How To Use Adventurousness In A Sentence

  • Out of sheer practicality, this area of the squad is the one that speaks of adventurousness. Fabio Capello's chance to leave an England legacy tinged with optimism | Kevin McCarra
  • I think the problem was a lack of adventurousness on the part of the so-called independent studios.
  • Intellectual adventurousness and popularity are not mutually exclusive - nor are they easy to combine. The Times Literary Supplement
  • To fuse such pagan silliness with musical adventurousness and the world of folk was inspired. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the previous post I cited John Dewey's notion of "adventurousness" as the quality I most look for in new writers and new works of fiction. Experimental Fiction
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  • Only a few dishes come close to the adventurousness of the six-volume version. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It is a gallimaufry of styles and models, maybe no more than an attempt to induce self-doubt in critics and readers who have admired the beautifully achieved adventurousness of his previous novels and stories.
  • The cast are promising, though, and the project has a likeable adventurousness. Times, Sunday Times
  • I decided to see how this year's San Francisco Symphony season stacked up in "adventurousness" with a few other orchestras in the country, and looked at the nine-month seasons for Boston, Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia during the same period. Archive 2009-08-01
  • For now it was the Tyro who went to bed, miserable and at odds with a hostile world; whereas Little Miss Grouch dreamed of a morrow, new, glorious, and irradiated with a more splendid adventurousness than her slave had ever previsioned. Little Miss Grouch A Narrative Based on the Log of Alexander Forsyth Smith's Maiden Transatlantic Voyage
  • As a rule, people do not leave their homes on a whim or out of adventurousness.
  • Yet, while these purchases revealed a certain adventurousness of spirit, they were hardly breaking new ground. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In addition to conjuring her fruity spreads such as this summer's sublime Strawberry Rose Geranium, Ms. Taylor has just expanded her collection of herbal-infused sweetened syrups, all of which inspire culinary adventurousness. Bits & Bites: News You Can Eat
  • He lacks the adventurousness of others known for similar roles, appearing stuffy, staid, and stoic by comparison.
  • It is breathtaking in its audaciousness, frightening in its adventurousness, worrying in its significance.
  • It was a sonic stew of vocal stylings, mixed with an aural richness and adventurousness.
  • We need more risk and more adventurousness, not less. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he and his wife found something even more elusive: a palpable sense of the rakish adventurousness that prevailed between the world wars. The World on the Rocks
  • They practise a kineticism more aggressive than mere adventurousness, more compulsive than wanderlust. The Times Literary Supplement
  • There are still layers of noise and sonic adventurousness, but now it is far more subtle in the mix, applied with a delicate brush rather than a trowel.
  • She brought absolute mastery and compelling musical adventurousness to one of the most difficult works in the repertoire.
  • We can't decide if we're loving the adventurousness of the look, or if it's a little costume-y. Selena Gomez's Sexy, Sparkly Onesie: Love It Or Leave It? (PHOTOS, POLL)
  • Observing my own children as toddlers, I was in awe of the adventurousness and efficiency of their learning.
  • The researchers measured four extraverted characteristics - talkativeness, assertiveness, adventurousness and energy level - in 46 college students.
  • There is a popular image of astronauts as fuelled by adventurousness and adrenalin. Times, Sunday Times
  • The factors include interest, independence, adventurousness, competitiveness and wholesome personality. One should exploit all kinds of ways to enhance their cultivation in higher education.
  • The Patent Office's adventurousness gratified biotechnologists, but it also disquieted many clerics.
  • Awareness of the hallucinogenic properties of bhang, the resin from the Indian-grown variety of cannabis, certainly existed in Europe by the early seventeenth century, thanks to the adventurousness of colonial travellers.
  • Scientists have found that first-born children are apt to conform while younger siblings, as time goes by, exhibit an increase in traits such as adventurousness and rebellion. Evening Standard - Home
  • It completed a concert of humour, adventurousness and a fair bit of metal. Times, Sunday Times
  • They practise a kineticism more aggressive than mere adventurousness, more compulsive than wanderlust. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The achievement of greatness through daring and adventurousness is intolerable to the mediocrities who malign him, as it reminds them they are parasitic worms. Columbus: The Far Left is Dead Right, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It's an adventurousness that is partly borne of artistic interest and partly necessity. Times, Sunday Times

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