How To Use Adulthood In A Sentence

  • However, even during adulthood we are constantly learning the faces of new individuals, both personal acquaintances and media figures.
  • Few people nowadays are able to maintain friendships into adulthood.
  • After her 19th birthday her thrice - divorced manager, afraid that her encroaching adulthood might impede her careerist progress, began to woo her.
  • Ironically, this doesn't involve her first lover but instead, her best friend, the girl with whom she chose to make the all-important journey into adulthood with. Kate Monro: The Devastatingly Short Virginity Loss Story
  • This continues into adulthood, when we wear the colours of our football team and observe the customs of a religious group. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Parents want to know the best way to nurture and raise their child to adulthood.
  • He gives the example of initiation into adulthood as a period of liminality in Ndembu society, when the norms of everyday life no longer pertain.
  • This infelicitous parental combination had produced a timid, nervous son whose prognosis for healthy adulthood was poor.
  • And third, the nature of the chronological and psychological passage from youth to adulthood has changed in extraordinary ways.
  • These unhealthful eating habits carried on into adulthood, and by the time I entered my mid-20s, I ate whatever my heart desired, without any thoughts about nutrition.
  • So what you get in cattle like beef cattle you get an extra frame score in adulthood having the whole thing.
  • Not that I'd really have grudged him a snack, you understand, but I'm rather fond of the little baby frogs and heaven knows they have enough trouble making it into adulthood as it is.
  • Yet the backdrop to my journey towards adulthood was one of economic and political chaos. Times, Sunday Times
  • Parents and children were all buried together and although the parents lived to a decent old age they were unfortunate to lose their children, either in infancy, pre-adolescence or early adulthood.
  • We already know that Libertarian theory doesn’t have a serious problem with the sale of humans, and whether the bill of lading is signed at birth or adulthood is an artificial distinction. Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • The shape of the skull began to retain more juvenile shape into adulthood, with a bigger brain and a smaller jaw.
  • On the basis of the study, the researchers said that the health of the youngest siblings could be compromised in adulthood. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is one of several hormones that hit peak levels in the bloodstream in early adulthood and then decline steadily.
  • Throughout their childhood, adolescence and early adulthood they were given a series of tests to measure their academic progress and intelligence, and were also scored for appearance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their journey coincides with that of an Aborigine boy on his walkabout - a 10-day ritual where boys are left to fend for themselves, an event that initiates their entrance into adulthood.
  • For most of us the boundary between childhood and adulthood is more straightforward, and the rites of passage somewhat less daunting. A Miscellany of Mother's Wisdom
  • It cannot be good that so many people well into adulthood have been unable to afford homes of their own. Times, Sunday Times
  • By young adulthood 7% were daily users and in young women this level of use was associated with over five times the odds of depression and anxiety found in non-users.
  • Animals might mature faster: a pressurised poultry house, for example, could hurry chickens to earlier adulthood.
  • In The Magic Toyshop, fifteen year old Melanie is forced to make a rapid transition to adulthood when her parents die in an accident and she and her two siblings are forced to move in with their ogreish uncle Phillip and his cowed family. Recent Reading Roundup 3
  • Multiple sclerosis typically begin in early adulthood and is characterized by multiple areas of demyelination and sclerosis of the brain, spinal cord, or both.
  • Amid the many trials of their maiden adulthood, she avers, they feel perversely compelled to refute the proper sovereignty of boomer parents in their lives.
  • In setting the scene for my post I would love to recount a tale of blissful youth, a text-book joyride throughout early adulthood culminating in a fulfilled maturity.
  • What we don't have is a similar drive for youngsters approaching adulthood. The Sun
  • The essay is a personal one, about life lived through cinematic markers, childhood laughter and pants-wetting (the author's brother's pants, not the author's) while watching a Mickey Mouse cartoon, a queer adolescence that highlighted choices in screenings and choices society wouldn't let him make in the hormonally-charged back row seats, and adulthood musings on the Kiwi itch to travel and New Zealand's rediscovery of herself through her own filmmaking achievements. GreenCine Daily: New Zealand Dispatch.
  • Parents want to know the best way to nurture and raise their child to adulthood.
  • Perhaps the most arresting part of Get Happy is the section on Garland's late youth and early adulthood.
  • Even in adulthood, as the years go by, their legacy lives on within. Isha Judd: Are You Like Your Mother?
  • When my body changed, my dapples faded into the silk white coat of adulthood. Zombies vs. Unicorns
  • Students from middle-class homes regard university holidays as a rite of passage into adulthood and academics view them as a perk. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the time they reach adulthood, many achieve high levels of Islamic scholarship.
  • Humans are neotenic apes, ostriches are neotenic birds; we retain useful infantile characteristics into adulthood.
  • The researchers found more than three times as many hybrid kittens reached adulthood than purebreds.
  • This continues into adulthood, when we wear the colours of our football team and observe the customs of a religious group. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, the entire exhibition feels as if it has pushed the rewind button on adulthood. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was eleven years old, but already he had put a foot inside the door of adulthood, opened for him by his warring parents. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • So what you get in cattle like beef cattle you get an extra frame score in adulthood having the whole thing.
  • It leads to multiple rectal and colon cancers in early adulthood for almost all of those affected by the condition.
  • The story delves into the lives of each teen as they are shaken from the remnants of their childhood and whisked into tumultuous lessons in adulthood and duty, as their respective countries prepare for war. Rabid Reads: "Leviathan" by Scott Westerfeld
  • The proportion reaching adulthood, however, does not usually warrant attempting to raise them as larger live food for fish.
  • Indeed, they are the first postwar group not to have higher incomes in early adulthood than those born in the preceding decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rest of his young adulthood became a quest for financial security, and he shipped out as a merchant sailor.
  • Both men were driven by powerful inner demons, throughout their childhood and into adulthood.
  • We examine the ways in which different societies deal with the transition from childhood to adulthood. Educational Psychology in a Changing World
  • For some the confidence of adolescence is replaced with questions and doubt, marking the transition to adulthood.
  • adolescence is a transitional stage between childhood and adulthood
  • Those who were obese in their adolescence were twice as likely to have high inflammation in their young adulthood. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'mummied' into adulthood not knowing about the world or how to care for themselves.
  • Their journey coincides with that of an Aborigine boy on his walkabout - a 10-day ritual where boys are left to fend for themselves, an event that initiates their entrance into adulthood.
  • For most of their adulthood, they're either pregnant or lactating.
  • Charles, 27, interviewed in Emerging Adulthood, recalls being called the n-word while at sports camp as a kid, and as a teenager, he got pulled over for “Driving While Black.” Generation Me
  • I also think the transition from childhood to adulthood is generally more rocky than we've seen.
  • A time when we flirted with ideas that repel us in our adulthood.
  • The law was not perfect, but as a result of its enactment and a series of subsequent federal laws, a generation of Americans has come to adulthood protected by a legal structure and a social compact making clear that government will not engage in unbridled, dragnet seizure of electronic communications. Archive 2007-10-01
  • This process, partly conscious and partly submerged, engaged the brothers for much of their youth and early adulthood. American Manhood: Transformations in Masculinity from the Revolution to the Modern Era
  • Twenty20 will move from adolescence to adulthood when it realises that the cricket can speak for itself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Between them, they have so eroded Kate's confidence and self-esteem that she is incapable of taking control of her own life, and she is trapped in an increasingly suffocating existence as she grows to adulthood.
  • There are worse things to take into adulthood than a student debt - such as a valueless degree, and an impoverished outlook on life.
  • It is one of several hormones that hit peak levels in the bloodstream in early adulthood and then decline steadily.
  • The paradigmatic narrative of leaving suburbia while on the brink of adulthood can be mapped across generational difference.
  • But they and my daughter have reached adulthood in one piece, and for that I say a prayer of thanksgiving. Times, Sunday Times
  • The logic, born in college dining halls and now embraced by people well into adulthood, that holds that donning a colored plastic bracelet or a kaffiyeh is an act of personal and political self-definition can and does attach the same significance to snowboarding and to selecting one’s iPod playlist. Intolerant Chic
  • Lin and his colleagues exposed male and female rat pups to the SSRI drug called citalopram just before and after birth and examined the animals' brains and behaviors as they grew into adulthood. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Sure, some people through their personality (extraversion, agreeableness) have probably acquired more skills than others by early adulthood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Untreated, patients do not survive to adulthood.
  • But he has sustained his fierce social conscience from young adulthood through old age.
  • Most people consider acne to be a consequence of being a teenager, as though it were a rite of passage marking the ascent into adulthood.
  • When the tale of transition from childhood to adulthood is placed in a serious cultural context, when the film conveys distinctive challenges and unique paths, when the story is told by skilled filmmakers -- their interest is back! Stewart Nusbaumer: Peace & Survial: Two Worthy Docs
  • Mayflies have a long and complex existence before they reach their eyeblink-swift adulthood. Times, Sunday Times
  • These young children of extremely high intellectual acumen fail to be interested in ‘child's play’ for the same reason that in adulthood they will fail to patronize custard-pie movies or chute-the-chutes at amusement parks.
  • He can chuckle over some of the hard times of his young adulthood though you can sense the hurt that lingers behind the easy jokes and witticisms.
  • Trace the growth of these beautiful and ferocious striped felines from cubhood through adulthood and learn how they hunt, raise their young, and get along with other tigers.
  • How many men can honestly say they were not prone to impulsive and regrettable behaviour during early adulthood? Times, Sunday Times
  • Marriage, whatever its particular manifestation in a particular culture or epoch, is essentially about who may and who may not have sexual access to a woman when she becomes an adult, and is also about how her adulthood -- and sexual accessibility -- is defined. When You're Desperate
  • This kind of teen, the one that wedged itself into the space between childhood and adulthood and became a monster, is a creature of the last half-century.
  • Such studies require longitudinal measurement of individual behavior from adolescence through young adulthood.
  • Three offenders self-reported involvement in sexual asphyxial practices from age 12 through adulthood. Sexual Homicide
  • Scientists have long been divided over whether neurogenesis—a process involving the growth of new neurons—continues into adulthood. Smithsonian
  • Indeed, the entire exhibition feels as if it has pushed the rewind button on adulthood. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shape of the skull began to retain more juvenile shape into adulthood, with a bigger brain and a smaller jaw.
  • The journey from childhood to adulthood is tortuous enough without the added complication of geopolitical catastrophe. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Tobacco companies prey on teenagers through the promise of adulthood and rebellion, "but teenagers are sentimental, as well," he tells them, "have you heard their music?" cutely referencing the entire sixties youth culture that we've only gotten snippets of. Samantha Zalaznick: Mad Men Finale Recap: Happily Ever After?
  • Further, disciples in second adulthood may regress and degenerate to earlier stages of behavior, such as intensely competing to outachieve junior practitioners and emotionally distancing themselves from any commitment to offer them help. Relating to a Spiritual Teacher: Building a Healthy Relationship ��� 17 Generational and Life Cycle Issues
  • Yet the backdrop to my journey towards adulthood was one of economic and political chaos. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ahrons, now professor emerita of sociology in the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, decided to return to this random sampling of children 20 years later to see how children of divorces fared in adulthood.
  • A lifelong bleeding diathesis may suggest a congenital platelet dysfunction, but an onset in adulthood does not necessarily exclude a congenital problem.
  • Early adulthood leads to relationships and usually to marriage or some other form of committed relationship. Phoenix From the Flame
  • People in Britain legally reach adulthood at 18.
  • A father legally has obligations to the child after its birth until its adulthood.
  • She will never reach the age when the tumults of young adulthood can be looked back upon with rueful sympathy and without anger and vengefulness.
  • Risk of coronary heart disease was especially high for women who crossed from a low centile of weight at birth to a high centile of body mass index in adulthood.
  • Of the several hundred thousand children who become blind every year, less than half survive to adulthood.
  • During adulthood significant changes in sleep occur.
  • Drinking a pint or two of sweet cider in the belief that it is the elixir of adulthood is a rite of passage every teenager undergoes.
  • Fame or notoriety could hardly be worse, she knew, than what had passed for her childhood and chaotic approach to adulthood. The Sun
  • The early stages of adulthood are welcome. Phoenix From the Flame
  • We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice- that is, until we have stopped saying "It got lost," and say, "I lost it.". Sydney J. Harris 
  • So what you get in cattle like beef cattle you get an extra frame score in adulthood having the whole thing.
  • Now Canadian writer Alex Bulmer offers her experience of going blind in adulthood as a result of a hereditary genetic disease.
  • During the developmental period between childhood and adulthood, youths with problem-behavior proneness appear to have a predisposition to violate age norms as well as other types of norms.
  • With adulthood comes the putting away of childish things. Times, Sunday Times
  • Does childhood disorder continue into adulthood?
  • Young adulthood is a transitional period for parents as well as for their adolescents. You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
  • We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice- that is, until we have stopped saying "It got lost," and say, "I lost it.". Sydney J. Harris 
  • Self-control may be the secret to success, according to a persuasive new study that followed 1,000 children from birth to age 32: children who showed early signs of self-mastery were not only less likely to have developed addictions or committed a crime by adulthood, but were also healthier and wealthier than their more impulsive peers. Children's Self-Control Predicts Future Success
  • Indeed, they are the first postwar group not to have higher incomes in early adulthood than those born in the preceding decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • The answer of course is ‘man,’ who crawls as an infant, walks upright in adulthood, and uses a cane in old age.
  • The foregoing paragraphs dispose, it is hoped, of some mistaken ideas as to the state and progress of sexuality in adulthood.
  • We tend to enter adulthood with something to invest and spend. Christianity Today
  • It is about demographics, too, with a gigantic increase in workers and consumers approaching adulthood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adulthood is often referred to as the point of conation. Daddy? When Am I Ready To Have Sex?
  • Their courtship is buried, but evidence of Martha and Barend's marriage is clear: 13 children, 12 guided to adulthood. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • The link between soft drink consumption and bone loss is going to become even more significant as children practically weaned on soft drinks reach adulthood.
  • The article uses words like "kidult," "peterpandemonium" and "rejuveniles" to describe this disturbing (according to social scientists) new trend of adults rejecting adulthood. 8/31/03 I'd like to take
  • Last year, I read about some new research that said a human being attains full maturity or adulthood only at the age of 35!
  • New evidence from molecular neurobiology to teratology should make us revise the way we think of adulthood and legal age. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because even within Reform, Reconstructionist and Conservative Judaism women have generally enjoyed ritual equality for less than a generation, some adult women in the past fifteen years have also turned to the bat mitzvah ceremony as a way to expand their Jewish knowledge and skills and to signify their assumption of the rights and responsibilities of Jewish adulthood. Bat Mitzvah: American Jewish Women.
  • It is also essential for those providing services to young people to cling on to their adulthood.
  • According to Judy Stamps from the University of California at Davis, like humans who move out of their parents 'houses in adulthood, most animals leave their birthplaces before they start to raise families of their own, a phenomenon known as natal dispersal. Daily News & Analysis
  • A pervasive pattern of self-defeating behavior, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.
  • But he has sustained his fierce social conscience from young adulthood through old age.
  • When pregnant rats, for example, were exposed to glyphosate, their male offspring suffered reduced sperm production, increased abnormal sperm, and decrease in testosterone, in puberty and/or adulthood. Jeffrey Smith: Genetically Modified Soy Diets Lead to Ovary and Uterus Changes in Rats
  • Bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus vulgaris also cause blistering skin lesions that appear in later adulthood, similar to porphyria cutanea tarda.
  • In adulthood, Zoroaster was resented by followers of the old tradition, but he convinced many with his miraculous cures.
  • Responsibility, I suppose, is what defines adulthood.
  • Yet we are not talking of the feral chav's who leave their offspring alone with an unguard drinks stash, for he said letting children taste alcohol to ready them for adulthood was The Lone Voice
  • If an animal is a parent, it must be good enough to survive at least to adulthood.
  • It is one of several hormones that hit peak levels in the bloodstream in early adulthood and then decline steadily.
  • Boys with this chromosomal alteration have a progressive testicular failure with spermatogenic failure and reduced testosterone concentrations in late adolescence and early adulthood. JAMA current issue
  • The novel focuses on Marian's growth to adulthood and her reluctant acceptance of her fate: she is to be the new Forestwife, the healer who lives alone in the greenwood and tends to those who need bodily and spiritual renewal.
  • Making the transition from youth to adulthood can be very painful.
  • The effects of sibling abuse often continue into adulthood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Childhood to adulthood and back again. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Son of God, who from eternity shares the fullness of life with the Father and the Holy Spirit, was "immersed" in our reality as sinners to make us share in his own life: he was incarnate, he was born like us, he grew up like us and, on reaching adulthood, manifested his mission which began precisely with the "baptism of conversion" administered by John the Baptist. Archive 2009-01-01
  • But that's the thing, the Hawaiian wunderkind has been pushed into adulthood when she is barely into her teens.
  • His problems began in early adulthood.
  • The hollow cavities were formed as the animal matured and grew to adulthood, erasing the early growth rings.
  • Why do so many young people entering adulthood possess only a void where their emotions should be? Times, Sunday Times
  • Adulthood is being equated with unimaginativeness, as if childhood is the only realm of the imagination.
  • He gives the example of initiation into adulthood as a period of liminality in Ndembu society, when the norms of everyday life no longer pertain.
  • Adulthood and responsibility seemed impossibly remote.
  • Sermonti therefore argues that neotenic organisms - in which juvenile traits persist into adulthood, e.g. gills in adult salamanders - must be archaic, because their features appear earlier in development.
  • The free-roaming Camargue horses gradually turn from gray to salty white as they reach adulthood. The Salt of the Earth
  • Will it carry on into his adolescence or adulthood? Times, Sunday Times
  • It means people fret away an average of two years and four months of their adulthood. The Sun
  • And they put young people in touch with adult role models who can help ease the shift into adulthood.
  • Everyone enters adulthood with a whole lot of emotional armour and they erect walls about them - suspicious and very guarded.
  • St. John the Baptist is the saint of adulthood, of maturity. Solemnity of the Birth of St. John the Baptist
  • It is also essential for those providing services to young people to cling on to their adulthood.
  • I hit my 20s as preadulthood's basics were being identified, and so-called laddism was at its peak. The Guardian World News
  • The development of the cognitive and affective structures of intelligence from birth through adulthood have been outlined.
  • Young adulthood is a transitional period for parents as well as for their adolescents. You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
  • Although the end of puberty and the beginning of adulthood are not clearly demarcated, first conception, pregnancy, or parturition are frequently used markers.
  • Maturation involves 7-8 molts, and molting continues into adulthood.
  • Not many of us will have experienced something quite as dramatic as this, but by adulthood most people have felt extreme fear at some time. EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
  • Inhibition in adulthood seems to be very clearly a reflection of a person's experiences as a child.
  • Of course such incidents are important milestones on our road to adulthood.
  • The term "grup," borrowed from a Star Trek episode, was used in the article to describe grownups (Gen X leading the charge) stuck on the precipice of adulthood. Schuyler Brown: Another Casualty of the Financial Crisis: Extended Adolescence
  • Training in the numerosity task also yielded some improvement in performance, but only in late adolescence and adulthood. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice- that is, until we have stopped saying "It got lost," and say, "I lost it.". Sydney J. Harris 
  • Still others argue that it was a kind of induction into adulthood, or a hangover from archaic initiation rituals which leave traces in Plato's emphasis on education.
  • These malformations occur when brain tissue from the cerebellum protrudes into the spinal canal, the result of a congenital deformity that might not appear until adulthood. Woman's crushing headache took years to diagnose
  • Making the transition from youth to adulthood can be very painful.
  • If an animal is a parent, it must be good enough to survive at least to adulthood.
  • Forty years later, Barrow takes The Queue and uses it as a highly idiosyncratic maypole around which stories of the brothers' childhood, adolescence and early adulthood cavort and whirl. Animal Magic: A Brother's Story by Andrew Barrow – review
  • BAlthough most children of alcoholics appear to move into productive adulthood, 41 % develop serious problems, one study found.
  • Obstetric haemorrhage is a new plague and while this is partly a valid choice for women it is also one forced on them by delayed adulthood. Archive 2007-11-01
  • In the study, which tracked children ages 3 to 18, arterial stiffness was determined by a test called arterial pulse wave velocity that was taken in adulthood, ages 30 to 45. Predicting Heart Health in Children
  • No longer the bendy punk-rappers of yesteryear, slightly wizened where they were once wiry, not even these boys can hide from adulthood any more.
  • And these risks increase as they enter adulthood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Intimacy versus isolation is the central issue of young adulthood.
  • Their crucial years between adolescence and adulthood are spent in some of the most moving buildings in England, surrounded by beautiful gardens and immemorial traditions.
  • Rarely did cross-dressing begin in adulthood, but as they grew older and had greater autonomy, they were able to cross-dress more completely and more frequently.
  • I couldn't break free of the habit even after I reached adulthood.
  • Self reported use of cannabis in early adulthood was associated with an increased risk of developing schizophrenia.
  • Negative childhood experiences do not necessarily predestine adult problems any more than a wonderful childhood predicts a blissful adulthood. Parenting by the Book
  • People used to think that our mental meshwork, the dense connections formed among the 100 billion or so neurons inside our skulls, was largely fixed by the time we reached adulthood. Is Google Making Us Stupid?
  • But here's the kicker: Qualitative change in adulthood isn't inevitable.
  • And they put young people in touch with adult role models who can help ease the shift into adulthood.
  • Torn between honouring his father's memory and staying true to himself, Murdock drifts through law school, and into an uneasy adulthood.
  • You absorb the mostly unwritten and untaught rules for what to call people as you exit toddlerhood and proceed toward adulthood.
  • Even more than that, however, the key to its longevity may well lie in how it plied the metaphorical underpinnings of that question to maximum effect, with Clark's journey from farmboy to journalist to superhero -- and all the false starts encompassed therein -- playing in parallel to the same struggles all of us go through as we make that uneasy transition from adolescence to adulthood. Zaki Hasan: Smallville - The Complete Series: Myth, Metaphor, and the Man of Steel
  • I am a Catholic, and albeit in my adulthood I've come to realize that my religion is not as all-embracing, compassionate, and christian as we sermonize from the pulpit, I can identify with the solace gained from quiet moments of prayer in an empty church. Ted Kennedy called a man of quiet faith
  • The effects of sibling abuse often continue into adulthood. Times, Sunday Times
  • The journey from childhood to adulthood is tortuous enough without the added complication of geopolitical catastrophe. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Chronic exposure to cannabinoids during adolescence but not during adulthood impairs emotional behaviour and monoaminergic neurotransmission via PubMed Paul Armentano: 'Reefer Mad' Mainstream Media Does It Again
  • The onset of acne is usually around puberty, but in a minority of cases it may also start in adulthood.
  • This isn't actually an examination of childhood: it's the infantilisation of adulthood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ensure that children and young people with learning disabilities have a smoother transition into adulthood and adult service networks.
  • Maturation involves 7-8 molts, and molting continues into adulthood.
  • If the subset of students most likely to continue problem drinking in adulthood can be identified during college, they might benefit from counseling or programming that specifically aims to lower long-term high-risk drinking, the researchers say. Research studies
  • A precocious child who was promoted to fifth grade at age 7, he was asked by psychology professor Lewis Terman - creator of the Stanford-Binet IQ test - to participate in Terman's Genetic Studies of Genius, a long-term research project that followed the lives of 1,500 children into adulthood. William E. Bradford, USAID program officer and volunteer reader, dies at 96
  • Adulthood and responsibility seemed impossibly remote.
  • The wild abandon, drug addiction, and sexual omnivorousness of the Studio 54 era was painted as a passing summer of childhood freedom from care, before the heavy burdens of adulthood descended. EVENING’S EMPIRE
  • The film is a myth about idealism and adulthood.

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