How To Use adsorb In A Sentence
- While several agents are available, activated charcoal is the most broadly effective adsorbent.
- The dyes are in the form of a suspension of particles which, for reasons not fully understood, are adsorbed onto the surface of ligno-cellulosic fibres such as sisal, abaca and fique. Chapter 8
- Stink gases in sewage farm of oil refinery pollute environment and influence scent of people. Adsorbents can be used to deodorize the stink gases.
- Humus being highly colloidal, has the ability to adsorb and retain for future plant use many of the ions such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphates and ammonia which might be leached from the soil and lost in drainage.
- Owing to different structures of cotton fiber and chitin fiber, they have differentadsorbability to reactive dyestuffs.
- Sampling of gases and vapors by active sampling on a solid adsorbent or passive sampling by diffusion is routinely done and well documented.
- The activation mechanism is the chemo- activity of mainly due to the strong chemo- activity of chelators to improve the amount of collector adsorbed on chrysocolla.
- This is because a certain number of molecules are needed to adsorb at the surface to affect the surface tension.
- Oxygen adsorbs on tungsten.
- Briefly, the initially adsorbed liposomes seemed to collapse from the outer periphery toward the center of the liposome.