How To Use Adulation In A Sentence
Liberals have their own celebrities, and I think sometimes their adulation is a little much.
Easter Lemming Liberal News
July 24, 2008 at 7:40 am bwavo fur yoo taht is teh moust ONerable & lubbing ting wii candoo 4 halpin tew kweep teh strai fural popadulation xploshunz unda control. der aura pharm kittehs next tew mai werk taht i haff helped wiff. i pray CC pours abunnydances inta yoor pocket tew help wit fundz!
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Central to the latest McCain drive is an attempt to use against Mr. Obama the huge crowds and excitement he has drawn, including on his foreign trip last week, by promoting a view of him as more interested in attention and adulation than in solving the problems facing American families.
The Early Word: Whose Narrative Is It, Anyway? - The Caucus Blog -
Such profuse adulation of the rich exists side-by-side with occasional media trashing of individuals as overly piggish or personally flawed.
All year long, the Bruins were living with the fame and adulation of being defending national champions.
The officer basked in the adulation of his followers.
This year, he received a strong response from his fans, but nothing like the rain of adulation he generated last year.
Some of the time the crowd drown him out completely, and he stalks the stage revelling in the adulation.
And how does a pop droid react to such adulation?
Times, Sunday Times
Miss Margland, who came but for two days, sought with much adulation to obtain an invitation for a longer stay; but Mrs. Berlinton, though all courtesy and grace, incommoded herself with no society that she did not find pleasing.
Nobody expected such adulation from the four corners of the world.
Times, Sunday Times
The first concerns individuals engaged in occupations or avocations in which chasing the spotlight and thriving on the adulation of others are not only appropriate and adaptive but a sine qua non for success.
This adulation may weaken, but with his virtual monopoly of the media it is unlikely to do so quickly.
Times, Sunday Times
Endless tributes, adulation and back rubs from his closest allies tend to obscure the truth.
Not for them the riches, glamour and adulation enjoyed by our pampered soccer stars.
The Sun
A player can beat four men and set up a tap-in and still the scorer races behind the goal to revel in the adulation of the crowd without acknowledging the creator.
Hail Daniel Sturridge and the art of self-censorship | Rob Bagchi
He went to the extreme of adulation, describing Churchill as the greatest man who ever lived.
It contains a potted biography, stressing the adulation and the good works.
Times, Sunday Times
Harley wasn't prepared for the fame and adulation that came with being a star athlete.
He was not the sort of prince who adored flattery and adulation, public appearances and such.
Ignacio particularly loved to imitate exactly the way María Elena walked, turning one foot inward, in adulation rather than any sort of mockery.
Three Tamales for the Señor Part One
As a card-carrying Shakespearean, I have called attention to the tiny detail of the temple-haunting martlet, but specialized knowledge is hardly required: in Goold's Macbeth we quickly sense the atmosphere of Stalinist Russia, with its pervasive paranoia, its inner circles of nervous, vulpine flatterers, its interrogation chambers and extorted confessions, its public rituals of adulation braided together with opportunism, fear, and hatred.
In the Night Kitchen
Money, fame and adulation are the rewards that the public can confer on a successful celebrity.
Times, Sunday Times
True, he enjoys the adulation of the fans and the kudos of playing for one of the world's biggest clubs.
The Sun
That is what happens when you turn young men into millionaires in a city where they receive so much adulation just for being footballers.
Times, Sunday Times
Clinton, for all the adulation he now receives from the left, entered national politics trying to break the hold that liberal interest groups had on his party and criticizing what he called the "brain-dead policies of both parties.
News -
Not all of the country feels Michael Jackson deserves all of this adulation, and it is interesting to me that people weren't this "goggling" during his life and trials.
Pelosi: House won't take up Michael Jackson resolution
Neither, although his comics have brought him a certain degree of wide-eyed adulation, is he any kind of superhero.
Though she was happy with the love and adulation that came with fame, she hated waking up early in the morning.
He was not the sort of prince who adored flattery and adulation, public appearances and such.
What did I do to deserve this adulation?
The Sun
Minelli is a born performer - she loves the excitement and she loves the adulation.
Chancellor in the most personal terms harangued against Fox, and concluded with saying that "he despised his scurrility as much as his adulation and recantation.
The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 2
Go on, enjoy the adulation for a second or two because it won't last much longer.
Times, Sunday Times
Benedict did not mean such congradulations as a signal that he countenanced abortion but it had the effect on Catholic leaders of throwing off their instincts as to what to do in social situations touching on this issue and touching on public figures who supported abortion.
The funeral and the letter
This adulation may weaken, but with his virtual monopoly of the media it is unlikely to do so quickly.
Times, Sunday Times
However, adulation and celebration are no substitute for clinical, objective evaluation as to whether or not one or more of the prominent policies developed and proposed by President Obama are in the near- and long-term interest of the African-American community...
Clarence B. Jones: The Answer May Be Blowin' in the Wind
Echoing Goethe's Romantic interpretation and adulation, Belinsky's Bard ‘understood heaven, earth, and hell’ but was, nonetheless, an ‘ignoramus’, nescient of the meaning of his own plays.
There are few people in this world who deserve any or all of the adulation they receive.
Larmore says her dog Sophie the Schnauzer - who has trodden the boards at the Met, Paris and Geneva - gets the most adulation now.
But we also imagine what it would be like to have all that money and adulation, and how much happier it would make us.
That is the only small price he has to pay for his unmatched adulation and unparalleled adoration from his countryman.
Of course it brings wealth and fame and it is great to get the adulation that comes your way.
The Sun
He has deserved neither the adulation nor the contempt, but that's media hype for you.
Times, Sunday Times
What intrigued me about Florida's current publicity tour is the uncritical adulation his ideas seem to be receiving in much of the Australian media.
Though Rembrandt's reputation remains bullet-proof, he no longer receives—and probably never needed—the cultic adulation he enjoyed in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Two Complementary Quests
The teenager's adulation of the top group worried her parents.
That's a real nice buck, I like his split ear, gives him some real caracter, congradulations Eric!!
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The band enjoy the adulation of their fans wherever they go.
The nature of adulation does not distort his impression of reality.
He has deserved neither the adulation nor the contempt, but that's media hype for you.
Times, Sunday Times
There was much backslapping and self adulation.
He lived to know that the fulsome adulation of the pitiable bishops whom he had consecrated to serve his own ends could not drown one howl of the conscience which he had transformed into a bandog within him.
Gathering Clouds: A Tale of the Days of St. Chrysostom
I have seen her tame a noisy rock audience into a state of appreciative adulation.
It won't affect KT, who's just surrounded by love and adulation from the great unwashed anyway, but it would definitely take some of the spice out of the more inane threads by the lesser bloggers.
Re: Health Insurance - Swampland -
This did not appease: but on the return of the bill to the House of Lords, where our amendments were to be read, the Chancellor in the most personal terms harangued against Fox, and concluded with saying that “he despised his scurrility as much as his adulation and recantation.”
Letters of Horace Walpole 01
Is it the oxygen of adulation or sporting success?
Times, Sunday Times
I wonder what will happen when the feel-good adulation is dissolved by reality and the dumbed-down true believers awaken to the painful fact that nothing will change?
Glad to be Wrong about the Election « Blog
The complaint is against his ideology - a concern that last week's adulation and denigration chose to ignore.
From adulation of Augustus it was also called charta augusta and charta livia.
Forty Centuries of Ink
This trait is manifested in the adulation of individual heroes in Western culture and creativity.
Si male pugnant occidentur ab eis: Si autem bene, ipsos cum promissis adulationibus tenent: et etiam vt ab ipsis non fugiant promittunt eis quod facient eos dominos magnos et post hoc quando securi esse possunt de ipsis, vt non redeant, faciunt eos infoelicissimos seruos.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
If your career is on the way down, panto is a celebrity safety net, one last greasepaint refuge where you can still revel in audience adulation.
The two principals whipped up tremendous whoops and roars from a besotted audience, and in many respects the adulation was well deserved.
For some, they are a subject for uncritical adulation.
Celtic Mythology
Yet if the Welsh recover from their shaky start, it will be another manager who will be receiving the glory and adulation of a nation.
Money and adulation are rightly due to high achievers but the very worst garner recognition too.
Sam Tsoutsouvas, as Theseus, flaunts his habitual love affair with his overripe voice with an orotundity that reeks of self-adulation.
Perhaps Thompson will get adulation from the US wingnut press, where Thatcher’s image is preserved in aspic, but the British press isn’t likely to be impressed.
Matthew Yglesias » Tea Party Time
Not for the first time, he was calmed and inspired by public adulation.
Times, Sunday Times
Adulation of power and force prevented Brownshirts from recognizing implications for their country of their reckless doctrines.
And she received almost universal adulation.
Times, Sunday Times
While Greek love is not a sentiment, it may be sentimental, that is, an _affectation of sentiment_, differing from real sentiment as adulation does from adoration, as gallantry or the risking of life to secure favors do from genuine gallantry of the heart and self-sacrifice for the benefit of another.
Primitive Love and Love-Stories
The adulation is similar to the one that was extended to Griffin. (and many before) We'll only be able to judge after a few years of his tenure (if approved).
More Reaction on Bolden and Garver Nominations - NASA Watch
Not that one grudges the great player any of that adulation.
For some, they are a subject for uncritical adulation.
Celtic Mythology
The soldiers know that they won't go home to public adulation or a victory parade.
Times, Sunday Times
In a fit of adulation I tell Sir John how much I enjoyed his work.
Women get all in a pet that Sorenstam doesn't receive the adulation Tiger Woods does.
Yet while Barcelona has basked in worldwide adulation and some teams have taken elements from its philosophy and approach, no major club had gone all the way and tried to replicate what Guardiola's team does.
Barcelona Ball Comes to Rome
The teenager's adulation of the top group worried her parents.
He went to the extreme of adulation, describing Churchill as the greatest man who ever lived.
The adulation is similar to the one that was extended to Griffin.
More Reaction on Bolden and Garver Nominations - NASA Watch
I mean on the one hand I'm sure he loves the glory, and he has to have this public adulation.
Harley wasn't prepared for the fame and adulation that came with being a star athlete.
It's a level of adulation for which most frontmen would sell a kidney.
Times, Sunday Times
During the postwar folk music revival, rural musicians faced a similar mixture of adulation and condescension.
Mulroney through the wringer is the kind of treatment I expected Jean Chretien to get at the Gomery Inquiry, instead of the media adulation he received regarding economics and golf balls.
$16 Million To Find Out That Mulroney Didn’t Pay Taxes On $225,000 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
Maybe there is something to be said for inhabiting a separate little musical world of adulation, ‘luvvies’ and cascading semiquavers!
Adulation has a knack for anesthetizing the public to a celebrity's unflattering contradictions.
Edward Flattau: Eco Hollywood
Just which job is it that pays a fortune and showers its practitioners with honours and adulation to a great age?
At the end, he applauded each stand and received rapturous adulation back.
Times, Sunday Times
His skills have brought him adulation and riches beyond belief.
He was arrested but all formal charges were dropped in the light of the public adulation for him.
Times, Sunday Times
Fortunately the adulation is only a few layers deep.
Time to go Mike - NASA Watch
It is the same one that has defined his own 23-year career, a humility in excelsis that has allowed him to weather an unparalleled level of scrutiny and adulation and still seem the unpretentiously modest child prodigy who scored his maiden first-class century at the age of 15.
Sachin Tendulkar's Yorkshire roots helped make him a master of modesty
Their work catapulted them to the world centrestage, where they were surrounded by adulation and enmity at the same time.
Possibly affected by the adulation, he became more surly and confused.
Yet when she sought public adulation as a compensation, he felt wounded and bitter.
Times, Sunday Times
If so, I would have to address it as men have always done: by persistence, alternating reasoned argument with abject pleas and fawning adulation.
Instead, the multi-millionaire enjoys the unfettered licence of an owner and, as a local princeling, the adulation of fans stupid enough to believe in his undying loyalty.
Clinton and Obama, both of whom are extremely proud and arrogant all on their very own, have been thoroughly confirmed in their self-confidence by all the adulation and hosannas heaped upon them by the love-blind liberal media.
Friday question answered
If people of such outstanding talent and accomplishment can't avoid a couple of dumb fucks throwing verbal hand grenades in their direction, how egotistic is it for you to think that you will live your life in a steady stream of uninterrupted adulation?
Doesn't Matter How Many Times I Hear It...
I think it may be Hal Draper who pointed out that -ist is usually attached by their followers to the most prominent proponent of a particular political position after their death to avoid the adulation thang, -ite is more usually attached by those who disagree, -ian is used as an academic suffix.
Making Light: Open thread 134
I don’t see myself desperately grasping for fame and adulation while shimmying awkwardly in fishnet stockings.
Britney and Me | Her Bad Mother
Is it just me or does anyone else find the spontaneous adulation and standing ovation before he's begun slightly embarrassing?
Musically this piece exists to excite gasps of admiration, if not downright adulation from the audience.
One of them, free-agent NBA forward Tayshaun Prince, strutted to midcourt to bask in adulation during a second-half timeout.
Top-Ranked Kentucky Runs Over St. John's
Years of unimaginable success, glory and adulation were to follow.
He has deserved neither the adulation nor the contempt, but that's media hype for you.
Times, Sunday Times
She transforms herself from an awkward girl with ‘kinky hair and bad skin’ into a ravishing, couture-clad sylph, winning adulation for her public appearances around the world.
He has deserved neither the adulation nor the contempt, but that's media hype for you.
Times, Sunday Times
I get a lot of appreciation and adulation for the kind of music I create.
Napoleon showed no reaction to his mens' adulation.
Collins took off on his lap of honour, deserving adulation for his run of 9.98 secs.
He has deserved neither the adulation nor the contempt, but that's media hype for you.
Times, Sunday Times
How all times mischoose the objects of their adulation and reward,
The adulation nonetheless continued as the election drew closer.
There will be no trophy or congratulation, no hyperventilation or applause or adulation.
Minelli is a born performer - she loves the excitement and she loves the adulation.
Such benefits, in tandem with fame and adulation that bordered on worship, unsurprisingly fuelled the desire to win at all costs and athletes were not above cheating to do so.
Nobody expected such adulation from the four corners of the world.
Times, Sunday Times
Surely then, her-now soaring popularity and critical adulation has helped her socially - not to mention providing a plentitude of romantic options.
Spending a developmental life of indulgement and adulation in a world of leftism deprived the young man of opportunity to really experience debate.
But why does it think its own people deserve only adulation, not scrutiny?
Times, Sunday Times
It is difficult to overstate the adulation he enjoyed; a young man not only rich and famous but feted by his government and adored by his fans.
He raised those tattooed arms in adulation of his God, stood from his pew with his head upturned so that tears flowed down his checks and onto his wrinkled neck.
That's My King
You can keep your distance, you can keep your head beneath the parapet - but surely it's disingenuous to insinuate that bloggers don't do it, at least in part, for adulation, audience or exhibitionism.
From being unsure about himself to coping with adulation, Sproule has raced forward in these last few weeks.
But the fact he also had real human frailties made him a greater man than was realised by those who could not see through the fog of adulation.
His skills have brought him adulation and riches beyond belief.
The responses of writers and scholars to his work have varied, journalists tending towards praise and even adulation, academic linguists towards caution and even reproof.
I think it may be Hal Draper who pointed out that -ist is usually attached by their followers to the most prominent proponent of a particular political position after their death to avoid the adulation thang, -ite is more usually attached by those who disagree, -ian is used as an academic suffix.
Making Light: Open thread 134
Lay in a large stock of "gammon" and pennyroyal -- carefully strip and pare all the tainted parts away, when this can be done without destroying the whole -- wrap it up in printed paper, containing all possible virtues -- baste with flattery, stuff with adulation, garnish with fictitious attributes, and a strong infusion of sycophancy.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, August 7, 1841
Foremost is the 120-year-old Stanley Cup, which when not on display in Toronto crisscrosses the game's heartlands attracting popular adulation unknown to the championship trophies of other sports.
The Glorious and The Gruesome
The name alone is enough to strike fearsome loathing in some and unmitigated adulation in others.
He enjoys adulation, and that's great.
The Sun
How all times mischoose the objects of their adulation
Leaves of Grass [1867]
Then the rest of them could head spaceward, finding Aari and Acorna once more after many exciting but not very dangerous adventures, which would somehow, never mind the details, result in glory and adulation for himself.
First Warning
Yet the adulation of the rich and famous is surely as fulsome as ever.
Wurman is a seventysomething graphic designer and author of 81 books, who garnered fame and adulation among the elite in technology, art and entertainment with his foresightful, insightful TED conferences of the 1990s.
Son Of TED
All basked for precious moments in the attention and adulation.
Minelli is a born performer - she loves the excitement and she loves the adulation.