How To Use Adroitly In A Sentence

  • Throughout, a strong ensemble cast adroitly tackles the distinctive performance styles demanded by this playwright. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The line I've repeated to myself over the decades was spoken by Garth's grumbling gardener and eventual murderer, who is introduced as he attempts maladroitly to trim the kudzu from Garth's New Orleans plantation. Zomdingo
  • It's a rare horror movie and however the filmmakers may have endeavored to make more than just a horror movie doesn't knock this out of that category that really cares about people, however maladroitly that concern occasionally comes across. It's different for everybody
  • Small-scale land restitution to those who could prove they owned it before 1947 has been maladroitly handled.
  • I adroitly delude myself that I have the know-how and Con cred to efficiently maximize my enjoyment, but my plans, without exception, get tossed shortly after I grab my badge. 7 Reasons to Attend Worldcon
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  • Adroitly, I avoided putting my feet on any rainbowed design the sun made through the stained-glass windows in the doors. My Sweet Audrina
  • They dig for juicy details as adroitly as they do the crossword and jigsaw puzzles that they plug away at.
  • Looming up in the shadows behind Andy's head was the outline of a sleek UFO balanced adroitly on a slender pole. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • The fact of Madame Olenska's "foreignness" could hardly have been more adroitly emphasised than by this farewell tribute; and Mrs. van der Luyden accepted her displacement with an affability which left no doubt as to her approval. The Age of Innocence
  • Management breastpin argali gleet in conceitedly curacoa an snappish maladroitly suckerfish undulate aloft planetal indubitably a slantingly thyroglobulin is exigency the oreide. Rational Review
  • He immediately whipped his arm upward, throwing off her Pull, making her spin maladroitly in the air. Mistborn
  • We should not be guided by how to get the United States out of the quagmire it has so maladroitly manufactured.
  • Coleman exploited the issue adroitly, never making it personal or disrespectful, but always mentioning the need for new ideas and fresh energy in Washington. The Good Fight
  • But those who run the game in Pakistan so maladroitly would do well to stick with Butt. Salman Butt: 'In these dark days for Pakistan, cricket can lift spirits'
  • If we were intelligently created, why was it done so maladroitly? Stuart Whatley: On Darwin's Birthday, Examining Why Evolution Is True
  • Firm establish object - oriented concept and process designing thought, master the basic method that OO devises adroitly.
  • And carefully taking one of the eggs of the bernicle goose, he broke the shell at its end, and adroitly swallowed the inside without any further formalities. Godfrey Morgan A Californian Mystery
  • Small substance in that Figaro: thin wiredrawn intrigues, thin wiredrawn sentiments and sarcasms; a thing lean, barren; yet which winds and whisks itself, as through a wholly mad universe, adroitly, with a high-sniffing air: wherein each, as was hinted, which is the grand secret, may see some image of himself, and of his own state and ways. The French Revolution
  • He exploited the space in an echo sonata for three violins by Marini, a charming interlude, adroitly dispatched.
  • Some of his favourite subjects are children - even when he gets back to the office, downloads his shots and realises they've adroitly photobombed his pictures.
  • Throughout, a strong ensemble cast adroitly tackles the distinctive performance styles demanded by this playwright. The Times Literary Supplement
  • For months Edmonton's city council has been struggling with prickly issue of raves and this week they cleverly managed to address the issue while at the same time adroitly sidestepping the consequences.
  • Aida walked maladroitly to a couch and sat down, slipping his sandals off his feet.
  • The ball bobbled viciously as it approached the near post, but Miller adroitly launched himself into its path.
  • Football, management, is about mastered simplicities, repeatedly choreographed and rehearsed, so that they become adroitly performed.
  • Negroes were ready for him; and the moment he came within reach, a coil of rope with a noose on the end of it, called a lasso, was adroitly thrown over the reptile's head: ten or twelve men then hauled the lasso and dragged it ashore amid shouts of triumph. Martin Rattler
  • He landed maladroitly, sweat dripping from his brow as the safe crashed to the wooden floor, throwing up splinters. Mistborn
  • The sea-shore, sea seen from shore, shore seen from sea; the taste of two metals in contact; and our enlarged powers at the approach and at the departure of a friend; the experience of poetic creativeness, which is not found in staying at home, nor yet in travelling, but in transitions from one to the other, which must therefore be adroitly managed to present as much transitional surface as possible; this command of two elements must explain the power and the charm of Representative Man (1850)
  • Mr. Wasley sums this up adroitly, noting "how many of the critical narratives of postwar American poetry" frame the period "in terms of competing camps of formalism versus experiment, establishment versus avant-garde, feminist or gay versus masculinist, West Coast versus East. Keeper of the Affirming Flame
  • If only he could adroitly, with his hand remaining unseen, place Maggie in a situation where circumstances would appeal conqueringly to her best self, to her latent sense of honor -- that was the idea! Children of the Whirlwind
  • But the only object of this argument is to show how mal-adroitly Mr. Landor plays at thimblerig. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 330, April 1843
  • They include rising economic insecurity, including the patchy and overpriced health insurance system that Obama is trying, maladroitly, to fix. John McQuaid: When the Political System Breaks, Other Stuff Breaks Too
  • Simon adroitly dodges the kick, flowingly stepping to the side.
  • The sea-shore, sea seen from shore, shore seen from sea; the taste of two metals in contact; and our enlarged powers at the approach and at the departure of a friend; the experience of poetic creativeness, which is not found in staying at home, nor yet in traveling, but in transitions from one to the other, which must therefore be adroitly managed to present as much transitional surface as possible; this command of two elements must explain the power and the charm of Plato. Representative Men
  • In one of the adroitly deployed subplots, he disinters a family secret that reconciles an estranged mother and daughter. Tonight's TV highlights
  • In the A minor she adroitly captures the profundities of the first movement with subtle tonal shadings, a seemingly perfect balancing of inner voices with the main line, and a fine sense for selecting her tempos.
  • he dealt with the situation maladroitly
  • Charlottesville would probably attract many more through travelers and if handled adroitly from a planning standpoint, that would represent a nice business proposition. Meadowcreek Debate: Lynch Responds at
  • The surprising and illuminating thing to Westerling was the inspired statement to the press from the Gray Foreign Office, adroitly appealing to Gray chauvinism and justifying the "intrepidity" of the Gray commander in response to so-called "pin-pricking" exasperations. The Last Shot
  • She stumbled, slowing herself maladroitly, as if she had forgotten how to do anything other than run. Mistborn
  • Through cogitatio, "a combinative or compositional activity of the mind," 100 the mind is brought under its own gaze to select, arrange and recombine its contents according to circumstance. 101 The ability to concentrate, to shift focus adroitly from one's immediate surroundings, was essential for Federico to form prompt and sound judgments, whether in the course of battle or in civil affairs. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • I groaned internally as I recalled the plane ride where I had maladroitly gotten sick all over Ross.
  • It's not precisely SF, but it deploys SF tropes adroitly - not that it would matter if it didn't. MIND MELD: Non-Genre Books for Genre Readers
  • As layered rebuses of meaning with an exceptional iconographic density, they visually manipulated inherited codes of social value, adroitly invoking both positive and negative contemporary references.
  • I thought of how adroitly, almost balletically, he had controlled that disintegrating machine, until there was nothing left of it but ballistics and velocity, the inevitable collapse of order into chaos. Spin
  • House Republicans adroitly shifted the debate's focus from how much to raise the debt ceiling to how much should spending be cut. The Debt-Ceiling Debate and 2012
  • Paul and Bob both laughed, and harder yet as the bright little animal shot a paw into Paul's pocket and adroitly drew out a Brazilian gold coin called a milreis, worth about fifty-four cents in American money. Around the World in Ten Days
  • They portered Terrell adroitly up the ramp into their ship. Reap the Whirlwind
  • he handled the situation adroitly
  • And the plot amply delivers the expected satisfactions of an intricate puzzle adroitly solved.
  • Definitely worth seeing for just the technical achievement in visuals and definiately for the 3-D, which I thoughts was handled adroitly. Avatar: The Good and The Bad
  • And that is race because the senator himself continues to speak maladroitly at best on the issue himself and it's becoming a very real issue for the senator. CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2008
  • The decision of Government to send reinforcements to Ireland was mentioned as a prelude to the information from Vienna of the birth of a son to the Princess Nikolas: and then; having conjoined the two entirely heterogeneous pieces of intelligence, the composer adroitly interfused them by a careless transposition of the prelude and the burden that enabled him to play ad libitum on regrets and rejoicings; by which device the lord of Earlsfont might be offered condolences while the lady could express her strong contentment, inasmuch as he deplored the state of affairs in the sister island, and she was glad of a crisis concluding a term of suspense thus the foreign-born baby was denounced and welcomed, the circumstances lamented and the mother congratulated, in a breath, all under cover of the happiest misunderstanding, as effective as the cabalism of Prospero's wand among the Neapolitan mariners, by the skilful Irish development on a grand scale of the rhetorical figure anastrophe, or a turning about and about. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Luckily the orchestra, under Lothar Koenigs, were playing so adroitly that the slipped dialogue and consequent collapse of surtitles in the prologue hardly mattered, expertly brought back on course by the nimble conductor. The Turn of the Screw; Ariadne auf Naxos; Les pêcheurs de perles; Mitsuko Uchida
  • Beckham adroitly chips a dangerous ball into the box - who does he think he is, Zidane?
  • The man stumbled maladroitly, still holding his bleeding side. Mistborn
  • While most of the army's accomplished horsemen served in the Cavalry, the Field Artillery used horses to draw its caissons, and officers needed to learn to ride adroitly.
  • A self-confessed hero-worshipper, he adroitly patched into a network of national self-regard and milked it for all it was worth.
  • Definitely worth seeing for just the technical achievement in visuals and definiately for the 3-D, which I thoughts was handled adroitly. Avatar: The Good and The Bad
  • Smeared and cross-hatched, the objective correlative here is adroitly drawn out, counterpointed throughout the poem by the woman's querulous responses.
  • He adroitly smoothed over marital difficulties and the couple moved to Germany, where he filed the divorce papers.
  • Her coiffeur La Plume let the last finely curled lock fall adroitly over her shoulder, and folding his hands over the paunch in his shirt frills, like some decadent Pharaoh, admired his work from the shadow of a Dara statue.
  • Unable to hold the city, he managed the evacuation adroitly, regrouping his forces at White Plains.
  • Ruddy claimed that there is no formal or business relationship with Trump but added, Trump realizes the great potential of Newsmax and has been using it very adroitly. Terry Krepel: Newsmax Gets Trumped
  • In less skillful hands, the plot — and there is a good, strong plot — might have foundered in bathos, but Dean adroitly sticks to the high road; although she afflicts her characters with terminal cancer, Alzheimer’s, alcoholism, and adultery, these trials, rather than defining the people who suffer them, serve to reveal their fiber. New Fiction
  • The ball bobbled viciously as it approached the near post, but Miller adroitly launched himself into its path.
  • The seashore, sea seen from shore, shore seen from sea; the taste of two metals in contact; and our enlarged powers at the approach and at the departure of a friend; the experience of poetic creativeness, which is not found in staying at home, nor yet in traveling, but in transitions from one to the other, which must therefore be adroitly managed to present as much transitional surface as possible; this command of two elements must explain the power and charm of Plato. Representative Men
  • If our amalgam of shamanistic Orphism, Enthusiasm, and Gnosticism can mask so successfully as Christianity, why cannot it as adroitly impersonate Buddhism and Hinduism? ‘The American Religion’
  • Arnstein demonstrates how adroitly Victoria handled several recurring issues that provided the continuities between the two distinct periods of her life.
  • Legalist institutions that manage that pursuit maladroitly are ultimately swept away.

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