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How To Use Adorn In A Sentence

  • Baffler editors have called commodification of dissent stretches back to Adorno and Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment and is alive and well in what he calls the "alienation market" in which films like Fahrenheit 9 / 11 either already have or are destined to make bundles (relatively speaking, of course). GreenCine Daily
  • Even I, a tolerant representative of the Middle Way, found myself blinking at this unquestionably Romish style of adornment. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The fact that your name adorned a jet over the skies over Afghanistan solidifies the bond all of us in the military share with the American people. CNN Transcript Mar 17, 2002
  • This role of film as an instance of mass media is opposed to that of Adorno, who could only conceptualise the mass media as a means of stupefying the masses in a capitalist society.
  • First, his performances of musical masterpieces are spare and unadorned. Times, Sunday Times
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  • This wall was originally incrusted with rich marbles, and the great dome, adorned with deep coffering in rectangular panels, was decorated with rosettes and mouldings in gilt stucco. A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
  • The typical two-slice serving of plain, unadorned cheese pizza packs about a half a day's worth of saturated fat.
  • Let these wives first step into the pyre, tearless without any affliction and well adorned.
  • Nevertheless, the voluptuous figures that adorn his ormolu mounts and the fluidity of his designs gave Linke's pieces their characteristic blend of ancien regime and Art Nouveau, that made them stand out.
  • Her gaze, unfocused, fell on the swath of ivory silk adorning the richly hued carpet. DEVIL'S BRIDE
  • Modestly clad women appear as newsreaders on TV, while sexually suggestive Hindi film posters adorn shopfronts about town.
  • From the tastefully appointed mosaic inlays and concaved walls adorned with statues and his paintings, the mosaic swimming pool and Japanese garden with plenty of creature comforts, make for unforgettable ambiance. San Antonio
  • As I said, I do not intend to defend this view, but will use it simply as an adornment.
  • The prayers and cards adorning your wall speak loudly now. Christianity Today
  • It ended with bodies of soldiers littered in front of us, adorned with vivid flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The station house was one of those fortresslike concrete structures, painted green on the outside, with heavy green entrance doors, and adorned with old-fashioned gas lamps near the entrance. Dancing with the Devil
  • In the Pacific Northwest, for example, apple growers adorn their trees with dispensers that saturate the air with the chemical sex attractant, or pheromone, of female codling moths.
  • The mikko descended wooden stairs from his steep-roofed palace, its ridgepole adorned with sculptures of ivory-billed woodpeckers. Fire The Sky
  • There are parties with spiked eggnog and trees adorned with colors and stars and angels.
  • Yamil Gonzalez @yamilg wrote: hable con mi tia que vive en la ceiba dice que estuvo fuertísimo se asustaron bastante, los adornos y todo eso se cayeron al piso #temblorHN Global Voices in English » Honduras: Strong Earthquake Shakes Country
  • The term garland was also technically used to signify a crown of precious metal, often adorned with gems, made for the arrangement of natural or artificial flowers before the altar or sacred image at festival times. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • The picture adorns at least two book covers and launched a racing campaign to make the jockey a wider hero. Times, Sunday Times
  • I. ii.155 (14,6) [deck'd the sea] _To deck the sea_, if explained, to honour, adorn, or dignify, is indeed ridiculous, but the original import of the verb _deck_ is, _to cover_; so in some parts they yet say _deck the table_. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • An equine print after the style of Stubbs adorned the longest wall.
  • She's wearing ankle boots adorned with bells. Times, Sunday Times
  • Seek ye then, fair daughters, the possession of that inward grace, whose essence shall permeate and vitalize the affections, adorn the countenance, make mellifluous the voice, and impart a hallowed beauty even to your motions. Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners A Complete Sexual Science and a Guide to Purity and Physical Manhood, Advice To Maiden, Wife, And Mother, Love, Courtship, And Marriage
  • Man-Made is a lazy, hazy exercise in unadorned songcraft, packed with melodies that insinuate themselves with sweet simplicity.
  • The ceiling is adorned with majolica lacunars.
  • The councilor was a well-preserved man of about fifty, of good height, dressed in a well-made gray traveling suit, with a light gray silk tie adorned with a pin of black pearl. The Malady of the Century
  • A short while before midnight the gods adorned themselves in finery and jewels. Mythology and legends of the Nahua people: part 3
  • This was often adorned with a cockade and gold lace.
  • Under a later king, Chuenaten (Amenhotep IV), there is mention of a woman nurse "the great nurse who gave suck to the God and adorned the King. The Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation, by Mathilde and Mathias Vaerting; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
  • For the romantic and postromantic traditions of poetics in which Benjamin and Adorno participate, modern lyric ambition stands as a, or even the, high-risk enterprise, the "go-for-broke-game" [ "va-banque-Spiel"], of literary art: The lyric poem must work coherently in and with the mediumlanguagethat human beings use to articulate objective concepts, even while the lyric explores the most subjective, nonconceptual, and ephemeral phenomena. Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
  • The completed building is a towering rectangular block with almost no decoration, an austere statement and bold break away from the traditional methods of architectural adornment.
  • The architecture attested to its ancient heritage, with massive castle-like structures adorned with spires and turrets on nearly every building.
  • She wore a pearl necklace to match those on her dress and even her hair, a tower of blonde streaked curls done up in such a fashion that a few loose strands framed her plumpish face perfectly, was adorned with strands of pearls.
  • Eco-punk fashion takes on a new edge in these clever design combos - so for the eco-fashionista who refuses to settle for trends, look no further than a stylish spin on discards alchemized into treasures for adornment. Abigail Doan | Inhabitat
  • We were getting chased by the police for this, now it's adorning galleries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since then, troops have worn cammies adorned with both blend and dazzle technology. Military camouflage evolved from collaboration of art, science
  • For Disney, "Dinosaures" offers untold millions in merchandising opportunities, though its hard to imagine a smoking, cussing megalosaurus adorning lunch boxes or escorting Snow White in the Rose Bowl Parade. A Megalosaurus Hit?
  • Like Hegel, Adorno criticizes Kant's distinction between phenomena and noumena by arguing that the transcendental conditions of experience can be neither so pure nor so separate from each other as Kant seems to claim.
  • In the late '50s, his paintings became populated with stumpy, beastlike figures, often adorned with military medals.
  • The costume concept for the entire program consisted of leotards and unitards, unadorned and brightly colored or adorned in various ways that spelled economy but not always high ingenuity.
  • Gold and silver were made into exquisite adornments, and beautiful objects were created from indigenous turquoise, marble, and other stones.
  • Be prepared instead for some rather more unusual ways of adorning nature such as spikes for hedges and fences, and decorative chokers and collars for branches or you could even crown the bean poles with a conical finial pot.
  • Album opener ‘Petrified Possessions’ is guided by a plodding piano line that's backed by a tremulous guitar adorned with tines of feedback.
  • The concrete walls are largely unadorned, but in places are tinted dull pink or blue and clad in horizontal slats of dark tropical hardwood.
  • The altar of his church in Bridgewater Street is adorned with the national flag.
  • Sophie stood in front of his closed door, a poster of the Manic Street Preachers adorning the pinewood.
  • It also had a tail adorned by a pincer with spikes on the inside of the mandibles.
  • Static and interference adorned the next comm transmission he received.
  • Minimalists will love the temple stone garden in which sawn tree trunks weave a path through unadorned gravel.
  • That horror films are mainstream in cinema is now a given, and whatever cul-de-sac horror literature finds itself in is the one its publishers put it in by swaddling it all in shiny black covers, adorned with skulls and snakes and rats and typefaces dripping blood … GR5: The Birthing House by Christopher Ransom « In The Gloaming Podcasts
  • Club colours and banners bristled from every corner as bunting and flags adorned the spectators and the ground alike.
  • Necklaces are worn now for a variety of reasons not the least of which personal adornment.
  • In one spot deep within the gorge, the pendulous nests of green oropendolas adorn the outer branches of a tall tree growing on one of the river's small islands.
  • Wild flowers adorned the river bank.
  • Blue - and - white eyespots adorn the velvety black wings of a butterfly on a Polynesian island.
  • And his coat was adorned with a flamboyant bunch of flowers.
  • Pepe's house is an old run down, small cinema with boarded up windows and graffiti adorning the brick walls.
  • The facades on the buildings that conform the quadrangle are adorned with elaborate representations of Mayan huts, rectangles and Chac masks, with superimposed ornaments such as carved loops, lattices, small columns, human shapes, birds and monkeys. The Maya civilization, cities of the Maya
  • Tradition holds that a great emerald on which was engraved the Great and Sacred Name adorned the Ephod of the High Priest as recorded in the Book of Exodus. Zolar’s Magick Of Color
  • Crowns and tiaras adorned the heads of nobility, earrings and nose studs enhanced the natural beauty of the face, necklaces and pendants highlighted a graceful neck, and brooches and fasteners held drapes and garments in place.
  • What they had in common was not the name adorning their bloody altars but that which they either did not know or denied: The New American
  • With a new name adorning the number one position after almost every match, the Daredevils, who climbed to the coveted position after trampling over event's whipping boys Kolkata Knight Riders by nine wickets, would have to up the ante when they take on Sachin Tendulkar's army for the first time in the tournament. Times Now
  • A single bulb hung from the ceiling and some one had adorned it with a preposterously frilly white shade.
  • I love cooking for the holidays and I love giving edible gifts: cranberry relish, cranberry orange pecan bread and pumpkin muffins, stollen and panettone, tiny chocolate truffles nestled in fluted paper cups adorned with red and green poinsettias. Jamie Schler: 'Tis the Season to be Doubly Jolly!
  • She slipped on a figure-hugging black dress and adorned the outfit with a bold selection of costume jewellery.
  • Scorsese reinforces the point by juxtaposing images of his own mother preparing food for prim and well-behaved children with the nudie pin-ups that adorn the walls at the hang-out of J.R. and his pals.
  • Awash with glittering gold, adorned in yellowy brilliance, the jewellery designers cut a new path, defiantly and creatively.
  • Very well said, even though you didn't deign to adorn your text with the occasional cussword. Early Voting And Absentee Balloting Favors Obama -- In Multiple Bush States
  • Notice the similarity in phrasing between Heidegger and Adorno: they both talk of unveiling Adorno uses the word ent-hüllen, Heidegger ent-bergen, they both imply that truth is revealed by lifting a barrier that prevents it to be seen, but the crucial difference is that for Adorno truth is revealed through a critical relationship to the world, for Heidegger it is purely affirmative. Enowning
  • Retro chairs and sofas fill the main lounge, and modern art adorns the walls. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was very much in character with her native name Teuila, the adorner of the ugly — so of course this was the point of her verse and at a given moment all the performers displayed the rings upon their fingers. Vailima Letters
  • Those women who have to go out to earn for their families cannot afford adornment.
  • Of course, some flowers are used for personal adornment, both the blossoms themselves and their essences in the form of perfumes.
  • Company reports resemble glossy fashion magazines and the pastel-coloured web pages are frequently adorned with pictures of exotic flowers and fruits.
  • A planted holly shrub and wilted pink daisies now adorn the area. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ellen entered a dress shop housed in a blue velvet capsule adorned by odd lights and displays while Henry strayed purposelessly into the bookstore.
  • Their churches were supplied by able pastors; their univer - sities were adorned with learned and pious professors, such as Casaubon, Daiile, and others, whose praises are in all the reformed churches; their provincial, and national synods were regularly convened, and their people were well governed. Sermons translated from the original French of the late Rev. James Saurin, pastor of the French church at the Hague
  • Its left panel frames a standing portrait of Serena, her hair arranged in a thick roll around her head, her person adorned in the high-necked voluminous tunic layered over a tighter-fitting underdress that had become the prevailing fashion for women of late antiquity. Caesars’ Wives
  • _And for the rest, since good wine needs no hush, and an inferior beverage is not likely to be bettered by arboreal adornment, the reteller of these tales prefers to piece out his exordium (however lamely) with_ "THE PRINTER'S PREFACE. Chivalry
  • These are the many jewellery makers who turn gold into beautifully crafted adornments.
  • Adorno argues that the belief that true thinking may simply be equated with correct predicative thinking both reflects and enables the imperative to a universal exchangeability of objects within organised economic life.
  • Adorn your new curls with your favorite accessories such as headbands, jeweled side combs or similar.
  • He repaired the old monastery church and adorned it with murals painted in the fresco technique typical of the time.
  • That room unadorned with pictures or curtains looks bare.
  • Oil paintings in gold frames adorn the walls. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is expansive, easy to look out over and often adorned with one or two stately great blue herons.
  • He rode snakes, one foot each on a huge cobra's back, and jewelsnakes and small constrictors and other serpents adorned his body.
  • He held a staff, which was adorned with a large analog clock.
  • May I live to embowel James Anthony Froude" is the pious aspiration with which he has adorned another page. The Life of Froude
  • The Italians are wearing black robes with ornate gold braid on their shoulders; the British, horsehair wigs; the Dutch and French, simple, unadorned black robes.
  • These were big airy beds, adorned with many-colored quilts, and hung with beautiful curtains, showing the skill of the mistress of the house.
  • The design is an exercise in restraint, from the unadorned raised back to the discreet rope moulded rim, to the gentle curve of the sabre supports that end on paw feet.
  • He is seen with full unshorn hair in his later prison pictures and had expressed, as last wish before being hanged, the desire to get "amrit" from Panj Pyare including Randhir Singh and to adorn full 5 k's. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Kocher delivers concentrated doses of unadorned reality - not necessarily harsh and brutal but hardly always pretty, either.
  • He opened a drawer in his desk and produced from it a full bottle of Rannoch whisky, the familiar label adorned with an imposing male kilted figure in red and yellow tartan. PROOF
  • His image adorns book covers the world over. The Sun
  • The dimes are just there, begging the question: Do small-denomination coins adorn the streets in socialist countries? David Finkle: These Days It's Dimes That Are a Dime a Dozen
  • -- It is thought that he did this to use the elaborate sculpture in adorning his palace. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • No monument to him, however, adorns any of its parks: Baltimore has too many soldiers to honor to remember monumentally her poet son.
  • At first listen, all the songs are fragile things, built from simple acoustic instruments and unadorned arrangements.
  • For the fans, it was a last outing for the tricolours, silly hats, squeaky hammers and giant inflatable hands that have adorned them and their homes for the past three weeks.
  • Indian paintings adorn the walls, the floors are tiled, and the chairs are heavy wood as are the tables, which are topped with raffia place mats.
  • The sails were red silk, the prows were adorned with carved animal heads and painted dragon eyes.
  • Retro chairs and sofas fill the main lounge, and modern art adorns the walls. Times, Sunday Times
  • The downstairs foyer was sheathed in multicolored marble and adorned with lush palms in handmade marble pots; a closer inspection revealed that the palms could be lifted out holus-bolus in smaller, plastic pots. TOO MANY MURDERS
  • Instead of bouquets, I had each of them carry matching clutches adorned with calla lilies and peacock feathers—they were elegant, unique, and completely unexpected. My Fair Wedding
  • - Botany closely attached; related; grown together especially unusually. adnation, adonize v. - i. & t. ornament; adorn oneself (of men). Xml's
  • There, He washed you with his own precious blood, clotured you with the spotless robe of innocence, adorned you with the gifts of grace, and adopted you as his own child. The Happiness of Heaven By a Father of the Society of Jesus
  • The dancer was adorned with flowers.
  • With its elegant coiffure and elaborate rings of jewelry covering the shoulders and upper chest, this sculpture speaks of the antiquity of the arts of adornment in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • The gardens were in full autumnal splendor as dried flowers and flame bright orange, yellow gourds adorned the gates.
  • Two African leopards adorn the national emblem, a five-pointed white star on a light blue shield with a gold border.
  • This month, however, a collection of her made-in-Montreal music memories will adorn the watering hole's stuccoed walls.
  • The restaurant had worked hard to conjure up vivid images of Thailand in every detail from the artwork and carvings adorning the green and maroon walls to the incense wafting through the air.
  • Upstairs in stately Norris Hall, sits a room full of my current office setup. 40 plus Mac Pro towers adorned with 22 inch Cintiqs. PvPonline » Archive » More thoughts on SCAD
  • The island's only village is adorned with whispering palm trees, wide spacious streets and a main square crowned by a vast Mexican-style church that seems plucked from a Clint Eastwood film.
  • For the next few days the house will be adorned with flower arrangements depicting the Grand Tour. Times, Sunday Times
  • The men are dressed in pulu, or colored drilling, have their hair mainly done in a great queue which they adorn with bright rings and twist about their heads. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • For festive occasions, unmarried women wear small red felt caps adorned with gold braid, and married women don large white hats with starched wings.
  • Spanish colonial mansions, cathedrals, churches, and houses adorn the streets of both cities.
  • Cadorna was not unaware of the new conditions in warfare that favoured defensive firepower.
  • An old brass clock, inlaid with arabesques, adorned the mantel of the ill-cut white stone chimney-piece, above which was a greenish mirror, whose edges, bevelled to show the thickness of the glass, reflected a thread of light the whole length of a gothic frame in damascened steel-work. Eug�nie Grandet
  • The different embellishments and abstracts acclimated in adornment acquiesce you to accomplish a beauteous claimed account that others can’t advice but to yield apprehension of. Think Progress » McCain On Arizona Law He Calls ‘A Good Tool’: I Don’t Know ‘Whether All Of It Is Legal Or Not’
  • A belltower supported a large, unadorned cross of rough whitewashed timber. Jason Stoddard, Strange and Happy » Blog Archive » Eternal Franchise, 4.1 of 31.1
  • The stranger was adorning a special emblem on each breast and shoulder.
  • Clocks decorated with mythological beings and resting on marble bases adorned desks, consoles, and mantelpieces in drawing rooms and studies everywhere during the First Empire.
  • These places of worship were stuffed with devotional images, which were adorned on festival days and adored on others.
  • Her muscular arms are folded across her chest and each of her wrists is adorned with a black bracelet with shiny metal studs.
  • When one day, a Persian conqueror -- Cyrus -- entered the precincts of E-Sagila, his first step was to acknowledge Marduk and Nabu as the supreme powers in the world; and the successors of Alexander continue to glory in the title 'adorner of The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
  • A planted holly shrub and wilted pink daisies now adorn the area. Times, Sunday Times
  • A middle-aged woman in a red suit adorned with a plastic button proclaiming “Jesus Loves Me!” offers a twenty-page service bulletin with a glossy purple and gold cover, and greets her fellow church members with a shouted “Welcome!” as she sways and claps to the music. American Grace
  • He was awarded the Trinity Cross in 1978, his portrait adorned two postage stamps and six calypso songs were penned to commemorate his triumph.
  • The glitzy banner adorning the incomplete wall has four large Chinese characters.
  • The pillars were adorned in an exceedingly tasteful manner with vases of various flowers including dahlias, sunflowers and chrysanthemums and long trails of ivy and coloured creeper.
  • ‘I would trace the gothic typeface of The New York Times banner head, [and] practice the copperplate script that adorns wedding invitations with felt markers and ballpoint pens,’ he recalls.
  • His less visible piercing, called a hasada, is also a visual adornment.
  • From the late 15 th century etching came into widespread use as a means of adornment, mainly on pieces of armour.
  • Gone were the lavish decorations that had adorned the walls to celebrate their arrival that first time, but even so it was still far too overly decorated for Matthew's taste.
  • Such skulls, with their enormous racks of antlers, adorn the walls of castles and hunting lodges throughout Ireland.
  • The story is recounted in her usual unadorned style.
  • As I said, I do not intend to defend this view, but will use it simply as an adornment.
  • White and yellow daisies adorn fields, orchards and olive groves. Times, Sunday Times
  • He bore in his hand what was called a truncheon, which was a sort of sceptre, very splendidly covered and adorned. Richard I Makers of History
  • A statue of a coal miner adorns the grounds of the state Capitol, and last year the Legislature voted unanimously to name bituminous coal the official rock of West Virginia, saying the "industry remains essential to economic growth and progress in West Virginia and the United States. The Shad Plank
  • He may perchance find a few of the curved Omani daggers with handsome sheaths adorned with filigree silver, to which is usually attached, by a leather thong, a thorn extractor, an earpick, and a spike. Southern Arabia
  • Eiriz's works resist the world and maintain a critical space apart from the propaganda of the world in a way profoundly akin to Adorno's formulation; they stand as powerful and moving signposts on the road to Dystopia.
  • Flying into this Himalayan Shangri-La, I was immediately struck by the world's highest unclimbed mountain, the exquisite temples perched precariously on cliffs, the friendly and handsome people adorned in traditional silk attire, and a healthy dose of wafting incense and chanting mantras. Chip Conley: The Happiest Place on the Planet?
  • In Coleman's impressive painting, she is adorned with a yellow kerchief, gold hoop earrings, and a necklace with a gold cross pendant.
  • A rebel flag adorned one wall of the square. Times, Sunday Times
  • A long, simple, sleeved tunic bordered with a purple stripe was the standard uniform for both freeborn boys and girls in Rome, and a protective neck chain called a bulla in the case of boys and a moon-shaped lunula for girls the moon being the symbol of Diana, the Roman goddess of chastity their only adornment. Caesars’ Wives
  • The Ionic order is more elegant and matronly – think Boticelli's Venus – with often unfluted columns, scrolled capitals, friezes that are sometimes adorned with elaborately sculpted bas-relief and dentils – a row of small blocks – below the cornices. Renaissance architecture: how to identify the Roman orders
  • Naturally, all of these adornments, together with the elimination of ambiguous, controversial or indelicate elements, imply the contamination of the traditional fairytale material.
  • If you were to drive due east of the warm, coastal snowbird capital of Fort Myers, Florida, you'd soon find yourself in the midst of a sprawling grid of unadorned streets and quarter-acre lots collectively known as Lehigh Acres. Raymond Schillinger: Lehigh Acres, Florida: A Parable of the American Dream Gone Bust
  • Everything had been sold, from the bed with the gilt legs on which the body of the censor had been laid after his death, to the last vase of murra that adorned his walls and the cups of crystal from which his guests had drunk. "Unto Caesar"
  • Indeed, ‘Weeping Branch’ might well be a response to Adorno's famous question: how can one write lyric poetry after Auschwitz?
  • The door was plain and unadorned, but its size indicated its importance.
  • Phrases are often repeated in the ballads, just as in the talk of the common man, for the sake of emphasis, but there is neither complexity of plot or characterization nor attempt at decorative literary adornment -- the story and the emotion which it calls forth are all in all. A History of English Literature
  • Dressed in a short-skirted black suit, adorned only by a knockout of an emerald ring, matching ear bobs and a few inconspicuous tattoos, Jolie looks both unattainably gorgeous and improbably of-this-world. Action figure: Angelina Jolie is out to prove she's an actress worth her 'Salt'
  • The hilt of the rapier was unadorned, wrapped with plain sharkskin, like so many weapons were that are from seaside towns.
  • One in brilliant yellow, another scarlet red and the two remaining were adorned in blue and glass green.
  • Or the Siciliano, its glorious crust brushed with tomato paste seasoned with anchovy and olives and adorned with dollops of tangy sweet-and-sour caponata and cumin-scented ricotta?
  • The way they look - first prettily adorned, then by the end tattered - evokes the resplendence of Cio-Cio-San the bride, then the degradation that engulfs her as she nears her inevitable, ruinous end. Screens evoke 'Butterfly' magic
  • Wisps of gray hair adorn his bald head, and his voice is colored by raspiness. A Calling Higher Than Journalism:
  • So we're left with an anti-relativism argument that traffics in relativism, an anti-corporate argument framed in corporate terms, and an Adorno/Horkheimer name-drop without enough self-realization to notice that the exclusionary schema it's propping up is a mirror-image recapitulation of what Adorno and Horkheimer were warning against. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The flat where they worked themselves up with ‘White Power’ music before the attack was adorned with swastikas and other Nazi symbols.
  • Another wall was adorned with brightly colored curvilinear shapes made of cutout vinyl, placed on rectilinear pieces of transparent Mylar that were carefully distributed in an uneven pattern.
  • The museum owns two masks, which are similar to the present example; they are adorned with a cockscomb and horns but no chameleons.
  • Paris has never been so resplendent as this morning, and I very nearly went with G. and his mother to the Forest of Fontainebleau, which must be adorned with all the glories of a Corot or a Courbet — “Is there a lot about the glories?” Maigret and the Burglar's Wife
  • When you are speaking with honest country people about the beauty of their fields, do not talk about "Flora spreading her fragrant mantle on the superficies of the earth, and bespangling the verdant grass with her beauteous adornments. Hold Up Your Heads, Girls! : Helps for Girls, in School and Out
  • Elizabeth stared at herself in the mirror as her ladies flittered about twisting her hair into elaborate braids and adorning her with jewellery. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » June : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Our speaker today is, of course, a schoolmaster and one of his colleagues in replying to the enquiries of a fond parent as to the progress and safety of her son wrote "Dear Madam, such time as your son does not devote to self-adornment is spent in the neglect of his studies. Canada's Military Colleges
  • Some overlook the inner well of the building adorned with hanging baskets.
  • A deep red paint and several black and white photos adorned the walls, giving off a very polished and sophisticated feel.
  • By association, then, sculptural adornment so popular under art nouveau was rendered obsolete.
  • Absentees had just returned from the coast, and the youths were brave in their gaudy bedizenment, their new barsatis, their soharis, and long cloths of bright new kaniki, with which they had adorned themselves behind some bush before they had suddenly appeared dressed in all this finery. How I Found Livingstone
  • Brunettes, blondes and redheads adorned the covers in equal proportion, but all had long and luxurious tresses.
  • I had reached this church by an old archway, whose origin was evidently defensive, and crossing the dim and silent square, surrounded by mediaeval houses, some half ruinous, and all more or less adorned with pellitory, ivy-linaria, and other wall-plants which had fixed their roots between the gaping stones. Wanderings by southern waters, eastern Aquitaine
  • River bed invertebrates support a diverse birdlife including wrybill Anarhynchus frontalis, paradise shelduck Tadorna variegata, black-billed gull, black-fronted tern Sterna albistriata and banded dotterel Pluvialis obscura. Te Wahipounamu (South-West New Zealand World Heritage Area), New Zealand
  • And on the far end of the tail are people like David Friedman , a New York photographer who cooks up three or four witty ideas a year—like his series of T-shirts adorned with fictional corporate logos that are blurrily "pixelated," as if on reality TV—and makes just enough money to cover his hosting fees, plus a bit of pocket change. Clive Thompson on How T-Shirts Keep Online Content Free
  • Egyptian scarabaei were perched on an Alpine mountain; there a clay amphora, of the shape of the Greeks or Romans, was adorned with gaudy plates cut out of fashion magazines. The Youth's Companion Volume LII, Number 11, Thursday, March 13, 1879
  • Ivy climbed the walls of the gardens, and rose trellises clung to everything, adorning the trees.
  • Service -- that the hundred thousand ears adorning the anatomy of the human population were first shocked by the horrisonous banshee wail of the hooters. The Siege of Kimberley
  • Condole supports: Eligible adornment cannot appear beat of curved arris , protruding.
  • Babbing caught him by the "cowlick" that adorned his ingenuous young forehead. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • She used her skill to please, with pretty, decorative painting, some of which adorns the ceilings of Burlington House.
  • She was dressed in pale pink silk, her gown gently caressing the floor and her head adorned with a dainty, bejewelled crown.
  • The vestments of the high priest were bejewelled and adorned with colors that literally mapped the world.
  • He starts with the Bible, which includes the use of gold as adornment, the golden calf, and the detailed description of use of gold in sanctuary and tabernacle.
  • He doesn't have the judgment necessary to figure out his preacher is a hate pedder, primarily to adorn his own ego and for financial gain. Poll of polls: Obama losing ground
  • Wooden panels, leaded windows, tapestried sofas, a huge fireplace and ancient portraits including one of King Henry VIII who stayed here with Anne Boleyn adorning the the soaring loft-height walls.
  • A tutte le pie cortesi persone che con assistenza, con scritti, con l'intervento ai funebri della cara sventurata estinta, con adornarne di fiori l'ultima manifestazione terrena desiderarono renderne meno acre it dolore, ringraziamenti vivissimi porge la famiglia PAMPALONE. Castellinaria and Other Sicilian Diversions
  • The British workshops, which employed the local craftsmen, mainly produced sturdy, unadorned Georgian tableware.
  • The latest entry Sommer prowde with Daffadillies dight, Posted Saturday, April 30, 2005—there are no permalinks focuses on the word "dight," which I knew as an archaic word for 'adorn'; I probably once knew, but had forgotten, that it was from Latin dictāre 'to dictate, order.' DIGHT.
  • Bell bottoms, bit belts, afros, shags, mullets and jheri curl trends were famous and for the 1st time, one could adorn himself to suit. Family Travel » 2009 » September
  • What reason was it, O rose of seventeen, adorning thyself with cloudy films of lace and sparks of jewelry before the mirror that reflects youth and beauty, that made Miss Lucinda array herself in a brand-new dress of yellow muslin-de-laine strewed with round green spots, and displace her customary hand-kerchief for a huge tamboured collar, on this eventful occasion? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • Both men shared a penchant for cherubs - dozens adorn the chandeliers, mirrors, and garden statuettes.
  • She looked around the beautifully adorned room and caught a glimpse of herself in a round oval mirror.

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