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How To Use Aesthete In A Sentence

  • A sallow aesthete, lantern-jawed, was lost in reverie, illusion or void. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • It is populated by a pantheon of upper-middle class aesthetes, running the full gamut from self-indulgence to self-pity, gold-digging doctors and junkie beggars.
  • Fair, pale, and slightly built, his clothes fastidiously neat, Filing had the appearance of a gentleman aesthete. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • They could have been bolder about giving Southern artists a bigger share of the spotlight, but even in their timidity, they have showcased enough top-drawer Southern culture to satisfy the most demanding esthete. The Arts Games
  • He remains an aesthete, but his appreciation of culture is now spiritually empty.
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  • He added, with the devastating practicality of the true alpha double plus aesthete, that there was queer old difference between maintaining a path a hundred yards long and a maintaining a path three hundred yards long.
  • Most synaesthetes are positively disposed to their synaesthesia, but for a very small number, synaesthetic perceptions may be intrusive if they are particularly intense.
  • The aesthetes of New Eltham were not his only problem.
  • In the 1920s and 30s it developed into a glamorous resort populated by rich aesthetes, dissident intellectuals and artists.
  • He was never one to palliate or eulogise, he was never a regulation aesthete.
  • Travelling aesthetes are too engaged with life to be bored.
  • But that, in a way, is what it is to be a human being: an aesthete and yet still a savage, a moral being with a brute's appetite.
  • He was a cultured aesthete who loved music, architecture, and philosophy, even corresponding at length with Voltaire.
  • Ever the aesthete, he admits that the container looks hideous but he likes the elegance of a dedicated storage system.
  • My wife and I and our Arab friends mourned the death of a passionate esthete who brought great wit and discernment to the arid confines of Amman society. Hiding in Plain Sight
  • Charles's father, however, preferred business and sports and regretted that his son had turned out an aesthete and a poet.
  • Was it intimidating stepping into this frightfully sophisticated world of aesthetes and orthorexics? Times, Sunday Times
  • The president of the bank was a hard-faced aesthete with cheekbones so deeply indented that he appeared skull-like under harsh ceiling lights.
  • If opera is an elitist, outmoded art form for high-brow aesthetes, then no one's told these kids.
  • Ever the aesthete, he admits that the container looks hideous but he likes the elegance of a dedicated storage system.
  • A gentle aesthete and a shambolic dilettante, he was extraordinarily widely read, but shrewd and critical as well as omnivorous.
  • And all great movements are popular movements, volcanic eruptions of human passions and emotional sentiments, stirred either by the cruel Goddess of Distress or by the firebrand of the word hurled among the masses; they are not the lemonade-like outpourings of literary aesthetes and drawingroom heroes. Mein Kampf
  • But there was the capricious look of the latent aesthete in his eyes. DISPLACED PERSON
  • He is already cast against type: a surprising rendition of the tall, aggressive, neck-wrenching centre-forward, with his daintier skills, his aesthete's ponytail. England's Andy Carroll is not the first with a thirst for success | Barney Ronay
  • On my demanding table, comprising 10 degenerates and one discerning aesthete, virtually everybody was going for mussels followed by venison with roasted root vegetables.
  • The aesthete from the East has come out west and cut Ansel Adams down to size. Ansel Adams at 100
  • The film had so much potential to please the aesthetes, to assuage the jangled nerves.
  • Upon logging in, synesthetes can choose to share their data with a researcher; if they do, the researcher is automatically emailed and can log on to examine the results. From the Drudge Report
  • If you were to ask our eight-year-old where she spends her weekends, her current answer would be the Museum of Modern Art. And not because she's a mini-esthete with beret and attitude -- this season MOMA simply packs more fun in a single building than any other venue in Manhattan. Jesse Kornbluth: The Henri Cartier-Bresson Exhibit Shows He Was to Photography What Impressionism Was to Art
  • A transient experience of synaesthesia can be induced in non-synaesthetes by drugs such as hashish and mescaline.
  • And Derrida, like all Deconstructionists - and, in particular, French aesthetes, are expert at making rhetoric dance.
  • Johannes the seducer is a reflective aesthete, who gains sensuous delight not so much from the act of seduction but from engineering the possibility of seduction. Søren Kierkegaard
  • A cultivated esthete, Manookian was fascinated by the French novelist Gustave Flaubert's Salammbo, a historical novel set in ancient Carthage. John Seed: The Other Armenian: Arman Manookian's Short Life, and His Art
  • Even that relentless esthete Edward Weston, a man accustomed to making things look the way he thought they should look, tips his hat to the desert's brutal power with his 1937 portrait of a dead drifter that he literally stumbled on while walking in the desert near San Diego. Shooting The West
  • They are the aesthete's choice: a non-warring blend, at last, of Catalan and Castilian elements, of Barcelona and Real Madrid – the great incompatibles of international team construction.
  • With a range of furnishings, from chiffonier, davenport and farthingale chairs to fauteuil and ottomans, aesthetes can choose from wide range at the exhibition.
  • And this is the condition of the decadent, of the aesthete, of the free-lover.
  • When Brophy first met Sir Anthony, at dinner among the sailors and art students "probably both," she suggested of his Courtauld Institute apartment, not even the British security service knew that the aesthete was their betrayer. Peter Stothard - Times Online - WBLG:
  • The painter's orphic sleight of hand was abetted by arcane titles that conjure profligate aristocrats, sexual libertines, adepts of the dark arts and drugged esthetes.
  • His pose was that of the dandy and the aesthete, emphatically not that of the angry young man.
  • I'd always had the impression that golf was something of an esthete sport, what with the collared polo shirt tucked in to khakis with belt. Susan Sawyers: The Secret Side of Golf
  • The solicitation of readerly sentiment and engagement in the service of lurid formalism lends itself to the aesthete as much as to the reformer, and is neither moral nor immoral.
  • And while the verbal branding will please royalists and harrumphing anti-modernist aesthetes, it's too early to conclude from a single press conference that the promise that the games will drive the regeneration of East London is being watered down. 2012 Olympics: from the people's games to the Tory games?
  • The service would have been pronounced by any modern aesthetic religionist -- or religious aesthete, which is it? Sylvie and Bruno
  • It is populated by a pantheon of upper-middle class aesthetes, running the full gamut from self-indulgence to self-pity, gold-digging doctors and junkie beggars.
  • Councillors they may be, aesthetes they are not!
  • Set in the 1980s, the story follows the rite of passage of Nick Guest, a young gay aesthete from the provinces who finds himself adopted, after a fashion, by a grand Notting Hill family led by a thrusting Tory MP.
  • It makes him the CEO as esthete -- as un-American an image as they come. Jesse Kornbluth: Steve Jobs at 'D': When You're an App, You're an App All the Way
  • In social circles, we joke about being Aesthetes of Style, but realize that we have to bend to client's wishes to survive in the marketplace.
  • A sallow aesthete, lantern-jawed, was lost in reverie, illusion or void. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • ‡ The term aesthete is sometimes used negatively to describe someone whose pursuit of beauty is excessive or appears phony. Aesthetics
  • The absolute disdain for politics of the aesthete is in itself a political choice. Politics and Literature
  • In the breadth of his scholarship and interests, in the precision of his dress and tastes, he was something of a nineteenth-century man, an aesthete, a bit of a dandy.
  • Yes, aesthete, that is why I bought that up to dpaitsel, penguin2 2012 Presidential Elections: Scott Brown, Ron Paul & The CPAC Straw Poll | RedState
  • For instance, word-color synaesthetes as well as word-taste synesthetes seem to be affected by the meaning of the word as well as the written or illocutionary presence of the word (70, 75). April Pierce: Synesthesia and Metaphor: Between Fact and Fiction (VIDEO)
  • The prime motivation for the aesthete is the transformation of the boring into the interesting. Søren Kierkegaard
  • With a range of furnishings, from chiffonier, davenport and farthingale chairs to fauteuil and ottomans, aesthetes can choose from a wide range at the exhibition.
  • With a range of furnishings, from chiffonier, davenport and farthingale chairs to fauteuil and ottomans, aesthetes can choose from wide range at the exhibition.
  • The president of the bank was a hard-faced aesthete with cheekbones so deeply indented that he appeared skull-like under harsh ceiling lights.
  • But there was the capricious look of the latent aesthete in his eyes. DISPLACED PERSON
  • Her attitude is now certainly sadder, her descriptions more concrete, her approach less that of the aesthete.
  • Leader of the esthete Florentine layabouts was Seymour Kirkup, a Brit painter with it was said too much money and not enough talent. American Connections
  • By this time, I am a confirmed aesthete with a pronounced distaste for the great outdoors.
  • He remains an aesthete, but his appreciation of culture is now spiritually empty.
  • To be a muddle-headed aesthete, even to be interested in the aesthetic qualities of literature at all, has long been anathema to a certain kind of critic, grounds for accusing writers of being morally deficient, but why, for example, would it probably not occur to these critics to declare, say, composers too interested in art, too attentive to the needs of form over those of morality? Narrative Strategies
  • Being an aesthete with high standards of evidence and argumentation, these intrusions chap him.
  • She lucked out here with a better cast, and Malkovich is clearly having too much fun playing the villainous, devilish aesthete Ripley.
  • Unlike cruder critics who rave about violence and other social consequences outside the magic circle of the artifact, Williams the aesthete finds the film unfaithful to the pure terms of art.
  • For all the millions that the Londoners have splashed out, aesthetes find them a comparatively ugly side to watch.
  • SHE HAS always flattered - the eyes of the aesthetes - not to deceive, but to delight.
  • a pseudo esthete
  • They are advanced aesthetes, located in community-based cultures.
  • I'm perfectly willing to accept the label of "aesthete," although I know it's meant to be a term of horrible abuse. Politics and Literature
  • He is a deceptive film-maker, part polemicist, part aesthete.
  • The aesthetes marvelled at his sureness of foot and quickness of hand.
  • Nor are we holier-than-thou aesthetes who can't manage more than a half lager without being sick in the taxi.
  • The contempt of a fastidious aesthete would not defeat them: far sterner measures were necessary.
  • He took an aesthete's view that some of the writing in the issue was ‘indecent in the sense of offending against delicacy’ but ‘would not deprave or corrupt save in point of literary style’.
  • The book contains fascinating chapters on young militants, flappers and bohemian aesthetes, and on street life.
  • He was an eccentric mixture, a novelist of talent but a pamphleteer of genius, an aesthete whose trademark was gritty realism, a radical socialist with a conservative nostalgia for the shabby-genteel England of his Edwardian childhood. The saint of common decency
  • Blunt art historian, esthete, and homosexual was a distant cousin of Queen Mary. American Connections
  • It's basically a recognition manual for antiquarian booksellers and aesthetes, but it does make some concessions to the issue of how you make the stuff.
  • He may have been king of the aesthetes and the quintessential dandy about town - but behind the bedroom door, Oscar Wilde lived the life of a careless sloven.
  • A transient experience of synaesthesia can be induced in non-synaesthetes by drugs such as hashish and mescaline.
  • The most important point to make is that the aesthete and intellectual showed not the least reservation with flagrant melodrama.
  • All the better, so it would seem, to throw into relief Schelling's philosophical manliness, his sturdy willingness to embrace what the aesthetes and mere pretenders to philosophy would deny, namely the irreducibility of ardent affective life. Mourning Becomes Theory: Schelling and the Absent Body of Philosophy
  • Masters, on the other hand, is a cool-headed aesthete with beautiful redhead dancer for a girlfriend (Debra Fruer), and spends his off-hours working on his numerous paintings, which he always ends up burning (as he did in The French Connection, Friedkin draws class distinctions between the cops and criminals). TO LIVE AND DIE IN L.A. Blu-ray Review –
  • • The words synesthesia is a hybrid of Latin and Greek -- the Latin "syn" (together) + "esthesia", from the Greek aisthesis (sensation or perception) • All babies are synesthetes • Can be induced by certain hallucinogenic Recently Uploaded Slideshows

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