How To Use Adult In A Sentence
There is much debate on the issue of "therapists" implanting false memories of sexual abuse in adults.
· “Adult family member” is defined as “a person over 21 years of age who is the parent, grandparent, step-parent living in the household, or legal guardian” of the pregnant teen.
Archive 2009-07-01
Thousands of animists joined the Church in 2000 and 1000 adult catechumens are scheduled to be received this Easter.
Not sure if it's something that adults will really like since it's kind of angsty and makes a lot of pop culture references.
Peter Sollett to Direct Marvel’s Runaways? | /Film
Adults who opposed Mussolini were dealt with harshly.
The prevalence of hypovitaminosis D among US adults: data from the NHANES III.
If the children's parents don't choose to be adults, then the OP's friend is going to have to be an adult.
However, even during adulthood we are constantly learning the faces of new individuals, both personal acquaintances and media figures.
Egg-laying adults are especially active during bloom, a time period when insecticides should not be applied.
Not lords nor proletariats nor bishops nor husbands nor co-respondents nor virgins nor adultresses nor uncles nor noses.
Touch and Go
Mansur Rajih had been politically active for most of his adult life.
I think it frustrates adults when they cannot instill their ideas into teens.
Minerva has noticed a growing enthusiasm for using infant bath seats in adult bathtubs.
The adults' menu may feature grilled shrimp, charbroiled chicken, sautéed vegetables, and salads galore.
Making all pupils feel they are valued and have a contribution to make to the school community is vital in helping children become responsible adults.
Offensive junk mail, in particular that of an adult nature has become increasingly an issue to all of us onliners and site owners alike.
Any adult who says `Chrissie" when he means `Christmas", and ` mozzie " for `mosquito", is hard to take seriously.
Over the next few issues, we'll be working in partnership with adult literacy groups in different parts of the province to help them tell their own stories in their own ways.
According to FDA officials, the herb stevia can be ‘adulterated’ merely by being in the presence of information that reveals its sweetening property.
Five adults will have ample room if they are sitting in the front two rows.
The Sun
At birth the femoral head and the acetabulum are mainly cartilaginous, and a normal adult hip joint depends on their correct development.
Under the current health care system, when children with type 1 diabetes become young adults, and go off their parents health insurance, they become "uninsurable".
GA congressman describes hate mail, Nazi graffiti after protests
“Part of an adult faith, for example, is a commitment to the inviolability of human life from its first moment, radically opposing the principle of violence, precisely in the defense of the most defenseless of human creatures,” the pope said.
Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
It was a pleasure to present the awards last Friday and to see so many adults attend to show their appreciation and support for these champions of literature.
The adult members of society are under curfew and the elderly under house arrest: feral youth has taken over.
Nobody told you to flirt with me like a grown mature responsible adult man would do.
Their show consists of two hours of adult side-splitting comedy and brilliant live music.
The Scheme originally began in 1982 when it was funded through City Planning as a training programme for young adults with disabilities.
It is advertising the post to teach adult education courses.
The Sun
If implemented, Straw's curfew will allow adults to evade taking responsibility for the welfare of future generations.
Dancers aged from five to adults will perform their own version of the Tchaikovsky classic and also a mix of tap and modern dance.
I am compelled to add my personal plea to the current campaign for all young adults to receive the Salk vaccine.
It was accounted an immodest thing for women to dishevel and unloose their hair publicly: The priest unlooseth the hairs of the women suspected of adultery, when she was to be tried by the bitter water, which was done for greater disgrace.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
We believe that modern-day Hitlers have deliberately adulterated the oral polio vaccines with antifertility drugs and … viruses which are known to cause HIV and AIDS," prominent physician Datti Ahmed told journalists at the time.
Scientific American
My father is long dead and his death set me free, so it bothers me that he and his problem can still affect my adult life.
Its popularity in 1948 with both schoolchildren and adults saw the Blossom Street picture house bursting at the seams during matinees and evening performances for weeks on end.
Adults need a minimum of four servings daily from this group.
The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
The local Foróige Youth Club is looking for adults to volunteer their services once a week to help in the operation of the club.
Few people nowadays are able to maintain friendships into adulthood.
Its bright black eyes were alert and watching, ready to upbraid or condemn or love, same as any capable adult thing.
After her 19th birthday her thrice - divorced manager, afraid that her encroaching adulthood might impede her careerist progress, began to woo her.
While it is true that the Hogwarts tales are supposed to appeal to young readers, personnel at bookstalls say that there is no dearth of adult readers who cannot wait to see what Rowling has in store in the new book.
Type 2 used to be called adult onset diabetes, but we can't call it that anymore because it is onsetting with adolescents and even preteen kids.
Campaigning for a Healthier America
Sport is played not through statistics, but through raw passion, ungirdled emotion and pure unadulterated spirit.
Overeating and drunkenness both violated social moral codes, although the latter appears to have been a much weightier transgression: intoxication is frequently listed among the serious crimes — "pleasurable living," adultery, theft — mentioned by Sahagún's informants. 47 Indigenous drinking practices also shocked Spaniards who had their own ideals of moderation when it came to alcohol consumption, a topic that we look at in Chapter 4.
Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
The pod of whales included several juveniles, five infants and two male adults trying to protect them.
Offering advice on each and every problem will undermine her feeling of being adult.
I'm not sure the term insufferable boor is quite adequate here, I'm not saying that he's entirely without humor, but it's the sort of humor that is always tempered by a reminder of how much money he has and how he is holding it over his adult children.
Outfoxed Diary Entry
I've had some luck getting laid with AdultFriendFinder (it sounds so much sketchier than it actually is, I promise), but if that's not what you're looking for, then stay away.
Ask Professor Foxy: Does My Size and Not Flirting Keep Me Alone? - Feministing
We have become a nation of children, happy to surrender our judgments and our wills to political exhortations and commercial blandishments that would insult actual adults.
The society is currently looking for tenors basses, altos and sopranos to join the adult choir.
Young footballers who copy the bad behaviour of their professional heroes are receiving adult-size bans.
Children aged twelve or under must be accompanied by an adult.
In hemichordates, the three adult coelomic cavities are derived from coelomic sacs that form around the gut of the larva (an unpaired protocoel and two pairs of sacs for the mesocoel and metacoel).
As she grows up and matures, you will notice many of these childhood traits develop into adult ones.
Adults eat the eggshells after the chicks hatch (the eggshells are a good source of calcium).
The TB vaccine is good at protecting against the severe form of disease found in young children (called "miliary" TB), but not as good at protecting against the lung infection commonly found in adolescents and adults.
Tuberculosis Vaccine
The kids stand frozen and slack-jawed, mesmerized by the adults capering around in rented tutus.
Adult male elephants are generally solitary or associate with other bulls in loose associations while females live in families.
Other analgesics to avoid for older adult patients are propoxyphene and pentazocine.
These provisions, when first enacted, applied to both adults and children.
Then, too, a defect in the glands causes the disease known as myxedema in adults and cretinism in children.
The War Terror
Slap - up and ultra transparency toys, adult things, cupula material, sport equipment and seal rings etc.
I gazed in wonder at the chaos that ensued in the beer gardens at night, at the pure unadulterated fun that was going on at all times.
If marriage confers social status and respectability, adultery confers a stigma.
As the law of 1580 prescribed a penalty of 50 years of banishment for adulterers, he was apparently convicted of adultery rather than incest.
Now more and more city adults spend their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or college.
An initiation rite most often associated with fraternities and sororities, hazing isn't a new phenomenon in older kids and young adults.
Here is a subadult Eobania vermiculata that hasn't yet formed the reflected lip of adult shells.
Archive 2008-10-01
The adult ovary may present marked deviations from its typical form, sometimes being unusually long, spheroidal, flattened, triangular, crescentric, or otherwise irregular.
Companies will pledge to reduce salt by about 15% in a step towards the government target of an adult's daily intake not exceeding six grams.
Times, Sunday Times
Ironically, this doesn't involve her first lover but instead, her best friend, the girl with whom she chose to make the all-important journey into adulthood with.
Kate Monro: The Devastatingly Short Virginity Loss Story
The castles which had sprung up during the civil war without the licence of the king -- the 'adulterine castles,' as they were called -- and there were no less than 365 [10] of them -- were to be destroyed, and order and good government were to return.
A Student's History of England, v. 1 (of 3) From the earliest times to the Death of King Edward VII
The morphology of peripheral blood cells of adult Silurus meridionalis has been studied with both electron and light microscope, and, in addition, glycogen and peroxidase in cells were detected.
My plan was to remove single cells from defined regions of the blastoderm and culture them in adult abdomens surrounded by genetically marked "feeder cells.
Eric F. Wieschaus - Autobiography
OK, so fitting in four reasonably sized adults may be a tight squeeze, especially with luggage, but for a car of its size it packs a mighty punch.
Any competent adult has the absolute right to refuse to be examined by any particular individual.
Its safety and efficacy as an anticonvulsant drug given intramuscularly have been shown in several studies in animals and humans (adults and children).
But adults say they believe there are tastier burgers elsewhere, a disturbing fact when Census Bureau trends show an aging population.
_ -- This affection is almost always met with in adults, and the earliest symptoms are pain and weakness in the legs, and sometimes a slight kyphotic projection of the spinous processes.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
By the summer of 1809 on land and sea, 786,000 men were serving - one in ten of the adult population.
This is more than twice the production rate in adults, primarily because of relative polycythemia and increased red blood cell turnover in neonates.
Adults adopt an essentially Kantian moral perspective that seeks to transcend and judge all conventional moralities.
Variations on "MySpace," the name of the social-networking site, were three of the top four nonadult searches in the first 11 months of 2007, according to the Internet-tracking firm Hitwise, which gets its data from logs of Internet-service providers with users 'names removed.
What Topics Filled
Legislative authority is now vested in a unicameral National Congress, with 100 members elected for five years by universal adult suffrage.
Although his speech is a little delayed, he is a skilled communicator and mixes well with children and adults.
He had, so the court was told, taken up with a 'widgie-type' girl who had the 'unstable combination of an adult body and an immature mind'.
While the children may have acted according to the simplicity of their nature and were not considered legally or morally responsible for their actions, the annalist implied that adults should have known better.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
When young people cause disturbances in public how often do us adults intervene?
Times, Sunday Times
This continues into adulthood, when we wear the colours of our football team and observe the customs of a religious group.
Times, Sunday Times
Over the door of a handsome brick building dated 1937, beneath a clustered family group whose adult held a caduceus, the lintel bore this inscription.
Grinding of the teeth and clenching of the jaws during sleep, otherwise known as bruxism, is a common condition for adults who want to release tension.
Article Ace
For him, adultery is considered a degenerate act, yet so is divorce.
The one area that I have seen, as online and telecourse classes have the exams proctored by my office, is the greater freedom for adults who want to continue their education.
Patterns of adult body size are likely the evolutionary consequence of variation in juvenile survivorship among populations.
Forcible conscription of adults and children continued, although children were conscripted to a lesser extent than in the previous year.
For a typical family of two adults, this is equivalent to an annual income of P£12 000.
Since the population of adult males in Britain is many million, there are obvious savings to be made using these techniques.
It shows young adults aged 16 to 19 who used any drug or hallucinants in the last year, by region, 1994 and 1996.
Are you interested in helping adults with reading, writing, spelling or numeracy?
Many Chinese adults dress their children in brilliant orange, red and pink.
Tap water in Kawaguchi City in Saitama north of Tokyo contained 210 becquerels of radioactive iodine — well above the 100 becquerels considered safe for babies but below the 300-becquerel level for adults, Health Ministry official Shogo Misawa said.
Anxiety in Japan over radiation in tap water
Kids weren't bogged down by the taxation plot device that seems to unnecessarily bother us adults, they saw it for the enjoyable romp that it was.
There is also hassling and teasing and good-natured joshing that to an adult looks like vicious bullying but to a child is something different.
Mature, adult comprehension can lead us all to see that there are some very intelligent and worthy of praise men out there.
We'd throw a rope round a tree and the children would dash off along the towpath for a recce while the adults threw together a little light salad and uncorked a local rosé.
Yet young children, teenagers and irresponsible adults are carrying in hand and pocket highly explosive materials.
Once adults cotton on to them they stop using them.
In the United States, Parkinsonism affects approximately one percent of adults over 50 years of age.
Ten adult elephants - each with a number painted on it - were successfully moved and released in this fashion.
Children need physical contact with a caring adult.
He had compounded a number of venial failings with the mortal sin of adultery.
The adults die as their new larvae hatch out.
Times, Sunday Times
In Nephila, increased male mortality during the adult search phase is almost exactly counteracted by reduction in juvenile male growth stages.
Through play, children act out in miniature the dramas of adult life.
There have long been rumors of pedophilia (adults having sex with pre-pubescent children) and hebephilia (adults having sex with post-pubescent children) by homosexuals.
My argument against Proposition 8 | FactoryCity
Latex balloons, and toys or games that contain a latex balloon, must carry a warning that children younger than 8 can choke or suffocate on uninflated or broken balloons and that adult supervision is required
Not just the newest toys hold risks for kids
The play calls for Elizabeth to gradually learn the rules, reaching the same irresolute state as the adults who surround her.
Higher percentages of the elderly than of the general adult population live in accommodation built before 1919 that is often poorly maintained.
Sooner or later,the time comes when we all must become responsible adults,and learn to give up what we want,so we can choose to do what is right.Of course,a life time of responsibility isn'e always easy,and as the years go on,it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear.But still we try to do what is best,what is good.Not only for ourselves,but for those we love.Yes,sooner or later we must all become responsible adults.No one knows this better than the young.
Writer, publisher, mother of two incipient adults, slave of cats: Barbara Friend Ish is the publisher of Mercury Retrograde Press, which publishes fantasy, science fiction, and interstitial works.
MIND MELD: The Best Genre Crossovers
We are not all adults here, clearly you forget about the underage minors that try to obtain alchohol illegally. stupid is ....
Booze News « PubliCola
Adult females may simply show a higher degree of fidelity to specific areas than males when they come ashore to fast during the open water season.
Many older adolescents and many adults abstain from alcohol, too.
You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
The deaths were particularly worrying to conservationists, because six of the whales were adult females, three carrying near-term fetuses.
Six in ten adults say they would welcome a chance to vote.
The Sun
For the first 15 years of his adult life, he worked as an insurance agent and claims adjustor and as a sales manager for a moving company.
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The adult rat provides another example: it has been found that cells in its prostate gland need the hormone testosterone.
He is concerned that young people are picking up on a lot of adult behaviour which is neither praiseworthy nor consistent.
Similarly, in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus, identical pigments are found in the megalopal retina (unfortunately, zoea larvae have not yet been studied) and in the adult.
I imagine that an acupuncture session is fairly relaxing for the pet - the article indicates that the animal isthe center of attention during these exercises – they are petted, nuzzled, spoken to in calming adult-cooing baby language, placed on warm blankets with candle light and soft music, perhaps?
Pet Acupunture – Grrrrr! Ruff! « Biodork
Conditions such as an uncorrected fracture of the shin bone, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis or Paget's disease can distort the ends of the bones and cause knock knee in adults.
I sometimes wish GUD didn't publish adult-leaning content so that we could more easily market to perspicacious YA -- but at least in puritanical-US, that would be litigiously dangerous.
MIND MELD: If You Could Change Any Aspect of The Science Fiction Field, What Would it Be?
At puberty, males become warriors and killing an enemy is often a prerequisite of attaining full adult status.
Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
They are covered with reddish brown hair, and the sides of the face, in adult males, are commonly produced into two crescentic, flexible excrescences, like fatty tumours.
The cognitive capabilities of the adolescent with fully developed formal operations are qualitatively equal to those of the adult.
Meanwhile, one group of patients continues to worry clinicians and researchers: adults with anorexia, estimated to make up about 35 percent of anorexic patients.
En el mundo hay alrededor de 796 millones de adultos analfabetos, de los cuales las dos terceras partes son mujeres.
The careers service caters for the needs of young people and adults.
Children who behave badly are rejecting adult values.
One of the main triggers for adult acne is stress, which increases the production of male hormones.
Times, Sunday Times
Children must use an approved child restraint or adult seat belt.
Some recent research into the causes of malignant melanoma in adults suggests that getting badly sunburned as a child might have something to do with it.
It turned out the lawyers were referring to dozens of adult magazines seized from his home.
Ever since I found out that they make adult sizes I've been daydreaming about 'heeling' to work (just think how exciting that walk to and from London Bridge would be on wheels), about skating carefree-ly round Paul when we go shopping, and about generally being the coolest kid in the playground.
The One With The Fad
This is hardly surprising, bearing in mind that no other adult animal naturally drinks milk.
Like the poll tax, the council tax would also take account of the number of adults in each household.
The questions at issue in the administrative hearing are whether an adult teacher in the course of his classroom behavior (a) willfully or neglectfully injured a child, (b) was insubordinate toward the administration, (c) violated the guidelnes for his behavior in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and/or (d) violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment in his display of religious items and posters, including multiple instances of the Ten Commandments, in his classroom.
Freshwater: Playing fast and loose with the truth - The Panda's Thumb
She had two adult children who lived nearby, and had stopped visiting them as was her usual custom.
He did everything from the Gernsbackian "scientifiction" of the Thirties to comic strips to juveniles to adult novels that set standards for decades to come.
Archive 2008-04-01
Monogamy is universal but adultery frequent.
After spending all that time maturing, they last for about one week as adults.
Times, Sunday Times
I think the most compelling argument in favor of no age banding is the harm it might do to adult literacy and English Language learners.
But enough about you. Or me.
Summary of Background Data. Human MSC are multipotent mesenchymal adult stem cells that have a potential for autologous transplantation, obviating the need for immune suppression.
James Ponsoldt: This notion is at the core of Killer of Sheep: what it means to be an adult, and how children learn and internalize grown-up behavior and responsibilities through lectures, through tears, but mostly by silently observing, peeking around corners, usually unbeknownst to their parents.
GreenCine Daily: Filmmaker. Spring 07.
Surma is made from antimony sulfide, but it may contain lead as an accidental impurity that remains in antimony sulfide or it may be an intentional adulterant.
Pickleball Del Webb, the country 's largest builder of active-adult communities, had pickleball courts in fewer than one in five of its developments in 2006.
A Red-Hot Sport Leaves Some Folks With a Sour Taste
As the sex ratio in the adult population of mallards tends to be biased toward males, some males remain unpaired during the breeding season.
I love my children in ways that can never be put into words, but there is no hiding the fact that they are imperfect creatures, capable of the same pettiness, resentment, and mean-spiritedness that sets us adults to warring.
By treating the kids as adults and giving respect, he begins to get it back in turn, along with at least one schoolgirl crush.
This ratio shows what percentage of the local median county household income adult attendees and giving units are contributing to your church.
Christianity Today
The findings of the survey apply equally to adults and children.
With the exception of a few moths, all adult Lepidoptera have two pairs of wings.
The unicameral legislature, the National Assembly, is also elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage.
Pub culture is essentially adult, but too many establishments now stock drinks with names more suited to the sweet shop.
Both allowed the very young a certain exemption from the adult rules of religious belief and behavior; spiritually speaking, for rationalist Unitarians and evangelicals, children were a different order of moral being than adults.
An adult anteater can eat as many as 30,000 ants or termites in a single day
They have a small thin adulterated gold coin, rudely stamped with Arabic characters, called mas or massiah.
The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
Sooner or later,the time comes when we all must become responsible adults,and learn to give up what we want,so we can choose to do what is right.Of course,a life time of responsibility isn'e always easy,and as the years go on,it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear.But still we try to do what is best,what is good.Not only for ourselves,but for those we love.Yes,sooner or later we must all become responsible adults.No one knows this better than the young.
Efforts are currently being made to re-form the Tennis Club in the village and any adults who are interested in tennis or in helping out at the Tennis Evenings are very welcome.
Parents want to know the best way to nurture and raise their child to adulthood.
Although the adult doesn't look much like a scale, the nymph and pupa do.
Their principal enemy is the leopard, but even leopards will avoid an encounter with the larger, adult males who are courageous and vicious adversaries.
Care of the technology-dependent young adult should be incorporated into the training programs of adult pulmonologists, adult neurologists, physiatrists, sleep medicine specialists, and internists.
Hines MT, Palmer GH, Knowles DP, Alperin DC, et al. (2003) Analysis of anamnestic immune responses in adult horses and priming in neonates induced by a DNA vaccine expressing the
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Adults let senorita fish and several species of surfperch clean them.
I rebelled against this assumption, but was constantly reminded of it by my schoolmates and the adults I met.
Adults like fresh stumps, slash, and logging debris.
Experts with Gymboree said not only adults need sociality, children from newborns to five-year-olds also need an interest in social events.
The movie is a treat for adults and children alike.
The cost for adults is 12 for four nights and 2 for teenagers per night.
For average-sized adults, there is plenty of front legroom and headroom, and a decent amount of space in the back.
He gives the example of initiation into adulthood as a period of liminality in Ndembu society, when the norms of everyday life no longer pertain.
While the children built up an atmosphere of camaraderie, the adults often feuded, competing for the profits of the deal.
People frequently catch this infection as children or young adults.
The body of an adult jellyfish is a bell-shaped, jellylike substance enclosing its internal structure, from which the creature's tentacles suspend.
He also attempted to fine tune the money supply with mintage of new gold coinage and adulterated silver coins.
When this is compounded over time, the effect is a lasting imprint in the mind of the child - so much so that the child carries the experience with them into their adult life with disastrous results.
This infelicitous parental combination had produced a timid, nervous son whose prognosis for healthy adulthood was poor.
The church’s reception area was decorated with a number of mementos from Crystal’s life, including a tiara, framed pictures of her with loved ones, and an adult-sized pink onesie with feet.
Supposing Blair is correct, and parents do espy special, precious things that childless adults never can, it would still be reassuring to know that these are not outweighed by the associated burdens of exhaustion, continual interruption and prime ministerial anxiety about how to blag a first-class education without going private.
Surely Dave and Nick have got better things to do? | Catherine Bennett
In fact, to read through most rap lyrics is to wonder which adults or political constituencies wouldn't take offense.
The fellow will be prepared to enter the comprehensive subspecialty practice of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus, including primary and tertiary diagnosis and management of the full spectrum of medical and surgical pediatric ophthalmic disorders and pediatric and adult strabismus.
Ophthalmology Fellowship
Over one-quarter of the adult population are not fully literate.
See the beautiful woman to look and look, but a normal, it's really not exaggerative, even children know the beautiful clothes to wear this, don't do we even for adult beauty are not?
She is going to divorce him on the grounds of adultery.
All the while unbelievers laugh; men of weak faith are shaken; faith is uncertain; souls are drenched in ignorance, because adulterators of the word imitate the truth.
NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
But I suppose when you spend your days bossing kids around, it's hard to remember how to communicate with adults.
In recent years, the pedestrian accident rate for children has improved relative to that for adults.