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  1. meteorology of the total extent of the atmosphere; especially the upper layers

How To Use aerology In A Sentence

  • According to her aerology manual, the big hydrogen breathers were modeled on the tiny South American islands where Darwin had made his famous discoveries. LEVIATHAN
  • Sherman Housted, a former Navy officer with a good aerology background, was hired to service as weatherman. News for WNCT
  • “Your cousin speaks highly of your comprehension of aeronautics and aerology.” LEVIATHAN
  • The discipline of aerology - using radiosondes and balloons - began in 1944.
  • The present paper continues to analyze he initial development of aerology in Cuba starting from 1944.
  • The Aerology program measures conditions in the upper atmosphere.
  • Aye, maybe you’re a crack hand with sextants and aerology. LEVIATHAN
  • The whole product is an interactive movie with a set of computer models on aerology and meteorology.
  • The aerology manual had been right after all: Red sky in morning, sailors take warning. LEVIATHAN
  • The collaboration between aerology and synoptic meteorology contributed to the development of the two domains.
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