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How To Use Advancing In A Sentence

  • Advancing age has occasionally brought resolution, more often just a little understanding, to many of these riddles, but not necessarily to the resilient ambiguity of history.
  • An undercutter cuts a horizontal slot, or kerf, along the floor of the advancing room to provide a relief for blasting.
  • The government fell nine days after an invasion force of five thousand troops was said to be advancing on the capital.
  • Australia plays a leading role in advancing APEC's responses to human security issues such as communicable diseases, emergency disaster relief preparedness, counter-terrorism, climate change and energy security. Australia Strengthens APEC
  • We (the Western public) regard picnics as highly advantageous to health and beauty, promoting social sympathy and high-toned alimentiveness, advancing the interests of the community and the ultimate welfare of the nation. Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 17, July 23, 1870
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Master English with Ease
  • The bugle calls multiply till the woods seem filled with an advancing army and the yells split the sky. Canada: the Empire of the North Being the Romantic Story of the New Dominion's Growth from Colony to Kingdom
  • It might therefore seem clear, whatever else is the case, that Descartes conceives of knowledge as advancing truth.
  • Reports from Chad suggest that rebel forces are advancing on the capital.
  • Too late - at this speed, it's approximately as effective as scattering thumbtacks in front of advancing armour.
  • (He pointed at the bundle she held, while she nodded proudly, beaming on me with good-nature and consciousness of success and prosperity.) "This overcoat is as good as a blanket," he went on, advancing the skirt of it that I might feel its thickness. THE SPIKE
  • After advancing about 100 meters, it became obvious that high ground to the north and south meant their western line of advance could be flanked from the high ground on both sides. Todd, Robert J.
  • The belief that acid secretion declines with advancing age has been widespread.
  • The Harvard center will strive to develop new technologies for genomic molecular imaging, while the Johns Hopkins center will be devoted to advancing the emerging field of epigenetics.
  • Joshua hoped that Malone had learnt wisdom with his advancing years.
  • Correction of craniofacial deficits with implants is a rapidly advancing discipline.
  • The city was liberated by the advancing army.
  • In the distance, staggered lines of other pukkawoods rose, each from a crack riven into the saltpan by the advancing lightning. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • Bewildered by the suddenness of this blow, I could but watch in helpless silence the advancing throng, with my poor friends in their midst, their hands bound, their tottering footsteps directed by rude shoves towards the pipul tree, the accustomed assembly place of the villagers and the village council. Tales of Destiny
  • Brown, many times swaying from side to side, used humor to deflect his advancing aged, swore twice, joshed about old drinking days in Sacramento, and emphasized his past experience. Jessica Levinson: Brown and Whitman Face-Off: Many Differences, Few Surprises
  • They supported the pork-barrelling and protection of special interests, fighting a desperate rearguard action against the advancing dries.
  • At last he suffered vows to be put up for his good journey and safe return, insomuch that he was called jocosely by the name of Callipides, who is famous in a Greek proverb, for being in a great hurry to go forward, but without ever advancing a cubit. De vita Caesarum
  • Page 394 coursing through the green plains, and dark promontories, or obtuse projections of the side-long acclivities, alternately advancing or receding on the verge of the illumined native fields, to the utmost extent of sight; the summits of the acclivities afford, besides the forest trees already recited, Halesia, Ptelea, Circis, Cornus Florida and Amorpha. Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • When not producing art of his own, Oliver was busy advancing the work of others.
  • The enemy is [ are ] advancing towards the castle.
  • The swords sang as the soldier and I danced; pirouetting, blocking, lunging, advancing, and retreating.
  • The eight teams will play a round-robin tournament beginning on July 21, with the top four advancing to single-elimination semifinals.
  • The troops were firing away at the advancing enemy.
  • The two leaders agreed to work together in advancing techniques for desalinating seawater to cope with perennial water shortages in Saudi Arabia, the official said.
  • These prejudices are gradually and silently melting away; and it is cheering to see the better feelings of our nature effectively advancing the art to its legitimate place in education, under the guise of gymnastics and callisthenics. A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education
  • It was a significant archaeological enterprise advancing into unknown territory in the small towns of Roman Britain.
  • Autocracies are advancing their foreign-policy goals with well-funded broadcasting services. Times, Sunday Times
  • The confederates then passed out from the council chamber into the grand hall; each individual, as he took his departure, advancing towards the Duchess and making what was called the "caracole," in token of reverence. The Rise of the Dutch Republic — Volume 10: 1566, part I
  • Agha's forces have been pushing from the south against Kandahar while troops loyal to former deputy foreign minister Hamid Karzai have been advancing from the north against the embattled city.
  • Araguaia to Rondonopolis is advancing month by month, our agreement with Rumo is already operational, and volumes should increase following the Capex schedule. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Barrere having then announced that the army of the Sambre and the Meuse was advancing to Liege, made News Report
  • He was a U.S. version of Gandhi, advancing the theory of pacifist resistance through his words and deeds.
  • Shaftesbury's formulation of sentimentality as either a manifestation of latitudinarianism or deism, both vaguely secularized systems of advancing self-sufficient virtue as the means by which manners dominated and controlled behavior in the public realm. Talking About Virtue: Paisiello's 'Nina,' Paër's 'Agnese,' and the Sentimental Ethos
  • The army was advancing steadily and the vanguard was already at the border.
  • In spite of advancing years and not too robust health, he laboured strenuously until the state of his health made it necessary for him to retire.
  • She is still very active, in spite of her advancing years.
  • A middle-aged woman with stiff, wood-colored curls all over her head was advancing on her, marching in heavy-footed determination.
  • Reasons put forth include his advancing age, the cumulative effect of thousands of hits and the decline of his offensive line.
  • And still she succeeded in advancing the cause of the science of genetics.
  • The audiences boo and hiss jokes and opinions of which they disapprove (which are very often jokes and opinions advancing a perspective friendly to the policies of the current Administration) and react with glee and approval to the sauciest of the jokes and opinions with which they agree (which are very often jokes and opinions critical of the policies of the current Administration). Is That Legal?: October 2007 Archives
  • As published in the Feb. 25, 2011 Science Insider editorial, "Advancing Regulatory Science," FDA Commissioner Dr. Hamburg claimed that FDA's regulations must be based on "better predictive models -- functional genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics," rather than "high dose animal carcinogenicity studies -- unchanged for decades. Samuel S. Epstein: Multiple Carcinogens in Johnson & Johnson's Baby Shampoo
  • By the evening of 28 August, German forces advancing on the flanks had closed a circle around Second Army.
  • As the watery condition of the blood increases with advancing pregnancy, so dropsy of the amnion is a disease of the last four or five months of gestation. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • The Livingston defence were caught flat-footed, allowing the Croatian to home in on goal before slotting the ball past the advancing McKenzie.
  • Queen Milena possessed great beauty, which she retained unimpaired in advancing years.
  • There, when animals are on the move, there is little social structure, merely a mass of advancing animals.
  • So Mandy and Carole are the last Prætorian guards defending Number 10 against Gordon's advancing legions and the Children of the Night, ululating menacingly at the heels of Howard Dracul.
  • The strong upward trend was reflected by the fact that advancing counters were triple the number of declining counters.
  • Japan's advantage in advancing is goal differential after a 6-0 opening win against Argentina. - Game capsules: Wednesday's Women's World Cup
  • The runners on second and third held their base for the purpose of tagging up and advancing.
  • Mr. Sembiring claims legal authority for his various crusades from sweeping antipornography legislation passed in 2008, a law that has become a powerful tool for advancing Islamic values in a religiously diverse but secular, majority Muslim state. RIM on the Ropes
  • The Tenors answer "In quo salus" and the whole choir "Venite adoremus" when all prostrate themselves except the celebrant who, advancing to the Gospel side of the altar uncovers the right arm of the Cross, repeating in a louder voice "Ecce lignum crucis," the choir responding as before. More Rare Images: Good Friday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel
  • There would he lay till they would him descry, spancelled down upon a blossomy bed, at one foule stretch, amongst the daffydowndillies, the flowers of narcosis fourfettering his footlights, a halohedge of wild spuds hovering over him, epicures waltzing with gardenfillers, puritan shoots advancing to Aran chiefs. Finnegans Wake
  • The two asura trundled along behind this advancing wedge, trailed by a watchful Caithe and a growling Garm. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • Subversive books, including those advancing the theories of Newton and Copernicus, were removed from the university's library.
  • The world political system is advancing towards disorder.
  • Such tendencies can be modified only by advancing civilization and by gradual spiritualization.
  • While advancing all these arguments, Commander Miyo nevertheless refrained from voicing a flat rejection of the Combined Fleet plan.
  • Coming slowly on through the forests of masts was a great steamship, beating the water in short impatient strokes with her heavy paddles as though she wanted room to breathe, and advancing in her huge bulk like a sea monster among the minnows of the Thames. The Old Curiosity Shop
  • Hobbes and Spinoza, despite their own differences, advanced, or were read as advancing, a number of objectionable and deeply troubling theses which Leibniz (and most of his contemporaries) saw as an enormous threat: materialism, atheism, and necessitarianism. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
  • They begin beneath the roadbed where subsurface water meets the advancing frost line and forms a layer of ice, called a lens.
  • Social interaction is necessary for advancing the development of logical-mathematical knowledge.
  • Forget the advancing melt rate of Antarctic icebergs and world wide glacier retreat.
  • All OE suppliers are rapidly advancing the market presence of LED headlamps and variable-beam adaptive headlighting systems. Daily automotive news and comment - from
  • For, if you would inform, a positive and dogmatical manner in advancing your sentiments may provoke contradiction and prevent a candid attention. In which Max discovers a tic, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • By your hard work and your effort, you are actively advancing the growth of our nation.
  • Such movement would also expose the flanks, rear and supply lines of an advancing North Korean army to amphibious attack like the brilliant US landing at Inchon during the Korean War.
  • So that when I heard his heavy footstep advancing along the passage my heart did misgive me, and I felt that I was trembling. Tales of all countries
  • County missed a glorious chance when defensive panic from a free-kick caused Gavin to nod the ball over the advancing Henderson.
  • Now there is very little to prevent them from making history and advancing beyond a World Cup group at the first attempt.
  • Groves of rigging were about the chains; and there, peering from behind a great stay, like an Indian from behind a hemlock, a Spanish sailor, a marlingspike in his hand, was seen, who made what seemed an imperfect gesture towards the balcony, but immediately as if alarmed by some advancing step along the deck within, vanished into the recesses of the hempen forest, like a poacher. The Piazza Tales
  • He joined the highly-touted Waseda Judo Club, advancing to the rank of fourth dan by his senior year.
  • A lovely ball through from Brian Pennington found Danny Harris who beat the offside trap to lob the advancing goalkeeper and put the home side two up.
  • Progress in al] the skills of civilization has been steady and gradual (pedetemp - tim, 5.1453); some are still advancing (5. 332-37), but in general they are said to have attained their perfec - tion (summum ... cacumen, 5.1457). PROGRESS IN CLASSICAL ANTIQUITY
  • Now that the restoration is complete and the film will begin circulating, Ms. Schulberg (who collaborated with the filmmaker and sound designer Josh Waletzky on the project) has come to terms with the suppression of her father's work — whether it was by Hollywood or the gov ernment, which was advancing the Marshall Plan. Out of the Ashes, a Triumph
  • Perform combination techniques on the move so that you are able to work effectively in a retreating as well as an advancing mode.
  • There are clear associations between advancing years and increasing disability, and this is particularly steep among the most elderly.
  • Security forces blocked the miners from advancing towards the main Istanbul-Ankara highway.
  • He looked absolutely grim, advancing, tapping the whip lightly on the ground as the horse retreated rhythmically.
  • The movies were advancing on several fronts and the social theme was but one strand in a more complex whole.
  • Now, as the 20th century draws to a close, the name "Hibernia" is again a symbol of advancing technology in the rough waters of the Atlantic. Leading a New Industry into a New Century
  • The aim is to damage an adversary's capacity to attack by crippling its advancing armed forces.
  • Sacred bovids, beginning with the fecund cow and advancing to the virile bull, were finally degraded to mere substance in the hands of humanized deities.
  • Radio stations were just broadcasting news of the failed attempt on Hitler's life; Allied and Soviet armies were advancing quickly on Germany.
  • When doctors use the term alcoholic liver disease, they are referring to a specific disease process that is made up of four distinct, advancing stages of liver damage, beginning with something called fatty liver and, if unchecked, progressing to inflammation of the liver, or alcoholic hepatitis. DR. SANJIV CHOPRA’S LIVER BOOK
  • The advancing supertanker was a huge bright-green blob on the screen, approaching them on what seemed like a collision course. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • Weidenreich tried to explain the seeming contradiction between isolated regional development and the unity of the human species by advancing the notion of orthogenesis, or directed evolution.
  • The city fell to the advancing Russian armies.
  • All that was left then was a deft lob over the advancing goalkeeper and the City goal machine had struck yet again.
  • The figures burnt bright green on the thermal footage that was beamed to the advancing forces. Times, Sunday Times
  • The top two teams in each group will advance to the final regional qualifying round, the so-called hexagonal, with the top three teams in that group advancing to the World Cup in Brazil. NYT > Home Page
  • United by more than racism, they were a party of reform committed to advancing an agrarian statist agenda.
  • With a range of five kilometres, marines can set them up behind advancing troops, clearing the way ahead.
  • We swooped like some bird of prey over the advancing army. Anti-Ice
  • In advancing the tenets of racism, Western theorists left no avenue of human potentiality and human activity untouched.
  • While this inquiry was carried on, our hero and his companion concealed themselves among some weeds, that grew on the edge of the parapet, a few yards from the spot where he had agreed to meet the mousquetaire; and scarce had the morning rendered objects distinguishable when they perceived their men advancing boldly to the place. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops
  • Now that the restoration is complete and the film will begin circulating, Ms. Schulberg (who collaborated with the filmmaker and sound designer Josh Waletzky on the project) has come to terms with the suppression of her father's work — whether it was by Hollywood or the gov ernment, which was advancing the Marshall Plan. Out of the Ashes, a Triumph
  • The biotech century is advancing upon us, moment by moment.
  • Imperfection clings to a person, and if they wait till they are brushed off entirely, they would spin for ever on their axis, advancing nowhere. Thomas Carlyle 
  • Nerve tube advancing to the central capsule, there losing its white matter, and stretching along the axis to the opposite end, where it ends by a tuberculated enlargement. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1e. Peripheral Terminations of Nerves of General Sensations
  • One benefit deriving from advancing years is that my clerk diverts to others briefs that are devoid of interest.
  • The next stage in advancing populism is to attack anybody who challenges the exclusive right of the populist party to define or interpret the national interest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through the arch of the cave, as far as the eye can see, misted peaks sit, poised like advancing waves.
  • Davout deployed all of his artillery on the French side of the river which was not fordable, so it could only be crossed at one of the two bridges spanning the water so that it could enfilade any Russian attack on the long ridge that was perpendicular to the Russian cavalry, thereby screening the advancing French infantry. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Advancing agriculture to standardize is agriculture and rural economics structure strategical adjustment inevitable requirement.
  • Owen would have made a fairish corporal, given no work more taxing than lifting heavy weights and advancing into the cannon's mouth, but Junior had always been slightly wanting, Jerry told me, and the Kansas fighting had sent him off the rails altogether. THE NUMBERS
  • In Jonathan Franzen's novel The Corrections, Alfred Lambert, a retired railway engineer, sits in the cellar of his house, struggling with his advancing Parkinsonism and a string of Christmas lights.
  • Laxly e mail lists at nosohusial sphaerocarpos to relishing no striver in advancing intervention, a unmitigable litchee, they are so susceptible adverbially heterospory christless the old pyrogallic way. Rational Review
  • The Washington Post, have argued that ElBaradei's return has created an environment in which the United States can play a positive role in advancing the cause of reform if the Obama administration approaches the ElBaradei "boomlet" with "less caution. Feed for
  • Either our proposition must be proved apodeictically; or, if this is unsuccessful, the sources of this inability must be sought for, and, if these are discovered to exist in the natural and necessary limitation of our reason, our opponents must submit to the same law of renunciation and refrain from advancing claims to dogmatic assertion. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • It was not an environment likely to encourage garlands of flowers being offered to an advancing army. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • His music, instead of advancing, regressed; the songs became strangely lethargic; they featured a pumping harmonium but very little harmony.
  • On her deathbed Mary Leapor reportedly expressed concern for her father's advancing age.
  • The sail sped southward, disappearing at times as it descended into the trough of the huge Atlantic waves, but advancing all the time towards the entrance of Grenville Channel.
  • Everyone was confused and uncertain of what to do - until the British let out a loud "huzzah" and fired off a volley before advancing at the double quick toward you and your friends, bayonets at the ready. The Moderate Voice
  • To embark on such a policy involved two dangers: the danger of war, and what in Milner's eyes was perhaps even greater, the danger that, by advancing just claims and then, letting ourselves be "bluffed" out of them, we might yet further lessen, and indeed totally destroy, what hold we still possessed upon the affection of the South African British or on the respect either of British or Lord Milner's Work in South Africa From its Commencement in 1897 to the Peace of Vereeniging in 1902
  • The artillery and mounted horse holders remained in the center of the square between two additional columns of troops advancing on the formation's east and west flanks.
  • Discourse is necessary for advancing knowledge.
  • We swooped like some bird of prey over the advancing army. Anti-Ice
  • In spite of his advancing years, he has regularly paraded nobly through the division lobbies in the cause of the suppression of vice.
  • Advancing Sohu actively " mainstream media platform " chairman of Sohu trustee bureau holds presiding apparitor Zhang Chaoyang concurrently to be concealed none right " announcement " support.
  • SEPTEMBER - With the Bushite army advancing on Washington, unemployment at 150\% (many people lost two jobs), global warming turning Mother Earth into one big cuchifrito, and the Supreme Court still dead - locked over whether Osama or Obama is the legitimate U.S. president, the yarmulke-wearing President-elect opted to call off the rest of 2009 and fled to his home state of Hawaii which no one has been able to locate for months. CounterPunch
  • Looking back, I saw the other Martians advancing with gigantic strides down the riverbank from the direction of Chertsey. The War of The Worlds
  • While advancing all these arguments, Commander Miyo nevertheless refrained from voicing a flat rejection of the Combined Fleet plan.
  • Reports from Chad suggest that rebel forces are advancing on the capital.
  • When the car's occupants remain motionless, the woman gives an exaggerated shrug before advancing to the quatre-quatre* just behind us. French Word-A-Day:
  • Advancing towards them is a warrior with full moko; the wero is intense.
  • There were unconfirmed reports that the rebel army was advancing upon the town.
  • He did however complete his hat trick right on the break when he latched onto a ball from Romario and lobbed the advancing keeper from the edge of the box.
  • Of course, I was only displaying the ultimately cliched boomer trait, a tortured denial of my own advancing years.
  • There are clear associations between advancing years and increasing disability, and this is particularly steep among the most elderly.
  • The essence of Sorry, I'm A Stranger Here Myself was lack of communication, and the sitcom was serialised, each episode advancing the story from the previous week.
  • I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project
  • Mammalian females have a fixed number of oocytes at birth, which decreases dramatically with advancing age due to follicular atresia.
  • And of all the unreckoned waves advancing, lifting their fugitive crests, and roaring, there certainly was not one that fell with weight so futile as his own. Springhaven
  • Our state, upon learning of the impending DED epidemic advancing through Winsconsin, set up the most sophisticated statewide shade tree pest-control program in the nation.
  • We are now men of advancing years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The racial epithet is a botched way of advancing a deep ideological necessity for Al Qaeda: to keep its narrative going, Zawahiri has to define Obama as not authentically American. You Hurt Yourself | ATTACKERMAN
  • But Arctic Bay residents have received little help and support in advancing their proposal, and their aspirations are now drowning in bureaucratic inertia.
  • On both occasions he places the accusative pronoun between the subject and the verb, advancing the object from its natural position and juxtaposing it with the subject.
  • They are actually advancing the non-theistic religion of secular humanism.
  • The fate of Aleppo rested heavy on Damascene minds and the citizens drove Al-Nasir out of the city, then sent their unconditional surrender to the advancing Mongols.
  • Happily tact was coming with advancing years, and she did not attempt to mingle in the conversation, which was resumed by Charles observing that the strangest part of the affair was the incompatibility of so novelish and imprudent a proceeding with the cautious, thoughtful character of both parties. The Heir of Redclyffe
  • This lesion presents as an annular plaque with a slightly raised and often scaly, advancing border and is commonly known as ringworm.
  • Imperfection clings to a person, and if they wait till they are brushed off entirely, they would spin for ever on their axis, advancing nowhere. Thomas Carlyle 
  • The expenses are alleged to have been incurred in advancing money to the company in order to finance an increase by that company of its shareholding in an Italian television network.
  • Gentlemen," he said, advancing into the middle of the room, where, by occasionally throwing out his arms to balance himself, he managed to maintain a tolerably erect position, "I am going to make a what-d'ye-call-it. The Purple Land
  • Chances of developing cancer increase with advancing age.
  • Rather than give up the territory which they already held, the Germans dug in to protect themselves from the guns of the advancing Allies.
  • I am a firm believer in sound science, and I believe that the shuttle mission has played a crucial role in advancing our knowledge of the universe we live in.
  • Four missiles hurtled out of the rear missile launchers toward the pirate ship advancing from the rear. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » JM’s Review Forum
  • The company was uninterested in advancing wireless technology -- it was in business to fleece the public with empty promises of future profits. SIGNOR MARCONI'S MAGIC BOX: The invention that sparked the radio revolution
  • We are now men of advancing years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Huge glacial erratics, boulders unlike most of the other rocks in their surroundings, stand in mute testimony to their cross-country transport by advancing ice.
  • Meanwhile, out on the business side of the "security" lines, phalanxes of outsiders contract politzei, ninja-turtle-like in their black riot armor and helmets are advancing in half-step shuffle mode, all in unison while beating their riot batons upon their shields in the rhythm of their dirge-like gait, putting Tiananman Square to shame by comparison. The Invasion of Pittsburgh
  • These information systems and advancing high-speed digital data transmission are already revolutionizing the operations of geological surveys; the exploration of ever-deeper parts of the crust is a good example.
  • In fact, if you wish to instruct others, a positive and dogmatical manner in advancing your sentiments may occasion opposition and prevent a candid attention.
  • She screamed as she toppled onto the hood of the still-advancing vehicle.
  • It was a significant archaeological enterprise advancing into unknown territory in the small towns of Roman Britain.
  • The company was uninterested in advancing wireless technology -- it was in business to fleece the public with empty promises of future profits. SIGNOR MARCONI'S MAGIC BOX: The invention that sparked the radio revolution
  • Computer technology is advancing very rapidly.
  • After three weeks of heavy fighting, the city finally fell to the advancing rebel army.
  • Political Junkie from Canada writes: When Suzuki calls farmed salmon 'poison,' is he advancing scientific discourse? The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • These ventures are very important in advancing our knowledge about ourselves and others.
  • I do feel like what the critical response is really makes a difference, in advancing the network. Interview with LOST Co-Creator Damon Lindelof –
  • Round and round the Outlaw spun, advancing in a series of jolting pig-jumps.
  • When he saw his little band collected, the scout threw "killdeer" into the hollow of his arm, and making a silent signal that he would be followed, he led them many rods toward the rear, into the bed of a little brook which they had crossed in advancing. The Last of the Mohicans
  • Despite intense artillery fire, he held the captured position for 48 hours, and with a leader personally silenced the enemy machine guns which were enfilading the troops advancing to his support.
  • There, when animals are on the move, there is little social structure, merely a mass of advancing animals.
  • He would have found these Confederates standing calmly in the open field, waiting the command to rush upon Hancock's advancing legions, and filled with more anxiety for Lee's safety than for their own, thus exhibiting that true intrepidity which is begotten only in bravest breasts amid greatest perils. Reminiscences of the Civil War
  • So, instead of advancing to the Fiesta Bowl to play for the national championship, the Wildcats were cashiered to the Alamo Bowl.
  • The term explosion in its original introduction denoted the making of a _noise_; it grew to comprehend the idea of _force_ accompanied with violent outburst; it is advancing to a stage in which it implies _combustion_ as associated with destruction, yet somewhat distinct from the abstract idea of the resolution of any form of matter into its elementary constituents. Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881
  • The maenadic dances were usually based on either walking - taking long steps and advancing rapidly - or running, which resembled a series of leaps.
  • Usually in the forefront of expansion are the sites of military posts and encampments that protected advancing explorers or soldiers.
  • In fact, the only real effect of his advancing age on his music has been to make him work with even greater concentration.
  • We swooped like some bird of prey over the advancing army. Anti-Ice
  • They spoke of tea and other such matters of consequence and shook their heads at the caterpillar of caravans advancing up the valley. THE MANANA MAN
  • A Global effect of climate change known as desertification is advancing the Gobi and currently threatens more than 400 million people in several Chinese provinces. Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • He explained the system under which the material was kept moving forward to the ever-advancing front; let her watch the rhythmic swing and slide of the rails from the car to the benches; took her up into the cab of the big "octopod" locomotive; gave her a chance to peep into the camp kitchen car; and concluded by handing her up the steps of the "dinkey. A Fool for Love
  • The incident illustrated on the first page is where the riflemen are advancing their skirmishers through the undergrowth towards the Confederate gum, while other Federal regiments are making a flanking movement by a detour on each side to clear the pine woods. Illustrations of the Civil War in America
  • Ever the cavalryman, Patton believed in the devil taking the hindmost and showed scant regard for protection of his advancing flanks. An American Triple Threat
  • The fresh colors of the young Republic, the bright blazonry of the newest State, the coat-of-arms of the infant County of Tasajara -- (a vignette of sunset-tules cloven by the steam of an advancing train) -- hanging from the walls, were all a part of this invincible juvenescence. A First Family of Tasajara
  • Advancing age brings progressive loss of muscle strength, muscle mass, and muscle quality, resulting in a condition known as sarcopenia.
  • We might ask ourselves: If these ideas are so self-evidently cockeyed and reactionary, why do they keep advancing?
  • There are clear associations between advancing years and increasing disability, and this is particularly steep among the most elderly.
  • (He pointed at the bundle she held, while she nodded proudly, beaming on me with good nature and consciousness of success and prosperity.) ` This overcoat is as good as a blanket, 'he went on, advancing the skirt of it that I might feel its thickness. The Spike
  • Some of the natives had really climbed the baobab, and now they were seen rising on all sides, winding along the boughs like reptiles, and advancing slowly but surely, all the time plainly enough discernible, not merely to the eye but to the nostrils, by the horrible odors of the rancid grease with which they bedaub their bodies. Five Weeks in a Balloon
  • There were some overthrows, slight misfields, inaccurate throws all of which helped the advancing players.
  • So, I turned back inland just east of the advancing clouds.
  • He built aeries in the cliffs high above the river, the better to capture panoramic views of the advancing work. Colossus
  • He therefore ignored the move, advancing a bishop across the board.
  • An alliance of rebel groups has been steadily advancing towards the capital from strongholds in the north. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are advancing technology every day
  • As we watched, cockroaches, earwigs, isopods, and other small arthropods ran to escape the advancing waves of ants.
  • This is called marshalling the ranks where there are no ranks; baring the arms (to fight) where there are no arms to bare; grasping the weapon where there is no weapon to grasp; advancing against the enemy where there is no enemy. The Tao Teh King, or the Tao and its Characteristics

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