How To Use Affiliation In A Sentence

  • The mostly German-speaking cantons, or provinces, are divided nearly equally between the two religious affiliations.
  • The course is open to people of all nationalities and religious affiliations, and the minimum age is 15 years.
  • As a affiliation in concept, hierarchy comprehended form category.
  • Less a matter of choice than of male social identity, party affiliation passed from father to son. American Manhood: Transformations in Masculinity from the Revolution to the Modern Era
  • They had an affiliation with mobsters, drug dealings, illegal profiteers, and more, where they would store money, risk-free and securely, for everyone.
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  • She was also a grand needle woman, a talent which rather curiously led to a change in her religious affiliations.
  • A less rigid membership and more open selections will, of course, loosen party affiliation as well as broaden it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Socialist affiliations are recorded in the memoirs of the stone-mason Nadaud, the draughtsman Perdiguier and Suzanne Voilquin, who was a needlewoman.
  • Most LDCs' affiliation status in international labor division system and its less developed situation in history lead to its subordination and passive status in international monetary system.
  • GOI demostrates that a zealot is a zealot no matter what they claim as their ‘affiliation’. Think Progress » Debunking the Right: The World Did Not See the Iraqi Threat as Bush Did
  • For instance, one researcher has computed that 48 of the biographees cited their affiliation with Barnard College - probably a higher number than any other college.
  • Rather than fixing a position on a hierarchical socio-economic ladder, consumerism establishes lateral connections that affirm middle-class affiliation.
  • The temple is the most sacred site in Nepal, widely venerated by members of at least four major sectarian Buddhist persuasions, each with distinct ethnic and caste affiliations.
  • A detailed empirical study of changes in American religious affiliation; looks at trends in the major religious denominations and sects. Sociology
  • Interactive behaviors include quiet affiliation or 'tending,' approaching and retreating, olfactory investigation of urine and feces, flehmen response, and the precopulatory teasing sequence of mares in estrus," says McDonnell. News
  • A scalawag was a Southerner who deserted his political affiliations for the spoils of the Republican party. A slaveholder's daughter,
  • A counterargument would stress that the greatest learning is derived from the inimitable, silence betrays cowardice, disaffiliation and indie culture give the lie to the unavoidability of affiliation, the literary field exists in many sites other than the academy, self-victimization is the reigning philosophy, program writers are more self-commodifying than the disaffiliated, the system purges internal feedback from dissenters, and the end of excellence is well in sight. Anis Shivani: Can Writing Be Taught? The Systems-Theory Rationalizations Of An Insider
  • The long-term goal is to have a body of approximately 70 researchers with various degrees of affiliation to Perimeter working for terms of varying lengths.
  • The great thing about the Rule of Law is its lack of selectiveness; in other words, the Rule of Law applies to everyone regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic status, or political affiliation. Shannyn Moore: The LIEonization of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens
  • Give me a position, and I'll find you an expert to support it - and not just an expert but one with an institutional affiliation sounding so dignified it could make a nobleman genuflect.
  • This site has nothing to do with Boulder except by affiliation or perhaps teleconnection? Some Northern California Station Plots « Climate Audit
  • New Jersey podiatrist Anas Khoury, who has no affiliation with any laser company, says he has been using Nomir's Noveon laser for toenails for about four months and says it works in about 80% of his patients. Fungus Got Your Toes? Zap It
  • The invitation is open to all, irrespective of party affiliation.
  • Sitting Bull, for example, was a member of the Sioux tribe, but his affiliation was with the Lakota, or western division, also known as Teton, and his specific band was Hunkpapa. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • Whittington brightens the dark moments in Skowronek's model — for example, omitting the category of "disjunctive" presidencies, failed attempts at affiliation — as he refines it to explain the development of judicial supremacy.
  • Eg, it is against the law to possess certain eagle feathers even if you just pick them up off the ground (unless one has a certain native american tribal affiliation). Video Blog: Barrel Cooling Done Right
  • Having loose anarchist affiliations doesn't mean you have to operate chaotically.
  • These students think issues through for themselves and resist automatic affiliation with the dominant politics of their subgroup.
  • These students think issues through for themselves and resist automatic affiliation with the dominant politics of their subgroup.
  • Party affiliation is no longer an accurate indication of approach.
  • Collaborations, partnerships and affiliations are on the cards as you connect with friends, family and associates with an open and receptive attitude.
  • Many of these women do not see religion as antithetical to feminism, and perceive religious affiliation as integral to their struggle for human rights on many different levels.
  • Still, the majority of the scientific community has largely dismissed the concept of psi -- no matter how reputable the investigator or prestigious his or her affiliation -- as frivolous, artifactual, not replicable, or having effect sizes that are so small as to be meaningless regardless of statistical significance. It's About Time: The Scientific Evidence for Psi Experiences
  • The president should call a meeting of core groups of leaders regardless of political affiliation to help tackle the nation's multifarious critical problems.
  • Details very sketchy at this hour but U.S. officials confirming overnight there was what they call a precision missile strike against a target in southern Somalia near the border with Kenya, a target that they say was in an area where there were known terrorists, al Qaeda terrorists with affiliations. CNN Transcript Mar 3, 2008
  • In a study of the relationship between corporate affiliations and divided medical opinion over a controversial class of anti-hypertensive drugs, researchers found that 96% of those who were supportive of the drugs had financial ties to the industry.
  • They should have the right to know the political affiliation of the candidates who are standing.
  • Affiliation to the National Confederation will provide your group with access to a network of services and expertise.
  • In principle therefore payment of an Affiliation Fee would be an overt recognition of this vital link and mutual benefit. 5.
  • There are excesses to be found in celebrations of Orthodox Jews as there are in those of Jews of other affiliations.
  • African women may feel multiple allegiances: community affiliations, ethnic identification, global womanhood, and racial solidarity.
  • One article refers to Flavio Sosa, APPO's spokesman, as a "chameleonlike" leader, as he's changed political affiliations several times. Nov. 8-11, 2006
  • With Skeletons, set for release in the first quarter of 2010, Hawthorne Heights has moved on, aided in part by a new label affiliation, Wind-Up Records, home of Creed, Seether and Evanescence. Tucson Weekly
  • When Bose became the vice-chancellor in June 2001, he found that the institution had flouted basic rules in its ordinance to give affiliation to about 40 institutions across the country.
  • He was also the treasurer of the Society for Italic Handwriting, his affiliation being reflected in his own exquisite copper-plate handwriting.
  • A detailed empirical study of changes in American religious affiliation; looks at trends in the major religious denominations and sects. Sociology
  • Where party affiliation is concerned, Latinos register as Democrats by significant margins -- traditionally two to one. Clarissa Martinez De Castro: "Latinos Divided on Immigration." Headline-grabbing? Yes. Accurate? Hardly.
  • They are less concerned with academic credentials and affiliation, and more excited about my international approach to women's history.
  • The prosecutor, through his own or through hired sleuths, has examined into the family history, the business standing and methods, the financial responsibility, the political and social affiliations, and the personal habits and "past performances" of each and every talesman. Courts and Criminals
  • In fact, the film repeatedly stages horizontal affiliations that work against the strict hierarchies of the cavalry.
  • Several other parties were nevertheless represented in the new Cabinet, although party affiliations were not detailed in the official list.
  • I will not permit considerations of gender, race, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, nationality, or social standing to influence my duty of care.
  • In principle therefore payment of an Affiliation Fee would be an overt recognition of this vital link and mutual benefit. 5.
  • I do not know the political affiliation of most of my colleagues.
  • State chancellery was staffed by the former Communist functionaries and younger technocrats, frequently with no party affiliation.
  • I changed my party affiliation at a time when my state, California, was in a big battle over energy and recalls and budget impasses.
  • Numerals and verbs are a very important part of identifying the genetic affiliations of a language.
  • Politicians are elected, power is wielded, contracts are awarded, and government largess is handed out on the basis of tribal affiliations.
  • Note the title announcement of the politician's political affiliation again. Richard Grenell: Advocate Magazine Covers-Up the Democratic Label for Anti-gay Politician
  • In order to get affiliation to the Indian Board, the leading Gymkhanas in Bombay decided to form a cricket association in 1930 and named it as the Bombay Presidency (Proper) Cricket Association.
  • U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker said that despite a "boatload" of problems with the Basra operation, he was encouraged that the S.iite-led government was finally confronting extremists regardless of their religious affiliation. World Watch
  • The label affiliation has been creatively advantageous; through Lost Highway he has met various collaborators, including several of the songwriters who share credits on "Pass It Around. Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • At the beginning of the tale, class affiliation is the primary means of marking division and establishing identity, and the story's focus is on filiation and estate patrimony-the conservation of power and wealth.
  • In 2003, Cohen ordered detectives to question arrested anti-Iraq-war demonstrators about their friends and political affiliations, then to file the information on a "demonstration debriefing" form that was inputted into a data base. Len Levitt: The NYPD Top Brass: Lonely and Unloved
  • These religious affiliations gave the weekly pena a wide base of popular support, and it wasn't long before it expanded to involve numerous local residents, musicians, and santeros.
  • Adding to your credibility is the appearance that you do not seem to have any political party affiliations. Gun-Law Info: Yes or No?
  • He changed his denominational affiliation from his parents' Episcopal faith to his wife's Methodism.
  • As it was frequently mentioned in Buddhist sutras, the practice of contemplating on a decaying corpse was adopted widely by monks regardless of their sectarian affiliations.
  • The division between the new middle class and the old middle class is a critical factor in creating social cleavages that foster particular kinds of religious affiliation.
  • These have noted that there are extensive affiliations between Peirce's discussions of the communicational and dialogical aspects of semeiotic, on the one hand, and the many and varied “game-theoretical” approaches to logic that have been for some time of interest to Finnish philosophers (as well as many others), on the other hand. Nobody Knows Nothing
  • In contrast, they draw attention to families defined by both filiation and affiliation.
  • One third of those who disclaim all religious affiliation this year will report some affiliation next year, and their departure will be offset by people who claimed a religious affiliation this year, but next year will report none. American Grace
  • In principle therefore payment of an Affiliation Fee would be an overt recognition of this vital link and mutual benefit. 5.
  • Each time, the investigation of that trauma has flourished in affiliation with a political movement. Trauma and Recovery
  • His roots were embedded in the Labour party, in its internal power mechanisms, its trade union affiliations and its conservative brand of social democracy.
  • He had been detained without trial because of his political affiliation.
  • There is no affiliation between our organization and theirs , even though our names are similar.
  • We also describe the affiliation index of balkanization, similarity of information resources and offer the conditions under which virtual balkanization emerges.
  • Major international affiliations: Arab League.
  • Many people without trade union affiliation were also on strike and on the streets.
  • No trade unionism based on political affiliation or on communal lines should be allowed in the police force.
  • Some western feminists, too, are concerned about psychological method's strong affiliations to dominant discourses of gender.
  • This Champps, however, bears no affiliation to a greasy spoon and instead is an upscale place to watch the game, grab a bite and win big prizes.
  • They want to restrict the disclaimers to those journos and commentators who have affiliations with centre right politics.
  • The suggestion of Communist affiliation to the Labour Party was regarded as an unwarrantable departure from principle.
  • This view may have been more tenable in Durkheim's own time than it seems in ours, for in our own times what one might call the flimsiness of many occupational affiliations and of the related employments has become quite apparent.
  • But this labeling is actually consistent with the definition, only now the political affiliation has switched. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Judicial Activism” — The Podcast
  • Otherwise intimidations or harassments follows and you simply cannot win a government contract without political affiliation or patronization.
  • This shows that dialogue between scholars of different religious affiliations and different disciplines can be very illuminative and fruitful and can lead to a good understanding among the parties involved.
  • American Protestants change their denominational affiliation without changing their beliefs or practice. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • Occupy Wall Street donations are tax-deductible under its affiliation with Washington nonprofit, Alliance for Global Justice. Protest Sapped of Cash
  • Maury Maverick managed to pry out of the Pentagon the religious affiliations of the 220 who died that day in Beirut.
  • After a long affiliation with Trevor Jackson's now defunct Output Records, which came to an end in 2006-when the label shut its doors just after the release of Circlesquare's excellent PopMatters
  • Does it not realise that it is making environmental catastrophes more likely with this kind of dubious affiliation? Times, Sunday Times
  • Apparently, this is because snogging virtually stops a year or so into a romantic affiliation.
  • One of the fastest growing groups in the nation is people reporting no religious affiliation.
  • Even in church-related colleges, many wondered whether denominational affiliation signified anything of substance.
  • McKenna: Historically, the language of affiliation comes from the practice of outsourcing to subcontractor or subsidiary. Archive 2009-08-01
  • On the river and in the ponds we saw the finfoot, a bird with feet like a grebe and bill and tail like those of a darter, but, like so many South American birds, with no close affiliations among other species. IV. The Headwaters of the Paraguay
  • This break implies not only a change in organizational affiliations, but a profound and thoroughgoing transformation in the political perspective and world view of the working class.
  • Not all congregations will support this ministry, depending upon their sacramental theology and denominational affiliation.
  • A legitimist association, the Chevaliers of Fidelity, stirred about among these the republican affiliations. Les Miserables
  • This isn't a blanket dismissal of Talbot; her numerous praiseworthy affiliations aside, I've liked stuff of hers.
  • A Nomura spokeswoman declined to disclose Mr. Toda's political affiliation.
  • And that was where I parted company with the affiliations off my youth. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time the executive resisted a renewed attempt by sympathisers for the affiliation of the Communist Party.
  • Hatbands and flapping ties identify cricket affiliations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several other parties were nevertheless represented in the new Cabinet, although party affiliations were not detailed in the official list.
  • They are intended to provide cover for all the persons to whom they apply, against the risks of sickness, old age, death and invalidity, regardless of their financial status and their state of health at the time of affiliation.
  • I thought Parvati would get more of the votes at the end – I think she played a savvy game, but was tainted by her affiliation with Russell in the final analysis. Tawdry Quirkshop : Bev Vincent
  • If successful, he would join the House as a cross-bench peer, without formal party affiliation. Lord Feargal Sharkey? UK Music head could be set for life peerage
  • The journal failed to note his affiliation with the company, a notorious environmental polluter.
  • For example, a circle representing a member of the Assemblies of God could be colored red, whereas an individual whose affiliation and beliefs are unknown could be left uncolored.
  • However, the demand for particular stamps also depends on regional affiliation.
  • That is, all candidates run for office under their own recognisance in a single election often with run-off provisions if no one wins a majority on the first round with no party affiliations listed. City Official Uses Office to Quash Website - Warner_Todd_Huston’s blog - RedState
  • Irrespective of their political affiliations, the lawmakers should faithfully carry out their duties the people trusted them with.
  • And yet, the introduction of pluralistic democracy itself is a clear break with the past - a break from systems in which rights over others are based on gender, class, tribal affiliation or heredity.
  • The state-orientated approach adopted by many feminists clearly related to their affiliations with social purity.
  • Extraverts tend to possess skills such as sociability, talkativeness, and a high interest in affiliation.
  • Churches have dropped their denominational affiliation as part of their name and have actually given themselves a name which doesn't denote which denomination they're with.
  • Over the next two centuries, the Susu gained control of the coast by building a series of small states based on clan and town affiliation.
  • Due to the country's ethnic divisions and prevalent rural traditions, leaders of the newly formed parties, despite their cosmopolitan outlook, did not transcend ethnic affiliations.
  • There is also some concern that people in many of the new developments within the county may give way to apathy due to an unestablished affiliation with the area.
  • Others have proved politically inconsistent, taking seriously their pledge to decide cases according to the law rather than party affiliation. Times, Sunday Times
  • So for example in a state where race might be a protected criteria but political affiliation is not, it may be easier to deny service at a restaurant to, say, members of the Libertarian Party, than to deny service to members of the Black Panther party, or members of the Aryan Nations (because in both cases race is closely tied to the political affiliation). The Volokh Conspiracy » Libertarianism, Federalism, and Racism
  • Though much of its affiliation has remained with low-income communities, the steelband movement has kept itself and its image separate from the surging criminality now making many such communities both disreputable and unlivable.
  • Thus, filiation and affiliation produce authority in a variety of different ways, some enhancing life, others limiting it.
  • The pain of loss takes no account of religious or political affiliations and the utter misery is the same for all who bear it. The Sun
  • Their lack of affiliation to any particular bank allows them to give objective financial advice.
  • I can only presume documents have been lost, possibly during one of the changes of affiliation to various regiments.
  • They often disguise their affiliation by wearing civilian clothes, and they often carry arms covertly to infiltrate various places.
  • Freemasonry were off-shoots of the original Cabala, and that during the past 150 years new associations had been formed, and the parties who had introduced me into their arcanum were a society in affiliation with many others then in existence in different countries. Buchanan's Journal of Man, January 1888 Volume 1, Number 12
  • I was quite surprised and pleased by its apoliticality, at least with regard to electoral politics; although the federal government rightly bears the brunt of it, Lee’s holy anger is leveled at all levels of government and all political actors regardless of party affiliation. Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans? « Gerry Canavan
  • These new affiliations are derived from and based upon the commonly experienced terror, and beyond it - on shared survival joy and guilt, depression and reparation, hope and despair.
  • The international koine bound this group together through visual channels; its lack of cultural affiliation and emphasis on hybrid royal iconography made it the logical expression of a brotherhood of kings.
  • Learning his political affiliation was a bitter blow, fifteen years ago, when I'd just fallen in love, but I am inured to the knowledge by now.
  • The only affiliation I have with the company is that I'm a customer.
  • The 21,000-ton ship berthed at Greenwich to commemorate the new affiliation between Illustrious and the City of London.
  • These students think issues through for themselves and resist automatic affiliation with the dominant politics of their subgroup.
  • Why religious affiliation should be comparable to ethnic origin escapes me, however.
  • In controversy abolitionists found arguments in common whatever their religious affiliations.
  • Hey ralph, it seems a subordinate is trying desperately to rise in the social heirarchy by attempting to build a social affiliation with a higher ranking member of the troop …. Think Progress » Kristol: The Russians ‘in some ways have brought’ suicide bombings ‘on themselves.’
  • If candidates ran independently, without party affiliation, then mass consumers of “republicanism” or “democratism” would be forced to actually base their vote on individual candidates rather than their affiliation. No one is in charge « BuzzMachine
  • But for someone who was state AG just a year ago, I doubt his affiliation is forgotten. The Volokh Conspiracy » Former AG Dann Pleads Guilty
  • Hence the great clans, Habr Gerhajis and Awal, who prefer the matronymic — Habr signifying a mother, — since, according to their dictum, no man knows who may be his sire. 9 These increased and multiplied by connection and affiliation to such an extent that about 300 years ago they drove their progenitors, the Galla, from First footsteps in East Africa
  • The political system is based on an undemocratic gerrymander system called "confessionalism" that guarantees seats based on religious affiliations. Elections - fresh news by
  • This is not to assert any direct political affiliation for critical social research. Critical Social Research
  • The group has no affiliation to any political party.
  • I am agnostic on the question of whether this malefaction in Jewish communal organizations drives Jews away from religious affiliation. Mark Oppenheimer: Abraham Foxman Should Be Fired
  • The "tribal" affiliations of these seventy-seven possible recruits were broken down as follows: sixty-seven Paracha, one Lakesar, four Sethi (Mir Ahmad, Ghulam Jelani, and Mokam Din in Khiva, and Rahim Bakhsh in Bukhara), one Matha, one Zargar, one Bhati, one Cabdol. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • a valuable financial affiliation
  • Some have publicly acknowledged party affiliations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hey ralph, it seems a subordinate is trying desperately to rise in the social heirarchy by attempting to build a social affiliation with a higher ranking member of the troop …. Think Progress » Kristol: The Russians ‘in some ways have brought’ suicide bombings ‘on themselves.’
  • In principle therefore payment of an Affiliation Fee would be an overt recognition of this vital link and mutual benefit. 5.
  • Affiliation may not imply successful recovery. Individual characteristics that have been investigated are as varied as the researchers performing the studies.
  • Health care is switching from a cottage industry of small hospitals to major affiliations in a huge health-care system.
  • Before we used to all stand as independents with no party affiliations. The Sun
  • The death of any innocent person should grieve us all regardless of nationality, political affiliation, wealth, creed, race, colour or gender.
  • Regardless of party affiliation or politics, the attacks on Palin defy everything that this country is suppose to be about. I'm 'saddened' by 'vicious attacks' on Palin, McCain says
  • The affiliations committee felt the club's first team are too strong for the intermediate grade where all the other seven teams are second fifteens.
  • This means that their criterion for resolving doubts, their criterion of private perfection, is autonomy rather than affiliation to a power other than themselves.
  • Specter switched his political affiliation from the Republican to Democratic party in late April. Poll: Specter's approval rating plunges
  • He is man whose voting record in the Senate is consistent with his party affiliation.
  • There are, however, significant differences between the political affiliations of 585 and 587.
  • She was also a grand needle woman, a talent which rather curiously led to a change in her religious affiliations.
  • A typical campaign consists of politicians repeatedly shouting their name, party affiliation, and other slogans through loudspeakers.
  • The transformation of American parties into analogues of their ideologically driven European counterparts has the effect of mobilizing voters by philosophical affinity rather than partisan affiliation.
  • Previous studies indicate that religious affiliation played an important role in shaping attitudes toward abortion.
  • Their political affiliation was by no means uniform.
  • QUEST: Baroness D'Souza sits as a crossbencher, or independent, with no party affiliation. CNN Transcript Dec 21, 2009
  • It is one short step from parochial affiliations to local mafias that rely on clanship, clientalism, and identity politics.
  • Kunckel had described experiments to calcine gold with aqua regia to make a transparent red color. 7 The affiliation of the best examples of this product with German and Bohemian glassmakers was exploited by Mayer Oppenheim when he applied for patents in Britain to make ruby and garnet colored glass. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • In 1982, she became a medical adumbrative to Ethicla Ltd for a year, afore spending a year in Zambia as the arch of a affiliation school, area her bedmate ran a chestnut mine. 1 Labour of Love
  • Not surprisingly, four of the five women were associated at some point with the Society of Friends; Presbyterianism and Unitarianism were also represented among the religious affiliations of the women.
  • Palfrey Junior is a state school, with no religious affiliation. But the fact that 98% of its pupils are Muslim affects the ethos.
  • The group has affiliations with several organizations abroad.
  • Party affiliation does not necessarily predict which candidate a voter will choose.
  • As the right valve of the species, and accordingly the structure of its byssal area is unknown, its generic affiliation remains uncertain.
  • But DeMartino counters that he sees little evidence that party affiliation is a major hinderance to his campaign. GOP hitching ride on Fenty's coattails into four council races
  • I can't find an article right now, but he also supports a proposition that would change the primary system, to allow all voters to vote in primaries, regardless of party affiliation.
  • I have no affiliation with her company, except that I once reviewed the product that is now being pirated and circulated freely around.
  • welcomed the affiliation of the research center with the university
  • Some western feminists, too, are concerned about psychological method's strong affiliations to dominant discourses of gender.
  • Where paths intersect, intermingle, and converge, they reveal affiliations, associations, communities, commonalities.
  • His professional affiliations include Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Delta Kappa, and Phi Kappa Phi.
  • Given his status and having been rather easily elected initially, before the picadillos came out and he was forced to resign, so his party affiliation is rather well known to the readers of both newspapers. The Volokh Conspiracy » Former AG Dann Pleads Guilty
  • Not an office should be filled in the Philippines or Puerto Rico with any regard to the man's partisan affiliations or services, with any regard to the political, social, or personal influence which he may have at his command; in short, heed should be paid to absolutely nothing save the man's own character and capacity and the needs of the service. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • Meanwhile, the vice-president has warned clubs that have not paid their affiliation fees that they would be disaffiliated if they fail pay-up by this month end.
  • McCain, war hero, American patriot will prevail against the one term upstart from Illinois with questionable personal affiliations and no experience in the international theater. McCain & Firefighters
  • That excludes polytheistic Americans like Hindus, nontheistic Buddhists and the 16 percent of us with no religious affiliation. Roy Speckhardt: Choosing Faith Over Freedom
  • A detailed empirical study of changes in American religious affiliation; looks at trends in the major religious denominations and sects. Sociology
  • Neither love nor the division of labor, neither the common attitude of two toward a third nor friendship, neither party affiliation nor superordination of subordination is likely by itself alone to produce or permanently sustain an actual group. Conflict and The Web of Group-Affiliations
  • The transformation of American parties into analogues of their ideologically driven European counterparts has the effect of mobilizing voters by philosophical affinity rather than partisan affiliation.
  • This had to do with revealing that she was secretly in the employ of the Central Intelligence Agency, using a cover employer to disguise her affiliation.
  • Name email Affiliation Timezone Enis Söztutar enis [at] apache. org Konneka +3 [email protected] Archives
  • We asked a number of people at this high-profile church, widely identified as quintessentially evangelical, how they described their religious affiliation. American Grace
  • Merchants acquired the exported commodities from the New York colony through their ongoing affiliations with retailers, artisans, millers, and farmers.
  • Many are the victims of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, or tribal affiliation. Sociology
  • She practices her opening, which includes several hard-to-pronounce personal names and political affiliations, not to mention satellite locations.
  • What is certain is that nobody, regardless of their political affiliations, is likely to emerge unaffected. The Sun

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