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  1. the process of being heedful

How To Use advertency In A Sentence

  • I much prefer how it looks here to the appearance of the 70mm print that turned up in Britain last year, faded to amber appropriately elegiac, maybe, but that kind of inadvertency can pall. VIDEO WATCHDOG's Favorite DVDs of 2008
  • Hereupon Nur al-Huda laughed till she fell backwards and rolled round on her side. 145 Then she said to him, “O my friend, take thy time and observe me attentively: answer me at thy leisure what I shall ask thee and put away from thee insanity and perplexity and inadvertency for relief is at hand.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Adeline, observing the change, at first attributed it to accident, and afterwards to a temporary displeasure, arising from some little inadvertency in her conduct. The Romance of the Forest
  • If it is so in your world it is so by inadvertency. A Modern Utopia
  • IT remains that we confider that juftice which God exercifeth in punilhing Sin - ners in the Abyfs of Hell, by doing which with ferioufhefs and advertency, we/hall find that to be very true indeed, which the Apo - ftle affirms in his Epillle to the Hebrews, It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Steps of ascension to God : written originally in Latin by the famous Cardinal Bellarmine
  • Perhaps it had worked all the better for its inadvertency.
  • But then to draw this down a thesi ad hypothesin, and to determine the bounds of each, by showing exactly where malice ceases, and where a faultless inadvertency begins; this, I confess, is most difficult, and perhaps, by any one common rule, constantly and universally appliable to every particular action, not to be effected. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • This inadvertency of having placed one for the other is a fault which must be corrected. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • It is perhaps hardly considered with sufficient advertency, that a professor in a college who is without books in tolerable supply, is analogous to the creation of nobility which for want of estate is obliged to live in rags. Letter from Joseph Caldwell to the Board of Trustees, February 19, 1824
  • I am, however, far from intending to insinuate, that feelings of this nature will prevail on your Lordship to consider real blemishes merely as the effects of an inadvertency, which is excusable in proportion to the intricacy of a subject. An Essay on the Lyric Poetry of the Ancients
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