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How To Use Affaire In A Sentence

  • Thomas Randolfe was with vs at our Citie of Vologda, and wee dealt with him about our Princely affaires, whereby amitie betwixt the The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Wood added the State Department is sending the U.S. Charge D'Affaires in Khartoum, Alberto Fernandez, to Darfur to assess the situation following the moves against the aid groups.
  • But yet let mee tell thee withall, that I knowe my Lord to be wise and judicious, and having committed all his affaires to my care and trust: never blame mee to misdoubt, least my Ladie (by his counsell and advice) make thee the messenger of this motion, therby to call my Fidelitie in question. The Decameron
  • Ondonza writes: je suis entièrement d'accord avec le boycotte, c'est une mesure de pression efficace qui peut amener les francais à revoir leur position, dans la mesure où le chiffre d'affaires de leurs sociétés diminuera à long terme, ils seront obligés de fermer et rentrer chez eux. Global Voices in English » Gabon: Opposition Continues to Fight Election Result
  • The President, he continued, had risen amazingly in the opinion of every one by his firmness, courage, and determination -- which he had shown in those critical days a fortnight or three weeks ago -- and that in these two months he had acquired "une grande aptitude pour les affaires; tout le monde est étonné, parce que personne ne s'y attendait. The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 A Selection from her Majesty's correspondence between the years 1837 and 1861
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  • And for that our princely, and secret affaires were not finished to our contentation at our time appointed according to our expectation, we doe now leaue of all these matters, and set them aside for the time, because our minde is nowe otherwise changed, but hereafter when occasion shall mooue vs to the like, wee will then talke of those matters againe. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The Russian M.nister at Berlin, M. Alopaeus, despatched also an 'estafette' to the Russian charge d'affaires at Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • Ondonza writes: je suis entièrement d'accord avec le boycotte, c'est une mesure de pression efficace qui peut amener les francais à revoir leur position, dans la mesure où le chiffre d'affaires de leurs sociétés diminuera à long terme, ils seront obligés de fermer et rentrer chez eux. Global Voices in English » Gabon: Opposition Continues to Fight Election Result
  • Insurgents shot at the car of Bahrain's charge d'affaires in what is being described as a kidnap attempt. CNN Transcript Jul 5, 2005
  • One hot afternoon I picked up a book on a second-hand bookstall in the old town and I read that the literary career is ‘une affaire de longue haleine’.
  • Au contraire, qu'il soil ouuert & tranquille, mais qu'il ne soit pas trop epanouey de joye dans les affaires serieuses, ny trop retire par vne grauite affectee dans la conversation ordinaire George Washington's Rules of Civility
  • Escaped from this dilemma, and officially recognised as _ouvrier_, it was with some surprise that I found myself dubbed gentleman at the Bureau des Affaires Etrangéres, and charged a fee of ten franca for the signature of the foreign minister. A Tramp's Wallet stored by an English goldsmith during his wanderings in Germany and France
  • L'Affaire Biden - when the vice president was mousetrapped and humiliated when Israel announced plans to build 1,600 new housing units for Jews in East Jerusalem shortly after he arrived in Israel to reaffirm U.S. solidarity with Israel - was dismissed as a mere "spat" by the neoconservative WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • Ambassador in our Realme, and how honourably with full answere in all things, her Maiestie dismissed him, when hee had finished all thy princely affaires (as it seemed) to his owne contentation, it may well appeare by a true certificate lately sent with her highnes letter unto thee Lord, by her messenger Robert Beast, and her The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The charge d'affaires requested that extra gendarmes be posted outside the embassy.
  • Former U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia David Shinn and Sudanese Embassy Charge D’Affaires Dr. Akec K.A. Khoc attended the event moderated by CSIS Africa Program Director Jennifer Cooke.
  • In Libya, people put ice in their drinks, had houseboys and conducted affaires.
  • Isabel lugs it everywhere, glowing with enthusiasm as she shops for the appropriate lingerie in which to embark on her cinq-a-sept affaire.
  • The present affaire causes my wife wry amusement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ce qui aurait pu passer pour une info banale devient une affaire. Global Voices in English » Morocco: “I’m a 9 Per Cent!”
  • Mon desir de collaborer avec les premiers Ministres Provinciaux est tout aussi vif que mon desir de collaborer avec le milieu des affaires, le mouvement syndical, et les simples citoyens canadiens. An Address Presented During the 1984 Canadian General Election
  • Ne dites iamais vostre aduis des affaires que l'on ne vous l'ait demande, si toutesfois vous n'estes le premier en authorite, George Washington's Rules of Civility
  • Boulogne-Sur-Mer en 1532; Intervention de la France dans l'affaire du divorce (Paris, 1898); BOURRILLY, La première ambassade d'Antonio The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Cet homme, habile dans les affaires, et employ� comme tel par Charlemagne, avoit 閠� en 811 envoy� par lui en ambassade � Constantinople. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • [_text unchanged: correct form is “Heteromekes” _] τὸ ὁτὶ [_accent unchanged_] in our worldly affaires [wordly] fall to worke. The Mathematicall Praeface to Elements of Geometrie of Euclid of Megara
  • Je demande a la communaute internationale d'anuler les elections du 12 juillet et oblige a sassou de faire un gouvernement national pouvant debattre les affaires du pays sinon il y'aurait une guerre dans le futur. l'opposition actuellement se prepare pour une eventuelle guerre. Global Voices in English » Congo Brazzaville: Disappointment at Presidential election
  • Don Foote, an attorney for Mr. Coke, has pressed for a meeting with the charg d'affaires officer at the U.S. Embassy in Kingston. Bloody Conflict Escalates in Jamaica
  • Well, at least I keep my private affaires to myself mostly.
  • On y voit plus d’expression religieuse, mais cela ne veut pas dire que les gens sont plus spirituels que chez nous, où la religion est une affaire privée et souvent avec peu de manifestations extérieures. 2006 November — Climb to the Stars
  • Gradually the lives of all those touched by the 'affaire', as it becomes known, start to fall apart. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Russian M.nister at Berlin, M. Alopaeus, despatched also an 'estafette' to the Russian charge d'affaires at Hamburg, with orders to apply for the insertion of the article, which accordingly appeared. The Memoirs of Napoleon
  • Affaires étrangères et Commerce international Canada: www. où vous pourrez consulter la section: AConseils aux voyageurs@ pour le Mexique pour des informations à propos des avertissements officiels concernant les ouragans. GtfdsHurricane Dean Information from Govt of Canada
  • Having ordered all affaires at their lodging, Marquiso saide; It is fit for us to see this Saint, but I know not how we shall attaine thereto, because The Decameron
  • Among them, Gold Fields is also deep into the 13 companies the only retreat into the "three boards", that is, the charged' affaires transfer of shares in the market.
  • The twelve speakers reply, in few words inclusive of much: "Bread, and the end of these brabbles, Du pain, et la fin des affaires. The French Revolution
  • I tried to act utterly cool and nonplussed by the whole affaire de Madamoiselle A.
  • TAIPEI -- The Republic of St. Christopher and Nevis, also known as St. Kitts, has upgraded the post of its representative to Taiwan from charge d'affaires to resident ambassador. China Post Online - Taiwan , News , Taiwan newspaper
  • Vous me voyez done aujourd'hui, a la fois tres flatte de me retrouver en votre presence, a la demande de M. Montague; rassure d'avoir affaire a un auditoire que j'ai motif de croire sympathique; et fort soucieux de ne pas le decevoir. The Algerian Issue
  • But that no man should imagine that our forren trades of merchandise haue bene comprised within some few yeeres or at least wise haue not bene of any long continuance, let vs now withdraw our selues from our affaires in Russia, and ascending somewhat higher, let vs take a sleight suruey of our traffiques and negotiations in former ages. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • But in l'affaire Wulff, the rightish Welt and the leftish Süddeutsche Zeitung are suddenly in bed together, and the rest have piled in, whatever their ideological enmities. Big, Bad Wulff
  • The Norwegian Foreign Ministry summoned Iran's charge d'affaires on Thursday to protest against what it called the confiscation of Ebadi's Nobel medal and diploma and express 'grave concern' about the treatment of her husband. Khaleej Times : UAE News
  • These letters, wherein conventional ciphers are frequently used, constantly mention the affaire principale, projet, cabale, that is, first and foremost, the composition of the "Augustinus" by Jansen, Saint-Cyran employing himself to enlist patrons for the so-called Augustinian system (see The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • The manner in which the saga has been dealt with in France, by the media and also by political figures, really shines a light on what we already knew was there: unfettered sexism, said de Haas, one of several feminists to find her voice just as France's reaction to the Affaire DSK looked like settling into lachrymose tributes to an alleged attacker and scorn for an alleged victim. How Dominique Strauss-Kahn's arrest awoke a dormant anger in the heart of France's women
  • The problem that covering this item that's absent from l'affaire coiffeur is that people would have to confront the utter bankruptcy of the whole "death tax" paradigm. Big News Orgs Begin Picking Up Story Of Iowa Woman Snubbed By Rudy Campaign
  • Pour les 9 premiers mois de l�annee, le chiffre d�affaires des echanges commerciaux entre les deux pays s�eleve a 80 millions de dollars, accusant une hausse de 20 % pour les exportations bulgares vers Israel et de 10 % des importations en provenance d�Israel. Firefighters Union Initially Snubbed Giuliani For "Disgraceful Lack Of Respect" After 9/11...And Other Campaign Updates
  • The priestes are the heades, and chiefe of all the residewe, and haue aucthoritie aswell in sentence of lawe, as to put ordre in al ciuile affaires: the sentence of deaths onely excepted. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • TAIPEI -- The Republic of St. Christopher and Nevis, also known as St. Kitts, has upgraded the post of its representative to Taiwan from charge d'affaires to resident ambassador. China Post Online - Taiwan , News , Taiwan newspaper
  • In 1986 members of the Revolutionary Guards beat up the British charge d'affaires and 2007 saw the Iranian detention of 15 British sailors and marines in disputed waters along the Iraqi border.
  • WORD CORRECT PRONUNCIATION bivouac _biv'wak_ chargé d'affaires _shar zha'daffar'_ connoisseur _connissur_ dishabille _dis'abil_ ennui _onwe_, not _ongwe_ finale _finah'le_ foyer _fwaya'_ massage _masahzh_ naïve _nah'ev_ papier maché _papya mahsha_ piquant _pe'kant_ prima facie _prima fa'shie_ pro tempore _pro tem'pore_ régime _razhem'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • In 1986 members of the Revolutionary Guards beat up the British charge d'affaires and 2007 saw the Iranian detention of 15 British sailors and marines in disputed waters along the Iraqi border.
  • Epochal angels: direction of the affaires of each generation and root race.
  • Item, that the fleete shal keep together, and not separate themselues asunder, as much as by winde and weather may be done or permitted, and that the Captaines, Pilots and masters shall speedily come aboord the Admiral, when and as often as he shall seeme to haue iust cause to assemble them for counsaile or consultation to be had concerning the affaires of the fleete and voyage. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • J'ai toujours pensé que la mémoire était *la* grande affaire de la langue... et de la vie, en fait. ARCHIVE(S).

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