How To Use Aether In A Sentence

  • OK, Einstein likened spacetime to the aether because it acts upon and can be perturbed by matter. Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
  • It was then malaxated and digested in cold aether.
  • Parthenope, dulcisque solo tu gloria nostro reptasti. nitidum consurgat ad aethera tellus The Marriage of Stella and Violentilla
  • Ceu canis umbrosam lustrans Gortynia uallem, si celeris potuit ceruae comprendere lustra, saeuit in absentem et circum uestigia latrans5 aethera per nitidum tenues sectatur odores: non amnes illam medii, non ardua tardant, perdita nec serae meminit decedere nocti. Fragments of the De Morte
  • HPMC can not dissolve in grain alcohol, aether and acetone without water in them and can dissolve into clear or slight feculent colloidal solution .
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  • In our libraries, we have often seen that making titles available freely in aetheric editions has often served to make the same title more desirable in print. Enter the Bibliomancer: A new career for the CodePoet
  • The reasoning of the Stoics was based on exactly such a belief: that the universe was made of two types of substance: the passive substance we call matter; and Fate or Logos as an aetheric substance that is active in it, governs it, makes it a dance a merry jig to the tune it calls. Archive 2009-08-01
  • The aether carries the information, the aether is information. The goggles, they do...whoah!
  • Because, as Lord Kelvin points out, though it is admitted that Aether is matter, yet that admission is only a qualified admission, and not one which carries with it all the properties that essentially belong to matter, or an admission which includes the fact that Aether is gravitative, that is, subject to Aether and Gravitation
  • In August 1812, he wrote a sonnet, ‘To a Balloon laden with Knowledge’: ‘Bright ball of flame that through the gloom of even / silently takest thine aethereal way….’ Collected Works of W. B. Yeats Volume III Autobiographies
  • To explain some of his observations Newton had to argue that the corpuscles of light created waves in the aether.
  • Baptista Christi praevius et claviger aetherius cum ceteris apostolis nos solvant nexu criminis. November 1: The Feast of All Saints
  • To say that "we" can -- never mind must -- control "our passions" is to say that there is a sentient self distinct from the very basis of sentience, to believe in some aetheric ghost-in-the-machine, some supernatural spirit of a mech-warrior pulling levers, pressing buttons, flicking switches, turning dials to make the meat-robot lumber from here to there. Stoicism, Sophistry and Sodomy
  • He vacillated an hour between his translation of St Fortunatus 'hymn, _Quem terra, pontus aethera_, and "Red as a Rose is She," which, although he thought it as reprehensible for moral as for literary reasons, he was fain to follow out to the vulgar end. A Mere Accident
  • I don't have the list of office hymns that are sung specifically on this day - but the LLPB appoints this hymn, "The God Whom Earth and Sea and Sky" (that's the mp3) (Quem terra, pontus, aethera) to "The Common of Saints - A hymn about the Blessed Virgin Mary. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Give it a sensible time for any aetheric shenanigans as that email might get up to on its way, then if it still ain't through, drop us a line from whatever address yer Paypal is linked to, and I'll say "D'oh!" loudly to myself and fire a copy out to yer. A Scruffian Christmas
  • We have, therefore, to apply these facts to the aetherial medium which surrounds all planetary and stellar bodies in the same way as the atmosphere does; and which, being also gravitative, is equally subject to the same laws of motion. Aether and Gravitation
  • And Fulgura, et attritus fubita face rumpitur aether. The Works of the English Poets.: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical
  • This latter kind of fire, which was known as aether, was the substance of the heavenly bodies, as it was also of the soul of animals and of the 'nature' of plants. Guide to Stoicism
  • aetheric" I believe was referring to Heaven, or some plane of existence not accessible by humans. Undefined
  • Breathable aether makes up the space between planets, the British Empire basically control the Earth and Mars, aetherships ply the spaceways between planets, and a band of 'cut throat' pirates harries shipping. REVIEW: Larklight by Philip Reeve
  • And I wondered what writers would do on days like that, before we could suckle at the aetheric teat of the internet. "...there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
  • He lives in an England which lies in a universe which is parallel to ours - a world where Joshua Wagstaffe discovered aether in 1678.
  • Thus in ‘aethereal,’ ‘paean,’ and one or two more words the “ae” will be found, and ‘airy’ still appears as ‘aery’. The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Some apprehended a purifying virtue in fire, refining the grosser commixture, and firing out the aethereal particles so deeply immersed in it. Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
  • To Lodge, the aether was a necessity, the cosmic glue without which "there can hardly be a material universe at all. Victor Stenger: The Myth of Quantum Consciousness
  • To say that "we" can -- never mind must -- control "our passions" is to say that there is a sentient self distinct from the very basis of sentience, to believe in some aetheric ghost-in-the-machine, some supernatural spirit of a mech-warrior pulling levers, pressing buttons, flicking switches, turning dials to make the meat-robot lumber from here to there. Stoicism, Sophistry and Sodomy
  • Maxwell's electromagnetic theory involved an aether occupying all space, whereas Einstein's radical recasting of it eliminated the aether.
  • Ex quibus constat nec diversa aeris et aetheris diaphana esse, nec refractiones aliunde quam a crasso aere causari — Non dura aut impervia, sed liquida, subtilis, motuique Planetarium facile cedens. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Ut cantemus de patrono/Coram agno, coram throno/Laudes super aethera. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • What is the key to the greatest scientific discovery of modern times, viz. wireless or aetherial telegraphy, which is girdling the earth with its mysterious communications? Aether and Gravitation
  • Lorentz relativity was presented as a "kluge" to the Aether. Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
  • For instance, Copernicus's theory shared much of Aristotle's physics, Aristotle's commitment to spherical motion and his use of aethereal spheres, Kepler's geo-centrism Historicist Theories of Rationality
  • This made the vacuum much "emptier" and Einstein could ultimately "empty it" completely: he removed the rest of the aether and showed that it couldn't exist because it would be inconsistent with relativity. The Reference Frame
  • Finally, the genitive here is strongly supported by _Ibis_ 475-76 'ut Macedo rapidis icta est cum coniuge flammis,/sic precor _aetherii uindicis_ igne cadas'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Well, it seems he had been working for years at the ultimate problem of matter, and especially of that rarefied matter we call aether or space. The Moon Endureth: Tales and Fancies
  • [In an hierophantic tone] Oh! most mighty king, the boundless air, that keepest the earth suspended in space, thou bright Aether and ye venerable goddesses, the Clouds, who carry in your loins the thunder and the lightning, arise, ye sovereign powers and manifest yourselves in the celestial spheres to the eyes of your sage. The Clouds
  • All celestial objects in the super-lunar region were made of an incorruptible element called aether.
  • Any equipotential surface which represents a particular aetherial density, would also correspond with a particular elasticity or pressure of the Aether, while it would further correspond with a particular temperature, if such a term is applicable to the Aether. Aether and Gravitation
  • Lorentz, assuming a fixed aether, untrapped and undragged, had nevertheless obtained an electromag - netic derivation of Fresnel's formula far more con - vincing than that given by Fresnel. RELATIVITY
  • In this scheme of things, the elements of air and fire predominated and together they composed a fifth element, more pure than the rest, which the ancients called ‘the aether.’
  • Fresnel's so-called aether drag, we said it implied that every feasible first order experiment would fail. RELATIVITY
  • Gorgoneo tinctum defigens sanguine ferrum. illa subit contra uersamque a gurgite frontem erigit et tortis innitens oribus alte60 emicat ac toto sublimis corpore fertur. sed quantum illa subit semet iaculata profundo, in tantum reuolat laxumque per aethera ludit Andromeda
  • It will be shown that Clerk Maxwell also definitely affirms the atomicity of the aether, while Tyndall and Huyghens also use the term "_particles of aether_" over and over again. Aether and Gravitation
  • Ceu canis umbrosam lustrans Gortynia uallem, si celeris potuit ceruae comprendere lustra, saeuit in absentem et circum uestigia latrans5 aethera per nitidum tenues sectatur odores: non amnes illam medii, non ardua tardant, perdita nec serae meminit decedere nocti. Fragments of the De Morte
  • In soaring above the region of phenomena and entering the tenuous aether of noumena, her present wings, which we call her methods, would in such an atmosphere be no longer of any service for movement. Thoughts on Religion
  • Maxwell's electromagnetic theory involved an aether occupying all space, whereas Einstein's radical recasting of it eliminated the aether.
  • An aetheric substance in the form of a "soul" when it comes to humans. Stoicism, Sophistry and Sodomy
  • This agrees with Art. 77, in which we saw that the pressure around any body due to aetherial density also possessed equipotential surfaces. Aether and Gravitation
  • Hesperus exsertat radios, quantusque per altum aethera, caeruleis tantus monstratur in undis. Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • Ut cantemus de patrono/Coram agno, coram throno/Laudes super aethera. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • He has been treating the 'pure aethereal fire' which he also calls 'light' as a cause, and is clarifying the sense in which he does not mean it. Berkeley, Laws of Nature, and Occasionalism
  • Thankfully, many game publishers have also lent their support, and have agreed to supply game products to help the Con along. aethereal Cat Rambo
  • So I found it kind of funny we actually use an Aether-inspired transformation to work out problems in Einsteinian relativity. Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
  • Some apprehended a purifying virtue in fire, refining the grosser commixture, and firing out the aethereal particles so deeply immersed in it. Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
  • There are similar differences in the air; of which the brightest part is called the aether, and the most turbid sort mist and darkness; and there are various other nameless kinds which arise from the inequality of the triangles. Timaeus
  • Nilotes held the moon to be of “male-female sex,” the men sacrificing to Luna and the women to Lunus. 387 Isis also was a hermaphrodite, the idea being that Aether or Air (the lower heavens) was the menstruum of generative nature; and Damascius explained the tenet by the all-fruitful and prolific powers of the atmosphere. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Quid bifera Alcinoi laudem pomaria uosque, qui numquam uacui prodistis in aethera, rami? cedant Telegoni, cedant Laurentia Turni iugera Lucrinaeque domus litusque cruenti85 A Villa at Tibur
  • The extraction by aether was carried through following primary removing impurity after bulb crashed and decomposed by Alliinase .
  • Einstein ditched aether and replaced it with spacetime, which turned out to be a physical object with its own degrees of freedom (that's general relativity). About: The Progressive Diminishment of Man
  • If such a result can be arrived at by the logical and philosophical conception of a gravitative Aether, then the three Rules of Philosophy are fully satisfied, and the assumption of a gravitative Aether is warranted on a strictly philosophical basis. Aether and Gravitation
  • The Canadian designer Angella Mackey makes a women's shell with a snap-in LED light strip, and L.A.-based Aether's Transit jacket has understated reflective black strips. Easy Riders
  • On the other hand, these are people who also seriously believe in aethereal beings that answer whiny pleas and need slick used-car salesmen to talk them through what they should think, once a week ... but who don't believe in ESP, ghosts, or any other supernatural events. Yet Another "Star" Shows Their Brain
  • Berkeley is much taken with the notion of a World Soul that is a 'pure aethereal fire'; and has been speculating Siris is explicitly a speculative work, put forward not dogmatically but as food for thought about its role in the functioning of the cosmos. Berkeley, Laws of Nature, and Occasionalism
  • Aristotle gives the first place to the aether, as that which is impassible, it being a kind of a fifth body after which he placeth those that are passible, fire, air, and water, and last of all the earth. Essays and Miscellanies
  • Instead, it is designated a failed scientific hypothesis, to be discarded alongside phlogiston and the luminiferous aether. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It is as dead as phlogiston and the universal aether.
  • For seabirds some of the largest colonies of tropical Atlantic seabirds are found on the Fernando de Noronha islands, with large numbers species including the black noddy or Anous minutis, the brown noddy Anous stolidus, the sooty tern Sterna fuscata, the fairy tern Gygis alba, the masked booby Sula dactylatra, the brown booby Sula leucogaster, the red footed booby Sula sula; the magnificent frigatebird Fragata magnificans and the red-billed tropicbird Phaethon aethereus. Brazilian Atlantic Islands, Brazil
  • HOC uide circum supraque quod complexu continet terram solisque exortu capessit candorem, occasu nigret, id quod nostri caelum memorant, Grai perhibent aethera: quidquid est hoc, omnia animat format alit auget creat sepelit recipitque in sese omnia, omniumque idem est pater, 5 indidemque eadem aeque oriuntur de integro atque eodem occidunt. Genitabile Caelum
  • Similarly, it was believed, light waves needed the aether through which to travel.
  • _ -- The fact that in an electric field there are different points at different potentials, leads us to the truth that in an electric field there are also equipotential surfaces; that is to say, there are surfaces where the electric density or the aetherial density are equal at all points on such a surface. Aether and Gravitation
  • If therefore Aether be matter, then, to be strictly logical and philosophical, it must be conceded that Aether is gravitative, as well as having the other properties of matter, as elasticity and inertia, etc. Aether and Gravitation
  • These aetherial lines of force stretch out into space on every side of the sun, and in fact form concentric magnetic shells around the sun; which magnetic shells coincide with the equipotential surfaces of the Aether and Gravitation
  • But she had always thought of this collection of abstruse couplets and quatrains as completely aethereal, having no relation to ordinary people or ordinary events. Antony and Cleopatra
  • His latest creation is the "Aetheria Circumducitur", a steampunk lamp housed in a spinning brass cage.
  • Ex quibus constat nec diversa aeris et aetheris diaphana esse, nec refractiones aliunde quam a crasso aere causari — Non dura aut impervia, sed liquida, subtilis, motuique Planetarium facile cedens. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • To certain smoke-dried spirits matter and motion and elastic aethers, and the hypothesis of this or that other spectacled professor, tell a speaking story; but for youth and all ductile and congenial minds, Pan is not dead, but of all the classic hierarchy alone survives in triumph; goat-footed, with Virginibus Puerisque and other papers
  • From that conception, the Aether has been gradually perfected, until we have the conception which has been presented to the reader in Chapter IV., in which I have endeavoured to show that this aetherial medium is matter, but infinitely more rarefied and infinitely more elastic, but notwithstanding its extreme rarefaction and elasticity, it possesses inertia, because it is gravitative. Aether and Gravitation
  • C. ab Ioue principium, si quis canit aethera, sumat, si quis Atlantiaci pondus molitur Olympi: at mihi, qui nostras praesenti numine terras perpetuamque regit iuuenili robore pacem, 85 laetus et augusto felix adrideat ore. A Singing Match
  • Nineteenth-century physicists postulated the existence of an elastic solid, the aether, to account for the propagation of light.
  • He was of average height by Aetheris standards, with a swimmer's physique, and a handsome face.
  • To be strictly logical and philosophical, in the statement that Aether is matter, it must be conceded not only that Aether is subject to such properties as elasticity, inertia, and compressibility, but that it is also gravitative or possesses weight. Aether and Gravitation

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