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How To Use Advertent In A Sentence

  • Some parenting patterns inadvertently support aggressive behavior in more subtle ways.
  • I can't tell you how many times I've caught hell in several restaurants, laundromats, and arcades for inadvertently handing them a Canadian coin intermixed with the American stuff. Pizza Patr�n's Peculiar Pecuniary Peso-Paying Predicament
  • The one quote that strikes me as quite unsound is the one at the very end, though of course it's always impossible to tell if some relevant context might have been inadvertently cut in the editing.
  • The administrators should check that you would not inadvertently overfund your pension. Times, Sunday Times
  • Backwards Pretend you are a beginner who has inadvertently forgotten which end of the board is forwards and set sail going backwards.
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  • The twisted logic was inadvertently summed up by agriculture minister Bruno Le Maire, a loyal Sarkozy lieutenant, with the words: "When they remove all the pork from a restaurant open to the public, I think they fall into communalism, which is against the principles and spirit of the French republic. The Guardian World News
  • They inadvertently got mixed up in a free fight involving some 20 people.
  • Mr Whittaker added: ‘My conclusion is that she died an accidental death that was due in all probability to inadvertent overlaying.’
  • As a result of centuries of both deliberate and inadvertent plant breeding, the varieties used today have little resemblance with their wild ancestors.
  • While ostensibly the pie plate would serve to prevent the derailleur from inadvertently and tragically wandering into the spokes like a Nü-Fred jumping into the Gimbels Ride, in the absence of any sort of rear mech "rear mech" is Yiddish for derailleur--the "ch" is guttural I can only assume the pie plate is vestigial. New Customs: Changing Language, Changing Bikes
  • So, inadvertently, is it possible that you are being used to promote a meme? Release the Crowley/Gates tapes. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Many if not most of the arsonists appeared to have started big fires inadvertently with small fires.
  • It's always frustrating to watch an artist with top-shelf talent reach that inadvertently satiated moment when there's really nothing important to say, nothing to add.
  • Dutch bacteriologist who inadvertently proved the existence of a dietary factor (a vitamin) necessary for health.
  • The authors would like to express regret in the inadvertent omission of these acknowledgements.
  • The law should not pursue those allegedly guilty of minor, inadvertent or technical crimes decades ago, because to do so is disproportionate and oppressive.
  • We are talking about not only an inadvertent or incorrect disclosure, but blowing the gaff on the investigation.
  • Liza Minella inadvertently kicked off an inter-web catchphrase, Taylor Swift crooned her way into our hearts, a video of a woman falling into a fountain while texting went viral--and much, much more. WATCH THIS: The Top 9 Viral Videos Of The Week
  • Twice the four-time major champion has been penalised two strokes for inadvertent breaches of basic regulations that he should know by heart. Times, Sunday Times
  • No, my real issue with them is that I am tired of getting inadvertently mooned by complete strangers.
  • As usual, he prepared to bestraddle his English-made Triumph hog by hiking up his pants, but little did he realize that in doing so he had inadvertently switched on the Strapocaster's industrial-strength electromagnet. Word Magazine - Comments
  • Peering downwards, praying she hadn't just inadvertently trampled on Zebedee or Orlando or little Tallulah in the gloom, she grinned. TICKLED PINK
  • In your efforts to make new friends at work, you inadvertently fell prey to an office gossipmonger, someone who habitually brokers information about others to enhance her own sense of self-importance. Dr. Irene S. Levine: Betrayed by the Office Gossip Girl
  • A thief who tried to escape justice was caught in mid-air after he inadvertently jumped onto a trampoline. Times, Sunday Times
  • But what could other less reputable concerns do with such data captured inadvertently from unwitting Web sites?
  • Moreover, because all the system files stay on a read-only device, it is most unlikely that they are inadvertently tampered with by anybody.
  • A one-half microfarad condenser is placed in the receiver circuit at each station so that the line will not be tied up should some subscriber inadvertently leave his receiver off its hook. Cyclopedia of Telephony & Telegraphy Vol. 1 A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc.
  • At the end of the wall we inadvertently disturbed a hawksbill turtle resting among the fronds of a soft coral.
  • At the same time I thought it advisable, in my note under the same heading (Cantabrigia), to point out to him that he had, no doubt inadvertently, been poaching on my preserves, and I took advantage of the opportunity and filled up the lacunae in the steps of the derivation which, from want of evidence, had been left in my first note. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 1
  • _Osteology of the feet in Ruminantia_, Artiodactyla -- The following illustrations were inadvertently omitted from the text in the section on the _Artiodactyla_. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Screen legends have always taken the inadvertent production of the odd crashing B-movie in their stride and this one's an absolute corker. Times, Sunday Times
  • The asphyxiation caused to cattle due to inadvertent consumption of plastics was also showcased.
  • He nodded sharply, inadvertently tossing hair into his face.
  • Japan retrieved a draw out of this though, largely thanks to the boot of the big defender inadvertently slotting beyond his own keeper.
  • Then an overeager colleague, moncler, using the crystal ball to predict a raise, inadvertently throws it into a tender region of his boss.
  • Honourable members don't do anything dishonourable, but if they don't know the rules properly, then they could end up breaking them inadvertently.
  • Later, he had made an honest error in refusing to elaborate on details of his credit card transactions which led him inadvertently into controversy.
  • While we humans leave our scents behind inadvertently, dogs are not only advertent, they are profligate with their scents. INSIDE OF A DOG
  • I apologize for being unnecessarily snippy and for overlooking, misunderstanding or inadvertently mischaracterizing the arguments of opponents.
  • A number of excellent suggestions to help people avoid the inadvertent expression of prejudice are offered, albeit interspersed among excoriating, castigatory comments that are entirely irrelevant to The Cause, hence diminish the impact and strength of purpose of both. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XV No 2
  • On the way back again to rejoin his mate he inadvertently walked over some gravel, and the noise alerted the guards.
  • The former was dressed in "a parti-colored dress, including a cowl, which ended in a cock's-head, and was winged with a couple of long ears; he, moreover, carried in his hand a stick called his bauble, terminating either in an inflated bladder or some other ludicrous object, to be employed in slapping inadvertent neighbors. Connor Magan's Luck and Other Stories
  • Use a clear, incise drape on the surgical site, which inadvertently helps to keep the flow of oxygen at the surgical site.
  • Not only that, he lined up Sean Chumura, "a cyberwarfare and computer forensics expert" who is also [LINK NSFW] helping Perfect 10 in its lawsuit against Google, to testify that "it was possible for plaintiff, while 'tabbing' through the registration page, to inadvertently hit the space bar and thereby 'check' the terms and conditions box. Marketing Law Blog
  • On the other hand, studies show that in so called "triadic" encounters, mom or dad sometimes becomes an object in the room, and the conversation is monopolized by the adult child, or the doc talks to son or daughter, inadvertently ignoring the patient. The Full Feed from
  • But people are fearful of missives from the taxman and often inadvertently overpay tax. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bill would inadvertently encourage irresponsible experimentation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Iowa associate athletic director Fred Mims said in the school's official response to the NCAA that the violations were "inadvertent" and that steps have been taken to ensure it won't happen again. Iowa Recruits Met Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore
  • The last issue of the journal was inadvertently misnumbered.
  • This ritual of confession, absolution and penance inadvertently hides as much as it discloses.
  • Mammalian introductions have occurred periodically in this region and include species such as agouti (Dasyprocta agouti), fallow deer (Dama dama) to provide game, the indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus) and the inadvertent importation of rats (Rattus rattus, R. norvegicus). Guadeloupe
  • A fall from grace does not take much: a drunken tumble, a night out with the wrong man, an inadvertent outburst, a struggle with dependency.
  • Some faulty wines undergo a secondary fermentation in the bottle, due to a small amount of yeast and sugar left inadvertently in the wine.
  • It is a capital offense to inadvertently kill someone while attempting suicide.
  • But it is crucial it does not inadvertently cause problems that diminish its value.
  • The case was livened up one day in early July when an elderly spectator inadvertently wandered into the jury box when trying to find his seat, leading one of the prosecuting councils to joke that "The 13th juryman is on the Bench I always understood. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Beach House near beach aldinga beach south australia new two storey Lifestyle seachange real estate Oh my, this is more inadvertent than a guarded. » Beach House near beach real seachange australia Lifestyle House Beach
  • One day in 1780, a Italian anatomist Luigi Galvani (Luigi Galvani) do dissections of frogs, hands hold VGP-BPS10A/B all kinds of metallic equipment, inadvertently touched a thigh of a frog during a same time, a contraction muscles of frog legs during once a moment, as a stimulatory effect, as well as if only a steel instrument to! touch a frogs, a absence of such a reaction. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Telephone users in the city these days have been treated to a sound resembling a ghoulish wail, if they inadvertently misplace the receiver.
  • Just the slightest of touches, inadvertent or otherwise, and it will end up in the net. Times, Sunday Times
  • And while inadvertently walking through a babywear department, it suddenly hit me, doh!
  • Later, his mother would tidy the sofa and reposition the pillow, inadvertently noticing the smell of the ocean captured in its fibers.
  • At this I opened my eyes inadvertently -- nobody could help it -- and saw the barometrical change in poppa's countenance. A Voyage of Consolation (being in the nature of a sequel to the experiences of 'An American girl in London')
  • But by criminalising the taking of any bird's egg, our legislators inadvertently cut off one route in which many of today's older naturalists learned their trade, the schoolboy pastime of "egging". Enjoying the natural world
  • The book inadvertently raises the issue of whether writers play a useful role in political commentary when their expertise really lies in bonkbusters or whodunits.
  • Sadly, we tried to usher the creature out the window, but ended up hitting it inadvertently.
  • Right now they all appear to be tarred with the same brush - albeit inadvertently innocent to say the least, given known chuckers in cricket were forced from the game down the years.
  • Ralph says assets as large as buildings are sometimes inadvertently left uninsured.
  • Even in his monumental riveted copper sculptures, one finds the subtle influence of the coppersmith / icon maker inadvertently creeping into his technique.
  • Then look at the couch potato who seems ready, not for an evening in front of the TV, but for a spell of inadvertent train spotting.
  • The blaze had been inadvertently started by a mountain climber trying to burn toilet paper on Sunday.
  • I wonder how that compares to atty-client privilege, like the classic case of turning over a truckload of documents in discovery, and inadvertently disclosing a privileged communication somewhere inthere? The Volokh Conspiracy » The Next iPhone — and the Criminal Law Angle
  • It contains venom in the spines on its back and so a person can be stung by inadvertently stepping on it.
  • Then key scenes had to be re-shot after film was inadvertently destroyed in a developing lab.
  • There is no other evidence of actual or inadvertent disclosure to any third party.
  • But there is pressure to outlaw the practice if the undisclosed details were completely unconnected to the cause of death or forgotten inadvertently. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tillman was on his second tour of duty when he was killed in Afghanistan -- a victim of "fratricide," inadvertently killed by his own troops during an ill-fated expedition. Rory O'Connor: The Tillman Story -- Just Give Us Some Truth
  • Presidents in 1929 were not supposed to regulate Wall Street, or even talk about the gyrating market for fear of inadvertently setting off a panic.
  • While the shuttlecraft crashes on an away mission staged for no reason other than to necessitate a rescue, the holodeck inadvertently takes over the ship.
  • The anti-hero this time around is Lord Zetta, a brazen, arrogant jerk of an overlord who inadvertently destroys his own netherworld and ends up getting trapped inside a book.
  • Or hereabout volcanically, lively a los angeles pasadena and philosophic the krypterophaneron the easy day advertently i get a undersize to bulimarexia it. Rational Review
  • Of course, it's all wonderfully shabby chic, with several large holes in the carpet and inadvertent additions from the couple's small black pug, which waddles about, snorting and, occasionally, weeing.
  • No payment is ever made and any money inadvertently paid by an unsuspecting victim is siphoned off into the fraudsters hands.
  • Frequently he would return to the ward at night to check a plaster or that a tourniquet had not been left in situ inadvertently.
  • Our team trailed 8 to 9 when inadvertently one of their boules moved the cochon so that we now had the three closest boules. Petanque - French Word-A-Day
  • On checking we found that the invitation and number were inadvertently omitted from the report.
  • Small amounts of exposure occur from inhalation, skin absorption, and inadvertent ingestion of contaminated soil or dust.
  • It was something of a get-together with the ECC crowd (with whom I went and LARPed a week or two ago); and it was perfectly pleasant except for the raging headache I inadvertently nursed with a glass of cab-sav that tasted like paint thinner. Even so, Spring -- quickly come
  • It's too easy to inadvertently fail to practice what we preach.
  • It seems that some of the documents that Sandy Berger carried away inadvertently from the National Archives while preparing for his 9/11 Commission testimony had to do with port and airport security, and John Kerry has, not suprisingly, urged that port and airport security be improved. Oh, get a room!
  • Inadvertently, the rest of the society is homogenised and the spokesperson emerges as singular and exceptional.
  • He kept close to his side a Church of Scotland padre, the Reverend George Duncan, who inadvertently reinforced his sense of divine inspiration.
  • Now—if someone wanted to be critical of EMP as an inadvertently “antirock” entity—this meal would have been a perfect metaphor, as it was the epitome of ruining something visceral. Chuck Klosterman on Pop
  • Campbell didn't inadvertently pass the ball back to his keeper by mishitting (this word always looks rude to me) a clearance, he was trying to shepherd the ball back to his keeper, and he touched it before it reached him, thereby gaining an advantage for his team. TEAMtalk Football News
  • Then an overeager colleague, using the crystal ball to predict a raise, inadvertently throws it into a tender region of his boss.
  • He also knew that, if Ally didn't have a distraction, she would inadvertently be a distraction to him.
  • Ms. Reside said the firms have pledged to institute measures intended to prevent the advertent trade with Iran. U.S. Erred in Israeli Sanctions
  • They inadvertently stow away on a ship captained by the explorer Cortes, managing to escape with the assistance of a horse.
  • I always use the word extreme," Mr. Schumer told his Democratic colleagues, in comments inadvertently broadcast to reporters who called into the conference. Democrats Agree to Take New Look at GOP Proposals
  • Just before the dinner break when we took the vote on the Relationships Bill, inadvertently a vote was cast for one member on our side of the House in both lobbies.
  • A thief who tried to escape justice was caught in mid-air after he inadvertently jumped onto a trampoline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then an enthusiastic student inadvertently overwatered the colony just before a weekend, leaving a flood inside the termites' box.
  • Every protocol and application is vulnerable to malformed data and irregularities inadvertently introduced by the designers and coders of the associated software.
  • Bank of America Corp. says it "inadvertently verbally reviewed" a loan-modification request by Lindsey Farnsworth of Sugar Hill, Ga., who started making reduced payments to the Charlotte, N.C., bank in May after being told she was "preapproved" for HAMP. Foreclosure Crisis, Part 2: Modifications
  • I inadvertently pressed the wrong button.
  • This makes the workplace an inadvertent forum for interfaith encounters. Times, Sunday Times
  • A mizzle, drizzle, haze, what's the difference between fog and mist, etc., etc. Simon Winchester: But the language and the dictionary therefore can almost inadvertently paint a portrait of the society that uses the language. A Back-Story to The Man Who Loved China A Coincidence Most Curious and Telling
  • The inherent demeaning nature of such language is inadvertent, I am sure.
  • They inadvertently got mixed up in a free fight involving some 20 people.
  • Somehow, someway, it inadvertently slips to my mother that I have a boyfriend.
  • The app also provides details about local customs so soldiers can avoid inadvertently causing offence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The difficulty is that the court must decide whether the document has been inadvertently inspected.
  • He inadvertently took a massive dose after being given a handful of tablets by a pal. The Sun
  • The 2006 amendments to the FRCP make it pretty clear that inadvertent production DOES NOT waive a privilege. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Next iPhone — and the Criminal Law Angle
  • The company's San Diego system inadvertently gave Pacific Bell's directory unit 11,400 unlisted phone numbers that PacBell put into its white pages.
  • But there is pressure to outlaw the practice if the undisclosed details were completely unconnected to the cause of death or forgotten inadvertently. Times, Sunday Times
  • But people are fearful of missives from the taxman and often inadvertently overpay tax. Times, Sunday Times
  • Minor variations occur, however, the misreporting of the accounts and estimates - advertent or inadvertent - for the past two fiscal years is of such a magnitude 10% of the line time total amount that the discrepancy and the consistency of the misreporting are cause to raise serious questions. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Slide stop and takedown lever are neatly recessed/shrouded by the frame's contours to prevent inadvertent operation.
  • But for the dance events coming as interludes, models took the centrestage, inadvertently defining the commercialisation of education.
  • As concerns nomenclature, inadvertently, Professor Judson fails to follow his own advice, no doubt because he is a historian, not a biologist.
  • Frequently he would return to the ward at night to check a plaster or that a tourniquet had not been left in situ inadvertently.
  • National opposes this bill because far from simply correcting that inadvertent error, it creates a whole new raft of radical, new, legal instruments.
  • My friend's wife inadvertently pulled a face the last time he got undressed in front of her. Times, Sunday Times
  • More to the point, by continuing to outlaw mercenarism, the international community is inadvertently creating a series of legal loopholes that make effective regulation of PMCs all but impossible. David Isenberg: The Road to Effective PMC Regulation is Pitted With Good Intentions
  • Equally, it could have been the film company runner he might have inadvertently upset by being too terse. The Sun
  • Suicide is a touchy subject for the media, indeed the coroner has a full page of guidelines on how to write about it without inadvertently promoting it.
  • Eddie is an innocent, naïve and wide-eyed security guard inadvertently caught up in Gary and Frank's plans.
  • I inadvertently passed this essay by.
  • In a tenure marked by cocksureness and ineptitude, his greatest accomplishment may be inadvertently awakening a media reform movement.
  • Security threats including the inadvertent misplacement, theft and diversion of inventory, product tampering and possibly even illegal uses such as for terrorist acts.
  • Dealer mays inadvertently expose their hole card or the next card out of the shoe before it should have been exposed.
  • Almost inadvertently, through such activity, structures emerged which promoted active citizenship through community education and development initiatives.
  • This suggests the existence of another source of long-term inadvertent and unintentional hormonal exposure common among men and women to support a common etiology between prostate and breast cancer. Health News from Medical News Today
  • One of Mary's gentlewomen from the Welsh household, Anne Hussey, found herself imprisoned in 1536 because she referred to Mary, inadvertently, as "my lady Princess" when asking a servant to bring them both a drink. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • Wilkins has inadvertently struck upon a deeper problem than straw men and psychobabble.
  • A good few years ago now custodianship of the PC standard was wrestled from IBM (with quite a bit of inadvertent help from Big Blue), and PC9x was the result of this.
  • In 1988, in response to concerns expressed by the FDA about the risks of intra-arterial injection of Phenergan, Wyeth proposed new language that for the label that described how to decrease the risk of "inadvertently injecting [Phenergan] intra-arterially. FindLaw Writ - Recent Articles
  • A visit to the local hospital did not improve matters as the doctor inadvertently punctured a small sac in his elbow which required extensive treatment back in Melbourne.
  • Hulk fights with iron man, leading inadvertently to the discovery of Cap and his subsequent thawing from the Cap America movie .. ( Comic Fanboy Dreams - Captain America and The Avengers! «
  • These observations suggest that some individuals occasionally stray off of the marsh surface, or are inadvertently transported to the lower intertidal zone during ebb tides.
  • With all the Superman memorabilia, he had most likely inadvertently made someone filthy rich.
  • Her chin was awash with saliva and blood; she inadvertently drooled a thick cord into the quivering maw. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Hand hygiene is believed to be the primary strategy for prevention of inadvertent inoculation or transmission of the virus.
  • Imagine not being permitted to backtrack on an inadvertent slip.
  • Making yourself a cheese sandwich next day, you don't notice the bacteriological accompaniment - but you have inadvertently eaten uncooked enterococci.
  • Inadvertently, as a shell of treasure lost on the gold tourism belt of Three Gorges, Yichang downtown became a skip zone of a luxury cruise from Chongqing to Shanghai and other high-end customers.
  • A monarchy which strives to avoid political controversy now finds itself inadvertently at the heart of it.
  • They could still do some quite nasty damage if people inadvertently handled them or were exposed to them.
  • Employees conducting routine maintenance inadvertently left the system unprotected, allowing intruders to waltz in.
  • Indeed, the national U.S. drinking age of 21 has inadvertently caused the 18 to 20 year olds to go underground where they learn to binge rather than quaff a casual stein.
  • If only I had remembered to put the cap back on the Liquid Plumber before it was inadvertently knocked over.
  • After hearing him inadvertently call her "milady," she realizes he was the young servant boy she knew as a child. Anime Nano!
  • Almost inadvertently, through such activity, structures emerged which promoted active citizenship through community education and development initiatives.
  • By pursuing their own self-interest, individuals are inadvertently promoting the public good.
  • And after mopping uselessly at the scalding coffee that I'd inadvertently spat on my arm I sat back down to figure out how the bejesus I'd picked up the extra million or so visitors.
  • He disagreed withy my use of the word cordon, replying: "It's not necessarily to keep away from them, but to keep them away from us," adding that extra space for reporters give us room to roam, and ensures nobody inadvertently encroaches on that space. latest blog entries
  • Next up an embarrassed apology of sorts as I inadvertently hit the update button on my address book filer program as a result it sprang into action issuing obscure requests and information v-cards to all and sundry.
  • While Maude's abortion was truly groundbreaking, it inadvertently galvanized the anti-choice movement.
  • If I have inadvertently displayed any sexist, racist, lookist, ableist, or any other type of bias as yet unnamed, I apologise.
  • We also tend to test those cognitive skills that we consider most relevant, which means that real life might provide the cohort with what could be termed inadvertent practice. Ars Technica
  • Although presumably inadvertent, the Weekend at Bernie's suggestion of a mummified Camus at the Café de Flore is charming; but the ripeness is all, and Fonda isn't yet ripe for politics. Calamity Jane
  • My friend's wife inadvertently pulled a face the last time he got undressed in front of her. Times, Sunday Times
  • Charles ThomsonCo-founder, The Stuckists• In my attack on Oxford University's poor record on admitting black students Letters, 14 April I inadvertently insulted the entire university staff by referring to their "titanic salaries". Letters: Psi of despair
  • The other half wore the shell-shocked expressions of those who have inadvertently wandered into the wrong club.
  • The laparoscopic technique is favored among surgeons as safer overall, but inadvertent perforations do occur.
  • Several weeks ago I was out for a ride and inadvertently ran a stop sign.
  • unidiomatic," furnishing numerous examples from varied sources that inadvertently prove the adjective to be inapplicable. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol 1 No 3
  • Second, convictions may become disclosed by the inadvertent disclosure or consent of the offender.
  • They may riffle or strip too high and, again, inadvertently expose cards allowing you to know their approximate location.
  • During his stay, his stomal deodorant drops were inadvertently instilled into both eyes instead of topical glaucoma treatment.
  • The first involves the inadvertent rescue of a gentoo penguin from a pod of orcas. Julie Packard: Mysteries of the Deep
  • Eddie is an innocent, naïve and wide-eyed security guard inadvertently caught up in Gary and Frank's plans.
  • Twelve of these children received previous antibiotic therapy for various reasons, with possible inadvertent effects on the diagnosis of H pylori.
  • Firstly, risks to the descendants of trial participants because of the inadvertent modification of germ cells are not identical to those for chemical mutagens.
  • The police reported D.K., also aged 16, was showing a small-bore pistol to his classmate and pressed the trigger inadvertently.
  • The student inadvertently transposed the e and the i in "weird".
  • Members of the defensive team need to be aware of an inadvertent or accidental tag of home plate by the catcher in such situations.
  • In the ensuing panic, it appears other hostages had inadvertently set off booby traps laid in the theatre by the rebels.
  • Several months ago, Lewes District Council in East Sussex tried to address the problem of inadvertent place-name titillation by saying that "street names which could give offence" would no longer be allowed on new roads. - Home Page
  • As winter approaches, another group of Red Cross food distribution centres is inadvertently bombed in a country where four million people face starvation.
  • The series goes a long way toward explaining, if inadvertently, why the quincentenary turned into a fiasco.
  • But upon reacting with the drug, the enzyme inadvertently triggers the release and activation of the bactericide triclosan, concealed within NB2001, causing the bacteria to self-destruct.
  • In one of the great ironies of constitutional history, Miller's repudiation of Campbell's arguments in the Slaughter-House Cases inadvertently gave Campbell his greatest victory.
  • The containment officer will be responsible for freeing anyone caught inadvertently in a police kettle.
  • One of the freeware tools he downloaded, which allowed him to place a Web counter on his site, was now inadvertently exposing his visitors to malicious crimeware.
  • In times of organizational change or chaos, we're much more likely to see those kinds of leaks -- what I call inadvertent disclosures," Dartmouth College management professor Eric Johnson says. Dumped Mortgage Files
  • Ah, so Bernstein inadvertently lets slip his true opinion. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pro-Palestinian “Peace Activists”
  • During his stay, his stomal deodorant drops were inadvertently instilled into both eyes instead of topical glaucoma treatment.
  • Their crowded fish camps--doused in antibiotics--deoxygenate the water, spread disease, inadvertently kill newborn wild salmon heading out to sea. Maria Rodale: Eat Trash, Save the Planet
  • Maybe instead it was a story about subconscious guilt - Hamlet realises the Hamlet family has done dirt to the Fortinbras clan, and inadvertently sabotages his own kinfolk and scuppers his inheritance.
  • Cuba Gooding, Jr. plays a straight dude who inadvertently gets booked on a gay cruise ship - horrors!
  • Staking it into place lakes only a moment and will also prevent inadvertent loss of the link and pin while the barrel is dismounted from the gun.
  • Campese announced himself to the world in notorious circumstances, inadvertently deriding legendary - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • It seems obvious that a greater police presence in that neighborhood might thwart some criminals and inadvertently save lives.
  • They also inadvertently revealed the scope of art history's effacement of this context of practice.
  • Casting a blank glance at me, he looks as though it is I who should apologize for his inadvertent offence.
  • Members of the public who are "inadvertently" caught up in police kettles should be allowed to leave, the report said, especially those who are vulnerable or distressed.
  • People in the environment may invalidate the client inadvertently, partly as a result of projective identification by the client with borderline personality disorder of negative parts of the self on to significant others.
  • When an ayah tried to comfort the crying child, she inadvertently caused the scorpion hidden in its nightdress to sting repeatedly until the baby died.

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