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How To Use Adversely In A Sentence

  • We have supported the changes at the Hardenhuish Sports Club complex even though we have been adversely affected by noise and other inconveniences.
  • No adversely critical faculty was brought to bear. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not an incorporeal right, such as, for example, an easement, which appertains to his land and adversely affects the registered Red Land.
  • But in all cases they refer to behaviour that has impinged adversely on others, usually those closest to me.
  • Many fatty foods are susceptible to autoxidation, involving the oxidation of lipid molecules to produce malodorous ketones, alcohols and acids that adversely affect the texture, flavour and taste of food.
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  • It is not an incorporeal right, such as, for example, an easement, which appertains to Mr McArdle's land and adversely affects the registered Red Land.
  • Fuel costs increased dramatically during the mid-1970s and have remained high ever since, and this adversely affects many old people.
  • In doing so, you remove all frequencies above 6 kHz, which will not adversely affect the intelligibility of the recording; on the other hand, it will make high-frequency artifacts from the Olympus files less obvious. Mp3's and lectures, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • For younger singers it has been hard to spurn his crude advances, as their careers could have been adversely affected had they rebuffed him. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were adversely affected from 1830 when Permanent Settlement and resumption proceedings came into force and Persian was replaced by English as the official language. the ashraf response to the change was not positive. Cuckoo's call
  • Purists argue against roasting in a conventional oven because the closed space traps moisture, adversely affecting the roasting process.
  • Traditionally the major revenue earner, it was adversely affected by difficult trading conditions, particularly in the retail sector.
  • The uncertainty was adversely affecting the disposal of personal injury litigation.
  • It is free from oversize particles which might adversely affect its performance in fibre delustring and is soft in nature, thus exhibiting low abrasion characteristics.
  • Thiazide diuretic agents might adversely influence carbohydrate metabolism in several ways.
  • Use a barrier contraceptive the first month: female fetuses may be adversely affected.
  • Concentration is adversely affected by smoking with the gradual blocking up of the arteries and veins with gunge from cigarettes that starve the brain of oxygen.
  • Too much equipment was obsolescent, and the lack of capital investment adversely affected productivity.
  • I don't think that it is a good idea to introduce any foreign substance that could adversely affect the development of a baby without a very compelling reason.
  • Its economy was adversely affected by the Great Depression and from 1934 until 1939 it experienced a highly autocratic, neo-fascist regime led by Konstantin Paets.
  • The service tax on airfreight will adversely hit the air cargo export industry.
  • In San Marcos, river conditions can be adversely affected when spring flow drops below 100 cubic feet per second.
  • He argues that arbitrariness of corrupt transactions adversely impacts on capital inflows, providing a reason that corruption is more harmful than taxes.
  • Article 9: The Royal Government shall not undertake nationalization policy which shall adversely affect private properties of investors in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
  • Even larger journals with flourishing revenue streams might be adversely affected.
  • Purists argue against roasting in a conventional oven because the closed space traps moisture, adversely affecting the roasting process.
  • Of course, the court may still grant a disgorgement order merely where it is satisfied that an investor has been adversely affected.
  • It will then decide if the proposals can work and do not adversely affect the sewerage system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Certain ways of putting things are more likely than others to affect people adversely.
  • The drugs used to prevent the body rejecting the new heart adversely weakened his resistance to infection.
  • They say that trade blocs provide benefits to their members, so they want you to reason that if we didn't join, we would be adversely affected.
  • Did that difficult beginning adversely affect the subsequent shooting?
  • Political infighting between councillors both across and within parties is mentioned and criticised adversely.
  • The market for dropheads was unerringly a fair weather one, good when the days are long and the sun is shining, adversely affected by dark, rainy days and longer nights.
  • Any significant increase in costs could affect the financial position adversely.
  • Do check before installation as too dry an atmosphere may affect furniture adversely.
  • Did that difficult beginning adversely affect the subsequent shooting?
  • Policies that require a prior hospitalization adversely affect the chances of a payout. An Introduction to Community Health
  • There is a good article here on how adversely midweek voting affects American productivity.
  • Stroke may be complicated by several conditions that can alter outcome adversely.
  • Gold bullion is the one investment and long-term store of value which cannot be adversely impacted by corrupt corporate management or incompetent politicians -- each of which are in ample supply on a global basis. RBC Fiat Slap Down
  • Ovarian or pelvic irradiation with or without treatment with alkylating agents may adversely affect female fertility and pregnancy outcome.
  • Article 9: The Royal Government shall not undertake nationalization policy which shall adversely affect private properties of investors in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
  • Whatever the outcome of that, I can promise that it will not adversely affect our decision about your fitness to join NCIS as an ELO. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Wouldn't it adversely impact our ability to function in the world?
  • Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart and arteries.
  • Also they continual body weight loss into the breeding season will adversely affect fertility.
  • This review summarizes the importance of critical subjects like pathogenesis of dengue haemorrhagic fever and inadequacy of animal model that have adversely affected dengue vaccine development.
  • In another point of contention, the plant attorney argues Mclaughlin doesn't have "standing" for the appeal because he claims the resident isn't an abutter who would be adversely affected by the plant. News from
  • Subsequent nomarchs and high priests may have caused some interruption in the redistributive patterns by reneging on some of the contractual terms, particularly those that may have adversely affected their own revenues.
  • Many people react adversely to gluten, present in wheat flour.
  • Therefore, employment of budget analysts generally is not as adversely affected by changes in the economy.
  • Fuel costs increased dramatically during the mid-1970s and have remained high ever since, and this adversely affects many old people.
  • she was adversely affected by the new regulations
  • While sealing containers with parafilm can adversely affect plant growth, maximum elongation of the well-watered controls on filter boards was similar whether they were sealed with parafilm or grown in a ventilated incubator.
  • The proposal, disclosed in response to a Freedom of Information request, called for developing chemicals affecting human behavior "so that discipline and morale in enemy units is adversely affected. January 2005
  • The Vendor shall do nothing during or after the termination of this contract which would adversely affect the validity or enforceability of the Trade Marks.
  • For younger singers it has been hard to spurn his crude advances, as their careers could have been adversely affected had they rebuffed him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both the controls and manufacturing services businesses were adversely affected by recession in their markets.
  • Bernard's over-rigorous pursuit of ascetic discipline adversely affected his health.
  • The delayed monsoon had affected all crops adversely.
  • Lead is toxic to every living thing and adversely affects every system in the body.
  • When trying to scrub a little speed in corners, he found the brakes would grab and adversely affect his handling. ’Cross brake check: TRP’s new mini V-brake and EuroX Magnesium
  • They may also recognize dissociative groups with which they would not wish to associate, and thus they behave adversely with regard to that group.
  • Olanzapine, quetiapine and risperidone adversely effected plasma lipids, while there were no changes in these parameters with aripiprazole or in the untreated controls. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Antipsychotic Medications and Weight Gain in Children and Adolescents
  • The Mines Safety and Inspection Regulations 1995 prohibit anyone from being in or on a mine while the person is adversely affected by intoxicating liquor or drugs.
  • The failure of a motor had adversely affected ore treatment in the previous quarter, the company said.
  • Do not place tulips in containers with any flowers in the Narcissus genus (paperwhites, daffodils, etc.) which have just been cut, as the mucilage they exude can adversely affect tulips' vase life.
  • The group fears that the change in regulations would lead to more ocean dumping which could adversely affect sea life and beaches.
  • But some question targets that force clinicians and managers into perverse behaviour, such as adjusting the care package for a patient adversely to meet a target. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of the subsequent geomagnetic disruption, satellite television, mobile phone reception and even pigeon racing could be adversely affected.
  • In Sao Paulo, Brazil, a city official in charge of a campaign to exterminate rats said that public support for the program was adversely affected by the popularity of Mickey Mouse among children.
  • A defamatory statement is one which impugns another person's reputation or adversely affects his or her standing in the community.
  • One argument is that excessive government expenditure adversely affects individual freedom and choice.
  • If errors occur during transmission, the data can be retransmitted without adversely affecting other users on the network.
  • Other types are not recommended because they can rust and disintegrate, or react adversely with the natural preservative oils present in some wood.
  • Trading has been adversely affected by the downturn in consumer spending.
  • Tea and wheat products such as chapattis or pitta bread adversely affect iron absorption
  • So now we have voter apathy across the board, adversely affecting both parties, and independent candidates fared worse.
  • According to the company, its process creates stronger seals than epoxy methods and eliminates the problem of epoxy flow and outgassing, which adversely affect reliability.
  • The mass exodus of European technical skills adversely affected both quality and productivity.
  • Concentration is adversely affected by smoking with the gradual blocking up of the arteries and veins with gunge from cigarettes that starve the brain of oxygen.
  • Otherwise, the damaged varistor material adversely affects the leakage current characteristics of the varistor chips.
  • Overall, plants with many pods fostered high densities of big-eyed bugs, which adversely affected the densities of aphids and most other herbivorous insects.
  • Madagascar's vanilla production has been adversely affected in recent years by a series of devastating cyclones.
  • A side effect of such therapy is bone marrow suppression that adversely affects the patient's ability to generate hematopoiesis.
  • The mucilage sap of narcissi can adversely affect other flowers by clogging their water-uptake channels.
  • I also want to identify with those who will be most adversely affected by the closures, namely the infirm and the elderly. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Trading has been adversely affected by the downturn in consumer spending.
  • The Alert colorimeter uses the differential absorbance colorimetry (DAC) methodology to prevent background sample colour and solids adversely affecting the analysis. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • It is free from oversize particles which might adversely affect its performance in fibre delustring and is soft in nature, thus exhibiting low abrasion characteristics.
  • Of course, the court may still grant a disgorgement order merely where it is satisfied that an investor has been adversely affected.
  • The Homeowners' account was adversely affected by weather claims, including the East Coast snow storms.
  • Do not add a finish, as it may adversely affect the frictional properties.
  • If anything the system is affecting standards adversely. The Sun
  • Other changes, if unchecked, could adversely affect all human and animal life on the planet.
  • Hurley also argued Mclaughlin didn't have "standing" for the appeal because he charged the resident isn't an abutter who would be adversely affected by the plant. News from
  • The lack of a regulative framework and an accreditation system has adversely affected public confidence in the nonpublic sector.
  • Policies that require a prior hospitalization adversely affect the chances of a payout. An Introduction to Community Health
  • Of course, the court may still grant a disgorgement order merely where it is satisfied that an investor has been adversely affected.
  • Otherwise, while growth will accelerate, body shape may be adversely affected.
  • The failure of a motor had adversely affected ore treatment in the previous quarter, the company said.
  • As the DSG gearbox is a mechanical unit, not a fuel sapping automatic type, fuel consumption is not adversely affected.
  • Tea and wheat products such as chapattis or pitta bread adversely affect iron absorption
  • The loss of living coral reefs, which act as nurseries for countless fish and marine species, will adversely impact fisheries and biodiversity, Miller says.
  • The efforts by farmers and the states to boost production during the rabi (winter) season in 2009-10 after the drought adversely affected the kharif (summer) crop are significant," said Mr. Basu, who led the government's drought-control measures in his previous job. Early Signs Suggest Normal India Monsoon
  • Price changes must not adversely affect the living standards of the people.
  • The sowing of almost all crops, barring pulses, has been adversely affected.
  • Apart from vultures, most birds don't seem to be adversely affected by the wind farms that make use of the region's most plentiful natural resource.
  • Fall frosts can damage actively elongating shoots in the autumn and adversely affect growth the following spring.
  • We have to watch that the demands of one borough will not adversely affect another. Times, Sunday Times
  • Substantially the reverse occurs in the adversely affected cigarette industry.
  • The key is to do so in a way that improves performance without adversely affecting reliability. Times, Sunday Times
  • The office, headed by soon-to-retire Ombudsman Kevin Murphy, provides redress for citizens who believe they were adversely affected by the improper, unfair or unsound activities of public bodies.
  • The patient should be asked about the use of tobacco or cocaine, because these substances can adversely affect the sense of smell.
  • I don't think this adversely affected my ability to judge, given that I ended up comfortably in the middle of a majority decision, but it was something I was more than passingly aware of nonetheless.
  • Discarded lead shot, lead weights and fishing lines can all adversely affect wildlife.
  • Many people react adversely to gluten, present in wheat flour.
  • The squeeze on the public exchequer also affects welfare expenditure adversely.
  • It is difficult to see how any third party could now be adversely affected by disclosure of any of the information sought.
  • Studies in psychoneuroimmunology have demonstrated that psychological factors can adversely affect immune function.
  • The findings add to an accumulation of evidence suggesting that inhibition of the cytochrome P450 2D6 isozyme (CYP2D6) may adversely affect outcomes in breast cancer patients taking tamoxifen. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • They fear that it will adversely affect their position in the country of their adoption.
  • Branching corals seem to be less adversely affected than massive corals.
  • The Vendor shall do nothing during or after the termination of this contract which would adversely affect the validity or enforceability of the Trade Marks.
  • Furthermore, nitrogen limitation has been shown to affect adversely the ability of non-leguminous plants to acclimate to periods of environmental stress.
  • The group fears that the change in regulations would lead to more ocean dumping which could adversely affect sea life and beaches.
  • Furthermore, changes in treeline can adversely impact some plants and wildlife that depend on open parkland.
  • I reflected that he must be one of those hunters so adversely affected when the whaling industry dramatically collapsed in the early years of the century. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • He blamed the slow increase in rural incomes as the major factor impacting adversely on the expansion of domestic demand.
  • Did that difficult beginning adversely affect the subsequent shooting?
  • Part of it is that I have a hard time believing that brewing at high gravity and "diluting" it post-fermentation doesn't adversely affect the taste. Book Review: Minhas Brewery - Brewing Up a Damn Good Story
  • Substantially the reverse occurs in the adversely affected cigarette industry.
  • Loop length, the presence of load coil, bridge tap and wideband noise can affect DSL performance adversely.
  • Adversely affected by the new sin tax were some Pennsylvania farmers who were thought to be a few over consuming (whiskey) "bumpkins" by the government "elites. American Thinker
  • It should be noted that a competent pregnant woman cannot be overruled on decisions that may adversely affect her unborn child.
  • In these states, the delayed monsoon has already adversely affected sowing of key crops such as oilseeds, pulses, coarse cereals and cotton, which is normally complete by June --
  • Trading has been adversely affected by the downturn in consumer spending.
  • Therefore, they could disrupt microprocessors and adversely effect avionic systems, Roe explained, and that for those reasons and others UAP should be considered a hazard to safe aviation. Archive 2006-06-01
  • The proposal, part of a plan from Wright Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, was to develop chemicals that effect (sic) human behavior so that discipline and morale in enemy units is adversely effected (sic). 12/20/2005
  • The bony ridge and the focal angulation of malunion seemed to more adversely affect growth of the facial skeleton than did the nonunion.
  • It does make sense that the lateral line would be adversely affected by prolonged exposure to unusually high voltage.
  • You would expect, by inference, that hotels should be adversely affected also.
  • Several factors inherent to contemporary economics also impact adversely on the prospects for teaching Marxism.
  • Therefore, employment of budget analysts generally is not as adversely affected by changes in the economy.
  • His health was adversely affected by the climate.
  • The revolution deterred visitors to Madeira and adversely affected the already fragile economy.
  • He said the delay in monsoon had adversely affected all kharif crops, particularly bajra.
  • Did that difficult beginning adversely affect the subsequent shooting? On the contrary, it liberated us.
  • One of them, the yellow-headed parrot (Amazona oratrix) lives in this ecoregion, although it is being adversely affected by destruction of the habitat. Belizian pine forests
  • A frost-free freezer with periodic warm-ups can adversely affect the stability of many analyses.
  • If you suspect that your results could be adversely affected by outliers, try thinking of a different way of obtaining them.
  • Many people react adversely to gluten, present in wheat flour.
  • He confutes such notions by educating patients about the field of psychoneuroimmunology, with examples of how stress can adversely affect the endocrine, immune and nervous systems.
  • Repeating the experiments with other subjects adversely affects the scientific value of the results.
  • I am aware of members of my own congregation who would be adversely affected by this amendment.
  • Visual signals are also used in aquatic environments, however turbid water reduces visibility very rapidly and may adversely effect visual communication.
  • A side effect of such therapy is bone marrow suppression that adversely affects the patient's ability to generate hematopoiesis.
  • Traditionally the major revenue earner, it was adversely affected by difficult trading conditions, particularly in the retail sector.
  • Any move is likely to have a deleterious effect on their health and will certainly adversely affect the quality of their life.
  • Otherwise, while growth will accelerate, body shape may be adversely affected.
  • It appears that providing arrestees with more details about the research protocol will not adversely affect participation.
  • Substantially the reverse occurs in the adversely affected cigarette industry.
  • Her health was adversely affected by the climate.

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