How To Use Affenpinscher In A Sentence
Today, the German smooth-haired pinscher is considered the stepfather of several German dog breeds, including the miniature pinscher, wire-haired breeds such as the schnauzers and affenpinschers, and the popular Doberman pinscher.
Among the favorites to become top dog are a wire fox terrier, a smooth fox terrier, an affenpinscher and a couple of standard poodles.
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Pink tongue peeking out from his black face, he beat a prize affenpinscher called Banana Joe in a most competitive group. Front Page
Today, the German smooth-haired pinscher is considered the stepfather of several German breeds, including affenpinschers.
Pink tongue peeking out from his black face, he beat a heralded affenpinscher called Banana Joe in a most competitive group.
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The affenpinscher, meaning "monkey-like terrier," is generally alert and inquisitive with great loyalty and affection toward its master and friends, according to the American Kennel Club. | news
The Affenpinscher's name describes it well: 'Affen' meaning monkey and 'Pinscher' meaning terrier.
Banana Joe, an affenpinscher, waits at the grooming table.
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This is why I believe there is quite a bit of difference between affenpinscher training and bandog training.
Cloned Dog and Afghan Intelligence
This is why I believe there is quite a bit of difference between affenpinscher training and bandog training.
Cloned Dog and Afghan Intelligence
There are prized terriers and poodles, plus an affenpinscher with a monkey face called Banana Joe.
In these parts, we love Isabel Jacobson, a Madison 7th grader, who made it to the final 45 by spelling "affenpinscher" and "tangential.
Archive 2006-06-01
Although shaggy, given its almost one-inch coat, the general appearance of an Affenpinscher is neat.
The affenpinscher is thought to be the most suitable for a family pet as it is very intelligent and easy to train.
Banana Joe, an affenpinscher, owned by Zoila Truesdale and Mieke Cooymans, waits in the grooming table at the 136th annual Westminster Kennel Club dog show, Monday, Feb. 13, 2012, in New York. Front Page
Seeing off the postman is a high point in an affenpinscher's daily routine that is hard to suppress.