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How To Use Adulterate In A Sentence

  • According to FDA officials, the herb stevia can be ‘adulterated’ merely by being in the presence of information that reveals its sweetening property.
  • We believe that modern-day Hitlers have deliberately adulterated the oral polio vaccines with antifertility drugs and … viruses which are known to cause HIV and AIDS," prominent physician Datti Ahmed told journalists at the time. Scientific American
  • Sport is played not through statistics, but through raw passion, ungirdled emotion and pure unadulterated spirit.
  • I gazed in wonder at the chaos that ensued in the beer gardens at night, at the pure unadulterated fun that was going on at all times.
  • They have a small thin adulterated gold coin, rudely stamped with Arabic characters, called mas or massiah. The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
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  • He also attempted to fine tune the money supply with mintage of new gold coinage and adulterated silver coins.
  • Looking at the film now, it works beautifully as pure family entertainment, heavy on the sarcastic wit and full of unadulterated corn, cheese and hokum, especially in the final family group-hug scene.
  • It is supposed to be extra pure, but some believe that it is often adulterated with much cheaper, commercial, hexane, which is not pure and contains various hazardous substances such as the toxic benzene.
  • Ground pepper was adulterated with powdered bones.
  • The kind of 10-minute blast of unadulterated grimness which turns up out of the blue late at night on BBC2, haranguing you with supposedly meaningful images of alcoholic depressives shouting at each other in tower blocks.
  • The 90% of temperature stations which are unreliable are used to adulterate by cross reference the very small number of reliable temperature stations. Tom's trick and experimental design
  • I simply like pie crust too much to adulterate it by letting cheddar cheese melt all over the top. Apple Pie Coffee Cake with Cheddar Cheese | Baking Bites
  • Consumers who patronized the T'Owd Lane store were assured of unadulterated food, true measure, and fair prices.
  • It is known also that the Japan camphor, termed factitious, will evaporate till it wholly disappears, and at all stages of its diminution retain its full proportion of strength; which does not seem the property of an adulterated or compounded body. The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • LPG, in fact, is stated to be a cleaner fuel than petrol or diesel, as it cannot be adulterated.
  • Bayesian 'suggested the implausible image of a process that gets the correct answer, then adulterates it with a bias. Daniel Kahneman - Autobiography
  • In this case, the USDA says that Huntington failed to keep reliable records about its activities for the past year and that all the meat produced at the plant during the past year must be considered to be "adulterated" and should be removed from the market. The beef recall goes on
  • However, one thing it has going for it is that it is a relatively natural and unadulterated food.
  • 22 karat gold was invariably adulterated and actually only 20 or even 18 karat gold.
  • The old ways were the better ways - the pure form, unadulterated by greed and convenience.
  • But scattered through its half-deserted rooms, state bed - chambers and the like, hung the works of more genuine masters, still as unadulterate as the hock, known to be two generations old, in the grand-ducal cellar. Imaginary Portraits
  • Joseph is for the child in all of us, not so hot on depth or meaning but boiling with concentrated, undiluted, unadulterated fun.
  • For pure, unadulterated fun this summer, it doesn't get much steamier.
  • For the freedom to vote, electoral documents adulterate or use fraudulent means to circumvent the popular will; Miguel Estrada: Zelaya has “a meritorious immigration beef.” - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • The crime of it was that there was no time to adulterate the wine. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • The entertainment is free, the food's unadulterated, the handicrafts are genuine and prices are as down-to-earth as the area's residents.
  • So the Kitchener weighed it out to him and the good-for-naught entered the shop, whereupon the man set the food before him and he ate till he had gobbled up the whole and licked the saucers and sat perplexed, knowing not how he should do with the Cook concerning the price of that he had eaten, and turning his eyes about upon everything in the shop; and as he looked, behold, he caught sight of an earthen pan lying arsy-versy upon its mouth; so he raised it from the ground and found under it a horse's tail, freshly cut off and the blood oozing from it; whereby he knew that the Cook adulterated his meat with horseflesh. Arabian nights. English
  • The water supply had been adulterated with chemicals from the soil.
  • Several weeks into the unadulterated joy that is a house extension, my chum is now something of an expert on workmen and their ways.
  • Felony violations include adulterating or misbranding a food, drug, or device, and putting an adulterated or misbranded food, drug, or device into interstate commerce. William Marler: Prosecuting Those Who Poison
  • He did not let up on his fight against impure or adulterated milk until the state legislature declared in 1864 that _every baby, city born or country born, no matter how humble its home, has the right to pure milk_. Civics and Health
  • Drink this one for unadulterated fun - it has the perfect name for it.
  • It was pure, unadulterated hell.
  • They are in a constant and ongoing state of pure, unadulterated dubiousness. Obama Citizenship Rumor Peddlers Buy Ad Space In The Tribune
  • Littlegame rumilie from Liffalidebankum, (Toobli-queme!) but a big corner fill you do in this unadulterated seat of our affections. Finnegans Wake
  • It is genius, and not the want of it, that adulterates philosophy, and fills it with error and false theory. Ted
  • To round off a meal of simple, unadulterated luxury, try an incredibly easy pavlova, oozing strawberries and cream.
  • The odor of santal assimilates well with rose; and hence, prior to the cultivation of rose-leaf geranium, it was used to adulterate otto of roses; but is now but seldom used for that purpose. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
  • the unadulterated truth
  • For whatever exists in those rooms is pure , unadulterated devil.
  • The society sold wholesome, unadulterated food at reasonable prices to society members.
  • I can so picture myself arranging a night of pure unadulterate good fun, with one of those wrapped around my waist. Loincloths: The New Japanese Fashion Trend
  • People injecting drugs can never be sure that they're using unadulterated substances.
  • She also adulterates the materials with lipstick, glitter hairspray and baby oil. Saatchi's Newspeak: the good, bad and indifferent
  • For years, Best painfully articulated that the form in outward appearance may be Westminster but the content is pure, unadulterated governorship.
  • A yellow variety which stains water and has a faint odor is adulterated with the horned-poppy (glaucium).
  • Many anti-abortionists claim that late-term abortion is unadulterated murder because the fetus could survive outside of the womb.
  • Five dollars would make me chirk up; ten would start a slight smile; twenty would put a beam in mine eye; fifty would cause me to utter shrill cries of unadulterated joys and a hundred would inspire me to actions like unto those of a whirling dervish. The Valley of the Giants
  • While the weather is being wicked, join me in an afternoon of pure unadulterated self-indulgence.
  • Ringo ran out from the opposite side with a look of unadulterated joy on his face and took his position at the drumset. Emily Singer: Ringo Starr And His All-Starr Band: The Greatest Concert I Will Ever Go To
  • The colouring for cheese is, or at least should be, Spanish arnotto; but as soon as colouring became general in this country, a colour of an adulterated kind was exposed for sale in almost every shop; the weight of a guinea and a half of real Spanish arnotto is sufficient for a cheese of fifty pounds 'weight. Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
  • The sad but true facts seem to suggest that pure and unadulterated sectarianism is at the base of the rationale that is clouding common sense and sound judgement within unionism.
  • This resulted in a few innocuously ribald emails going back and forth until he agreed, which is credit to the pure, unadulterated force that is my charm.
  • The unadulterated tripe about food, the rise of the celebrity chef, cooking and all the pretentious cant that goes with it, is beyond me.
  • He probably knows the answer already, since this is a man who reckons 90 minutes watching his team play can be ‘pure, unadulterated stress’.
  • It can spot a dodgy dram of whisky, a mucky drop of water or adulterated petrol, in moments.
  • There is an effluence of divinity in the first sketch; and there, if any where, you find the pure light of inspiration, which the subsequent toil of the artist serves to bring out in stronger lustre, indeed, but likewise adulterates it with what belongs to an inferior mood. Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
  • He also attempted to fine tune the money supply with mintage of new gold coinage and adulterated silver coins.
  • Organic food is unadulterated food produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides.
  • Despite the delays, dangers and costs of maintaining an iconic, though architecturily dubious structure, this renovation plan adulterates a Paris point of reference by day, and the spendor of the 20,000 light display at night. A Plan to Temporarily Alter Eiffel Tower’s Silhouette - The Lede Blog -
  • It was like the Coliseum in Rome, pure, unadulterated barbarism.
  • The USDA has been considering for more than a year a policy change that would allow whole beef cuts to be considered "adulterated" -- and thus subject to recall -- even if they aren't "intended for use in ground beef," according to Daniel Engeljohn, a deputy assistant administrator for USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service, or FSIS. U.S. Beef Safety Plan Languishes Amid New Illnesses
  • Under section 402(a)(4) of the Act, a food product is deemed "adulterated" if the food was "prepared, packed, or held under insanitary conditions whereby it may have become contaminated with filth, or whereby it may have been rendered injurious to health. William Marler: Prosecuting Those Who Poison
  • In the lay press an agitation in favor of the old cream-colored loaf which is termed "standard bread," and defined as "bread made from unadulterated wheat and containing at least 80 per cent of the whole wheat, including the germ and semolina," has produced such an effect in a few days that the result must be described not as a reform in but as a revolution in bread. Is that right? White bread versus whole wheat -- again
  • What a load of unmitigated, unadulterated self-serving guff.
  • Or perhaps you feel you are a true connoisseur who believes Macadamia nuts should be consumed completely unadulterated.
  • The significant feature is that it is still the natural derivative of the plant, and, save exceptionally, it is not adulterated by the addition of any further substances.
  • Sheep and lambs usually spend most of their lives outdoors, and generally get to eat a relatively natural and unadulterated diet.
  • A serpent has stung me in my very orchard, an incestuous, adulterate beast born of witchery!
  • In addition to the message, A Christmas Carol is unadulterated theatre magic designed to yank at the heartstrings.
  • Dorries entered nursing in 1975 as a abecedarian at Warrington Accepted Hospital. 7 From 1978 to 1981, she practised as a nurse in both Warrington and Liverpool. 8 She claims to accept witnessed two adulterated terminations, an acquaintance that afflicted her attack to lower the foetal aborticide age. 6 Labour of Love
  • The unadulterated ecstasy of before is hardly a memory, and the extremeness of his mood swings is now a dullness that consumes him in unchanging monotony.
  • As for whether or not homosexuals want special rights –they have all the same civil rights straights have –the right to sin, fornicate, adulterate and commit buggery in privacy with consenting adults behind their doors and even the right to commit and be faithful to a homosexual partner –but they also have the right to be straight and moral and marry one of the opposite sex and be faithful to that spouse. The Volokh Conspiracy » Criminal Charges Against Anti-Homosexuality Street Preacher Dropped in England
  • Coffee is frequently adulterated with chicory, which is harmless. Public School Domestic Science
  • Ghee is adulterated to the extent of 80 to 85 percent with Vanaspati.
  • All that stands between the Foolkiller and vengeance is 98 pounds of pure, unadulterated mean. Marvel Comics Solicitations for May 2008 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Co-operative societies from the 1840s sought to provide cheap, unadulterated food for their members.
  • His grin widened, but it was adulterated with some apprehension.
  • Which supermarket was selling food most adulterated by horsemeat last year? Times, Sunday Times
  • The Fox version seems only lightly adulterated the jousting contestants, while still riding shopping "trolleys" rather than "carts", suddenly became Americans, but has even shittier captioning. Fox's Banzai - Anil Dash
  • The expression natural to the unadulterated Irishman would rather be "Ma-ajor. Thackeray
  • Only purists like Shafiq Miyan insist that nothing should adulterate the good old ishtoo - no spices or aromatics - just the meat on bones, onions, chillies and salt.
  • Other adulterated drugs cited in the settlement were Kytril anti-nausea medication, Bactroban anti-infective and Avandamet for diabetes. Glaxo to Pay $750 Million in Pact; Whistleblower Due Big Payment
  • Noni purée is usually combined with other juices because the unadulterated fruit tastes horrible.
  • In the 1970s, the search for lucre through the illegal drug business compounded and further adulterated societal ties.
  • I don't really understand why we in America have to adulterate all our food. Ha! I caught you, Dreyers
  • That's why adultery is called adultery - because it 'adulterates', which literally means to make something poorer in quality by adding another substance," Bel Mooney recently scolded an unfaithful husband who had rashly written to her for guidance. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Organic food is unadulterated food produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides.
  • The unadulterate is to be had only by faith in it or by waiting for it. The Egoist
  • "Chances are that some other pumps might also be selling adulterated petrol," said sources in the collectorate.
  • Bill Thomson, whose reputation for pure, unadulterated "cussedness" was notorious in this semi-barbarous section, was his overseer and most intimate friend. Winona: A Tale of Negro Life in the South and Southwest
  • Upside-down mushroom caps brimmed with unadulterated lump crabmeat and swam in a mild wine sauce.
  • The food had been adulterated to increase its weight.
  • Fairly blacker than poisonous milk: Ton of French chalk adulterate Cheng directly eating flour!
  • A durable pigment may be so adulterated as to descend to the second or even the third division, while a semi-stable or fugitive colour may be replaced by a permanent or comparatively permanent substitute, as in the case of strontian yellow and gallstone. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analytical method for three anorectics drugs, fenfluramine, diethylpropion and mazindol, illegally adulterated in slimming foods has been developed.
  • The crime of it was that there was no time to adulterate the wine. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • I wake about an hour later with my ears popping, to discover to my delight, that out of the window as far as the eye can see is pure, white, unadulterated snow.
  • In many ways it is apt that this adulterated tequila drink was their cocktail of choice.
  • Every year, the exchequer loses this amount to the adulterated petro trade which sells spurious petrol and diesel. Outlook India
  • Perhaps no other form of dance has the beauty of the common man dancing in pure unadulterated joy displaying his boundless energy and throwing open the doors of the heart.
  • Pure air -- from the neighbourhood of a pinetum for the sake of the turpentine -- unadulterated wine, and the reflections of an unsophisticated spirit in the presence of the works of nature -- these, my boy, are the best medical appliances and the best religious comforts. Merry Men
  • In Europe in the middle ages, even butter and bread were often adulterated, a practice by which inferior or even dangerous materials were added to the ingredient list.
  • Cure and regulate pain in menses caused by adulterate some kind of enzyme in blood.
  • So far most of the country has refrained from going up like a bonfire (probably due to the lack of available tinder - everything burned last year) although there have been a few minor fires near where I'm living (I'm in a relatively new subdivision, about five to ten years old, and there's still a lot of areas which are "scheduled for development" - or in other words, slightly adulterated bushland). Making Light: Like an ice storm, only with more volume
  • Then if that is how the matter stands, ingratitude would be an instance of pure unadulterate wrongdoing? Memorabilia
  • Played in its unadulterated form the venerable, patriotic tune has a divine character: Cameron managed to capture the quintessence of the song.
  • There are differences between natural and adulterated juices in stable isotope ratio.
  • The sale of adulterated food is a misdemeanor. Houston Chronicle
  • Even with the Authority recast as a pseudo-Nazi State, the questions about childhood remain unadulterated in the film. But enough about you
  • The water supply had been adulterated with chemicals from the soil.
  • She uses bright colours in bold designs to convey an impression of viewing the basic, unadulterated image.
  • I'm worried about the use of the word ‘truth’ because in the old days documentary was always supposed to be pure and unadulterated truth.
  • In the evenings, she hoovered up sadza and milk or cream-laden bonemeal with an expression of unadulterated bliss, and then she’d climb into one of the hessian-padded tractor tires we kept under the carport for the dogs and sink into a coma, her beauty-queen eyelashes curling up from her cheeks. Rainbow’s End
  • She was sick of her life, so she thought she could change it if she dyed her hair a full, unadulterated brown.
  • Speaking of buying, the price of four Grapples is three dollars more than four unadulterated apples.
  • Here are instances of unadulterated female victimhood, yet the silence of the feminists is deafening.
  • Hate to break it to you, Eric, but by calling me a "name caller" you were engaged in unadulterated name calling. Sound Politics: Post-Thanksgiving Turkey
  • For me, the holiday was sheer unadulterated pleasure.
  • But the history of picking winners is not one of unadulterated success.
  • rectifies" and adulterates it by adding eighty-five gallons of pure spirits (refined whisky,) to fifteen gallons of brandy, to give it a flavor; then colors and "doctors" it, and it is ready for sale. The Humbugs of the World An Account of Humbugs, Delusions, Impositions, Quackeries, Deceits and Deceivers Generally, in All Ages
  • Sheep and lambs usually spend most of their lives outdoors, and generally get to eat a relatively natural and unadulterated diet.
  • What a load of unadulterated, self serving codswallop!
  • Africa also needs adequate regulatory supervision: formal mechanisms which ensure that drugs are not adulterated by the time they reach patients.
  • Federal agencies can summarily seize adulterated or misbranded foods and drugs, stop public trading in securities, and take control of banks that have become fiscally unsound.
  • Legal problems arise when a dishonest producer adulterates the product by substituting synthetic vanillin for natural vanillin without properly identifying the flavoring on the label.
  • Because I do like physical comedy, but that was just raw, unadulterated klutziness. Anatomy of a Fall: Modern Family's Julie Bowen Went Down Hard — By Accident
  • He will chatter about things refined and spiritual and godlike like himself, and he and the men who herd with him will calmly adulterate the commodities they put upon the market and which annually kill tens of thousands of babies and young children. The Somnambulists
  • This means that the essentially linguistic nature of these pursuits is adulterated; they are vestigial modes of the old ‘logic.’
  • It was illegally added to chilli powder imported in 2001 by a firm in Hull which again did not know the banned substance was present, apparently after producers in India adulterated products with the red dye.
  • But scattered through its half-deserted rooms, state bed-chambers and the like, hung the works of more genuine masters, still as unadulterate as the hock, known to be two generations old, in the grand-ducal cellar. Imaginary Portraits
  • If a man sells any adulterated goods and will not obey these regulations, he who knows and can prove the fact, and does prove it in the presence of the magistrates, if he be a slave or a metic, shall have the adulterated goods; but if he be a citizen, and do not pursue the charge, he shall be called a rogue, and deemed to have robbed the Laws
  • Clearly, unadulterated bias contaminates many stories and can even infect the entire Washington press corps from time to time.
  • Colours for painting, not only those used by artists, such as ultramarine, [3] carmine, [4] and lake; [5] Antwerp blue, [6] chrome yellow, [7] and Indian ink; [8] but also the coarser colours used by the common house-painter are more or less adulterated. A Treatise on Adulterations of Food, and Culinary Poisons Exhibiting the Fraudulent Sophistications of Bread, Beer, Wine, Spiritous Liquors, Tea, Coffee, Cream, Confectionery, Vinegar, Mustard, Pepper, Cheese, Olive Oil, Pickles, and Other Articles Employ
  • Try not to adulterate such healthy basics with too rich a dressing.
  • Perhaps it was inevitable we'd end up at pure unadulterated farce.
  • The chemisette pure and unadulterated is a jewel, is a virtue and is not a clothing.
  • Millions of burgers are withdrawn from sale after tests show beef has been adulterated with horsemeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the time, they serve the status quo happily under the disguise of providing pure, unadulterated information.
  • See, Moe, it’s not just about plain unadulterated “facts,” which by themselves are dry bits of data, devoid of all flavor and meaning. The WaPo discovers that there are Alabama Democrats. | RedState
  • Mind-altering drugs weren't necessary, since this was an evening of pure unadulterated, spontaneous and harmless fun.
  • The agency did not disclose the name of the offending wine, including recalling the adulterated product. Wine: TTB and the ick factor
  • They may take strong cathartics unadulterated to purify their bellies, such as, for instance, unripe colocynths, Thapsia garganica, and Euphorbia.
  • A food product is also considered "adulterated" if it bears or contains any poisonous or deleterious substance, which may render it injurious to health. William Marler: Prosecuting Those Who Poison
  • Meanwhile anti-foreign sentiments grew in the Tang court culminating in a decree in 845 ordering monks of the ‘Religion of Light’ to return to lay life ‘so that they will not adulterate the customs of China.’ The Chinese are Coming
  • adulterate" stages where "noise prevails," and "not a tongue of th 'untun'd kennel can a line repeat of serious sense. Shakespearean Playhouses A History of English Theatres from the Beginnings to the Restoration
  • Some preparations are adulterated with phenylbutazone, ephedrine, aminopyrine or mandrake root.
  • There were complaints that the beer had been adulterated with water.
  • Compare that to zero calories per any size serving of pure unadulterated water.
  • I would like to say a word on behalf of Idleness - pure, unadulterated indolence, unalloyed by even the slightest tinge of Purpose or Usefulness.
  • The discrimination methods of edible oil adulterated waste cooking oil were summarized.
  • That could mean munching on live sea horses or hard-boiled fertilized duck eggs — though steering clear of adulterated chicken breasts.
  • One would really have to go to remote country areas in Jutland or Funen to find a whole population without exception speaking the unadulterated regional dialect. Archive 2009-05-01
  • I say save yourself a few calories, skip the whole trans/sat fat gig, and learn to enjoy your coffee unadulterated -- and calorie-free. Is that right? La Creme: 100% dairy, 0% shame
  • The story of _Corinne_, though not extraordinarily "accidented" and, as will be seen, adulterated, or at least mixed, with a good many things that are not story at all, is fairly solid, much more so than that of A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • And so, donning the platforms, the flares and the beads et al the other night was pure, unadulterated nostalgia.
  • While most installations at this year's event are serious explorations of profound themes, the biennial also celebrates unadulterated creativity.
  • The crime of it was that there was no time to adulterate the wine. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • The other part had to do with pure, unadulterated love.
  • A trio of rock acts will take it in turns to headline with their pure and unadulterated rock 'n' roll as part of ‘The New School of Rock’ tour.
  • I sensed his fear and pure unadulterated worry for you.
  • The rest of us form our opinions from the New York Times or hearing from some college friends who's pals w/someone at the Defense Department, and right away that adulterates the conclusions by inserting gossip and hearsay. Freakophilosophy
  • Everyday food was being contaminated, adulterated, watered down or misrepresented. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Liverpool, now half a century ago, I saw under the shadow of the great dingy street-wall of Prince's Dock (an obstruction long since removed) a common sailor, so intensely black that he must needs have been a native African of the unadulterate blood of Ham. Billy Budd
  • Many anti-abortionists claim that late-term abortion is unadulterated murder because the fetus could survive outside of the womb.
  • That was while he was still with no very grave misgivings as to the issue of his sickness, and felt the sources of life still springing essentially unadulterate within him. Marius the Epicurean — Volume 1
  • Some fine new chains now serve 'real' less adulterated fast food, but they are the more expensive ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • But people indulge in inter-personal comparison all the time, and there are few people who stick to their own unadulterated Utility functions, many people interpolate socially acceptable behaviour into what they really want, maybe that is the cause of "Mid-Life Crises" and the new "Quarter Life Crises", a conflict between Individual Utility Schedules and some subjectively observed Social Utility Schedule. Surveys and Happiness, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Indeed, Lidia Bastianich experienced food in its purest and most unadulterated form.
  • In March 2009, the U.S. attorney in Chicago obtained an injunction that cited Del Rey for selling "adulterated" food. Schools in the dark about tainted lunches
  • For me, the holiday was sheer unadulterated pleasure.
  • Is there no place in this world for pure unadulterated mean malicious wit anymore?
  • The seedlings are then individually transferred to tubes containing nutrient solutions adulterated with different concentrations of lead.
  • When sold under assumed names, they are to be considered and classified as adulterated, and not as syrups from definite and specific products. Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
  • The embedded liberalism of the early post War decades gave way to the unadulterated neo-classical economic policies which favoured a minimalist state and an enhanced role for the market.
  • It is also said to be adulterated with sugar and glucose dextrine. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • Samaritans, hath this passage: He adulterated the Octateuch of Moses with spurious writings, and all kind of corrupt falsifyings. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • If this be correct, it appears that the articles at present in the market, or at least those which have come in my way, have been wretched imitations of the genuine thing, and should, instead of being called adulterated annatto, be called something else adulterated, but not seriously, with annatto. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • I have reflected, and I feel that I cannot set to Lucretia -- set to children unborn -- the example of indifference to a name degraded and a race adulterated; you may call this pride or prejudice, -- I view it differently. Lucretia — Volume 01
  • History teaches us that food has always been adulterated, for profit, for expedience, because consumers prefer it that way. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am drinking in unadulterated heaven with my eyes. The wry writer | speculative fiction with a humorous slant! | Page 2
  • Contains a poisonous active principle, picrotoxin; used to adulterate beer, and by poachers to stupefy fish. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • The Swadeshi Eco-shop looks set to become the one-stop shop for those who have a partiality for village-industry products, ‘natural’ goods unadulterated in any manner.
  • Organic food is unadulterated food produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides.
  • Sure, she had given a few polite smiles and laughs and even cooed over her goddaughter, but he had never seen her smile or laugh from pure unadulterated joy.
  • adulterate liquor
  • Well, here's a tip: adulterated material might be a good start. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pure, unadulterated pleasure of just flopping out, doing… well… nothing.
  • In addition, FDA can initiate a mandatory recall if the agency determines that an adulterated or misbranded infant formula presents a risk to human health.
  • Do they play football that is less adulterated than anyone else's? Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, this is what I call luck -- pure, unadulterated luck, with sugar on it," drawled Ham as he surveyed the house. Buffalo Roost
  • His claims are backed by an unknown flow of riches, along with a rare supply of unadulterated grain and water.
  • The word 'adulterate' means 'to make impure, spurious or inferior by adding extraneous or improper ingredients' and I guess this applies to learning new values and ideas as filling our heads with extraneous or improper ingredients as well. Tim Hanni: Pervsion, Corruption and Wine Appreciation
  • The essence of lilac is obtained either by the process of maceration, or enfleurage with grease, and afterwards treating the pomatum thus formed with rectified spirit, in the same manner as previously described for cassie; the odor so much resembles tubereuse, as to be frequently used to adulterate the latter, the demand for tubereuse being at all times greater than the supply. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
  • It suddenly became immensely important to me that I have a jar of real maraschino cherries, without corn syrup, red dye, et al., made by soaking unadulterated real cherries in unadulterated maraschino liquor. Toast:
  • That mixture of pure science and unadulterated humanity lies at the heart of Clarke's fiction.
  • I thus aimed to avoid padding, which is the almost inevitable penalty of trying to put Pushkin into English verse and which inevitably adulterates his quality, and which I believe I avoided completely when I later translated the whole of The Bronze Horseman. The Strange Case of Pushkin and Nabokov
  • My mission has been with the Word unadulterated, and thus I have been blessed. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • The findings, based on data from The Wildlife Trusts, show that unimproved grasslands - the pure, unadulterated meadows where wild-plants thrive - are disappearing rapidly from the English landscape.
  • He had never seen such a display of unadulterated animalism before, and could only wonder what her mother must've been like.

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