
How To Use Adornment In A Sentence

  • Even I, a tolerant representative of the Middle Way, found myself blinking at this unquestionably Romish style of adornment. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • As I said, I do not intend to defend this view, but will use it simply as an adornment.
  • The completed building is a towering rectangular block with almost no decoration, an austere statement and bold break away from the traditional methods of architectural adornment.
  • Eco-punk fashion takes on a new edge in these clever design combos - so for the eco-fashionista who refuses to settle for trends, look no further than a stylish spin on discards alchemized into treasures for adornment. Abigail Doan | Inhabitat
  • Gold and silver were made into exquisite adornments, and beautiful objects were created from indigenous turquoise, marble, and other stones.
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  • Necklaces are worn now for a variety of reasons not the least of which personal adornment.
  • Those women who have to go out to earn for their families cannot afford adornment.
  • Of course, some flowers are used for personal adornment, both the blossoms themselves and their essences in the form of perfumes.
  • _And for the rest, since good wine needs no hush, and an inferior beverage is not likely to be bettered by arboreal adornment, the reteller of these tales prefers to piece out his exordium (however lamely) with_ "THE PRINTER'S PREFACE. Chivalry
  • These are the many jewellery makers who turn gold into beautifully crafted adornments.
  • With its elegant coiffure and elaborate rings of jewelry covering the shoulders and upper chest, this sculpture speaks of the antiquity of the arts of adornment in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • The different embellishments and abstracts acclimated in adornment acquiesce you to accomplish a beauteous claimed account that others can’t advice but to yield apprehension of. Think Progress » McCain On Arizona Law He Calls ‘A Good Tool’: I Don’t Know ‘Whether All Of It Is Legal Or Not’
  • His less visible piercing, called a hasada, is also a visual adornment.
  • From the late 15 th century etching came into widespread use as a means of adornment, mainly on pieces of armour.
  • As I said, I do not intend to defend this view, but will use it simply as an adornment.
  • A long, simple, sleeved tunic bordered with a purple stripe was the standard uniform for both freeborn boys and girls in Rome, and a protective neck chain called a bulla in the case of boys and a moon-shaped lunula for girls the moon being the symbol of Diana, the Roman goddess of chastity their only adornment. Caesars’ Wives
  • Naturally, all of these adornments, together with the elimination of ambiguous, controversial or indelicate elements, imply the contamination of the traditional fairytale material.
  • Phrases are often repeated in the ballads, just as in the talk of the common man, for the sake of emphasis, but there is neither complexity of plot or characterization nor attempt at decorative literary adornment -- the story and the emotion which it calls forth are all in all. A History of English Literature
  • When you are speaking with honest country people about the beauty of their fields, do not talk about "Flora spreading her fragrant mantle on the superficies of the earth, and bespangling the verdant grass with her beauteous adornments. Hold Up Your Heads, Girls! : Helps for Girls, in School and Out
  • Our speaker today is, of course, a schoolmaster and one of his colleagues in replying to the enquiries of a fond parent as to the progress and safety of her son wrote "Dear Madam, such time as your son does not devote to self-adornment is spent in the neglect of his studies. Canada's Military Colleges
  • By association, then, sculptural adornment so popular under art nouveau was rendered obsolete.
  • Condole supports: Eligible adornment cannot appear beat of curved arris , protruding.
  • He starts with the Bible, which includes the use of gold as adornment, the golden calf, and the detailed description of use of gold in sanctuary and tabernacle.
  • The way the adjective signals terror of the noun, adornment terror of the body: in words, like weeds, I'll wrap you o'er.
  • Genius, devotion, and courage; the adornments of his mind, and the energies of his soul, all exerted to their uttermost stretch, could not roll back one hair's breadth the wheel of time's chariot; that which had been was written with the adamantine pen of reality, on the everlasting volume of the past; nor could agony and tears suffice to wash out one iota from the act fulfilled. I.8
  • For the first time in memory, I found a flauta that needed no adornment.
  • Stages of entry into the cult may be marked by transformations of the body or its adornment.
  • Linkage is apparent even in the smallest details, such as adornments on the seats. Auto Spectator - New car models and auto industry info, car reviews, motorsports, alternative fuel vehicles and more
  • The arts, including song, dance, music, sculpture, and bodily adornment, are essential elements of Kongo "therapeutic" practices, not merely adjuncts.
  • In addition to the mosaic icons, this gallery held a small number of works of steatite and precious stone that were used for private devotions or for personal adornment.
  • It was furnished with simplicity and with an eye to necessity rather than adornment. THE BLACK OPAL
  • A stark-naked savage this, and devoid of all adornment excepting a waist-belt of plaited grass and a "sporran" of similar material. Spinifex and Sand
  • The sight of the embroidered huipiles, long rabona skirts, glistening gold jewelry and floral hair adornments adds to the already exotic appearance of the Tehuantepec and Juchitan markets. Tehuana Mamas Cook Up Magic: Food and Fiestas in the Isthmus
  • Summer should leave to reside the home frostily to decorate, change a warmth, pure and fresh cloth art adornment!
  • A lot of people like to be arranged in the home one, two artwork. beautiful to Western-style blame furniture, can hang picture of canvas, aquarelle , adornment, also can be decorated with anaglyph.
  • It was a building without any adornment or decoration.
  • As a consequence both clerical and secular moralists felt able to criticize fashion on the grounds of the supposed morality or immorality of clothing and personal adornment.
  • On the run from France for assorted crimes, he attaches himself, gargoyle-like, to the hotel as a year-round resident, and sets up shop in the town making hair adornments - from toupees to merkins to funeral jewellery.
  • The impulse for personal adornment is hard to stamp out.
  • She had scarcely completed these arrangements to her entire satisfaction, when the friend arrived with a whity – brown parcel — flat and three – cornered — containing sundry small adornments which were to be put on upstairs, and which the friend put on, talking incessantly. Nicholas Nickleby
  • Fake to production, sale the illegal manufacturer that decorates adornment material, the proposal builds castigatory sex to compensate for a system.
  • Around her throat a simple gold chain was her only adornment.
  • The function fashion, the beautified coordination clothing and personal adornments, the respect situation, maintains warmth, guarantees the banket department, against attrition sole and so on.
  • The high - grade glass, pottery and porcelain adornment material in development and goods reach marble, granitic goods.
  • Some jewels, such as turquoise, traditionally had a sacred value, beyond adornment.
  • The father immediately took off his necklaces, his soft fine garments and his other adornments and put on clothes that were ragged and soiled.
  • In Spain there, they were very famous for not using stone or brick, they would do everything in wood with adornment and decoration.
  • There is evidence that the descendants of Native Americans in prehistoric times used beads as adornment in jewelry as well as a way to trade.
  • At Sixth and Chestnut they passed Ellard's newsstand, which had been draped in black crape and tied with white ribbon, ‘indicating that the adornment was for one of tender years.’
  • Our main courses were similarly ungimmicky: classic flavours cooked with care, but without unnecessary adornment. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the States, wool mittens and socks are sometimes used as adornments in wedding ceremonies.
  • It was difficult now to continue the pursuit unobserved: and Gimblet became absorbed in the contemplation of an enormous cairngorm, which was masquerading as an article of personal adornment in the window of the last outlying shop. The Ashiel mystery A Detective Story
  • There are useful and ornamental goods suited for any kind of presentation, or for personal adornment, or household use.
  • This was considered very sensuous at the time, as filth and animal feces were considered adornments, like sexy lingerie is to modern women.
  • It was a building without any adornment or decoration.
  • There is something vaguely creepy in virtually hairless toddlers sporting ribbony hair adornments.
  • They wear ornaments of human bone, which remind us of death, impermanence and renunciation, and as adornment, they wear ashes from cremation grounds.
  • The facial hair term "sideburns" is a variant of "burnsides," named for U.S. Army Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside, who wore such facial whisker adornment.
  • Alban entered, clad cap-a-pie in a full suit of magnificent Milan armor without juppon or adornment of any kind. Men of Iron
  • Seven ruff, without as yet their elaborate courtship adornments, fed at the northern tip of a tyke.
  • Ancient withal were its adornments, and its halling was of the story of Troy, and stern and solemn looked out from it the stark woven warriors and kings, as they wended betwixt sword and shield on the highway of Fate. The Sundering Flood
  • As soon as it was evenfall, he went in to her and found her robed in her richest raiment and decked with her goodliest adornments. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It is moulded fully in the round, but by way of adornment, in close agreement with the tradition of vase-painting, the head is wreathed with rosettes and crowned by a single palmette. The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1
  • The elaborateness of their adornments and the skill of their depiction has scholars intrigued and visitors like us entranced.
  • The fripperies, the jagged curves and inharmonious lines and colors of the so-called "adornments" are surmounted, and the naked figure stepping from their scattered pile is seen in its utter simplicity. Married Love: or, Love in Marriage
  • Because rock climbers and others haven't bothered them they still have rare and precious toppings of bilberry and heather and adornment of mosses and lichens.
  • About the dais behind the thwart-table were now stuck for adornment leavy boughs of oak now just beginning to turn with the first frosts. The Roots of the Mountains; Wherein Is Told Somewhat of the Lives of the Men of Burgdale
  • A long, simple, sleeved tunic bordered with a purple stripe was the standard uniform for both freeborn boys and girls in Rome, and a protective neck chain called a bulla in the case of boys and a moon-shaped lunula for girls the moon being the symbol of Diana, the Roman goddess of chastity their only adornment. Caesars’ Wives
  • Her house truck with its zany adornments can be quickly converted to fit in with our image of a gypsy fortune teller's tent.
  • Cloth and feather adornments were painted bright red (with small touches of yellow) to bracket the people's nakedness, and to expose their bodies more fully.
  • The way the adjective signals terror of the noun, adornment terror of the body: in words, like weeds, I'll wrap you o'er.
  • They are often used either as adornment, or as an ingredient in potions, unguents or medicaments when crushed into powder.
  • Many African peoples use beads as distinctive elements of personal clothing and adornment.
  • A golden age Gold jewellery is the predominant commercial outlet for gold sales and personal adornment using gold has been a feature of most societies since ancient times.
  • He starts with the Bible, which includes the use of gold as adornment, the golden calf, and the detailed description of use of gold in sanctuary and tabernacle.
  • You may accept created your own handcrafted adornment or even purchased a bargain adornment broad lot online from addition country. you are appropriate go to ceramics adornment mall. you will acquisition lots of admirable ceramics adornment crafts which are for men, women, kids. Think Progress » Church Uses Marquee To Speak Out Against Beck: ‘Sorry Mr Beck, Jesus Preached Social Justice’
  • Separated from all the world, and as a homeless wanderer, or as a hermit in forest or desert, the pious man should live in beggar-garb, devoid of adornment, utterly possessionless, entirely isolated, indifferent to joy and grief, and dead to all emotions. Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
  • Rowe's yard in Vinings, Georgia, has indisputable African antecedents, as manifested in its topiary, fruit trees, swept-dirt grounds, and highly varied adornments.
  • Gradually she expanded to more products such as adornments and cosmetics. Kiva Loans
  • On the other hand, doubtless she was destined to soon receive those lovely adornments proclamatory of the uncompromising condition of Gorean bondage, those adornments which so enhance the beauty of a woman, those adornments significatory that all institutional niceties pertinent to her bondage have been properly and legally completed. Mercenaries Of Gor
  • The choice can serve as adornment on behalf of the wide shutter of intertropical style most, make they and indoor either theme lubricious phase modulation unified.
  • Much of the exhibition is focused on body adornment, primarily beadwork, though sculpture in a variety of media is represented as well.
  • Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant (and not-so-ignorant) fashion designers, celebrities, and left-wing icons. Michelle Malkin’s Victory Over Doughnut Terrorists « Blog
  • Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant and not-so-ignorant fashion designers, celebrities, and left-wing icons. Rachael Ray – Loyal to Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks?
  • Personal adornment was an intrinsic part of Amazonian culture, and some examples such as loincloths and headdresses survive, while other adornments such as tattoos are known only from artworks.
  • Little adornment was on her, except a single piercing at the top of her pointed ear, but what caught Kira's attention was the fife at her waist.
  • Now will die hard helmet, bedight with gold, be deprived of its adornments; they sleep who should burnish the battle-masks. The Early Middle Ages 500-1000
  • STRANGER: The arts of washing and mending, and the other preparatory arts which belong to the causal class, and form a division of the great art of adornment, may be all comprehended under what we call the fuller’s art. The Statesman
  • It was a building without any adornment or decoration.
  • Company: The thing of child of company of grand raise adornment is easy desultorily, already textbook has a toy again, receive very not easily.
  • Presenters approached the theme from several distinct positions, creating multilayered biographies of African body adornments.
  • Among American coots, for example, chicks hatch already sporting a red head splotch, and when feeding their broods, parents consistently favor offspring with the reddest adornment.
  • They were first made in Egypt as early as 4000 BC and were essential adornments for both the living and the dead.
  • People who need the adornments of authority to testify to their importance are soon forgotten.
  • Examples of jewellery being worn other than for adornment, are necklaces such as the cross or crucifixes worn by Christians as potent religious symbols.
  • The adornments do not cohere with the basic design.
  • For a single string instrument to take centre stage, as opposed to a mere flourish or adornment of a greater composition, it needs depth and commanding presence to fill the space.
  • In the womenswear industry, designers can offer panache without absurdity through color, varying hemlines, adornment and more.
  • As the torch was applied to the base of the pyre, men in the surrounding crowd cast their adornments into the flames.
  • This helmet is missing its topspitze, or "spiked adornment," for which this type of helmet is named pickelhaube, or "pick cap."
  • It needed no adornment, no choker, no scarf, to make it enticing. MAMBO
  • Simple adornments, like basil, are impeccably fresh and flavourful. South London's top 10 budget eats
  • King be apparelled of white rich stuffs that he found, and a robe of cloth of silk and gold, and he clad himself in the like manner, neither was the chest not a whit disfurnished thereby, for the tent was all garnished of rich adornments. The High History of the Holy Graal
  • The site goes on to explain that historically many African cultures consider the head to be the center of one's being and because of that everyday head adornment is an integral part of daily living. Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: National Museum of African Art
  • Like hairstyles and clothing fashions, make-up is usually a temporary form of adornment, one that can be washed off and changed at will.
  • Note the way orichalc is used as an adornment for the most important element of the temple.
  • More often, as we might expect, we find it on the façades of the Byzantine basilicas and in their adornments, such as altars, iconastases, sacred curtains for the enclosure, thrones, ambones and sacerdotal vestments. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • With this new emphasis on table setting, as with the influx of the newly rich knocking at the doors of the upper classes giving rise to etiquette books, service à la russe created a set of rigid, correct rules for cutlery, china and table adornments. Setting the Table | Edwardian Promenade
  • Then the gate opened, and the Earl of Alban entered, clad cap-a-pie in a full suit of magnificent Milan armor without juppon or adornment of any kind. Men of Iron
  • A plain necklace was her only adornment.
  • The adornments are severe and simple, but beautifully moulded and always in exquisite taste.
  • Make-up is an art of adornment and concealment and vanity - three prongs of devilry - and is frowned upon in all its many forms.
  • We find a similar adornment in Israel where a crimson thread was bound around the horns of the goat, the least valuable of the domestic animals.
  • The greater simplicity and unadornedness of the dominant sex struggle with the marked trend of the subordinate sex towards self-adornment, each of these trends trying to extend its dominion over both sexes. The Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation, by Mathilde and Mathias Vaerting; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
  • Its only adornments are the wooden lintels above the windows and entrance door.
  • Millbank Tower, SW1, Mon head to the north side of the river to view the showSam RichardsAs the month draws to a close and opportunities to show off Movember's upper-lip adornments rapidly decrease, Nice'n'Sleazy is as good a place as any to blend in with the brigade who would have us believe that a moustache is not just for charity but a way of life. Clubs picks of the week
  • Throughout history, Africans have imported glass beads and used them for adornment and elaborate beadwork.
  • The flowing lace adornment, reaching from the head to the shoulders, and from thence thrown in graceful folds over the back and one arm, is called the "mantilla," and is the characteristic costume of the ladies of Spain. In Eastern Seas Or, the Commission of H.M.S. 'Iron Duke,' flag-ship in China, 1878-83
  • With marriage illuminate adornment metope, can build the domestic atmosphere that gives romantic warmth, although the effect is pretty good, just give a person easily with machine-made feeling.
  • Even the epigraphic adornments are founts of instruction and guidance. The Times Literary Supplement
  • These trades churned out in ever more massive quantities a myriad of small objects for personal and domestic adornment and use.
  • Laboriously, he strung them on a thread and hung them round his neck by way of adornment.
  • Even I, a tolerant representative of the Middle Way, found myself blinking at this unquestionably Romish style of adornment. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Where he has distinguished himself is in writing a direct and forward-moving prose, stripped of adornment, never straining for metaphor or effect, rarely employing a specialized vocabulary, avoiding recursiveness and allusion. Archive 2009-11-01
  • He holds up a mask of an African-American with no adornments at all on it.
  • In fact, there are literally "millions" of ways to use these little word adornments to express yourself. Bethany Keeley: 'Unnecessary' Quotation Marks 'Infect' The Nation: Grammar Pet Peeves (PHOTOS)
  • Neck adornments have been worn since ancient times to signify title or wealth or even just to sop up sweat.
  • British art reached a magnificent peak, especially in metalwork, all swirling motifs and fine enamelling, but it concentrated on the equipping of warrior chiefs and possibly the adornment of shrines.
  • He then shifts to the use of gold in Greece, Rome, and Byzantium, initially as adornment but later as a medium of exchange.
  • The handsome edifice has such Federal style adornments as stone lintels over the windows and a cornice with mutules and cable molding.
  • Have students create a contemporary commemorative sculpture with the accoutrements and adornments appropriate for today.
  • It needed no adornment, no choker, no scarf, to make it enticing. MAMBO
  • It was virtually barren of soldiers and was very austere in adornment. Above the Clouds at Thirty Below
  • Earrings have always been included in the category of body adornment.
  • We find a similar adornment in Israel where a crimson thread was bound around the horns of the goat, the least valuable of the domestic animals.
  • Maybe if you're some kind of dweeb whose loafers need adornment. Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • I shall wager she has already observed my abandonment of an adornment generally considered requisite.
  • I hold the name to be elliptical, Zayn (al-Din = Adornment of The Faith and owner of) al-Asnßm = the Images. Arabian nights. English
  • The handsome edifice has such Federal style adornments as stone lintels over the windows and a cornice with mutules and cable molding.
  • This may explain why our painter is careful to show Athena as about to bedeck Pandora with a characteristically feminine adornment, a fancy necklace.
  • Except the tattooing both sexes are remarkable for their almost entire absence of any marked adornment or ornament of person.
  • So she furnished the house and dressed it, hanging the curtains over the doors and burning aloes-wood and musk and ambergris and other essences till the whole place recked with the most delightful perfumes: after which the Adornment of Qualities donned her finest dress and decorations and sat talking with her maids, whom she had left behind when journeying, and related to them all that had befallen her first and last. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Nor fared he thence to the Frisian king with the booty back, and breast-adornments; but, slain in struggle, that standard-bearer fell, atheling brave. Beowulf, translated by Francis Gummere
  • Nor was the adornment of the person altogether overlooked.
  • Soror is best known for her electrifying and primordial forests, "ancient trees," and bodacious flowers, but she also makes avatar adornments such as sinewy and curvilinear antlers, and brightly colored jewelry. Soror Nishi: "Your computer screen is stained glass"
  • They signify social status (such as warrior, married person, or elder) by items of adornment such as feather plumes and large coiled, copper necklaces and armlets.
  • Xun curtilage (messuage sits east difficult, gate northwest) shallow appropriate of sitting room appropriate is wide, introduce green series more, floriferous wood adornment will be better.
  • It was furnished with simplicity and with an eye to necessity rather than adornment. THE BLACK OPAL
  • Some men wore red tartan skirts and adornments of beads, leopard skin head bands and bangles.
  • Of its component parts the more substantial ones are perhaps the most easily acquired; not in hit-or-miss, anything-to-get-it-done fashion, but with a view to carrying out some definite idea of table adornment, which is quite the most charming part of the home building. The Complete Home
  • She was emphatic in her instructions: few but good, neutrals only, minimal adornment, and in case of doubt, abstain. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Even I, a tolerant representative of the Middle Way, found myself blinking at this unquestionably Romish style of adornment. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The card—usually a digital image of a handcrafted paper card made by Paperless Post designers—pops out of the envelope with adornments that may include a fancy lining and personally selected calligraphy. Stationery Lovers Find One True E-Valentine
  • Boots and half-boots often had fur adornments and were extremely colourful, but comfort was equally as important.
  • The adornments do not cohere with the basic design.
  • In the discussion of bodily mutilations reference will be made to such permanent adornment as tattooing, perforation and elongation of the ear lobes, superciliary and axillary depilation, grinding of the teeth, and the blackening of the teeth and lips -- all of which, with the exception of the elongation of the ear lobes, are common to both men and women. The Manóbos of Mindanáo Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir
  • The women sometimes seem dedicated to beauty and art, both for personal adornment and spiritual symbolism.
  • A long, simple, sleeved tunic bordered with a purple stripe was the standard uniform for both freeborn boys and girls in Rome, and a protective neck chain called a bulla in the case of boys and a moon-shaped lunula for girls the moon being the symbol of Diana, the Roman goddess of chastity their only adornment. Caesars’ Wives
  • It was a building without any adornment or decoration.
  • And if your eyes saw her earth, and the adornment thereof with bloom, and the purfling of it with all manner blossoms, and the islands of the Nile and how much is therein of wide spread and goodly prospect, and if you bent your sight upon the Abyssinian The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • None so keen as these young misses to know an inward movement by an outward sign of adornment: if they have not as many signals as the ships that sail the great seas, there is not an end of ribbon or a turn of a ringlet which is not a hieroglyphic with a hidden meaning to these little cruisers over the ocean of sentiment. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 41, March, 1861
  • On paper, the Arc seemed like a reasonable adornment for public space in the bureaucratic eyes that authorized its creation.
  • They produce quantities of small adornments of hammered sheet gold, including spiral ear and twisted nose ornaments.
  • Toys of genius these shadow-boxes bedecked with astronomical adornments are.
  • Like all human societies, adornment was a marker of status, and in European societies, adornment often meant adornment of clothing.
  • In the good old days, mutton chops were both a cut of meat and a style of whiskery adornment.
  • Aristotle regarded such figures and fancies as "adornments," but in the 19th century (which saw the birth both of Spooner and Sir James A.H. Murray's monstrous lexicographical child) the icing on the cake, all froth and saccharinity to the humorless rhetorician, becomes in fact the entire bill of fare; the rhetorical flourish, all we can discern of rhetoric, and the play on words, the word itself. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XI No 3
  • Their red locks and adornments of coral and pearls flounder on the pitch and whirl of the waves which augment the writhe of their seasnake legs.
  • In most Mexican homes the principal holiday adornment is el Nacimiento (Nativity scene). Feliz navidad: making merry in Mexico
  • Many adornments were carved on the temple walls.
  • The door covers the effect that having adornment door and doorcase , can decorate photograph echo with wall.
  • The butterfly adornment that paillette comprises does not provide craftsmanship, ankle of deck sex appeal.
  • Some of the fans claim to have had their cars keyed or received verbal abuse for having Steeler adornments on their vehicles.
  • She was emphatic in her instructions: few but good, neutrals only, minimal adornment, and in case of doubt, abstain. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • A cameo was pinned to the center of her collar and her only other adornment was a silver wristwatch on a black leather strap. Excerpt: Birds of a Feather by Jacqueline Winspear
  • They are often used either as adornment, or as an ingredient in potions, unguents or medicaments when crushed into powder.
  • On the run from France for assorted crimes, he attaches himself, gargoyle-like, to the hotel as a year-round resident, and sets up shop in the town making hair adornments - from toupees to merkins to funeral jewellery.

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