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  1. convey by horizontal mass movement of a fluid
    energy advected from the environment

How To Use advect In A Sentence

  • The system has very little upper level energy with most of its lift being supplied by warm advection winds from the south. Analyzing pre-Christmas snow odds
  • Valley, advection, upslope, radiation and freezing are types of which atmospheric phenomenon? Times, Sunday Times
  • Sed neque muniebantur ea, neque more militari vigiliae deducebantur; uti cuique libebat, ab signis aberat: lixae permixti cum militibus die noctuque vagabantur; palantes agros vastare, villas expugnare, pecoris et mancipiorum praedas certantes agere, eaque mutare cum mercatoribus [259] vino advectitio et aliis talibus; praeterea frumentum publice datum vendere, panem in dies mercari; postremo, quaecunque dici aut fingi queunt ignaviae luxuriaeque probra, ea in illo exercitu cuncta fuere et alia amplius. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • However, all the models show any precipitation associated with this feature drying out as it crosses the mountains and there's no moist flow from the south warm air advection to generate the lift necessary for much snow to develop. Weekend snow threat still slight
  • On the exposed hills and ridges facing southwest, the phenomenon of advective fog occurs, bringing moisture to the desert and leading to lomas vegetation. Sechura desert
  • When dissolved solids are carried along with the flowing groundwater, the process is called advective transport or convection.
  • Nonetheless, both models now are showing a period of moderate to strong warm air advection winds coming in from the south increasing moisture. Snow threat up, 1 or 2 inches possible tomorrow
  • Spatial-temporal variability in surface layer deepening and lateral advection in an embayment of Lake Victoria, East Africa
  • Nonetheless advection is a more likely alternative food source.
  • Satellite imagery of the President's Day storm indicated all the bright clouds and precipitation associated with the warm advection were shifting out to sea mostly south of DC and that the city might only add another inch of snow to the four that had fallen earlier in the evening. Where did Sunday's forecast go wrong?
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