How To Use Advertizer In A Sentence
The affiliate program won't be very popular, long as income PER advertizer has to exceed fifty dollars.
We're retiring AdSense Referrals
An associate, infrequently called a publisher or partner, is someone else or company who aids in the marketing of the product and pulls in a commission for performing so. (that would be you) in between is the invoice management servicing that partners the advertizer with the associates and maintains control of the sales and commissions.
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Justin - HBO, being non-advertizer driven, seems immune, though I am wondering if the poor reception in the UK Paul alludes to is why this series was deemed "too expensive" by its European backers.
Heroes Takes the Lead
Once with the title stamped on his memory, the zealous Irishman might be trusted to become an ambulant advertizer.
Diana of the Crossways — Complete
Though I do agree the advertizer was irrespinsble in their doing.
A Shy Blogger's Avatar and MySpamLog
The big bruhaha over journalis "profession" is kind of a joke -- most are "insti-pundits" for pay -- like Congressmen, saying what wants the highest contributor (or advertizer).
Nico Pitney: Debating The Iran Question On CNN's Reliable Sources
Actually, it seems that it's neither a product of the Google/Pyra buy-out, a technical glitch, nor a sign that no advertizer, however disreputable, wishes to be associated with this effort.
02/01/2003 - 03/01/2003
If it truly isn't withing their power to adjust the volume of the commercial (as may be the case due to the specifics of the contract with the advertizer) they can take it up with the advertizer.
Bill would turn down volume of TV commercials