
How To Use Adventurer In A Sentence

  • What can be said of the kingdom of Thrace, set up by the Gauls who had ravaged Macedonia, or of the kingdoms of Pontus, of Bythnia, of Pergamum and of Syria, founded by adventurers after the battle of Ipsus in 301 B.C.? Élie Ducommun - Nobel Lecture
  • If the adventurers try to reach location 14 they will have to pass scores of biting faces and clutching hands.
  • When you hear the words, " adventure travel" , perhaps you think ofthe Venetian merchant Marco Polo, the distinguished African explorer David Livingstone, or North Pole adventurer Robert Peary.
  • The Polar Race, which will last between 30 and 40 days, has been organised by two of Britain's leading modern day adventurers.
  • This chamber is a natural place for Bardul to retire to talk with the adventurers and offer some of his Lustrian coffee.
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  • Carl, a reckless billionaire adventurer, has financed an expedition by an expert spelunker and diver named Frank McGuire Richard Roxburgh, to chart the unexplored portions of Esa'ala and discover a previously uncharted route through Esa'ala and back to the ocean coast. Marshall Fine: Movie Review: Sanctum
  • The one certain aspect is that the summits and depths reached by the adventure tourist are found in a state of magnificent and primitive valor, making the adventurer a universal traveler. Guide to alternative tourism in Michoacán
  • That same year another daimyo, also with shogunal consent, led an expedition to Taiwan to explore the possibilities of setting up a trading center there, although nothing came of the attempt. 43 In 1616, a Japanese merchant-adventurer named Murayama Toan (村山東庵) sent thirteen junks to conquer Taiwan. 44 They were ambushed in a creek by headhunters and decided to give up on Taiwan and instead pillage the Chinese coast. How Taiwan Became Chinese
  • The French adventurers, however, seem always to have restricted the word "boucanier" to its proper signification, that of a hunter and curer of meat; and when they developed into corsairs, by a curious contrast they adopted an English name and called themselves "filibustiers," which is merely the French sailor's way of pronouncing the English word "freebooter." [ The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century
  • Another casket presents the adventurers with an intriguing puzzle.
  • They have drawn out the magical circle simply to trap the adventurers, when they saw them approaching the area.
  • Mark Your Calendars all right, you archaeologic adventurers, it looks to be official: May 22, 2008 is the day senior citizen, Indiana Jones, comes back to the big screen, flinging his whip and cane at the bad guys. Archive 2007-02-01
  • The millionaire adventurer was the first person to circle the globe solo in a hot-air balloon.
  • The Normans; or rather the private adventurers of that warlike people, who founded a powerful kingdom in Apulia and Sicily, shook the throne of Constantinople, displayed the trophies of chivalry, and almost realized the wonders of romance. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Abra is short but fast, and really tries hard to be an adventurer. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Trollitrade’s Review Forum
  • Stripped to a pair of cotton trousers, with a dripping cutlass in one hand and a Colt's revolver in the other, an adventurer at the head of a bunch of dogs as desperate as himself fought his way across the reeking decks of a Chinese junk, to close in single combat with a gigantic one-eyed pirate who stood by the helm with a ring of dead men about him and a great two-handed sword upheaved .... The Cruise of the Jasper B.
  • He's really a wildlife photographer; to get his shots, he turns into an adventurer who has learned much about reptiles - snakes being his favorite cold-blooded creature.
  • Our adventurer expected to see in Mr Jacobs a withered and filthy old being, similar in external appearance to those of his race who then perambulated the metropolis as dealers in cast-off clothing. Ralph Rashleigh
  • I'm a romanticist and an adventurer," he said last week in answer to a voter's question about exploring Mars. The Politics Of Personality
  • Like adventurers, we followed him up and up through the bracken, heather and gorse, thrashing the undergrowth aside with sticks.
  • Check out their entries and the entries of the other Green Game Changers -- eco-adventurer David de Rothschild, "buycott" organizer Brent Shulkin, carbon footprint analyst Gavin Starks, home gardening guru Roger Doiron, eco-entrepreneur Graham Hill, ClimateCount's Gary Hirshberg, and "Green Porno" auteur Isabella Rossellini -- and vote for your favorites. Arianna Huffington: More HuffPost Game Changers: Politics and Style
  • Buelow was appointed kapellmeister of the Court Theatre; reforms, peculiarly disagreeable to those reformed, were set on foot; and singers, players, regisseurs, who had anticipated sleeping away their existence in the good old fashion, were violently awakened by this reckless adventurer, charlatan, and what not, who had won the King's ear. Wagner
  • Adventurers "to carry on trade in English woolen cloth, or sent John A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
  • The defeat of the nobles in 1488 probably gave Charles an inflated opinion of his own ability and may well have contributed to his belief that he could be a successful adventurer in northern Italy.
  • The adventurer recked little of the danger and hardships.
  • He's a strapping, robust he-man living a life of seclusion with other retired adventurers in Kenya, who handily dispatches a group of assassins.
  • This, in effect, brings into replay the colonial practice of extra-territoriality enjoyed by colonisers and adventurers on foreign soils.
  • Far from keeping him in his place they encouraged his boyish enthusiasms for mapping the moon and putting together artless plans for creating the rockets that would take adventurers to its hidden heart.
  • (Soundbite of water flowing) QUIST-ARCTON: Present-day Kisangani used to be colonial Stanleyville, named after the American journalist and adventurer who, along with Livingstone, earned fame by finding the source of the Congo River near the shores of Lake Tanganyika. Congo River Pulses Life Into African Nation
  • If the adventurers pursue the Harpies back to their lair, they will fight to the death to defend it.
  • Clearly enthused at the prospect of seeing Lara Croft – adventurer, archaeologist, skin diver, jet pilot, skilled equestrian, and expert markswoman – leap onto a well-tuned mountain bike and go bombing down a Himalayan mountain. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • There are several occasions when the intrepid adventurer looks destined to fail as a result of failing health or a lack of cash, but owing to his unnerving determination he always manages to win through.
  • He was all that she decidedly was not -- an adventurer, immoderate, unpredictable. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • Telluride icon and professional ski bum Captain Jack Carey has long symbolized the quintessential adventurer in all of us.
  • Workers in gold and ivory, in gems and talismans, in brass and fine linen and purple had done the marvels which those courtier adventurers brought with them over the sea, and to these, from year to year, had been added the treasure of private chests -- necklaces and coronals and hair-loops, bottles and vases of glass coloured with metallic oxides, and patterned aggry-beads, now sometimes found in ancient tombs on the Ashantee coasts. Romance Island
  • He's a romantic at heart, a born adventurer.
  • distinction of a banshie is only allowed to families of the pure Milesian stock, and is never ascribed to any descendant of the proudest Norman or boldest Saxon who followed the banner of Earl Strongbow, much less to adventurers of later date who have obtained settlements in the Green Isle. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
  • There are several voicesets to choose from for your intrepid band of adventurers.
  • That repose of manner which is commonly believed to be the heirloom of noble birth is seen quite as often in the low-born adventurer, who regards it as part of his stock-in-trade; and there are many women, and men too, whose position might be expected to place them beyond the reach of what we call shyness, but who nevertheless suffer daily agonies of social timidity and would rather face alone a charge of cavalry than make a new acquaintance. Sant' Ilario
  • Hereafter it will be more of a dander, a gentle walk along the Annalong Valley, over the Brandy Pad and to other such-like hidden icons of the adventurers' world.
  • He became a haberdasher and Merchant Adventurer, growing rich on the cloth export trade to Antwerp.
  • Filmed on location in Egypt, the series also focuses on the story of the Ancient Egyptians, whose secrets and belongings the adventurers were so desperate to uncover.
  • In the 1920s British historian Charles Grey savaged the American adventurer as an unhinged embellisher at best, a liar at worst.
  • She holds the adventurers at bay by holding the scroll over a candle flame and threatening to destroy it.
  • There was a blacksmith from New England, a former postmaster of Pago Pago who had been a veteran of the American Civil War, a murdered merchant marine, a woman who died en route to San Francisco, and various beachcombers and adventurers.
  • The man who came up with the answer was a financial adventurer called William Paterson, a Scot who had made his name down south as one of the founding directors of the Bank of England.
  • Look around and find a place to go chat with some other intrepid young adventurers.
  • They expect to take 10 days to accomplish their Antarctica trip, using their specially designed kite-powered buggies - a journey which normally takes adventurers two months.
  • You know how the movie "The Secret" and these new-age spiritual blogs are always telling you to manifest by writing down an actual list of the qualities you're looking for in a mate: good looking, intelligent, successful in career, funny, warm-hearted, self-aware, an adventurer, etc.? MeiMei Fox: The Life Out Loud: Be Your Own Valentine
  • A four-part July series of Purcell Room concerts acclaiming very different pioneers of British jazz and improvisation including Soweto Kinch, the Jazz Warriors and the late Sir John Dankworth appropriately begins with the most uncompromisingly radical of musical adventurers – the improv saxophone innovator Evan Parker. This week's new live music
  • For at home there is but one buyer, and abroad but one that selleth; both which is gainful to the merchant, because thereby they buy at home at lower, and sell abroad at higher, rates: and abroad there is but one buyer of foreign merchandise, and but one that sells them at home, both which again are gainful to the adventurers. Leviathan
  • This quantity of dangerous but potentially precious materials offers a temptation for adventurers and desperados,’ said the report.
  • If the ritual was completed, the adventurers still alive have it fairly easy.
  • The durables could then be reused by other adventurers.
  • I awoke to the fact that I was still nothing more nor less than a common adventurer, held captive on an isolated projecture in the middle of the sea. Born Again
  • he joined forces with a band of adventurers
  • A diplomat's son, a photojournalist, a wealthy adventurer, a Peace Corps veteran - these are unlikeable characters, but affecting and recognizably products of a bloated yet dominant America.
  • Four of them are of value not only for the form but for the knowledge they furnish of the distinction made between the four classes of adventurers: those who paid money into the treasury and agreed to plant one hundred persons, those who established a private plantation, those who were private planters, and those whose "shares exceedinge 50 acr̃ are exempted from payinge any Rent to ye Company for the persons they transporte. The Records of the Virginia Company of London
  • The male characters are Paul, a successful doctor, Garvey, a rugged individualist adventurer, and Jerry, a small time con man.
  • I am not surprised, because the party has been taken over by a gang of adventurers who are on their way out.
  • Though both women are professional adventurers and lecturers now, they started out as schoolteachers, and their passion for teaching children, especially gifts, is still a key motivating factor for them.
  • Always a disciple of hearty and strenuous living, he suggested more than casually his own famous character - the intrepid warrior, adventurer, and seizer of thrones, Conan the Cimmerian. The Conan Chronicles
  • Adventurers and warriors generally had three ways to learn their crafts and skills.
  • The play, written between 1613 and 1615, tells the story of Pedro, a loveable trickster, rogue and adventurer, played by John Ramm, who aims to help everyone to gain popularity.
  • His cool urbanity is perhaps the only constant among performances that include cynical secret agents, gregarious playboys, rugged adventurers, refined gentlemen, humble schoolteachers, and psychotic killers. Five People Born on March 14 | myFiveBest
  • With the invention of the plane, adventurers sought uncharted areas to explore and limits to be pushed.
  • So who was this daring woman, who ranks alongside the likes of glamorous adventurers such as Isak Dinesen and Beryl Markham?
  • The intrepid adventurer has only sailed once in his life, on a short trip around the Greek Islands 22 years ago.
  • At the end, I was left more astonished and impressed than ever by the feats of the postpunk adventurers - these strivers and visionaries, schemers and dreamers.
  • The ranks of the Swedish army by now contained many adventurers and dubious mercenaries, and it was a shadow of its former self.
  • Which US adventurer smashed the round-the-world sailing record by six days?
  • Matt Carse, an archaeologist of the most definitely rogueish sort of tomb raider is looking to score, when the discovery of the mythical Sword of Rhiannon catapults him back into time, and into the body of a man well suited to be a barbarian adventurer. Superhero Prose Fiction: Eric John Stark - Sea-Kings Of Mars and Otherworldly Stories
  • This hybrid of history and travel writing explores the world of castaways, adventurers and indigenous go-betweens that lay behind Daniel Defoe's famous 18 th-century story Robinson Crusoe.
  • We are a people who in equal parts are adventurers, skilled craftspeople, hedonists, sensualists, survivalists, and environmentalists.
  • You and 53 other adventurers will stay aboard the Polar Pioneer, your floating base camp, where you'll have input in planning the ship's day-to-day itinerary.
  • Other adventurers came to grief here in 1897 after a failed attempt to fly a balloon from the North Pole.
  • The most immediate agents of this gigantic scheme were the Normans, who had conquered Naples by the arm of the adventurer Robert Guiscard, and under the gonfanon of St. Peter. Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Volume 11
  • All references to his drug use have been expunged, and he's now a dashing old adventurer grieving over his inability to save his son's life.
  • Overcoming initial incredulity and long-standing revulsion for this raddled adventurer, from March 1790 the royal couple paid Mirabeau for support in the Assembly and regular advice.
  • As soon as the adventurers enter, two of the Skeletons will rip their rusty iron manacles out of the floor and attack.
  • The socialist order is not a field in which political adventurers can be successful.
  • The plucky adventurer is also attempting to trek up Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in July.
  • And this stretch of the Green is famous as the site of the riotous rendezvous that drew those buckskinned adventurers here in the waning summers of the fur trade.
  • I see an intrepid adventurer plodding blindly through a world of booby traps, goblins, jesters and dragons.
  • No question, she is indomitable, a chronic adventurer - adventuress, if you wish.
  • His success in politics is not merely that of a courageous adventurer but that of a shrewd and high-principled man.
  • The bluff sea-captains and commercial adventurers who founded the Australian colonies had no special gift for symbolism, but they knew what was expected of them.
  • Journeying to unfamiliar spots, eating exotic food, and staying overnight at a variety of places, appeals to many people who are adventurers and explorers at heart.
  • Charles Lindbergh's stunning crossing of the Atlantic did not stop other aerial adventurers from attempting the flight over that vast ocean.
  • She readily lent an ear to the insinuations which Scarfe, also bitterly hurt, freely let out, and persuaded herself miserably that her boy was in the hands of an adventurer who had cajoled not only the boy but the father, and in short personated the proverbial viper at the fireside. A Dog with a Bad Name
  • First there was Wolverine: Prodigal Son, the Marvel/Del Rey book which attempted to "mangify" the character by turning him into a generic angsty shonen hero -- thereby robbing everything that made him interesting to begin with -- and now there's Iron Man: Armored Adventurers, which imagines Tony Stark not as gadabout playboy but nerdy youth. Teenage armor: A review of the new Iron Man cartoon | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • ‘A bunch of irresponsible adventurers and conspirators has taken the path of seizing power with force,’ he said, adding that he planned to return at some stage.
  • But he died at 37, and left an idea of the poet not just as an outsider, but also as an iconoclast, a smasher of images, a sexual adventurer, a ‘conduit of feeling’.
  • What actually transpired was that an influx of political adventurers swamped the party, particularly at the regional and riding level.
  • The aqualung opened the underwater world to diving adventurers in the 1940s.
  • As the cube settled slowly to the ground, the adventurers left the deadlight to use the windows. The Lord of Death and the Queen of Life
  • He was a skilful politician, but he was not an adventurer or a visionary.
  • Once it is aware of the adventurers, the Poltergeist will try its best to assault them anywhere within the tower.
  • There was a club in those days in Papeete, where the pearlers, traders, captains, and South Sea adventurers foregathered. THE HEATHEN
  • Science writer and adventurer Jon Turk set out on a 3,000-mile voyage across the Pacific in an open boat to see if the oldest North American was in fact, a Jomon - an ancient inhabitant of Japan and related to Polynesians and the Ainu.
  • An intrepid adventurer will persist all the way to the end of the line.
  • A Scots academic is to make his third attempt to follow in the footsteps of an explorer whose skills as a map-maker helped open up the African continent to generations of European adventurers.
  • A couple of spades, a trowel and a calabash were their only tools, but our adventurer was a knowing man, and "knowledge is power. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 87, March, 1875
  • 7: 15 AM — Golden Dawn (1930) An adventurer falls for a woman destined to be the virgin priestess for an African tribe. 2005 December :
  • Also include roles that you want to begin playing, such as meditator, author, student, adventurer -- doing so gives you the chance to set goals for them. Jinny Ditzler: 2012: Your Best Year Yet -- Give Yourself a Performance Review
  • Meanwhile, 10,000 adventurers, lunatics, criminals, dreamers, and lost souls who had volunteered for Hitler's Charlemagne Division were sent to fight the Red Army in Pomerania. France's Downfall
  • In April last year the Carterton adventurer attempted the first overflight of Mt Cook, only to be turned back by the weather as he got to within 100m of the summit.
  • Or were previous "experts" many were adventurers who could hardly be classified as archaeologists in the sense we use the term today who dug up so much of Egypt in the 19th and early 20th centuries wrong about their timeline? Who is Right About the Thera Eruption?
  • Oh, well, the sailors for'ard may be hard-bitten, but I can promise Miss West that here, aft, is one male passenger, unmarried and never married, who is an equally hard-bitten adventurer on the sea of matrimony. CHAPTER XV
  • Many will call me an adventurer, and that I am...only one of a different sort: one who risks his skin to prove his truths. Che Guevara 
  • A noted traveler, he continued to be, an adventurer, but always a solitudinarian.
  • There was a club in those days in Papeete, where the pearlers, traders, captains, and riffraff of South Sea adventurers forgathered. THE HEATHEN
  • The stocky man was an adventurer; his Father had took soldiery in the Blackhawk Wars in the Old Northwest, and as a frontiersman's son he had no trouble with backwoodsing for weeks, if necessary.
  • How many thousands have become murderers and robbers, bigots and domestic tyrants, dissolute and abandoned adventurers, from the use of fermented liquors; who, had they slaked their thirst only with pure water, would have lived but to diffuse the happiness of their own unperverted feelings! The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Clearly enthused at the prospect of seeing Lara Croft – adventurer, archaeologist, skin diver, jet pilot, skilled equestrian, and expert markswoman – leap onto a well-tuned mountain bike and go bombing down a Himalayan mountain. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Another book on the American adventurer is in the works: Ethan has a knack for staying in trouble. William Dietrich biography
  • First in an ignoble line was the East India Company, set up by British merchant adventurers and granted the Royal Charter of Queen Elizabeth I in 1600.
  • America did not become a cisatlantic Britain, as some of the colonial adventurers had hoped. The Armies of Labor A chronicle of the organized wage-earners
  • For does not the word adventurer stand for the pioneer, the explorer, the inventor, the soldier and the sailor? The Lure of the Mask
  • If the adventurers refuse to help, the Ghost will curse them for their callousness and attack.
  • ‘We will adopt all necessary measures to steadfastly smash any political adventurer aimed at splitting the motherland,’ he said.
  • Competition has been exceptionally high with the British adventurers competing against professional sportsmen and sportswomen from around the world.
  • Same in more austral Patagonia, in Calafate, Santa Cruz province, an historic crossroads for selling cattle and sheep, a magnet for dodgy adventurers in search of limitless estancias, and today a boutique pueblo with a totally dollarized economy. Pepe Escobar: Patagonia: The End of the World Is on Sale
  • This performance of theirs was just a ploy to swindle a few dollars out of travelers and adventurers and nothing more.
  • Not an adventurer or _escroc_ in Europe could compare with him in elusiveness. The Minister of Evil The Secret History of Rasputin's Betrayal of Russia
  • Many of the ship's complement were adventurers from noble families, and jewellery and coins, mainly gold, percolated to the bottom of the shingle-filled gullies.
  • These intrepid adventurers deserved to have their story told, and it is told well.
  • The sauce, dubbed Marco Polo, is an exotic blend of spices from the adventurer's journey: cumin, curry, ginger, chile, anise and cinnamon. A League of Extraordinary Chefs
  • The Arabs were driven out in 1090 by a band of Norman adventurers under Count Roger of Normandy, who had established a kingdom in southern Italy and Sicily.
  • More novel is the suggestion that he was a child of 'a golden age of military and political adventurers'.
  • His vision attracted adventurers, idealists, freeloaders and a few people of practical skills who quickly grew disillusioned with the attempt to create a cashless society.
  • A true adventurer, he is driven purely by thrills, seeking danger and excitement simply because nothing else will do.
  • He was astute enough to see how the arguments of polygenists could serve slaveholders and imperial adventurers.
  • One of the problems Alfred had was that although he could call up considerable numbers of the fyrd (militia), they were part-timers with other important things to do (like growing food), whereas the Vikings were more of a self-selected group of young adventurers with military skills and no other calls on their time. Early medieval armies: numbers
  • While rafting and kayaking in Nepal, adventurers can float along picturesque mountain rivers enjoying tranquil views, far from the well-traveled paths.
  • You are a gambler and an adventurer at heart, one who loves to take risks, to discover and explore new worlds, and to take the untried path rather than the safe, reliable one.
  • It continues a tradition of apt venues for the awards which for years were held in the Merchant Adventurers Hall in York - that wondrous 14th century Foss-side building where business people have gathered and parleyed for centuries.
  • The Swiss adventurer hopes to fly his as yet unbuilt, unproven solar-powered plane around the globe in stages, hopscotching the globe using designated landing sites.
  • I see an intrepid adventurer plodding blindly through a world of booby traps, goblins, jesters and dragons.
  • (Soundbite of water flowing) QUIST-ARCTON: Present-day Kisangani used to be colonial Stanleyville, named after the American journalist and adventurer who, along with Livingstone, earned fame by finding the source of the Congo River, near the shores of Lake Tanganyika. Congo River Pulses Life Into African Nation
  • An inexperienced young adventurer becomes the key to unravelling an ancient mystery when he joins up with a group of daredevil explorers to find the legendary lost empire of Atlantis.
  • This is the ultimate adventurer's watch, with 200m water resistance, multiband radio and a barometric alarm. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are allusions to Persia in Shakespeare cited here (the shah was the playwright's contemporary), and most notably there is a pair of small portraits of Robert Sherley and his Circassian wife, Teresia; Sherley, a British adventurer sent to Persia by Elizabeth I, ended up representing the shah on various foreign missions. Contemporaries a World Apart
  • The eight adventurers crossed the finish line rafted up together, welcomed by a wonderful group of volunteers, staff and families.
  • Four young adventurers play hide and seek in the country home of an old professor, where they stumble upon an enchanted wardrobe that will take them places they never dreamed.
  • They began to filter into Muslim Persia in the 9th century, mainly as mercenaries and adventurers.
  • Adventurers fighting an amphisbaena need to be doubly careful, since both heads are capable of attacking and even swallowing assailants with ease.
  • They were ragtag adventurers, all on the road together for different reasons, as fate would have it.
  • Premiering the new Dreamworks animated adventure on a cruise ship, Hayek, who plays co-adventurer Kitty Softpaws, and Antonio Banderas, the voice of the title feline, held court in front of a captive audience of "Shrek" spinoff enthusiasts. The Full Feed from
  • His traditional roots show as he weaves tales from life as it was for Canada's early settlers, hunters, fishers, explorers and adventurers.
  • Somewhere in the darkness, the faint echo of a terrible drawn out scream was carried on the breeze from the mountains and the three adventurers froze in place.
  • A Russian ship rescued two well-known Canadian adventurers who got caught in a storm while attempting to cross the Bering Straight in a row boat, authorities said today.
  • The once seamless constitution of the United Kingdom - the product of a millennium of political evolution - has been shredded by this adventurer and his gang of mercenary barrow boys, so that it is now reduced to incoherence.
  • Melville is best known for his eight noir features, all of them stylish and artificial in a way that seems utterly foreign to the more physical and neorealistic surfaces of Cisco Pike is a movie in which the optimism of the 1960s slips into the disappointing loneliness that Los Angeles can cultivate like no other city, "writes Robert Towne, who's just completed his latest screenplay," about a real-life American adventurer in the Philippines during the Second World War, "tells the Chuck Palahniuk explains why he loves" a certain breed of horror movie. GreenCine Daily
  • This family had been German military adventurers with no connection to Brandenburg-Prussia.
  • Our adventurer, who had not been seen by any of the witnesses during the affray, and who had been found unarmed after it was over, was next examined before a magistrate, and his examination ended in his committal to take his trial at the same time and place with Andrew McCoy, for bushranging and robbery, both of which at that time were equally capital offences with the most cold-blooded brutal murder. Ralph Rashleigh
  • He came to the colony, as we have seen, a fortuneless adventurer -- highly recommended, indeed; while the special protection he obtained from the Governor, with the titular and more solid favors he obtained at court, made him a competitor to all other commercialists, whom it was impossible to contend with directly. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 12
  • I can choose either to be a victim of the world or an adventurer in search of treasure. It's all a question of how I view my life. Paulo Coelho 
  • A delicious salty air, like the breath of perpetual spring, blew in, tingling the skin of the sulkiest adventurer with delight in this virgin world. Heroes of the Middle West The French
  • The wealthy adventurer financed Ben's hunt for the treasure.
  • Many will call me an adventurer, and that I am...only one of a different sort: one who risks his skin to prove his truths. Che Guevara 
  • We are a people who in equal parts are adventurers, skilled craftspeople, hedonists, sensualists, survivalists, and environmentalists.
  • Maybe that rumour could be added to the list of Viking myths and sagas that will feature next Friday in Bardic Adventurers!
  • From his humble origins to the height of power, Merten was a man of many hats for all seasons- Financier, Adventurer, War Hero.
  • I can choose either to be a victim of the world or an adventurer in search of treasure. It's all a question of how I view my life. Paulo Coelho 
  • The problem was not merely the barbarity and wilfulness of the native Irish, but that the initial grants to the original Anglo-Norman adventurers had been too generous.
  • This is the ultimate adventurer's watch, with 200m water resistance, multiband radio and a barometric alarm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Swiss adventurer Yves Rossy completes two aerial loops using just his custom-made jet-propelled wingsuit.
  • In a sense, Watkins's images blaze a trail for the tourist at the expense of the adventurer and hollow out the sublime, leaving only spectacle.
  • Personally I think that a musician or for that matter every artist is an adventurer, so there is no inbuilt defense mechanism that stops you from exploring.
  • European navigators and adventurers were tantalized for centuries by reports of a sea passage linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in icy wastes north of Canada.
  • As their empires' borders crept closer, so began the Great Game, a melodramatic blend of exploration and intrigue with spies, adventurers and ‘political agents’.
  • She holds the adventurers at bay by holding the scroll over a candle flame and threatening to destroy it.
  • In 1633 legal action was taken against him by his countrymen and co-adventurers at Hatfield Chase.
  • Neither did Twitchell fit the carpetbagger mold cast by historian William Dunning and his followers nearly a century ago, which held that these men were ‘archetypical villains, lowbred northern adventurers who descended like vultures on the conquered South’.
  • A rag-tag band of adventurers try stop them in a breakneck-paced story blending chases and gunfights with long discussions about business, technology and natural history.
  • The next raid of the adventurers was at a place called Arica, a small seaport town at the output of a beautiful and fertile valley. Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - Volume III
  • Pantheon, where so many adventurers twine and untwine, but in such a way as constantly to encounter him again. Les Miserables
  • After many years of directing my own sexual education in Paris, I came to see myself as a ‘liberated woman,’ or what some perhaps would call a promiscuous adventurer.
  • An avid fisherman, hunter, outdoorsman and adventurer, Hendryx was a 'salty' character who based much of his writing on his experiences as a cowboy and as a prospector at the tail end of the Alaskan Gold Rush.
  • That is a mask that any political adventurer can put on.
  • The adventurers, wearing hobnail boots and heavy tweed clothing, disappeared on June 8 1924 and were last seen within 2000 ft of the world's highest peak.
  • And that night and the next and the next, I wrote "Gentleman Adventurers," which the critics called the epitome of all that is balladesque. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • As the navigator's equivalent of adventurer with a pelorus, she has endeared herself to the ship's company with her prowess on the bridge and her stamina ashore.
  • It is an ideal destination for adventurers with an interest in history and music.
  • Instead of leading the life of an adventurer king, Herc is forced to perform 12 degrading and demeaning labors.
  • Spinster and bluestocking, Niblock is also something of an outsider, an emancipated transgressor in polite Edwardian society, recalling the unsung role of the female intellectual, adventurer and agent in the birth of the modernist period; a mischievous subversion of the Victorian upper class male. Archive 2008-12-01
  • When the black fog finally cleared up, the four adventurers finally got a chance to see just who this terrifying Dr. Dread was.
  • They can be disposed of easily, whilst their weapons stand little chance of piercing the adventurer's plate armour.
  • Also, a word of caution to the inexperienced adventurer: make sure you stay away from white waters because that means there are strong undercurrents.
  • They watch the adventurers with curiosity, but continue their chess game.
  • The charge of this bridge was assigned to the Moldavian and Wallachian contingents, under the command of Scherban, waiwode of the latter province, and one of the most remarkable adventurers of the age. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 334, August 1843
  • Fiennes is woefully miscast as the darkly mysterious adventurer.
  • From the Trinity House record it appears that Prickett was "a land man put in by the Adventurers"; and in the court records he is described, most incongruously, as a "haberdasher" -- facts which place him, as his own very remarkable narrative places him, on a level much above that of the ordinary seamen of Hudson's time. Henry Hudson A Brief Statement of His Aims and His Achievements
  • The adventurer and businessman was one of 705 people who survived the disaster in 1912, after the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank, killing 1,500 voyagers.
  • All this plus York's incomparable collection of artefacts and archives, held everywhere from the Borthwick Institute and the Guild of Merchant Adventurers to the city's many museums.
  • A diplomat's son, a photojournalist, a wealthy adventurer, a Peace Corps veteran - these are unlikeable characters, but affecting and recognizably products of a bloated yet dominant America.
  • Cowardice is a concept foreign to your very being, and by nature you are something of an adventurer.
  • We're going to hammer out the details of how we can pension off Desmond, evict that shady adventurer Hall and close down St Paul's. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • `Oh, come on, Jeremy, this is supposed to be a merchant bank, founded by a merchant adventurer. THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE

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