How To Use Adventurism In A Sentence
It should be clear that such a defence posture is mainly intended for the homeland defence, not for military adventurism abroad.
Matthew Yglesias » Europe, Health Care, and Power
Unchecked sexual adventurism — whether straight, gay or both — is never a safe or wise way to go.
Presidential adventurism will be at a minimum.
This is one good reason why nations should think twice before they try to justify their foreign adventurism as acts of ‘liberation.’
Unchecked sexual adventurism — whether straight, gay or both — is never a safe or wise way to go.
Echoing Israeli and Saudi moderates, he excoriated Hamas for "adventurism" that brought on the massacre of Gazans.
Palestine Chronicle - Headlines
Rudyard Kipling coined the term, The Great Game, to describe one hundred and fifty years of intrigue, military adventurism, and espionage.
There would be much less "adventurism" around the world, he said.
Igor Sutyagin and I. F. Stone: Spies?
Because he believes modern-day adventurism of this sort cannot work and is unnecessary.
As a consequence, U. S. nuclear doctrine was based on the threat of " massive retaliation" to punish Russian adventurism in areas deemed vital to the West.
His adventurism threatens to de-stabilize the entire region.
But it's a different sort of mistake. remarks about "adventurism" are meant to reflect precisely this episode.
Daily News Alert from Israel - COP/JCPA
Note how this is a * set-up* by Obama in order to approve some "adventurism" in order to get his "Commander in Chief" tags ordered ....
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Change (MDC), did not say what kind of activism he envisioned, and urged his supporters against "adventurism" that could provoke a violent response from government.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Without doubt, his political adventurism had engaged the media.
The great majority of revolutionary populists resolutely rejected the deception and unprincipled adventurism of a few untypical deviants like Nechaev.
Yet i sedimentary few the degrader that ectoproct has to thraldom ahead screaky phagocytic out of the adventurism, and officiation humbling the battle dictostylium.
Rational Review
However, the ‘unofficial’ ideological shift to glorifying military adventurism is very interesting.
On an afternoon of adventurism, from the soldier's aery the three were easy prey.
Archive 2006-03-01
That cocktail of problems calls for stability, not adventurism.
The country is drifting dangerously towards aggressive military adventurism and the establishment of a repressive national-security state.
Instead, many countries have seen both opportunity and resources squandered on political adventurism, civil wars, misguided macroeconomic policies, and greed.
This sort of reckless intellectual adventurism is not surprising, coming as it does from someone who affected surprise that rising petrol prices have an effect on the economy.
American adventurism is primarily responsible for creating most of the terrorist organizations in the world, who rise up in opposition to US hegemony.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Before We Argue – Lets See If We Are Living In The Same Universe
To make such a claim is nothing but reckless adventurism.
His departure has been welcomed by those investors both big and small who hope it'll bring an end to the company's corporate adventurism.
We must concentrate on creating conditions to restrain militarism and military adventurism in the world.
Her wilful eccentricity and sonic adventurism mapped out new territory for hip hop at the turn of the century.
These awkward facts, combined with a formidable military capability, go a long way towards explaining the current colonialist adventurism.
They were successfully kept under the thumb, insofar as any lingering attraction to foreign adventurism was concerned.
We must concentrate on creating conditions to restrain militarism and military adventurism in the world.
There is widespread public concern about scientific adventurism with the human genome (the supposed code of life).
The darkest side of our adventurism is our global network of military prisons (authorized by the Secretary of Defense and Pentagon) where physical and mental torture are practiced even though it's known no useful information comes from it.
A Review of Chalmers Johnson's Nemesis - The Last Days of the American Republic
Only in this manner can we hope to reduce the risks of adventurism and miscalculation in a world that retains many thousands of nuclear weapons.
All of this adds to the danger of an uncontrolled slide into political adventurism, military provocation and war between the two nuclear-armed powers.
Its reckless adventurism could have resulted in a nuclear conflagration.
In the U.S., then, the question is whether it can elect a government that can adopt policies appropriate for a declining superpower (as opposed to Bushs giddy adventurism which is based on a fantasy about U.S. capabilities.) '
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Karon: Notes on the Post-Bush Mideast
Do you want to be safe in your own country or do you want to waste precious lives and resources on military adventurism?
The roar of the waves stirred many an emotion in the young minds and that childhood romance with the ocean led to the birth of some adventurism in them.
I can see how some would see this as merely a kind of gastronomic adventurism.
A really good dinner carries with it the faint whiff of death
But, the turning point has come and the Saudi and Egyptian officials have slammed Hizballah for "adventurism", for dragging Lebanon into a bloody, undeserved war, and for further destabilizing the region.
Tolerance has to work both ways
This connection provided the moral justification for foreign adventurism as well as a binding identity that linked it to a monarchist constituency at home.