How To Use Advised In A Sentence
He advised people against indulging in backbiting.
She also advised them to avoid characters who worked in town planning, civil engineering or dentistry.
Times, Sunday Times
You are also advised to carry some rainwear, just in case.
Their lawyers advised them that they might be sued by older workers not allowed to work on.
Times, Sunday Times
They called C4, which is Mexico's emergency dispatch system and advised them that they had been lost for two days, were stranded, dehydrated, and were going to light a signal fire to attempt to get some help," said Cal Fire spokesperson Roxanne Provaznik.
Knowledge is Power

There are no reserved seats, so it is a case of first come first served and everyone is advised to come early to avoid disappointment.
The exchange rate between US dollar and Tajik somonis will be advised on request for purpose of payment for obtaining bidding documents.
Marine pilots were advised to drop warning messages on the towns or villages concerned, allowing civilians time to get away.
Warfare in the Twentieth Century
Don't be fooled by English English," advised Columbia: "the accent is like a mouthful of pudding, and when they mean to say the weather is bad they say it is 'nawsty;' they call their rubbers 'galoshes,' their dépôts 'stations,' and when they start on a journey they get their
Lippincott's Magazine, November 1885
The consumer is advised to check this with the butcher to determine if the meat has been koshered.
At night, they advised us to put on our under-bungalow lights and wait for the floorshow of ravenous and strange-looking fish gobbling up plankton just beneath us.
In the next few days we shall see if the ambassador can weather the political storm caused by his ill-advised remarks.
Lord Allen may have been wrong in his head, or ill-advised, or foolishly over-zealous, but his ill-tempered upbraiding of the Dublin Corporation for what he called their treasonable extravagance in thus honouring Swift, whom he deemed an enemy of the King, was the act of a fool.
The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. - Volume 07 Historical and Political Tracts-Irish
The broker advised me on how to invest my money.
It's all well and good for some to say that it's wrong for children to be advised to hit back, but I'm afraid I'd rather my son or daughter protected themselves against a pasting from a bully rather than wait for a teacher to come to their aid.
Crib sheet 19.10.10
Any scholar wishing to understand the future lawmaking challenges facing this African state would be well-advised to read this book.
Although he apparently waited for confirmation from his bank that the cheque had cleared before making the payments, he was subsequently advised that the cheque was fraudulent and had been dishonoured.
On the page and on the screen, "Kick-Ass" riffs on the wish-fulfillment afforded by tales of derring-do and the ill-advisedness of taking on the task in real life.
Even back then, local foresters advised the couple on which species to replant.
Embalmers are advised of the protective clothing required both for handling the chemicals and the deceased persons themselves.
He was an outstanding engineer who advised on building windmills, locks and ports.
Use the term advisedly, as some find it an offensive allusion to the disabled.
Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
Yet we would be ill-advised to dismiss any of them.
It is strongly advised that you take out some form of medical insurance.
“Indeed, Robin, I’ll be better advised before I gie it back to you; it is a wanchancy weapon in a Highlandman’s hand, and I am thinking you will be about some harns-breaking.”
Chronicles of the Canongate
She teaches how to continue with discretion what is thoughtlessly undertaken; she inclines the mind to cleave steadfastly to what was imposed upon it by authority; and imparts to a choice which, though rash at the time, is now irrevocable, all the sanctity, all the advisedness, and, let us say it boldly, all the cheerfulness of a lawful calling.
Chapter X
The doctor advised a complete rest.
One of the reasons the room was sought after by him was that he had been advised by his doctors to spend regular periods in the curative field of amber.
Shelley was advised that the Italian climate would rejuvenate him.
I advised Spry to mount a SATYR operation, and demonstrated the device to him.
Gunner Oke at the breach, and advised him to exhibit a dose of black-currant wine before turning in (as a specific against a chill in the extremities), was proceeding leisurably to cut himself a quid of tobacco when he became aware of two workmen -- carpenters they appeared to be in the dim light -- approaching the entry.
Merry-Garden and Other Stories
Doctors prescribed sedatives, painkillers and rest, and advised sufferers to pull themselves together.
But would these sprightly veterans have been better advised to avoid the stresses and strains of full-time toil in old age?
I am also advised by officials that there was one particular design fault in one of the windows of the cells.
But it certainly didn't feel like it at the time", referring to the unrequited loves, an ill-advised brief engagement and other romantic incidents that fill her diary when she was in her twenties. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
It goes without saying that shoppers who are ill-advised enough to carry them at all invariably have a purse or wallet bulging with them.
You are advised to think twice about trying to fan the embers of a dying love affair.
And because Colonel Morse had advised him that he would be lecturing to “huge audiences in vast auditoria,” in the weeks before his departure, Oscar engaged the services of an expensive expert on oratory to give him elocution lessons.
Oscar Wilde and the Dead Man’s Smile
The RFU has requested spectators not to bring large bags or rucksacks and advised them to arrive earlier than usual to allow for the enhanced checks.
Times, Sunday Times
HAYWOOD: Well, again, President Mbeki is misadvised.
CNN Transcript Sep 1, 2007
Its stock market performance has been lacklustre and investors are being advised to stay away until full-year results are revealed next month.
It is strongly advised that a logical name be used.
The postings on Facebook were ill-advised and to the best of our knowledge have all been removed - it is only others who are reposting these images.
Campers and other back-country users were advised to be prepared for harsh conditions.
I was advised by the doctors actually that I should probably get them reduced.
The Sun
An FDA panel advised that warning labels weren't needed for food dye, and said it found no fundamental relationship with hyperactivity.
What's News: World-Wide
I had a dialect coach on the set of the film and he advised me to look at myself naked in the mirror, to tame myself.
Times, Sunday Times
Participants are advised to wear warm comfortable rainproof clothing and suitable footwear.
Sapient advised that there was no need to overstock commodity items like office supplies that can be obtained easily anywhere.
But 300 years ago women having difficulty conceiving were advised to drink the spit from a hare's mouth.
Times, Sunday Times
Hast thou forgotten thine arrogance and insolence and tyranny, and thy disregarding the due of goodfellowship and thy refusing to be advised by what the poet saith?
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Take approximately 60mg up to four times a day, unless advised otherwise by a doctor.
Limerick Community Council has advised that recycling banks are now in place at the car park at Twohig's Supervalu, Killarney Road.
So writers would be well advised to take separate advice on the legal position there.
I have been advised that contacting a congressperson is a good route to go.
Frustrated and Sad - anything to do?
Mr West said he had advised clients with residential and commercial property on letting and leasehold enfranchisement matters.
Students are advised to answer all questions as fully as possible.
Travellers are advised to find an alternative route during road repairs.
Clear scientific evidence can be used to support either side of this chestnut-flavored debate, so appeals to the indisputability of one view or another are ill-advised.
He said that his lawyer advised him to leave Kenya as it was rumoured that he would soon be charged with sedition and treason.
She said officers would have advised the owners on what crime prevention measures they could take.
During my stay in Maputo, for example, I was often advised of the futility of my research plans.
Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
He advised against lipo as she had barely any fat.
The Sun
Participants are advised to wear warm comfortable rainproof clothing and suitable footwear.
Mr Tarn said that the guidance being issued to schools on random drugs testing included many caveats, and schools were being advised to proceed with caution.
If anyone has a problem about transport they are advised to get in touch with any member of the parish pastoral council or phone the parochial house.
Unless there is reasonable room for belief that this may be done, the operation had far better not be advised, for if the wound is afterwards suffered to get into a suppurating and dirty condition, the last stage of the case may be worse than the first Synovitis and arthritis, with certain anchylosis of the joint, and a probable loss of our patient, is almost bound to follow.
Diseases of the Horse's Foot
I was recently advised of a splendid plan to unloose some sparrow hawks in Glasgow's parks and squares.
While visiting the volcano, people are advised not to do things that could anger the spirits, such as relieving oneself wherever one might wish.
Fleetwood that the owner of the Theatre was a "stubborne fellow," and advised that he be sent for and "bounde" -- would have given advice and information so unfriendly to their own manager, and there cannot be the slightest doubt that Burbage was "the owner" of the Theatre from 1576 to
Shakespeare's Lost Years in London, 1586-1592
She went on to say that Obama should welcome progressive forces "to counter the establishment forces in this country" and that "he would be well advised in this next period to remobilize a base that he demobilized in favor of an inside-the-Washington-beltway governance, because he's going to need us.
Joe Scarborough, Katrina vanden Heuvel Clash Over Obama (VIDEO)
My friends at BGS had advised me about this aspect of a genealogical road trip: keeping your genealogically dispassionate companions happy while you pursue the family history trail.
Shaking the Family Tree
We were advised to seek legal advice.
The message of this judgment is that when promises of payment on pleas for forbearance are made, the commercial creditor is well advised to ask to have an agreement in writing signed by the promisee.
In 2008, things were much worse: a confidential report written for Paradzayi Zimondi advised him that prisoners at Chikurubi Prison went for days without a meal and were occasionally supplied with food "only meant to keep a person alive" such as sadza and salted, unclean water.
Crikey » Canberra Calling
Her sister Vanessa egged her on to drive a hard bargain and advised her to withhold the story unless ‘money is paid beforehand’.
As well, Mr. MacAdam confirms that he advised the plaintiffs to engage a roofing consultant to give an opinion on the adequacy of the roof flashings and the roofing ballast.
The doctor advised Facer to slack up for few days, as his lifestyle was having a bad effect on his heart.
Most other people would be pretty well-advised to stay away, unless you're desperately seeking an indie-approved gateway into the world of lite FM.
A Pembrokeshire County Council enforcement officer visited the site and advised the company to stop work.
One saving thought alone presented itself — this might be a trial, an experiment of the philosopher Agelastes, or of the Emperor his master, for the purpose of proving the courage of which the Christians vaunted so highly, and punishing the thoughtless insult which the Count had been misadvised enough to put upon the Emperor the preceding day.
Count Robert of Paris
You are strongly advised to consult a solicitor without delay to act for you in your appeal.
Be advised they'll also be in no mood to tolerate even the slightest suggestion of possessiveness.
She detected a note of urgency in my voice and advised me to visit a GP.
Times, Sunday Times
I was advised of it by email from an Australian journalist, who asked for a comment.
Yes, a few undiscerning children under 12 might like this movie, as will adults with a similar level of sophistication, but all others are well advised to stay clear of this loser.
Last week, the Financial Standards Authority fined a City high-flier Ravi Shankar Sinha for fraudulently obtaining £1.3m from clients of a private equity firm advised by the company of which he was UK chief executive, JC Flowers.
The Redknapp affair: City limits | Editorial
If our mail arrived late we were advised this was due to staff shortages or holidays and the postman had to do another round first.
This is probably the most meat-centred restaurant in London and not advised for your picky vegan friends, but perfect for a Sunday.
His memo says that all are strictly advised to adhere to the new directive.
Times, Sunday Times
I have so advised Mr Simpson but it might be helpful if you could reinforce the point.
The other are a bunch of stadium-hogging egocentrics whose lead singer has almost bankrupt the band on two separate occasions due to ill-advised property investments.
Patients with a radiopaque ureteral stone who elect a conservative approach should be advised to have regular follow-up KUB radiographs at one - to two-week intervals.
For 30 years, he made instruments for the chemical industry after being advised as a youngster against a career as a clockmaker.
I chatted with a DNR wildlife biologist responsible for NW GA a couple of weeks ago looking for hogs and he advised that they remain sparse in that section of the state.
This is probably a more regional question than most; but is there a place in NW GA with good hog hunting?
Doctors advised her to pull out of the show which begins next month.
The Sun
I was advised by one of their herald pursuivant that there is no official or legal way up.
My lord said, "O Sir, that is too hard, I hope he and I have more to do together, and I will be advised ere I do that," and then asked, "What mark is it to have judgment to discern a minister called and sent of God from an hirling?
Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies) A Brief Historical Account of the Lives, Characters, and Memorable Transactions of the Most Eminent Scots Worthies
Its automotive consultancy advised Nanjing Automotive, the Chinese carmaker, on its recent purchase of the assets of MG Rover.
He was advised to get an agent to help promote the salon, but he had little money.
Aid workers were advised to leave the danger zone.
He was advised to cut out all instant coffee from his diet and since then has kept very well by doing so.
After successfully qualifying, two people were advised by members of their own profession to do full-time voluntary work.
The government also advised that it expects a shortfall in tax revenues, because of the economic slump, and that it was stepping up its programme of building shelters for the unemployed and homeless.
I advised him that the rent was due
He gave me a prescription and advised me to ease up on work.
With the corner approaching he advised using the brakes and a change down into second.
Times, Sunday Times
They looted anything of value, and I use that term advisedly.
We can scoff now at the innocence of the early atomic age when we were all advised that in a nuclear attack it was safe to hide under the kitchen table.
All householders will be advised to stock up with reserve supplies of food and bottled water.
They'd be well advised to acquire at least a bassist and drummer before they show their faces round here again.
There is little point in attempting anything practical: boiling a kettle on the living room floor is ill-advised with three pre-schoolers tugging at the flex.
Less than a minute later, the interphone in the cockpit rings and the same flight attendant worriedly reports that the passenger has now advised her that Boston was the starting point for both crashed flights.
Touching History
Somehow that only makes the remaining 1% of fundamental - I use the word advisedly - importance.
He advised her to sell the shop and deposit the money in the bank.
If resting is not possible, use of crutches, walkers or wheel chairs can be advised.
In the next few days we shall see if the ambassador can weather the political storm caused by his ill-advised remarks.
Poor general quality and finishing are the usual indicators of fake toys and parents are advised to buy from recognised retailers.
The bottom line is that she believes in a secular government and she is backed and advised by a group of secular intellectuals.
The owner had not advised the harbormaster of his new purchase.
Will the Minister ensure that his Department keeps me advised of all developments relating to that sad event?
He was down with fever, and the doctor advised him to lie up for several days.
Although light shade is usually recommended for erythroniums, the nurseryman had found ‘Pagoda’ to do well in brighter conditions and he advised an open, sunny spot.
Their father had advised Bubba and Scotch about verbal harassment during plebe year.
Capital Insight also advised Pier 1 Imports Inc., which lost $ 19. 3 million from trading.
It advised people not to alter their eating habits or the way they prepare food.
Times, Sunday Times
Anyone who's never seen La Strada is advised to wait until after viewing the film to watch Scorsese's discussion.
The paper advised parents to show children how to cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
Trekkers are advised to complete mountain skills courses prior to embarking on the trip.
He advised cooks to inspect their grills and food or use nylon brushes.
The Sun
When I asked if I could fight this in court, I was advised that it was my word against theirs.
The State Department advised its employees that fighting near the borders made it too risky to leave the country.
In World War II, anxious bomber crewmembers advised their gunners to use up the entire 27-foot-long machine-gun ammo belt on a persistent target.
My rep advised me to check controllability to see if I could handle the aircraft in the landing configuration.
I am advised two things occurred when the Armidale made contact with the vessel.
Question Without Notice
An FDA panel advised that warning labels weren't needed for food dye, and said it found no fundamental relationship with hyperactivity.
What's News: World-Wide
However, official sources in Dublin have advised fans planning to make the trip to submit travel-document applications immediately.
Around 140,000 people in Glasgow were last night advised to boil all tap water in their homes for drinking, food, brushing teeth and bathing babies after the parasite cryptosporidium was found in supplies.
Officials advised residents to stay indoors or to wear masks if they had to go outside.
Times, Sunday Times
Such a beast, and I choose the word advisedly, was advertised in a local paper.
Drinking alcohol can increase certain side effects of Generic Levitra (Vardenafil), so patients are advised not to drink excessive amounts of alcohol while taking this drug.
The upshot was that he advised Nathan not to apostatize too suddenly.
A Daughter of Eve
He has not yet advised me to use the earth colours as was done by traditional artists when they painted miniatures.
Published guidelines say that repeat colonoscopy is not advised.
Packets of Jellyace Buko Pandan which are labelled as containing locust bean gum, instead of Konjac, are legal and consumers are advised to check the label.
Those interested are advised to book early, to avoid disappointment.
The mite, Mr. Snow informed her, was called a chigger—he advised her to apply mud poultices to her itching legs, a remedy Tasmin adopted with some reluctance, since it rather cut against her vanity.
The Berrybender Narratives
Holy men advised the population to assemble in churches and pray for deliverance.
The operator advised our journalist that the recovery vehicle could take up to 75 minutes to reach her and she would receive a phone call 10 minutes before it was due to arrive.
You would be well advised to consult an accountant.
Rhys Lloyd missed two field goals, backup linebacker Clint Sintim was carted off with a ruptured Patella tendon and this game, played just three days after one against the Jets, seemed grossly misadvised.
Giants Come Back to Win Sloppy Tilt Against Pats
The subject of pasture management is huge and you would be well advised to learn all you can.
Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
My blood and urine were tested and the doctors did not prescribe any medicine but advised me to avoid salt.
It is strongly advised that you take out some form of medical insurance.
If the dislocation is irreducible or unstable after reduction, referral to an orthopedic or hand subspecialist is advised.
Customers are advised to make seat reservations well in advance.
The message of this judgment is that when promises of payment on pleas for forbearance are made, the commercial creditor is well advised to ask to have an agreement in writing signed by the promisee.
The social worker advised them to put their handicapped child into care.
You are much like your relative, hash, only discretion is advised upon your company as to whether you are the distinctive quality of sweet pungant smelling buds, or crappy kiff or leaf.
More Little Things In Life
He has not advised his friends of his marriage.
While the unions representing them have broadly welcomed the packages offered and advised acceptance, the workers believe it is simply not good enough.
The CDC advised against it, arguing that any expensively cleaned locker room could be recontaminated the next time a colonized kid walked in.29 Instead, Stafford worked to educate its students.
Adeane had strongly advised against the controversial speeches of the past year, especially the one to the architectural profession.
I got my abaya and hijab out of my bag, putting them on before I left the plane as I'd been advised.
He advised consumers to buy virgin olive oil which has significantly higher levels of vitamin E than refined olive oil.
Yesterday the Environment Agency advised against extravagance with ‘a precious resource’ but stressed there was no serious cause for concern.
Indeed, my legal representative has strongly advised me against making it.
When we were told by the police that an unexploded bomb had been found, they said there was no real panic but advised us to keep the children away from the houses.
Simply put, Arnold advised multinational resource extractors that in an all - enveloping mediascape the way to achieve their corporate ends is by simulating democratic action.
I say "boys" advisedly because we are talking almost entirely about male behaviour.
He said that his lawyer advised him to leave Kenya as it was rumoured that he would soon be charged with sedition and treason.
I'm going to bed and you would be well advised to do likewise.
Health experts have advised all water should be boiled before drinking until the source of the contamination is traced.
As I advised the member yesterday, I was informed 2 months ago of the underspend.
Judges are advised to show greater leniency towards first - time offenders.
Shelley was advised that the Italian climate would rejuvenate him.
The dose may be doubled, still administered once daily, if judged clinically necessary and advised by the veterinary surgeon.
Customers are being advised to lag water pipes in homes and businesses as a precaution against the icy period, so if pipes burst it will save water and damage to properties.
Before proceeding any further, I should state at once that the latter term is used advisedly.
Regular intercourse two to three times a week should be advised, but basal body temperature charts are not helpful and should be avoided.
Weiner compounded his predicament by calling a cable TV producer a jackass, reeling off a string of ill-advised, double-entendre wiener jokes and essentially reducing what he calls a "prank" to
NY Daily News
Anyone driving their own vehicle to El Rosario is best advised to use the route via San Felipe on Highway 15 and Ocampo.
Butterflies by the million : the Monarchs of Michoacán
The dissolved salts in hard water have a similar effect, so soft water is advised.
The German battle fleet, London advised, was ten miles southwest of Iron Duke.
Castles of Steel
took the unadvised measure of going public with the accusations
White beaches, standing stones, flowers on the machair, Gaelic psalm-singing (which sounds like no other church music in Europe - a Chinese or Mongolian feel to it) and monstrous alcohol consumption on a Saturday night (an Englishman is best advised to avoid Stornoway dockside bars) followed by a real Sabbath - no shops, taxis, bars - you go for a walk or go to church.
Archive 2005-06-26
I'll be joined by David Gergen who's advised four presidents, Republican and Democrat, in his distinguished career in public service.
We were advised to seek legal advice.
This is because women of childbearing age are advised to have no more than one or two servings a week.
The Sun
If a landowning nobility was to prosper, it was well advised to diversify out of land and reap some of the gain of financial, commercial, and industrial growth.
The doctor advised him to lie by for a week.
On the other hand, (we speak it advisedly,) no class of men in Europe strive more earnestly and self-denyingly to improve the condition of those dependent on them, to build good houses for their tenants, open schools for the children, and drain and fertilize the land.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 103, May, 1866
His parents have advised him to retire to this city, where he wears the dress of a student, and where he will remain incognito until this affair of his is arranged, which it is hoped it will be before long.
The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre
The family doctor advised them to try a well-known rehabilitation unit, not realizing that it specialized in orthopaedic rather than neurological cases.
I'm going to bed and you would be well advised to do likewise.
Letting go is of course not advised but only used as a demonstration.
I think GM is eminently re-organizable," said Durc Savini, managing director at Miller Buckfire & Co., a New York investment banking firm that advised on the bankruptcies at auto suppliers Dana Corp. and Dura Automotive Inc.
Big Three Seek $34 Billion Aid
To avoid illness, travellers are advised not to eat shellfish or raw foods such as salad that have been washed in unboiled or unclean water.
Developers are strongly advised to discuss their proposals with the Minerals Officer first before making any formal application.
Albrechtsberger was the famous contrapuntist of his day, and Beethoven derived much from his teaching; he does not appear to have impressed his master, however, with a high opinion of his powers, for the old man advised one of his pupils to have nothing to do with the young man from Bonn.
Story-Lives of Great Musicians