
How To Use Advantageously In A Sentence

  • The solution obtained by dissolving the absorbent albuminoid in the buffer advantageously contains 6% by weight of this albuminoid.
  • The fund heavy warehouse stock falls largely symbolizes that the institutional investor also falls into panic, this stops to the market falls quite disadvantageously .
  • These sorts of events, intelligently and advantageously staged, can produce celebrities, or increase the fame of celebrities.
  • Most people commonly employ dishonesty and deception as a means to get through life safely and advantageously. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • His partiality to the smoking room leads him to be rather unfair to the liner's other large gathering space, the Grand Salon, illustrated disadvantageously in the book with shots that do not convey either its elegance or its comfort. When the Going Was Good
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  • But there are some substances, such as muriate of soda, gypsum, phosphate, and other compounds of lime, which may be advantageously applied. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Astringent tonics, are such as relieve floodings and hemorrhages of every kind and may be advantageously employed in all profuse evacuations and relaxed states of the system. The Cherokee Physician, or Indian Guide to Health, as Given by Richard Foreman, a Cherokee Doctor; Comprising a Brief View of Anatomy, With General Rules for Preserving Health without the Use of Medicines. The Diseases of the U. States, with Their Symptom
  • Most people commonly employ dishonesty and deception as a means to get through life safely and advantageously. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • However, the institutional structure of copyright societies has historically led to advantageously structured royalty terms.
  • In this way he implies that'true'communities exist which can be advantageously juxtaposed to nations.
  • • In a team, there's always two points of view and that can be an asset rather than a liability if perceived advantageously. Kathleen Gurney: Three P's Make a Compatible Money Pod
  • Contact lenses can be used most advantageously to correct myopia, but can also be used for hypermetropia and corneal astigmatism.
  • The children were settled advantageously in Seattle
  • Inferior cuts of mutton can be used advantageously for this dish, such as scrag-end or breast of mutton; the bones and gristle with long stewing give a nice flavor to the dish. The Story of Crisco
  • Eileen and Michael SandersonBarnsley • Jackie Ashley writes Comment, 9 May that Cameron's Tories might advantageously engineer an early election. Letters: Election deadline
  • Through changing the residence time of solution in soil and physicochemical properties of rhizosphere, reed can disadvantageously affect the puri...
  • Appropriate prominence should be given to terms which might operate disadvantageously to the customer.
  • Apparently, have the pupils been shown _how_ to study, i.e., how to prepare the work most advantageously? A Guide to Methods and Observation in History Studies in High School Observation
  • Again, this argumentation is handled very advantageously, which is derived from a species when you pursue all the separate parts by tracing them back to the whole, in this way "If that is _dolus malus_ when one thing is aimed at, and another pretended," we may enumerate the different modes in which that can be done, and then under some one of them we may range that which we are trying to prove has been done The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
  • Zurich was congratulated on the possession of a Paragon of public virtue; and William Tell, in the character of benefactor to Switzerland, was compared disadvantageously with Mrs. Lecount. No Name
  • On cooperation with Mexicans: why should it be believed that it is more than a false dilemma, to imply that our alternatives are only zero cooperation or one that is disadvantageously excessive, by the standard of loyalty to the good people here, and the resolve not to increase aggression in this jurisdiction? Divisions on Immigration, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The order Ophiomorpha, as has been before observed, present a general resemblance to serpents, and a special resemblance to certain short-tailed ones; though it is rather with the Amphisbenian Sauriansthat they may most advantageously be compared. The Common Frog
  • Thus, the present invention advantageously avoids the production of tailings sludges caused by clay dispersion.
  • But we had no evidence that a scheme like that described in clause 3, ‘Overview’, will actually change anything in New Zealand advantageously, and there is every likelihood that it will change things disadvantageously.
  • The plight of gallant, Catholic little Belgium, invaded by a militaristic aggressor, was disadvantageously compared with Ireland, achieving freedom (so Redmond argued) within the British Empire, rather like Canada or Australia.
  • We contend, that for tolerably good land, situated advantageously, that is, with a ready access to good markets and good fairs, such as those of Coventry, Birmingham, Gloucester, Worcester, Biographical Essays
  • To place him more advantageously the President sent to Powhatan, offering to buy the place called Powhatan, promising to defend him against the Monacans, to pay him in copper, and make a general alliance of trade and friendship. The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
  • Formulations based on nonexplosive fuels are advantageously employed in the practice of the invention exemplary of which are the soluble polyalcohols such as ethylene glycol and carbohydrates such as cane sugar.
  • This translucent ceramic can be advantageously used as, for example, a material for object lens (2) fitted to light pickup (9).
  • Most people commonly employ dishonesty and deception as a means to get through life safely and advantageously. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • This is discriminatory: to discriminate against members of a group of people just is to treat them disadvantageously compared to members of other groups, when there's no adequate justification for doing so.
  • The apparatus is advantageously used in an interferometer to form a device that modulates the amplitude of the optical signal.
  • The fund heavy warehouse stock falls largely symbolizes that the institutional investor also falls into panic, this stops to the market falls quite disadvantageously .
  • Feduccia (1993, p. 162) stated that ‘there can be no doubt that an airfoil is produced by the sifaka’s arms and the partial incorporation of a “lift mechanism” would advantageously augment the horizontal extent of a “leap”’. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • A law suitable for Georgia might operate “most disadvantageously and cruelly” upon New York. Ratification
  • As a Californian who has now lived almost 20 years in Germany, I can assure you that resident aliens in Germany are treated more advantageously than those in the US. The Volokh Conspiracy » What TSA is doing
  • What quantities of fribbles, paupers, invalids, epicures, antiquaries, politicians, thieves, and triflers of both sexes, might be advantageously spared!
  • The technique of the present invention may be used advantageously with object-oriented languages other than the Java programming language.
  • Right through the summer, Jeremy would stand at the top of a tall wooden ladder in those boxy, airless rooms in the Leeper building, wearing, I recall, comparatively tight-fitting shorts, while I did my best to read off the shelf lists (meaning drawers densely laden with cards), performing this function from as advantageously configured a vantage point below. The Earth Goddess
  • All fatty beverages -- _bouillon_, unskimmed milk, chocolate, or cacao -- and all alcoholics, are hurtful; breakfast tea is undoubtedly the best beverage, but, after a little, is advantageously replaced by light white wine diluted with water. Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, September 26, 1891
  • Michele Bachmann was able to reach her high-water mark without being unduly encumbered by her gender; nor was she advantageously buoyed by it. Michele Bachmann and the glass ceiling of American politics | Cheri Jacobus
  • To place him more advantageously the President sent to Powhatan, offering to buy the place called Powhatan, promising to defend him against the Captain John Smith
  • In other words, the view is that it is a civil right to not be treated disadvantageously on account of one's race or sex. Civil Rights
  • Lunar eclipses - like that advantageously interpreted by Christopher Columbus in 1504-may more easily be used because they can be seen over a much wider area.
  • angry that the case was settled disadvantageously for them
  • But money is not delivered via a helicopter and instead is injected into a system at particular points and this distorts the purchasing power of the first recipients advantageously and the last recipients disadvantageously. Is it time to sell short? - The Austrian Economists
  • These two ugly buildings are injurious to the interior appearance of the building, their heavy forms and structure being disadvantageously contrasted with the light and airy shape of the Makams. Travels in Arabia
  • Here I rely on Chun, who is somewhat more advantageously positioned to participate in this debate, to provide the critique.
  • Through changing the residence time of solution in soil and physicochemical properties of rhizosphere, reed can disadvantageously affect the puri...
  • The husking is a short process, and is even advantageously delayed till the moment arrives for using the corn. Life of Daniel Boone, the Great Western Hunter and Pioneer
  • The water may be either tepid or cold, according to the feelings or habit of the person; and if the head or hair be very scurfy or dirty, or hard water be used, a few grains of soda (not potash or pearlash) may be advantageously added to the water. The Ladies Book of Useful Information Compiled from many sources
  • The present invention is also concerned with a blood components separator unit, which can advantageously be used in practice of the above-mentioned method.
  • Treasury can always purchase, then claim to have revised its valuation and sell "advantageously" at a loss. Home Page
  • The first piece of "The Drunken Father," is quite in the author's own style; though there are two or three stanzas very imperfect, which might probably be omitted advantageously. Letter 388

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