How To Use Aesthetically In A Sentence

  • This vision will then have to be translated physically and aesthetically into a future Opel vehicle.
  • No doubt we can admire the architectonic structure of these systems aesthetically, as we would un chef-d'oeuvre de l'art. METAPHYSICAL IMAGINATION
  • It is widely regarded as an architectural disaster, aesthetically unpleasing and out of keeping with the rest of the College.
  • One such bod was commenting that he thought that the ancients had erected Pentre Ifan because it was aesthetically pleasing and fitted in with the surrounding landscape.
  • On one occasion, in hospital after an operation, Pegg awoke from his anaesthetically induced coma an hour too early, confounding doctors until it was realised he must have overheard a fellow patient on the ward watching The Guardian World News
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  • Tourism will increase in an aesthetically and ecologically beautiful city.
  • On one hand, aesthetic Physic falls back into the equivoke of the theory of artistic and literary classes, by attempting to determine aesthetically the abstractions of our intellect; on the other, fails to recognize, as we said, the true formation of so-called natural beauty; for which the question as to whether some given individual animal, flower, or man be beautiful or ugly, is altogether excluded. Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic
  • In this kind of inauthentic, aesthetically impoverished fiction, the writer has latched on to fiction as a vehicle for "saying something," not as a form of verbal art in which the work must "say" for itself. John Dewey's *Art as Experience*
  • Even pain is transfigured into a sort of pleasure which can be savoured aesthetically.
  • The Tri-Van marries these two basic approaches in aesthetically pleasing and innovative ways. Best New Arrow Rest 2009: Mid-Atlantic Archery Tri-Van
  • The fantasy of the undecorated house is Tuesday morning as it is actually lived, not as we would like other people to imagine it; it is the idea of energy, of chaos, of motion, of mess well, mess within very circumscribed and aesthetically pleasing limits: children lying in a pile of books, artfully unmade beds, one piece of clothing strewn across a couch. The Rise of the Personal
  • Get out of your rut of voting for the aesthetically pleasing contestant with no vocal talent, and pick the ones who can sing.
  • The mowing was a real issue for my father, legally as well as aesthetically. The Boundary Line
  • No doubt we can admire the architectonic structure of these systems aesthetically, as we would un chef-d'oeuvre de l'art. METAPHYSICAL IMAGINATION
  • A false moral equivalence is a sub-type of false equivalence; things can be aesthetically obscene and not morally obscene; the last question hardly makes sense but insofar as it does the answer is yes. Matthew Yglesias » Lacking in Prosal Clarity
  • In private settings, an exquisite image of a religious subject with multivalent textual meaning could serve all manner of eyes - Protestant, Catholic, the politically committed, the aesthetically conscious.
  • That is why that is such an important moment, not because the thing was shaped like two spirals - that's just aesthetically pleasing - but because the world changed on that day.
  • The scarred man pulls at his hat, a floppy felt affair which, constructed anaesthetically, does little more than conceal his long and haggard face. Beneath an opal moon
  • These two world heritage sites are visual wonderlands for the traveler looking for something more sensitive and aesthetically rewarding than the shopping malls of Hong Kong and Singapore.
  • Because of the Fourth Symphony, writers tend to view the Prélude and Fugue as an adumbration, rather than as something aesthetically complete in its own right.
  • Aesthetically pleasing it wasn't, but his goal did suggest a quickness of mind and, just as important, a ruthlessness that is engrained in all great strikers.
  • Boyle is famous now not because she has an incredible singing voice - which, let's face it, she hasn't; she has a good singing voice and that rare but not unknown talent of possessing perfect pitch - but because she is aesthetically "displeasing" (she is over 25, doesn't appear to have great knowledge of personal grooming and looks much older than her real age - 47). Irish Blogs
  • It is the art of dwarfing trees or plants and developing them into aesthetically appealing shapes.
  • Like the daimon of Socrates who indicates only what not to do, we too know instinctively, aesthetically, when a fish stinks, when the sense of beauty is offended.
  • Her hair has the kind of untamed volume mostly seen on those who've yet to feel the pressures of an aesthetically constrained professional environment. Photos of crime victims, such as Chandra Levy, can become numbingly familiar
  • Aesthetically, I would love something that doesn't adhere to the current roadie world of big logos on every inch of the bike.
  • Fog came to mean something in London, and as such is made available aesthetically rather than metaphysically.
  • The participants would be bringing aesthetically pleasing furniture suitable for those living in tiny accommodations.
  • However, from your blogging persona I've gotten the sense that you're aesthetically repulsed by the usual sex-and-shopping ditzfests and self-help bozothons that most agents use to meet their profit margins. Love or money?
  • Likewise, aesthetically lacquered trappings dramatically impede the movements of the drama's main characters.
  • Perhaps it wasn't as aesthetically pleasing as those other contenders. The Sun
  • In art it is often the departures from symmetry that are aesthetically pleasing or disturbing, and in science those same asymmetries are both revealing and informative.
  • A nude wearing baroque (antique) gold jewellery (and nothing else) is aesthetically much more pleasing than a completely nude woman or one wearing both jewellery and clothes, presumably because the homogeneity and smoothness of the naked skin contrasts sharply with the ornateness and rich texture of the jewellery. The Cognitive Science of Art: Ramachandran's 10 Principles of Art, Principles 1-3
  • Its last New York appearance included a show shamelessly calculated to sell tickets to the aesthetically challenged.
  • Bright colours and clear bold graphics make the menu practical and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Some of the old Turkish bath houses are still operating and are as aesthetically pleasing as they are physically soothing.
  • The apparatus is aesthetically fragile and consists of more plastic than metal. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the time of their opening, the towers were praised as technologically marvelous but aesthetically soulless.
  • There is an awesome cathedral in Seville, and a number of other aesthetically pleasing buildings.
  • The aesthetically perfect world of Los Nubes is perpetually aglow with the warm light of an autumn sunset, or dramatic moonlight.
  • Aesthetically, it stands apart from its Western counterparts, for each Indian piece is painstakingly handcrafted.
  • The first 30 beads of so of a necklace, we've historically thought was just an aesthetically pleasing pattern customarily used by a particular tribe.
  • It is an informed and aesthetically pleasing treatment of this broad subject.
  • Page 334 esthetically, intellectually, and as a mold of form one of the very lowest of the low order of batrachia, will eat his fill of leaden shot, when thrown to him one by one, until by excess of artificial weight he is utterly unable to move. Recollections and reflections : an auto of half a century and more,
  • The complexity seems more interesting to me aesthetically, the tying together of multiple voices into a kind of whole from consonant to dissonant.
  • Indeed, relocating a city to a more effective, attractive but perhaps less aesthetically pleasing location has its logical merits if it improves its strategic aims.
  • But as stunning as some pieces were (more than one gallerygoer asked Duane Hanson's "Security Guard" for directions to the men's room), the ultrarealistic sculpture of a couple of artistic generations ago was always a little esthetically unsatisfying. Arts Extra: Less Is Mueck
  • It wasn't just because of the camaraderie of the legends, but because of the aesthetically pleasing physiques they built as well.
  • The Sanctuary itself was spectacularly built and was very aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
  • But anyone wanting to get a job as a graphic designer is probably claiming to be detail-oriented, aesthetically aware, obsessive about getting things perfect, and tuned to the arcana of graphic design.
  • We all want a safer, cleaner and a more aesthetically pleasing community.
  • Now its awfulness is both technically and aesthetically apparent.: p) Twilight Lexicon » Eclipse One Sheet Poster Revealed
  • Aesthetically, unselfconsciousness has often apotheosized eros - the effortless pubescent grace of the Athenian youth ignited the pederastic swoon of seemingly all Greek thought.
  • That could be partly the case mix - we are not allowed to take anaesthetically risky patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • If I use the Rothko Chapel to host my son’s bar mitsvah, I am treating it other than aesthetically, and if I drive a Jaguar to class in College Station, I may be using it for the purpose for which it was intended, but I am hardly driving a work of art. Comparing Aesthetic Experiences
  • To determine what method will work best for you, you need to figure out how you process information: visually, auditorily, or kinesthetically. Unclutter Your Life in One Week
  • They do not recognize how aesthetically pleasing your site is but rather will digest the content of your site to understand its subject matter.
  • Yes, attention to the civilities of the day can give even the most aesthetically challenged man a shot at scoring a mate…
  • ARs aren't functionally better than other semi-autos, they are more expensive generally, aesthetically displeasing to some of us, and they're generally less well built and less accurate. Is Your Next Deer Rifle An AR?
  • Of course that production was a very far remove choreographically, scenically, and even esthetically from the Martins version.
  • Blake would appear to find the latter conceptually and aesthetically interesting and productive up to a point, but boring in infinity, however intricate fractality may be, such as that of the famous Mandelbrot set. Chaosmic Orders: Nonclassical Physics, Allegory, and the Epistemology of Blake's Minute Particulars.
  • Pagan influences on Christmas have been totally assimilated and defanged, and likewise the Christian spiritual essence of the season has been all but gobbled up by something called commercialism, which, as far as I can tell, means the mindless production and proliferation of spiritually devastating, aesthetically offensive, shoddily-manufactured junk. A State of the Season Address
  • An aesthetically pleasing city with clean air would make cycling and walking more pleasurable.
  • The Insight steers anaesthetically but adequately, is a touch choppy over bumps, and brakes firmly and naturally even though up to 60 percent of braking effort comes from the regenerative braking which uses the absorption of kinetic energy to recharge the battery via the motor. Motoring
  • They do want something more aesthetically satisfying. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are any of them aesthetically pleasing? Times, Sunday Times
  • The end result was aesthetically very pleasing, with clear, slightly indented type on crisp linen paper, but was very expensive. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • To question whether The Floating Order really signals that Erin Pringle will consistently produce such aesthetically challenging fiction, however, is not at all to diminish its achievement or deny its satisfactions. "I Wouldn't Explain"
  • They were ladies of lofty ambition, who for that reason were incapable of taking the least interest in what might be called the 'pinchbeck' things of life, even when they had an historic value, or, generally speaking, in anything that was not directly associated with some object aesthetically precious. Swann's Way
  • Toys come in cardboard boxes with nice plastic window-fronts that let perusers see the contents laid out in a way that is aesthetically pleasing, if not actually practical. State of Play
  • Such vitriol toughened her up for the less aesthetically pleasing career of boxing.
  • The design is sleek, smooth and aesthetically pleasing. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I also didn't expect the modern yet historic and aesthetically pleasing city I found myself in this weekend.
  • Elsewhere it is a similarly depressing story of industrial sheds, ugly roundabouts, sprawling car parks and aesthetically unpleasing supermarkets.
  • They both displayed full muscle bellies, dramatic V tapers, sleek waistlines, crisp tie-ins and loads of aesthetically pleasing details.
  • Spend it aesthetically, spend it anaesthetically, but spend it. The Book of the SubGenius
  • Aesthetically, the XO is simple yet kid-friendly, engaging, tactile, and even anthropomorphic. OLPC Launches Buy One/Donate One Initiative! | Inhabitat
  • Lavender is used medicinally, cosmetically, culinarily and aesthetically.
  • This reduces the number of keys needed to perform a given set of functions and permits a clearer and aesthetically more attractive display to be produced.
  • Beautifully chiselled local stone was used aesthetically in the construction of environmentally friendly buildings.
  • They were clear, simple and aesthetically pleasing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The project will involve increasing the lux value of lights, laying sidewalks, improving traffic junctions, and putting up medians aesthetically’.
  • Aesthetically, the palette manages something paradoxical: it both intensifies and dulls the impact of onscreen violence.
  • The elegant pairing of the NoC dip tube and the removable threaded ferrule which is hidden behind a ferrule cover, contributes to the creation of an aesthetically pleasing pack with an environmentally responsible feature. MWV Creates Sophisticated and Sustainable Solution for the Voyage d’Hermès Fragrance - Yahoo! Finance
  • The manipulation of language in aesthetically pleasing ways was his concern. Transforming Pencil Lead to Gold
  • In terms of communicative chains forged from subacoustical links and phonemic kinks, the negated subjectivity of language, however aesthetically mobilized, is the very source of a textual ethics of intersubjectivity. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • It adds an aesthetically pleasing element to the trunks of trees and is a standout in woodland and sunny areas. Nature hit snooze button on foliage, just now starting to pop
  • The patient will use an aesthetically pleasing reconstruction.
  • Nor does it, as some supporters of the project insist, either convey unsettling, dizzy-making sensations, or employ milder, aesthetically educational means to let the forlornness of the victims be heard.
  • Happily as shown in much of Faerie Queen, given the necessity of civilising through violence, Spenser seems to have found violence aesthetically pleasing, & the poem in parge part a glorification of violence when employed in a worthy cause. Severed heads all in a row
  • Aesthetically it is a dump and, but for the area around the harbour, has no redeeming features.
  • Esthetically speaking, the notion that the magical is the wonderful is puzzling. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • Not since victim-of-allegations-of-art-crime-serial-killing epic ‘I have not been to Oxford Town ‘was half-inched for Starship Troopers has a culture-concept car crash left me so aesthetically tumescent.
  • This claim uncovers why we find certain formal properties such as symmetry and regularity aesthetically pleasing.
  • Shopping centres generally can't be spoilt aesthetically. Times, Sunday Times
  • While large amounts of reflective glass may be aesthetically pleasing, it is more harmful to our feathered friends.
  • One could argue that what distinguishes the poet is not primarily his/her ability to "penetrate differences" but to put words together in aesthetically provocative ways and that the connections made are connections between poetry as it has been and poetry as it might be, not between competing "communities," but even if we were to accept Biespiel's amorphous formulation it does not follow that this ability is readily transferable from page to public square. Poetry
  • And I've also heard that "IIII" was used just to mirror the "VIII" on the other side of the face, because the clockface looks aesthetically unbalanced if you use "IV" there instead. Three clocks
  • The sprawling garden was festooned with fancy illuminations and aesthetically decorated flower baskets.
  • For parents living in small dwellings in the big city, furniture that is aesthetically pleasing, highly functional and compactable is a must… especially when it Jellio Debuts their Xylophone Coffee Table | Inhabitat
  • He deftly picks up different objects such as glass stones, beads and white metal piping and threads it aesthetically on a black cotton thread to make a necklace.
  • To the scientific mind, a euphonious musical piece that calms the mind and soul is as aesthetically beautiful as a complex mathematical formula.
  • The surgeon also strives for a functional repair of the muscles and an aesthetically pleasing approximation of the skin edges.
  • In my complacent liberal piety, ‘orthodoxy’ seemed to me for a long time to be a harmless artifact, rather like a chasuble, a decorative accessory which reminded us of the past in aesthetically pleasing, but largely irrelevant ways.
  • The Insight steers anaesthetically but adequately, is a touch choppy over bumps, and brakes firmly and naturally even though up to 60 per cent of braking effort comes from the regenerative braking which uses the absorption of kinetic energy to recharge the battery via the motor. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • But once the technological novelty was outgrown, something aesthetically interesting happened.
  • Likewise, aesthetically lacquered trappings dramatically impede the movements of the drama's main characters.
  • The practice of counting pitches has all but eliminated the aesthetically pleasing complete game performance.
  • Beautifully chiselled local stone was used aesthetically in the construction of environmentally friendly buildings.
  • Mr. Byrne believes it should be schlumpy and functional rather than aesthetically pleasing. Getting Comfortable but Not Too Familiar
  • It might not have been pretty -- "I stopped myself short of ` aesthetically pleasing" -- `but it got the job done. DOUBTING THOMAS
  • A crescent moon, with much sharper and longer points than could be considered usual or aesthetically pleasing. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • I like objects to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Rapid transit would aid mightily a more intensive development of this metropolitan heartland and would tend to minimize this aesthetically unattractive "scatteration". Planning for Transportation in the Metropolitan Community
  • Numerous newly hybridized plants are introduced every year with the goal of creating trees, shrubs and perennials that perform well, are hardy, pest-resistant and long-lived and that display practical and aesthetically pleasing characteristics. New crop of hybrid plants demonstrate beauty of ingenuity
  • In this series of works painted from 1983 to 1987, Gu draws from his own study of archaic seal scripts to produce aesthetically compelling but in fact thoroughly undecipherable images.
  • He has consistently distanced himself from his documentarian brethren, both aesthetically and politically.
  • It thus produces a weiner that sprawls across the plate like an octopus, pleasing the young tykes aesthetically while also reducing the choking hazard.
  • While it is true that a literary criticism not bound to academe might still give attention to "philosophizing," et. al., it is hard to imagine that such criticism would so willingly apologize for aesthetically inferior work as academic criticism in its current guise is forced to do. Principles of Literary Criticism
  • While traditional lamps sell at 50 paise a piece, aesthetically painted ones sell for a rupee each, they add.
  • Display areas were created in which glass cases were as densely packed as possible without much regard to an aesthetically pleasing installation.
  • The evening started rather well - a mixed audience of both young and old, a full promenade section and a first piece, 20 years old, that both perplexed and encouraged choreographically, musically and aesthetically.
  • Choose the larger leaved plants, such as Amazon Sword, Crypts and Vallis which will provide shelter as well as being aesthetically pleasing.
  • They are both scales of seven: the tonic, mediant, and dominant, find their types in red, yellow, and blue, while the modifications on which the diatonic scale is constructed, resemble, numerically and esthetically, the well-known variations in the spectrum. The Continental Monthly , Vol. 2 No. 5, November 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • The things we remember as part of all our yesterdays grow to become ridiculously naive and aesthetically bilious. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is all before the show Lie to Me, but by watching the patient's eyes, we would know how they were processing information: visually (up to their left or up to right), auditorily (to left or right center) or kinesthetically (down to right). Judith Acosta, LISW, CHT: Words of Grace: Christianity and Verbal First Aid
  • Bringing together and shaping a disparate collection of vocal and musical samples he creates a rich cultural portrait that succeeds both conceptually and aesthetically.
  • Stone arches can safely, economically and aesthetically replace concrete lintels.
  • Is it more difficult or valuable to transform theoretical precepts into richly-textured poetic form, or to forego such comforting "aestheticist" pleasure and baldly "bare the device" by having the poem use theoretical language and ideas in a relatively direct, undigestedand thus, aesthetically subversivemanner? Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
  • On Thursday my inner thigh was an aesthetically pleasing shade of bluey purple.
  • Aesthetically, it recalls the jagged, fragmented abstract art of the Italian Futurists, Russia's Suprematists and Constructivists, and Vorticist Wyndham Lewis.
  • Set to address the needs and demands of the fitness freaks, the aesthetically designed and well equipped gym boasts of the best facilities in the City.
  • One might expect McQuade to render a piquant gendered fiction, a story of aesthetically pluralistic feminist intervention, a ‘swerving’ into the genealogies of our fathers.
  • Given what was said about immoralism, moralism must be advocating the pro tanto principle that a work is aesthetically good insofar as it is ethically good, but this does not determine its aesthetic value, all things considered.
  • Book Made of Forest is exactly that; its poems exhibit a sort of humble, subtle, contemplative organicism that cannot be taught, and that connotes an earnest and unaffected attachment to the natural both literally and aesthetically. Seth Abramson: November 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
  • But the donuts themselves are artery cloggers and aesthetically a mess, I think.
  • It is essential to design class teaching aesthetically in concrete teaching contents and aspects.
  • While aesthetically pleasing, the tongue-in-cheek site also tries to answer every previously unasked question regarding phlegm-lore and spit superstitions.
  • Even in these economically challenging times, Biltmore retains its power to delight, enticing us back to an aesthetically alluring past whose inegalitarian edges have been sanded smooth by time. King of the Castles
  • Section 101 of NEPA speaks of the need to assure all Americans "safe, healthful, productive, and esthetically and culturally pleasing surroundings ".
  • It should be relatively easy to pick off the strays, the drunks and the aesthetically challenged from the edge of the dance floor.
  • Oh… well you are winning in an aesthetically unpleasing way.
  • Aesthetically, the resulting works lie halfway between Victorian froufrou and the obsessive-compulsive artwork produced by the mentally challenged. 2009 March :
  • With the "aesthetically living" as its originally being, cultural character aesthetics is the aesthetics of life with fresh vital affection and the full-bodied life impressiveness .
  • Quoddys take a bit of getting used to aesthetically but their light crepe soles, full-grained sheepskin liners and hand-sewn uppers, which made them so handy for deer hunting in Maine, also mark them out on the street as boots with integrity and longevity (Quoddy will lovingly repair and resole on request). Coolhunter: Quoddy
  • Today, with later harvests and for the other reasons already expressed, the tannin is sweeter, and unless the wine has a bacterial problem suspended proteins or other matter that makes the wine unattractive aesthetically, there is no need to perform the heavy finings and filtrations of the past. The World’s Greatest Wine Estates
  • The clear glass bottle features a thick bottom for an enriched, specialty look, while the long body and short neck creates an aesthetically taller appearance that also functions easily in the bartenders’ well.
  • Moreover, the numerous wineries and vineyards were quite aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
  • Yet, American Romantic ideology, as it emerged in the Democratic Review through the use of civic nationalism and sentiment, fostered the notion that a radical split from Britain was not only aesthetically desired but also ideologically necessary if its literature was to appear as an original, inspired, and autochthonic thing. 'An Anti-Democratic Habit of Feeling': Nationalism and the Rhetoric of Toryism in O'Sullivan's Democratic Review
  • At the time of their opening, the towers were praised as technologically marvelous but aesthetically soulless.
  • Hung on seemingly gossamer cables and curving seductively over a frothing gorge below the Falls, it would be esthetically ideal.
  • This is time consuming and not always aesthetically necessary, but if you decide to fill them in, use lightweight spackle and caulk.
  • he can perceive shapes kinesthetically
  • They do want something more aesthetically satisfying. Times, Sunday Times
  • The thought of looking at a picture of me chubbier, older, less hirsute, generally aesthetically disappointing is too painful. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, these efforts seem mostly directed toward simply dismantlingthe novelas "form", without much interest in aesthetically reconstituting the text, Everett's text, as at least a temporary alternative to established forms, as a new iteration of form in fiction. Comedy in Literature
  • this building is aesthetically very pleasing
  • I know that, aesthetically, the results of colouring my hair might be an improvement.
  • In contrast, Masoch's fictive world is mythical, persuasive, aesthetically oriented, and centered around the idealizing, mystical exaltation of love for the punishing woman.
  • The rest alternated between pinching each other, aesthetically arranging their bags and throwing science pamphlets at the snug snoozers.
  • Abnormal scars can cause unpleasant symptoms and be aesthetically distressing, disfiguring, and psychosocially and functionally disabling. Appropriate treatment depends on scar type and aetiology.
  • His breath is taken away by the city's loveliness to the extent that seeing a ‘clumpish’, aesthetically appalling block of flats in the midst of such splendour almost sends him into a paroxysm of bewildered fury.
  • Crystal ware in delightful shapes is a perennial attraction, along with aesthetically designed desk clocks that do more than just tell the time.
  • The fact that you might find this aesthetically displeasing is no kind of evidence for the idea that markets actually are the magic solution you seek. Matthew Yglesias » The Wage Stagnation Debate
  • These landscapes do not just appeal aesthetically; they are also a prime venue for the adventurous.
  • Perhaps he was aesthetically pleasing, yes, but as far as his personality went…
  • My aesthetically pleasing black borders are back!
  • It seeks to stand completely independent of subjective pointedness but remains aesthetically acute and functionally precise.
  • Is there a more aesthetically pleasing option? Times, Sunday Times
  • The Ancient Greek temple is one of the most aesthetically pleasing buildings in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence, not only is the final product exceptionally pleasing aesthetically, it also shows extreme uniformity of fibres, resistant colours and unsurpassable softness, obtained with the use of ultra-light combed yarns.
  • The sprawling garden was festooned with fancy illuminations and aesthetically decorated flower baskets.

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