffirmation of the codification of administrative law is ungrounded theoretically and practically.
  • Give them lots of positive affirmation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Conor Houlihan, a partner with Dillon Eustace law firm in Dublin, said the ruling is an important affirmation of the manner in which NAMA has conducted its business to date. Irish Court Rules Against Developer
  • I have shaped the structure of these reflections in accord with the creedal affirmation and the five promises made by those who wish to renew their commitment to Christ in the baptismal covenant.
  • Maybe there’s a fake doctor in the house who can conject an affirmation of your grandma’s cure … Think Progress » Palin aide refuses to criticize Limbaugh by name when calling his ‘retard’ comments ‘crude and demeaning.’
  • Trying to bring her own emotions back under control, she nodded her head in affirmation.
  • He loves the limelight, craves the attention, the affirmation he still has something meaningful to contribute. The Sun
  • The emphatic affirmation of a supermundane, spiritual order of reality and the equally emphatic assertion of the caducity of things material fitted in with the essentially Christian contention that spiritual interests are supreme. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • It's really a great affirmation to get that level of feedback on a person-to-person basis.
  • The document has not been cast as a statement under oath or as a solemn affirmation or made in a similar manner as to bind the conscience of the author of the document.
  • Are you prepared to take the oath, or will you make an affirmation?
  • A single nod implies an affirmation.
  • Amplification, then, is a kind of graver affirmation, which by exciting feelings in the mind conciliates belief to one's assertion. The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
  • And on the lame "Bushleaguer," he takes some swipes at the president, then tosses off some spoken-word poetry that recalls Jim Morrison at his drunkest, flabbiest and closest to death: "The immenseness of suffering/And the odd negotiation, a rarity/With onionskin plausibility of life and a keyboard reaffirmation. We've Heard Vedder
  • They look within themselves for inspiration and require only self-affirmation to become a productive member of a team.
  • There could never be presented a subject less calculated to be wound up with a rhetorical flourish or to close in pompous affirmation than that which I have so temerariously brought before you this afternoon. Some Diversions of a Man of Letters
  • He loves the limelight, craves the attention, the affirmation he still has something meaningful to contribute. The Sun
  • Their delivery into the world will be a defiant affirmation of life in this remote and barren desert. Times, Sunday Times
  • Affirmation depends on negation: white is valued at the expense of black; youth acquires status through the devaluation of ageing.
  • It is important to realize that the head should go forward in relation to the spine - as though nodding the head in affirmation.
  • It was an unnecessary interjection but Kemp gave her a polite affirmation. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • The hungry chorus of affirmation as Alexey appears to have beaten the casino and the system is sung to a kind of robotically synchronised Charleston, a fleeting moment of euphoria before the inevitable crash. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Similarly, the financial bubble, piling credit on top of credit, got rich on self-affirmation.
  • What may be especially worth noting are those affirmations that give special character to his everyday life inquiries.
  • In support of his affirmation that preference claims can be rationally compared, he articulates the role of flexibility and corrigibility in decisions concerning technology control.
  • Likewise the affirmations that are created out of the everyday events can come back into it as contributions.
  • Stay-at-home Pops like me enthusiastically welcome this affirmation; it validates the decision to let our salaried lives fall by the wayside in favor of raising our kids.
  • Consider how Cecelia Capture's rise from reservation poverty and the status of welfare mother to successful law student reads on the surface like an affirmation of classic American bootstrap values.
  • The mind would then only tend to the affirmation of the sole motion of a semicircle, which is not contained in the conception of a semicircle, and does not arise from the conception of any cause capable of producing such motion. On the Improvement of the Understanding
  • Again and again she repeated that she was a "good girl" as if she needed the affirmation.
  • This affirmation publicly proclaims to the church that you and the youth pastor are a team. Christianity Today
  • At the time of the karmic tendency for a result – equivalent to the time of the “not-yet-happening of the result” – the “result, which has not yet happened” is an existent, valid, affirmation phenomenon, which means that it can be validly cognized now. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part Four: Valid Cognition of the Past, Present, and Future
  • Existents include affirmation phenomena (sgrub-pa, affirmingly known phenomenon, affirmation) and negation phenomena (dgag-pa, negatingly known phenomenon, negation, refutation). Affirmations, Negations, and Denumerable and Nondenumerable Ultimate Phenomena
  • His last words to me were endearments and affirmations of how much I meant to him and how important it was for me to be in his life.
  • This also makes them ideal for artists or art students seeking inspiration or affirmation.
  • Take 20 minutes a day to exfoliate, moisturise, and listen to a meditation CD for positive affirmation.
  • Readers will experience the love and reverence Walter Mosley has crafted into this encouragement affirmation of all humanity.
  • Each person is seen as trapped within his or her own private bubble, in constant need of affirmation and recognition.
  • Are their early waspish criticisms insincere and their later affirmations the real deal, or are the affirmations the fakery and the waspishness the genuine thing?
  • The ‘faith’ is not simply a set of doctrinal propositions, creedal affirmations, and moral codes.
  • This affirmation publicly proclaims to the church that you and the youth pastor are a team. Christianity Today
  • Within a few months she was able to resume her normal life with new coping skills and a greater sense of self-affirmation.
  • That understanding which is peculiar to man is the understanding not only his will, but his conceptions and thoughts, by the sequel and contexture of the names of things into affirmations, negations, and other forms of speech: and of this kind of understanding I shall speak hereafter. Leviathan
  • Saying someone is religious is heard in most of America as a compliment, a reassuring affirmation that someone will be moral, ethical, and after a few glasses of wine, a freak in the bedroom. Bill Maher 
  • If a future, more liberal CLS leadership decided to allow voting members to promote or engage in premarital or homosexual intercourse, they would obviously regain official status because they will have adopted the school's preferred belief: the affirmation of homosexual practice. The Founders wouldn't back Hastings College
  • Exposing students to old tribal masks is an affirmation of a living artistic path to which children continue to discover contemporary extensions.
  • Although in this book Newton affects a kind of axiomatic presentation beginning with definitions and axioms, and enunciating a series of propositions, the procedures are really analytic in his sense, as he tells us they are: the propositions are not abstract mathematical statements, but affirmations of physical or experimental fact, and they are justified, not by mathematical deduction, but by what he calls Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • As her correspondence indicates, Hurston consulted with Boas frequently, seeking his advice and affirmation.
  • This gesture of taking the son hostage, the better to placidly kill the mother, this calm affirmation, in the face of the world, of a crime of filiation that extends an imaginary guilt to an entire family is well worth recalling a few ambassadors (to France, Spain, Italy, even to the United States). Bernard-Henri Lévy: After Sakineh, Her Son
  • In today's baptismal service, all who are present are invited to participate in the creedal affirmation of faith.
  • As others have pointed out, affirmation of the consequent is a seductive and insidious error. Daniel Dennett: Intelligent design? Show me the science - The Panda's Thumb
  • Allegedly, annunciate is stuck tide is like reputably after going out, get the affirmation of star association.
  • They both nodded in affirmation, evidently satisfied.
  • This source of motivation tends to be externally based when the student is primarily other-directed and seeking affirmation of traits, competencies, and values.
  • Although the androids possess fleshly bodies that are animated with passions and affections that their human counterparts do not appear to have, there is a constant reaffirmation through language that they are not alive.
  • An affirmation phenomenon (sgrub-pa, affirmingly known phenomenon) is a validly knowable phenomenon that is apprehended in a manner in which an object to be negated (dgag-bya) is not explicitly precluded, cut off, dismissed, or rejected by the sounds that express the phenomenon. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part One: Temporally Related Phenomena
  • Thus all affirmations about God fall short, and only negations about God are really true: God is invisible, ineffable, beyond our names, beyond our words.
  • Repeat some positive affirmations that help you feel present, peaceful, and empowered.
  • Even Orbuch was surprised to find that men need what she calls affective affirmations - compliments, reassurances and other positive feedback - from their spouses more than women do from their husbands.
  • But I want the human touch, the human affirmation, the human truth of real love.
  • The bill updates and modernises the language of a range of oaths set out in statute, as well as one declaration, and the words of affirmation that may be used instead of an oath.
  • People seemed to lock onto this as some affirmation of their existence and a validation of life, and it was just overwhelming. The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting
  • In a practical sense, this is essentially the return of the dreaded "general warrant" of King George's times, a tyrranical practice that the 4th Amendment was specifically written to protect us against - hence insistence of probable cause affirmation in front of an independent judge with a warrant containing list of items to be seized. Poll: National Race Tightens; Majority Says Obama Flip-Flopped On Key Issues
  • Girls feel enhanced by continuous social affirmation while boys feel diminished.
  • The creeds of the church are affirmations of faith and not statements of belief.
  • For some, that is all the affirmation needed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still, for people to be so interested in you that your cellulite, bad-hair days and flabby stomach become a topic of conversation is affirmation of a sort.
  • And the affirmation of life is what we had all been gasping for in an effort to regain the totality of our humanity.
  • Maintaining clarity of thought and affirmation of purpose required constant effort.
  • His affirmations about the curability of insanity received national attention and played an important role in hastening the founding of hospitals in other states. The Mad Among Us
  • The exceptionally high turn out at the presidential elections was an eloquent affirmation of the importance that the voters attached to the office. The Government and Politics of France
  • Their delivery into the world will be a defiant affirmation of life in this remote and barren desert. Times, Sunday Times
  • They do not need the affirmation of strangers; they always had it. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, if it be a false affirmation to say ‘a quadrangle is round, ’ the word ‘round quadrangle’ signifies nothing, but is a mere sound. Chapter IV. Of Speech
  • The study participants were split up into two groups -- one group was given materials for patient education on taking the medications and were called bimonthly to check on medication adherence, while the other group was given the same materials in addition to information on the benefits of positive affirmations with regard to medication adherence. The Full Feed from
  • OTOH it does not mean that old arguments against the Trinity or other affirmations made by our forebears should be dismissed now for being "anachronistic" or "obsolete". Philocrites: Isaac Newton's anti-Trinitarianism in the news.
  • Here was a cause so beautiful in its affirmation of freedom that it should have been served only by the bravery of dignified women and speeches lucent with reason and untremulously spoken, by things that would require no change of quality but only rearrangements to be instantly commemorable by art; and yet this Scotch woman, moving with that stiffness of the mental joints which nations which suffer from it call conscientiousness, had managed to turn The Judge
  • _Nouns_, or the names of the objects of our perceptions, doubtless constituted the original class of words; (if I may be allowed to assume such a hypothesis as an _original_ class of words;) but the ever-active principle of association, soon transformed nouns into verbs, by making them, when employed in a particular manner, expressive of affirmation. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
  • Ironically Pope Paul's affirmation of the unitive and procreative goals of marriage set the scene for Pope John Paul II's theology of the body which speaks so powerfully to young adults today.
  • Both groups emphasized prosocial behavior and need for affirmation.
  • Sure certain and affirmation, I already fell in love with you.
  • Of the figure assorted classes which are acquirable in the mettlesome World of Warcraft Account, not every of them can be chosen by every of the races, for happening a Human cannot be of the collection Druid, and neither can an Orc. Once you eventually intend time that initiate of the mettlesome World of Warcraft Account, you are then confronted with which affirmation to opt from. Globe Jason | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • He loves the limelight, craves the attention, the affirmation he still has something meaningful to contribute. The Sun
  • But the constant reaffirmation of the slogan of indivisibility has not prevented regular claims that one set of rights or the other must in fact be accorded priority.
  • The oddest part of the whole ordeal is that despite this original usage, there's an affirmation of Christ's presence in the communities of the Reformation without an affirmation of their catholicity. "Protestantism is dangerous. ..."
  • Affirmations, acknowledgment, and recognition are important, but it is the questions and challenges that arise from the differences that are vital.
  • The constant affirmation throughout the play is keeping the lines of communication open.
  • For its affirmation of the road MSF has chosen to take: to remain outspoken, passionate and deeply committed to its core principles of volunteerism, impartiality, and its belief that every person deserves both medical assistance and the recognition of his or her humanity. Médecins Sans Frontières - Nobel Lecture
  • Lately I have been quite involved in developing and delivering sessions on self-affirmation and auto-suggestion.
  • The tone of these diary entries / letters fluctuates between sorrow, desperation, affirmation, joy, remorse and guilt.
  • The easiest way to do this is to come up with a glib explanation for the failure, to explain how this failure is not real - or can readily be overcome - and to power ahead so that any disconfirmation of a person's world view is interpreted instead as affirmation for it. Stanton Peele: Afghanistan: The Psychology of Failure as Justification for Continuing Futility
  • This is what he said we must do: ‘We need to make our agenda clear in a review of the oaths and affirmations.’
  • Gradually living becomes easier and every thought and action is in tune with ourselves - an affirmation that removes all constrictive, knotty obstacles.
  • Note 14: Prominent educationalist and demoticist, and one of EAM's intellectual architects, Dimitris Glinos, spoke of '... the formation of a provisional government after liberation, which would provide for the election of a constitutional assembly based on popular sovereignty; and the affirmation of the right of the nation to decide its form of government; of EAM to halt any reactionary attempt to impose a government contrary to the will of the people' (Glinos, 1944). back Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • The best salespeople, meanwhile, were impatient and aggressive, and needed a lot of affirmation and encouragement.
  • The Director is awaiting the Board's affirmation of his nominee.
  • It is an affirmation of life in the face of regimes that have sustained themselves with mass murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's as old as humanity, and in the Christian tradition there is a very clear and strong affirmation of the contemplative dimension of prayer.
  • By the sound of it, this positive affirmation is working. Times, Sunday Times
  • The king's repeated affirmations of his dependence upon Buckingham meant that he was blamed for unpopular policies such as the ‘Spanish match’ of which he was merely the executant.
  • In Literary Theory and the Claims of History, Satya Mohanty posits a hermeneutics of affirmation in contrast to Jacques Derrida's hermeneutics of negation.
  • Soul music is often an affirmation of, and a manifesto for, black dignity.
  • Therefore we must read: 'Thou hast delivered my soul from death: _hast_ Thou not delivered,' etc.; the question being equivalent to a strong affirmation, 'Yea, Thou hast delivered my feet from falling.' Expositions of Holy Scripture Psalms
  • We end the session with positive affirmations of how good things are going to be someday, when Craig or a judge will finally listen to them.
  • For them, religion was more an affirmation of the joy of life than a rejection of worldly pleasures and temptations. America Past and Present
  • They include both affirmation phenomena (sgrub-pa, affirmingly known phenomena), such as an orange, and negation phenomena (dgag-pa, negatingly known phenomena), such as not an orange. The Appearance and Cognition of Nonexistent Phenomena: Non-Gelug Presentation
  • The poem is a joyous affirmation of the power of love.
  • Along with your pre-order, you will receive a free Print of one of my affirmations.
  • The United States, despite its own faults, retains the capacity to combine self-criticism with self-affirmation, demonstrating a pride that we lack.
  • What a spiritual affirmation to an abundant life!
  • Flummoxed by CP's helpful definition (as in, CP's gotta be joking!) and then by Kate's affirmation, I Googled "grundle". Month of sundays
  • Hardly had I driven the car down the road than it attracted waves and nods of affirmation from pedestrians and drivers alike.
  • Here is the unlooked for affirmation, a new physics in which smoke ‘stands’ while windows ‘stream’ and brick is ‘white’ and ‘fireproof; or else/it isn't'. And of course, there is the platitude: ‘no smoke without fire’.
  • Here was a cause so beautiful in its affirmation of freedom that it should have been served only by the bravery of dignified women and speeches lucent with reason and untremulously spoken, by things that would require no change of quality but only rearrangements to be instantly commemorable by art; and yet this Scotch woman, moving with that stiffness of the mental joints which nations which suffer from it call conscientiousness, had managed to turn The Judge
  • Let's take a glimpse at how Rome and her history can give us a reaffirmation of our unshaken belief in the ability of Everyman, acting as a free individual, to repair all the damage ever done by history's tyrants and their tax gatherers.
  • What might seem like skepticism ends up as affirmation because of the poet's commitment to honesty.
  • The central argument was a reaffirmation of Third Way triangulation.
  • Further there are some affirmations which we make concerning God which have the force of absolute negation: for example, when we use the term darkness, in reference to God, we do not mean darkness itself, but that He is not light but above light: and when we speak of Him as light, we mean that NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • For Zwingli, Luther's affirmation of a human body's omnipresence inevitably negated the very essence of what a human body is entirely.
  • This also makes them ideal for artists or art students seeking inspiration or affirmation.
  • They are both, to the core, celebrations of Americanism, great assimilative affirmations. Pilgrims in Beirut, Pumpkin Pie in Manhattan
  • This type of public affirmation of the underdog was partly why his enemies conspired against him.
  • Cinema offers simultaneous affirmation and dissolution of the binary oppositions upon which our most fundamental notions of self and other are based.
  • The high turnout was an affirmation of the importance that the voters attached to the election.
  • Maybe I need some of that positive affirmation, brothers and sisters.
  • At the same time, editorial boards must decide whether it's in the best interests of their organizations to risk the tacit affirmation they seemingly give by running recruitment ads.
  • Steil reported that husbands and wives who maintained an equal balance of power gave and received higher levels of communal nurturance, positive regard, affirmation, and empathy to one another-all aspects of a healthy relationship.
  • Hardly had I driven it down the road than it attracted waves and nods of affirmation from pedestrians and drivers alike.
  • Yes and No in affirmations and denials -- as if our word for it were not enough, and we expected others to question it -- springs from that vicious root of untruthfulness which is only aggravated by the very effort to clear ourselves of the suspicion of it. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • And after a busy but slightly overlong first half, the more reflective second half ends as a touching affirmation that home is where the heart is. Times, Sunday Times
  • As if in affirmation of her decision she now saw a faint effulgence lighten the murky air which obscured the furthermost bank of the tarn. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Every barbed remark directed at a non-conformist is also an affirmation of his/her existence.
  • Many of these are called aeternae veritates, and all of them indeed are so; not from being written, all or any of them, in the minds of all men; or that they were any of them propositions in any one’s mind, till he, having got the abstract ideas, joined or separated them by affirmation or negation. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • You need affirmation from outside sources to feel loved, and when that validation goes away you feel hollow. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gangster is also often portrayed as a self-made man rising above his station, another affirmation of the spirit of free enterprise for the audience to clasp.
  • But for those to whom neither of these options seems realistic the pluralistic affirmation becomes inevitable, and with it the postulation of the Real an sich, which is variously experienced and thought .... Warranted Christian Belief
  • Human life should be a search for meaning, but meaning only comes through affirmation.
  • The outpouring of love and affirmation that followed was overwhelming. Christianity Today
  • It is therefore important that the affirmation be a positive one. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • Sure certain and affirmation, I already fell in love with you.
  • But Viennese baroque is more than a decorative style; it's an attitude to life, an affirmation of delight in the richness and grandeur of things.
  • The 25-year-old's lyric book is a 5,000-word self-help seminar, brimming with affirmation and possibility. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • A single nod implies an affirmation.
  • Their delivery into the world will be a defiant affirmation of life in this remote and barren desert. Times, Sunday Times
  • Therefore, thinks the meter to retain the sausage treatment chronic bacillary dysentery curative effect affirmation.
  • The words of reaffirmation are what Palestinian leaders have been hoping to hear from nations around the world as they seek international support for Palestinian statehood.
  • He looked inquisitively at his future sister-in-law and she nodded in affirmation.
  • The other guard nodded in affirmation and began to head down towards the bathroom.
  • This verse is the expression of her exultation and the affirmation of her AÑÑĀ. 89 84 Psalms of the Sisters
  • An enormous impetus behind this interest was the kind of parental affirmation that it received.
  • So, for most people in the developed world, religion is an affirmation of their lives, not a guilt-ridden, fear-of-damnation-driven set of sacrifices. Clay Farris Naff: Pope Says Suffering is Good for You
  • In both cases, testimony functions as a public affirmation of participation in the church community.

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