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How To Use Aeon In A Sentence

  • In front of Titian's Diana and Actaeon in 2008, he explained: "When something is really convincing, I don't think about how it was done, I think about the effect on me. Lucian Freud obituary
  • It remains to be Seen if that is a genuine , substantial shift, or merely Aeon propaganda.
  • Thus to this congregation of excellent, undeceiving refuge, we pray that by the power of this prayer expressed from a heart filled with fervent devotion and humility, may the body, speech and mind of the sole of the Land of Snows, the supreme Ngawang Lobsang Tenzin Gyatso, be indestructible, unfluctuating and unceasing; may he live immutable for a hundred aeons, seated on a diamond throne, transcending decay and destruction. The Long Life Prayer for the 14th Dalai Lama
  • In practice, the book is a rambling history of discoveries, geology, astronomy, palaeontology, chaos theory and graphing techniques with more than a few unqualified generalisations.
  • The effects of UV on microorganisms growing under conditions prevalent during the early Precambrian Aeon are examined.
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  • This issue is a Superman story from which Superman is absent--every scene except the Akteon-Holt takedown and is Mr. Akteon's name supposed to recall Actaeon or Mr. Action? includes at least one character directly associated with him, even Maggie Sawyer and Shockwave. Archive 2006-05-01
  • The world has been living with contrasts, for aeons.
  • Morphological species are important in palaeontology, for interbreeding ability does not fossilize.
  • Apparently, palaeontologists have wondered for years as to why the brachiosaurus didn't collapse under its own weight.
  • For me, it's a step above "Aeon Flux" because AF is ultimately forgettable. Ccfinlay: Equilibrium
  • And, it will be many an aeon before the Sun rises from the East. Sunil Sharan: Will the Sun rise from India's East?
  • For our decade-conscious brains, an event that happens only once per aeon is so rare as to seem a major miracle.
  • Here was evidence of a glacial and a torrid period, separated by an aeonic gulf; but how the remains came to be piled one upon another in this way is a secret of the ancient earth. Wanderings by southern waters, eastern Aquitaine
  • Palaeontological behaviour study is a new field, and Sarah Harding is on that frontier.
  • It took a national campaign mounted jointly by the National Galleries of Scotland and the National Gallery in London to raise £50m to keep Titian's Diana and Actaeon – generally agreed to be one of the greatest paintings in the world – in the UK. Why last week's Turner auction made me queasy
  • What it instead indicates is that there were three "nodes", three centers of change, three wave sources, in the West Germanic dialect continuum: Ingvaeonic, Franconian, and German. The PIE and Pre-PIE pronominal system from the perspective of a wave model
  • And James Randerson recently chaired a debate between the Cambridge palaeontologist Simon Conway-Morris and Elaine Morgan, advocate of the "aquatic ape" hypothesis, at the Bath Literature Festival.
  • The dissolution of limestones in weak acid is now a standard palaeontological laboratory technique, and has been used extensively to isolate phosphatic microfossils of all types from Paleozoic carbonates.
  • However, I had neither board nor wetsuit with me and I sure as hell wasn't going to find anyone up here to borrow them off, so the waves peeled shorewards unridden, as they have for aeons.
  • The Paeonia ludlowii distributes in the southeast of Tibet which has high breeding and visual value.
  • The herbaceous Paeonias are part of the glory of flower borders in the early summer.
  • Jarrell 2007 Systematic deletion analyses of the fla genes in the flagella operon identify several genes essential for proper assembly and function of flagella in the archaeon, Methanococcus maripaludis. Flagellum evolution -- how's your German? - The Panda's Thumb
  • In an attempt to resolve this conundrum, we have carried out multidisciplinary research involving field studies, radiometric dating, geochemistry, palaeontology and palaeomagnetism.
  • She recalled her talk with him aeons ago.
  • In an attempt to resolve this conundrum, we have carried out multidisciplinary research involving field studies, radiometric dating, geochemistry, palaeontology and palaeomagnetism.
  • Conclusion Future advances will depend largely on molecular biologists and palaeontologists, although no data-source should be neglected.
  • The most sumptuous painting in this show is Titian's Diana and Actaeon.
  • Otherwise, she might rot there, bait in an unsprung trap, for aeons as men and elves measure Time. A TIME OF WAR
  • One and a half aeons is about the time that elapsed between the origin of the Earth and the first bacteria-like fossils.
  • The sixty pages on palaeontology emphasize geology and stratigraphy and chiefly illustrate trilobites.
  • Let the limitation of the word disturb our previous estimate of Paradise, grant that it so disturbs that estimate, not the less all such consequences leave the dispute exactly where it was; and if a balance of reason can be found for limiting the extent of the word _aeonian_, it will not be the less true because it may happen to disturb a crotchet of our own. Theological Essays and Other Papers — Volume 1
  • Its biennial meetings in Strasbourg are major events in the geological calendar and the programmes include papers on most aspects of the Earth sciences, including palaeontology.
  • I wondered if Actaeon had done anything to deserve his unpleasant fate. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Premier League win against Arsenal in aeons and an astonishing demolition job on Chelsea later and those of us who confidently predicted Tottenham's end-of-season collapse have been left picking eggshell, albumen and vitellus from our gormless, slack-jawed faces. The Guardian World News
  • Other officers are involved in specialist work on matters such as ornithology, marine and freshwater ecology, palaeontology and genetically modified organisms.
  • After publication of the palaeomagnetic results, other field studies have supported this hypothesis on the basis of palaeontology and stratigraphy and matching of Devonian palaeocurrents and structural patterns.
  • He envisioned the nature of science and understood the roles of palaeontology, zoological geography, and animal psychology.
  • Aeons ago, rivers of ice carved out the unforgettable landforms - knife-edge ridges, hanging valley, and towering peaks, every view a visual aria.
  • So far, the museums have raised enough to buy "Diana and Actaeon," which they're sending now on a fund-raising tour to museums like the High in hopes of buying the second piece by 2012. Diana's Journey From Royal Chambers to Atlanta
  • This conference presents papers from academics and postgraduates working in disciplines as diverse as Literature, Psychology, Philosophy, Anthropology, Film Studies, Palaeontology, Zoology, Theatre, and Theoretical Physics: on the Emergence of the Posthuman Subject. Ballardian » The Emergence of the Posthuman Subject
  • Only yesterday-and it seemed aeons ago, not just a few hours-he had been a happily married man.
  • The globe-trotting history of Titian's masterpiece "Diana and Actaeon," which goes on view Oct. 17 at Atlanta's High Museum of Art, begins with the Roman poet Ovid's tale of a goddess who transforms a man into a deer after he spies her taking a bath. Diana's Journey From Royal Chambers to Atlanta
  • Micropalaeontology is the study of microfossils, a microfossil being any fossil that is best studied by means of a microscope.
  • The section contains about 44,000 reprints and books and currently holds the most important periodicals of mammalogy and vertebrate palaeontology.
  • Apparently, palaeontologists have wondered for years as to why the brachiosaurus didn't collapse under its own weight.
  • [2728] Harvey remarks, "The Valentinian Saviour being an aggregation of all the aeonic perfections, the images of them were reproduced by the spiritual conception of Achamoth beholding the glory of Soter. ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • The lines gradually increase from a trochaic monometer catalectic to a complicated decamter of spondees, anapaests, paeons, and dactyls.
  • Its biennial meetings in Strasbourg are major events in the geological calendar and the programmes include papers on most aspects of the Earth sciences, including palaeontology.
  • This fully double, paeony-like flower is going right at the edge, midway back in the border. Times, Sunday Times
  • So in summary, my invention will bring 20 years of happiness followed by aeons of fear and destruction.
  • Only yesterday-and it seemed aeons ago, not just a few hours-he had been a happily married man.
  • His conclusion solves one of the greatest mysteries in the study of palaeontology or fossils.
  • Uxorem sed habes Candide cum populo; but neighbour Candidus your wife is common: husband and cuckold in that age it seems were reciprocal terms; the emperors themselves did wear Actaeon's badge; how many Caesars might I reckon up together, and what a catalogue of cornuted kings and princes in every story? Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Finally, after what seemed like aeons, they reached what Lia presumed was their destination.
  • What's interesting about this study is that it challenges a widely held hypothesis that Eucarya arose out of the fusion of a bacterium with an archaeon (also known as the endosymbiotic origin of the nucleus, not to be confused with the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts). Another Big Example of Reductive Evolution?
  • Mount Kenya is a stunning volcanic mountain that rises from the Kenyan savannah, its flanks brutally carved by aeons of glacial action. Ben Colclough: Mount Kenya -- Is This the Most Beautiful Mountain in Africa?
  • It's of great importance to us to accept that large lumps of ice have fallen from the sky, but what we desire most -- perhaps because of our interest in its archaeologic and palaeontologic treasures -- is now to be through with tentativeness and probation, and to take the Super-Sargasso Sea into full acceptance in our more advanced fold of the chosen of this twentieth century. The Book of the Damned
  • Perhaps it would be better called aeonic pharisaism. Progress and History
  • A new species of pliosaur, Predator X was probably an apex predator at the top of the food chain, similar to the modern-day great white shark, said Hurum, a palaeontologist at Natural History Museum at the University of Oslo, Norway. Predator X: The Fiercest Dinosaur Yet | Impact Lab
  • Ingredients: Refine herb essence of semen corni, radices paeoniae alba, lucid ganoderma, seaweed, collagen and kinds of effective components.
  • In these places are jagged cliffs falling almost vertical to the tide line, sea-scarred headlands defiantly forcing their way westwards, and fallen scree a remnant of aeons of erosion.
  • He goes on to note that all aeons emanate from it.
  • Aeon said about 37 pounds of the meat was sold in Nagoya in late April, and another 28 pounds in Sanda, Hyogo prefecture, in early May. Japan Links More Cattle to Cesium-Tainted Feed
  • I couldn't tell what it saw or thought, but felt its expressionless expression spanned aeons through which the evolution of seeing and thinking had changed much between the newt and me. Country Diary: Wenlock Edge
  • The sixty pages on palaeontology emphasize geology and stratigraphy and chiefly illustrate trilobites.
  • The acanthodian Acanthodes, the palaeoniscoid Platysomus, and the fusiform palaeoniscoids are represented by small
  • Most large-scale genomic studies suggest that the answer is an archaeon - that is, a prokaryotic cell that is in most respects like a bacterium. Radaractive
  • Examples of this are certain aeoniums like A. nobilis, A. tabulaeforme, Agave victoria-regina, some large rosulate tillandsias, navelworts, etc.
  • I seem to remember that you have previously been very critical of the traditional endosymbiotic hypothesis for the origin of the nucleus (where the nucleus arose from an archaeon engulfed by a bacterium). Albert de Roos: A design hypothesis for the evolution of the nucleus
  • Atomi H, Kanai T, Matsumi R, Fujiwara S, et al. (2005) Complete genome sequence of the hyperthermophilic archaeon PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • What happened to his glamoured lands, or the images of lands, that he had spent an aeon building up no longer much concerned him. A TIME OF WAR
  • Objective:To explore the effect of Total Glucosides of Paeony (TGP) on colon smooth muscle of Guinea pig and the regulative function of M receptor on colon motility in vitro.
  • It has now been accepted in the palaeontological world that Africa is the cradle of mankind.
  • Pulses of bright crimson light began to melt a passage through, and the bright shots of incandescent light blasted through the accumulated ice of aeons.
  • Tyrannosaurs, terror birds, touracos and tamanduas: the hottest news in vertebrate palaeontology. Archive 2006-04-01
  • He envisioned the nature of science and understood the roles of palaeontology, zoological geography, and animal psychology.
  • In the meantime, he was contacted by Admiral Natasi Daala, who had come out of hiding to assist Gilad Pellaeon on a mission to capture the planet Fondor.
  • From his first, perhaps best book, "The Immense Journey," he showed a gift for transporting his readers across aeonic expanses—evoking the "croaking gloom of carboniferous swamps" and "the surf on Cretaceous beaches where now the wheat of Kansas rolls. Dispatches From the Natural World
  • Over aeons, the undulating plains have been showered by volcanic ash blown westward from Ngorongoro, Lemagrut and other now-extinct volcanos.
  • And you would be right that, because they're made from plastic and aluminium, they take aeons to biodegrade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other officers are involved in specialist work on matters such as ornithology, marine and freshwater ecology, palaeontology and genetically modified organisms.
  • Another very positive sign that global rhetoric is being turned down a notch is the decision by the North Korean government to refer to its offshore nuclear tests as "intra-horizontal aqua-aeonic degradation simulations. War By Any Other Name
  • The mammoth and the sabre-toothed tiger may have long since passed into the palaeontology history books but one of their contemporaries, a diminutive snail, is clinging to existence in Yorkshire.
  • The authorities here have finally done something they should have done aeons ago.
  • Second, there are many stratigraphical and palaeontological similarities in the Palaeogene successions of the Hampshire and London basins.
  • His conclusion solves one of the greatest mysteries in the study of palaeontology or fossils.
  • In the herbaceous border they don't seem to care for eryngiums, paeonies, iris or kniphofias.
  • The nine cored boreholes, four of which encountered chert beds, provide evidence of the stratigraphy, structure, palaeontology and depositional setting of the Rhynie and Windyfield cherts.
  • Because they have succumbed to erosion and weathering, perhaps for aeons, these craters are notoriously difficult to spot.
  • [5] _Quintus Maeonides pavone ex Pythagoreo_ (Persius). The History of Roman Literature From the earliest period to the death of Marcus Aurelius
  • In any case, in earlier aeons, background radiation levels were much greater than today.
  • What's interesting about this study is that it challenges a widely held hypothesis that Eucarya arose out of the fusion of a bacterium with an archaeon (also known as the endosymbiotic origin of the nucleus, not to be confused with the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts). Another Big Example of Reductive Evolution?
  • Titian and the Golden Age of Venetian Painting" is the rare opportunity to see Titian's stellar "Diana and Actaeon" and "Diana and Callisto" side by side. Motherwell and Modern Life
  • Instead of rudimentary trilobites, I noticed remains of a more perfect order of beings, amongst others ganoid fishes and some of those sauroids in which palaeontologists have discovered the earliest reptile forms. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • Long-term research into palaeontology, geology, sedimentology and palaeobotany is ongoing, particularly in the fossil beds, which are the most extensive in Canada. Dinosaur Provincial Park, Canada
  • These creatures were direct descendants of the great dinosaurs of the long past Mesozoic Aeon.
  • Palaeontological studies only relate to the very small areas of sedimentary cover over certain parts of the crystalline basement in this region.
  • The priests of Sekhmet and of Isis, the would-be guardians of the little bottle, the men who had followed it through aeons of time. SANDS OF TIME
  • The evidence of palaeontology is deficient, if for no other reason than that many animal organisms could not be preserved at all on account of their soft bodies; many animal groups have, nevertheless, received an unusual increase (mollusks, radiata, fish, saurians, vertebrates, and dendroid plants). At the Deathbed of Darwinism A Series of Papers
  • The two main methods for developing phylogenies in palaeontology are evolutionary systematics and phylogenetic systematics or cladism.
  • Freedom did not exist before history (in some Gnostic aeon of perfection), but actualizes itself in a passage through time.
  • And the same objection can be raised against any of the historical sciences including astronomy, evolutionary biology, geology and palaeontology.
  • In an attempt to resolve this conundrum, we have carried out multidisciplinary research involving field studies, radiometric dating, geochemistry, palaeontology and palaeomagnetism.
  • Aeon is Japan's largest retailer by sales and operates a large number of banners through subsidiaries.
  • But there should be some mechanism that protects the rare fossils and the important sites that the science of palaeontology depends upon.
  • The clean air, the salty spray and the charming surroundings have beguiled visitors for aeons.
  • There is something for everyone, whether their interest is in electronics, engineering, palaeontology, biology, genetics, chemistry, ichthyology, supersonics, space, aliens or anything else of - or indeed not of - this planet.
  • But there should be some mechanism that protects the rare fossils and the important sites that the science of palaeontology depends upon.
  • That person, born aeons ago, unknowingly began a multibillion-dollar industry that focuses on treating illness.
  • Smokers and non-smokers alike are being assaulted by a range of odours, pongs, whiffs and smells that aeons of tobacco smoke, nicotine, tar and a host of other vile chemicals conspired to conceal.
  • For our decade-conscious brains, an event that happens only once per aeon is so rare as to seem a major miracle.
  • Species of tree peony include Paeonia delavayi with crimson cup-shaped flowers, red-tinged new growth and a height of 1.5m / 5ft, and Paeonia suffruticosa or Moutans.
  • Leng, its discoverer, is well known in the world of Isle of Wight palaeontology for finding a particularly good valdosaur specimen and for discovering Eotyrannus, so he’s a pretty significant guy. ‘Angloposeidon’, the unreported story, part I
  • While the eukaryotic complex consists of six homologous proteins (MCM2-7), the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus has only one MCM protein BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The period is an especially muddled one for palaeontology, being full of fragmentary fossils that are difficult to assign either to Homo or to Australopithecus.
  • Paeoniflorin inhibited the contraction induced by veratrine in both the epididymal and the prostatic portions of isolated mouse vas deferens.
  • Thus can Diana reveal herself to Actaeon and enjoy the roguery of that revelation, opening herself to her chastity's shame.
  • I have a dream of laying my head on your breast and sleeping an aeon or so, and the dream will come true ere another year is gone. Chapter 30
  • The sixty pages on palaeontology emphasize geology and stratigraphy and chiefly illustrate trilobites.
  • How strange, though, to compare this reasonable piece of entertainment with the sensational impact of that first Shrek film, way back in 2001, an aeon in movie-trend terms. Shrek Forever After
  • For there is the cretic, which consists of a long syllable, then a short one, then a long; and there is its equivalent the paeon; which is equal in time, but longer by one syllable; and which is considered a very convenient foot to be used in prose, as it is of two kinds. The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
  • Amongst the group were experts in environmental management, ecology, geology, palaeontology, climatology and economics.
  • The Proterozoic aeon (2,500-540 million years ago) saw episodic increases in atmospheric oxygen content.
  • It is unclear whether Alcmaeon wrote in the Doric dialect of Croton or in the Ionic Greek of the first Presocratics.
  • When I went to primary school, many aeons ago, the only kit required was a satchel, a gymslip and a clean hankie. Back to school
  • Vertebrate remains include isolated skeletal elements and tooth plates of palaeonisciform and actinopterygian fish, as well as body fossils of ichthyosaurs and other marine reptiles.
  • They are the basis of that form of evolution which as lamarckism, and of late in sharp opposition to Darwin as neo-Lamarckism, has distinguished adherents among botanists, zoologists, and palaeontologists. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • To Indians the word progress meant the passage of the soul through aeons of reincarnation towards a blissful absorption into the inconceivable void of indistinctive existence, as when at last a jar is broken and the space inside it returns to space. Essays in Rebellion
  • Wegener's third main category of evidence was palaeontological.
  • Just after that, she started going out with a mutual friend of ours, who I'd dated aeons ago and was still friendly with.
  • The Paeonia officinalis "Rubra Plena" are nothing special as far as peonies go, but the beetroot spring growth and exotic frill of petals inspired a love of the group that has endured and continues to do so. Perfect peonies
  • Do we need to expand our theological awareness to incorporate palaeontology a little bit more?
  • Conclusion: The new compound was identified as paeoniflorin-4-ethyl ether, which may be an artifact produced during extraction proved by simulate experiment.
  • She recalled her talk with him aeons ago.
  • This aeon is the image of the eternal age of the next life.
  • The Chinese societies for palaeontology, oceanography and limnology, and geophysics are later creations, dating from the late 1940s.
  • Oh, that's aeons away, almost in the realm of incredible.
  • The nine cored boreholes, four of which encountered chert beds, provide evidence of the stratigraphy, structure, palaeontology and depositional setting of the Rhynie and Windyfield cherts.
  • Tradition, in fact, takes back the antiquity of the temple, not by centuries, but by aeons.
  • In The Palaeontological Association Newsletter article mentioned above, Al McGowan (2006) also mentioned Stewart’s interest in this subject and, even better, discussed and figured an eagle owl carpometacarpus from post-glacial deposits near Cheddar, Somerset. Archive 2006-06-01
  • The wheel moved a fingerbreadth, then a fingerbreadth more, with a shriek of metal forced into motion after aeons of inactivity. Conan Of The Isles
  • Palaeontological studies only relate to the very small areas of sedimentary cover over certain parts of the crystalline basement in this region.
  • Another area of palaeontology is the study of tiny fossil single-celled organisms called micropalaeontology. - latest science and technology news stories
  • It may not be quite correct to classify Alcmaeon as a Pythagorean, but he was certainly influenced by Pythagorean ideas.
  • And the same objection can be raised against any of the historical sciences including astronomy, evolutionary biology, geology and palaeontology.
  • One fine and comforting dish that The Cellar has had on the menu for aeons is the omelette filled with creamy finnan haddock, which R ordered with the canny eye you'd expect from the former harbour master of Crail.
  • But there are several other cadences which will have a numerous and pleasing effect: for even the _cretic_, which consists of a long, a short, and a long syllable, and it's companion the _paeon_, which is equal to it in quantity, though it exceeds it in the number of syllables, is reckoned Cicero's Brutus or History of Famous Orators; also His Orator, or Accomplished Speaker.
  • From his first, perhaps best book, "The Immense Journey," he showed a gift for transporting his readers across aeonic expanses—evoking the "croaking gloom of carboniferous swamps" and "the surf on Cretaceous beaches where now the wheat of Kansas rolls. Dispatches From the Natural World
  • Audiences have been waiting aeons for a good sci-fi flick.
  • Wells synthesises the genetic evidence with current research in geology, palaeontology, archaeology, anthropology and linguistics to make a robust case for his account of the human journey.
  • The word aeon (aion) signifying "age", "the ever-existing", "eternity", came to be applied to the divine eternal power, and to the personified attributes of that power, whence it was extended to designate the successive emanations from the divinity which the Gnostics conceived as necessary intermediaries between the spiritual and the material worlds. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • A Facebook group has been set up in response to suggestions that the museum plans to shut its micropalaeontology unit. Natural History Museum to cut 'up to 40 jobs'
  • Titian made another painting of the divine huntress and Cadmus's grandson: The Death of Actaeon, which hangs in the National Gallery in London.
  • Palaeozoic rocks of Brittany and of northern Spain; and on the granitic and metamorphic rocks of Brittany, Dr Barrois has proved himself an accomplished petrologist as well as palaeontologist and field-geologist. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • My buck, my shy puck, my slenderly fuck, anglepoise hips in contrapposto pose, full cocked — a paeon to your peter! The Lucifer Cantos 2/13
  • Allosaurus, predecessor to the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the dominant ‘carnosaur’ - carnivorous dinosaur - of the mid-Jurassic age, has been well known to palaeontologists for decades.
  • The proposition that randomness is equal to the Platonic Aeon is not explained.
  • Conclusion Future advances will depend largely on molecular biologists and palaeontologists, although no data-source should be neglected.
  • An aeon of evolutionary pressure has selected for ordered and regular behaviour that leads to positive outcomes, and this can look like purposive behaviour.
  • We passed whole aeons of evolutionary progress in great leaps, seemingly overnight.
  • ... the nightmare corpse-city of R'lyeh ... was built in measureless aeons behind history by the vast, loathsome shapes that seeped down from the dark stars. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
  • And the cast, leaping from aeon to aeon, does a remarkable job.
  • The dissolution of limestones in weak acid is now a standard palaeontological laboratory technique, and has been used extensively to isolate phosphatic microfossils of all types from Paleozoic carbonates.
  • Stars and galaxies that old are a long way away from us: 13 bn light years, give or take a couple of aeons.
  • Ages and aeons ago, when I was in high school, I took a word processing course to fill a credit.
  • We went up to the NG in the afternoon to look at the Titians, the announcement having been made the day before that "Diana and Actaeon" has been bought for the nation. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Insect palaeontology depends on assigning fossils to extant taxa usually on the basis of wing characters.
  • They do not realize what the modern son of man tells us, that the Greek word "Apocalypse" actually means to "uncover, reveal, or unveil" the truth that has been ignored, forgotten, misinterpreted and misunderstood, and the phrase apokalupsis eschaton literally means "revelation at the end of the aeon, or age. Capricorn Solar Eclipse, January 14-15, 2010: Planting the Vision of a People's New World Order
  • The intercalated soil horizons have yielded important palaeontological data, with interesting fossil finds such as the shells of land snail Placostylus and the terrestrial giant horned turtle Meiolania platyceps, which probably became extinct more than 20,000 years ago. Lord Howe Island Group, Australia
  • Diels emended the sentence to say that Alcmaeon was ‘young’ in the old age of Pythagoras and a similar remark can be found in Iamblichus.
  • What it instead indicates is that there were three "nodes", three centers of change, three wave sources, in the West Germanic dialect continuum: Ingvaeonic, Franconian, and German. The PIE and Pre-PIE pronominal system from the perspective of a wave model
  • Halobacterium species NRC-1, a phototrophic, phototactic, and UV-tolerant haloarchaeon. Refinance 2nd Mortgage
  • It has one stress, which falls on the only syllable, if there is only one, if there are more, then scanning as above, on the first, and so gives rise to four sorts of feet, a monosyllable and the so-called accentual Trochee, Dactyl, and the First Paeon. Author’s Preface
  • There were nearly as many aeonic hierarchies as there were Gnostic systems, but the most elaborate of these, as far as is known, was that of The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Christian aeon in their prophetic announcement of the Romanticism, Alchemy, and Psychology
  • Across the aeons, temperatures have dipped and soared, plunged and sweltered - without the assistance of mankind.
  • From the opening chapter, where the only way a palaeontologist can be recruited to the project is to be presented with the chilled head of a stegosaur, Swanwick drags you into an ever widening spiral of discovery, realtionships and temporal paradox that swings from the deep past to the deep future. The first great SF novel of the 21st century?
  • In the 21st century, the 1930s seem to be aeons away.
  • It's been the stock question of doting aunties for aeons.
  • Just a clarification: Both bacteria and archaeons are prokaryotes, so named because they lack the nucleus ( "karyon") that characterizes eukaryotes. Another Big Example of Reductive Evolution?
  • Classical prosody distinguished several other feet, some of which are occasionally mentioned in treatises on English verse: amphibrach ◡ _ ◡, tribrach ◡ ◡ ◡, pyrrhic ◡ ◡, paeon _ ◡ ◡ ◡, choriamb _ ◡ ◡ _. The Principles of English Versification
  • It has been known for aeons of time that security resides within oneself - it cannot be bought.
  • She looked and was the faery equivalent of fifteen, or about an aeon and a half.
  • The invention pertains to the field of cosmetics, and discloses a paeonol-bletilla striata polysaccharide inclusion compound, a preparation process and the application thereof.
  • The hypothetical fusion of an archaeon and a bacterium explains nothing about the special features of the modern eukaryote cell, nor the many signature proteins. Another Big Example of Reductive Evolution?
  • Whether that master be regarded as a sage or as a Gnostic aeon, the orthodox view of him would be seriously challenged.
  • In an attempt to resolve this conundrum, we have carried out multidisciplinary research involving field studies, radiometric dating, geochemistry, palaeontology and palaeomagnetism.
  • The genome of the square archaeon Haloquadratum walsbyi : life at the limits of water activity. Archive 2006-11-01
  • The Paeonia ludlowii distributes in the southeast of Tibet which has high breeding and visual value.
  • After what seemed like aeons, she finally reached the stairs.
  • After publication of the palaeomagnetic results, other field studies have supported this hypothesis on the basis of palaeontology and stratigraphy and matching of Devonian palaeocurrents and structural patterns.
  • It is ages and aeons since I have been to the Hills.
  • On the morning of January 27th -- an aeon ago, in tech time -- Steve Jobs was to appear at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, in downtown San Francisco, to unveil Apple's new device, the iPad. Can The iPad Topple The Kindle And Save The Book Business?
  • For what seems like an aeon—seems? nay, it is—his abominable peregrinations on the frangible stage that fame and wealth erect have perdured. Archive 2007-07-01
  • The fossil record shows that the first eukaryotic life appeared on Earth at the beginning of the Proterozoic aeon, about two gigayears ago, when the Earth was only about half its present age. George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt
  • It remains to be Seen if that is a genuine , substantial shift, or merely Aeon propaganda.
  • I'll spend aeons staring at bottles of expensive shampoo humming ‘Maybe this time’.
  • Micropalaeontological studies on recovered core samples have been used for stratigraphical studies on behalf of petroleum exploration companies.
  • There are plenty of little people scattered about the corners of Ruisdael's vistas, but they are never Diana chasing Actaeon, or Echo pining for Narcissus, as they usually are in 17th-century landscapes.
  • Amongst the group were experts in environmental management, ecology, geology, palaeontology, climatology and economics.

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