How To Use Adoring In A Sentence

  • Immersed in her ample lap, her adoring voice broadcasting stereophonically through her bosoms, I absorbed the sensationalistic stories and lush illustrations of baby Moses in his basket, later parting the very Red Sea. The Full Feed from
  • Like a magician waving his magic wand, McGrath took on the guise of Merlin as he wove his magic, enrapturing his team-mates, opponents and adoring masses.
  • He was a loving husband and, briefly, an adoring father.
  • Because she has the perfect "wifely" ways -- always on the republican message, and always smiling adoringly at her adolescent hubby. VA-SEN: Second Appearance In Court Records Of A "George Felix Allen" In 1973 -- Confirmed
  • He wasn't really sure what he was looking at, but the figure in the bed before him certainly wasn't the beautiful wife that he had loved adoringly. When the Spring Dies
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  • The three lopped towards home, not speaking and adoring the imagined danger of summer rain.
  • That was the cue for wild celebrations from the player and his adoring fans alike. The Sun
  • But she invests the role with a fragile intensity as if she is experiencing a bad dream, and has one wonderful moment when her eyes gaze adoringly at her young son who has been strategically placed in the courtroom, wrote Michael Billington in a review in the Guardian. How Shameless stars came of age on West End stage
  • Scout's slightly condescending love becomes adoring pride. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not for him the public walkabouts among adoring throngs that marked Bill Clinton's jovial foreign jaunts.
  • If you're lucky I may even take some piccies so that my hordes of adoring fans can see what the area looks like.
  • There are groups with jolly ladies-in-waiting in colorful crinolines attended by adoring cavaliers, as well as court jesters.
  • There were couples standing by the cascade in the middle of the town adoring each other and kissing every now and then.
  • With a satisfied little churr, the baby collapsed on Leryn's feet, staring adoringly up at him. And Other Tales Of Valdemar
  • He dazzled his army of adoring fans as he breezed into the city to embark on a new chapter in his glittering career… hotel ownership.
  • I guess they are actually paying attention to what this dimwit is saying and doing instead of blindly adoring her as the future standard bearer of the party. Poll: Majority of Republicans don't think Palin's qualified for prez
  • My adoring bridegroom took the message to heart.
  • Orlando frowned, an expression which sent his recently acquired entourage of adoring fangirls into spasms of hysterical pity.
  • His foam/mesh trucker hat even drew raves from adoring female fans.
  • The actor has more adoring acolytes than any gilded idol in Achilles' day.
  • He dropped out of soccer altogether at 14 after being injured in a serious car crash but now regularly plays before 32,000 adoring City fans at Maine Road.
  • As the Ciceronian model of republicanism made explicit, the goal in adoring one’s civic order is to assume a posture vis-à-vis the state like that of a dutiful child to a parent. [ Patriot Acts: The Political Language of Henrich von Kleist
  • Look out for a hot girl, funkily dressed and surrounded by adoring men.
  • Scout's slightly condescending love becomes adoring pride. Times, Sunday Times
  • The presenters will chat to the artists, who will then perform live for an audience of adoring fans. Times, Sunday Times
  • But once outside its confines, he will be struggling - he will inevitably have to run the gauntlet of an adoring public wanting autographs by the hundred.
  • A last chance for her adoring public to acclaim her. Times, Sunday Times
  • Equally, her mother is ambivalently viewed as both adoring protector and indulgent enabler of Lucy's habit. Knot of the Heart – review
  • Dusty Springfield, the darling of British blue-eyed soul, performs her greatest hits and a few surprises to an adoring crowd in this 1979 concert.
  • Dick Tuck, the grandfather of political high jinks, arranges for an adoring crowd, holding signs in Chinese, to greet gubernatorial candidate Richard Nixon in Los Angeles's Chinatown.
  • Death cannot stop true love. That’s why it’s pointless for me to try to murder all my adoring female fans. Jarod Kintz 
  • After he'd gone, I noticed Flora was still giving the bouquet adoring looks. SOMEBODY
  • Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest after the Sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most helpful to us.
  • For the next several years, mothers nurse their babies, and the babies are carried everywhere and played with by adoring relatives.
  • But our national image of the First Spouse is still that of the quiet, coiffed wife beaming adoringly at her husband.
  • Japan's Super Young Team just wants to be seen as heroes by their adoring public in this title collecting the 6-issue miniseries. Evil Inc.
  • The singer, for instance, believed himself to be a great tenor performing before an adoring audience at La Scala.
  • The pepil richt affrayitly, returnit to him out of all partis of the wod, to comfort him efter his trubill; and fell on kneis, devotly adoring the haly croce; for it was not cumin but sum hevinly providence, as weill apperis; for thair is na man can schaw of quhat mater it is of, metal or tre. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • Susan enthused over the quality and colour of local apples, and the greengrocer's wife, with adoring eyes, offered her a bagful free. SPLITTING
  • He had a manner of adoring the handsome, insolent queen of his affections (I will explain in a moment why I call her insolent); indeed, he looked up to her literally as well as sentimentally; for she was the least bit the taller of the two. Georgina's Reasons
  • If 'ultimacy' is one resonance of adoring, being bodily is another. Archive 2008-01-01
  • You look at life for women today, it is the very definition of personal fantasy, of self-delusion, and of a narcissism so acute that to read through your average issue of a glamorous women's magazine is not that different from reading a porn magin fact, there are more adoring/self-hating naked female images in the women's mag. A Conversation with Zadie Smith about On Beauty
  • Also a few special schoolfriends who in adoring my disastrous amateur poems at 16, helped me cherish them too. My Artist Dreams
  • To her legions of adoring fans, she is faultless, blameless and unbeatable.
  • She said he concealed his darker side behind a veneer of respectability in order to hide his true character from adoring fans.
  • A mix of anger and confusion flashed over his features before his expression smoothed, and he regarded her with adoring patience. Ecstasy in Darkness
  • One envisages, basically, a Victorian oleograph; the mild-eyed, haloed and bearded one amidst a trusting, wooly flock which cluster round the holy knees in a sweet and adoring manner.
  • She said he concealed his darker side behind a veneer of respectability in order to hide his true character from adoring fans.
  • He's won an adoring young following, after being championed by lads' magazines and a new generation of actors.
  • The hostesses who pour drinks in Japan's sleek gentlemen's clubs were once shunned because their duties were considered immodest: lavishing adoring (albeit nonsexual) attention on men for a hefty fee.
  • You know ... smug douchebags like Stephen Harper adoring groupie and loyal fellatrix Sandy Crux, with her: Archive 2008-08-01
  • There is very little banter back and forth between comic and crowd; indeed, Gottfried is just there to deliver his compendium of crudity and accept the accolades of his adoring - and roaring - fans.
  • To her legions of adoring fans, she is faultless, blameless and unbeatable.
  • He wooed Frances Leonard with adoring love letters, which he continued to write until the end of his life.
  • By employing ourselves in adoring the depth of those divine counsels of which we cannot find the bottom we shall very much tranquilize our minds under the afflicting hand of Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • I could see myself standing on a soapbox or addressing my adoring subjects from a balcony.
  • He would like more time with his attractive, attentive wife, and, adoring, aging mother.
  • Amy Winehouse is launching her own brand of hair and make-up products, so adoring fans can be just like her: She wants to bring out a range of cosmetics and fashion products. Amy Winehouse--Now At Your Fingertips
  • So many Christian visions of heaven, in art and literature, portray angels and saints doing nothing but adoring and praising God's name.
  • At nine he called the adoring hall-boy, gave him a quarter with minute instructions, and saw him disappear into the hallway of Number 205. The Brass Bowl
  • Scout's slightly condescending love becomes adoring pride. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lena bent low to smile adoringly at Willa; Willa grinned back. Three Stages of Amazement
  • Weeelll, since I am 30 years old and go for guys that are manly and have chest hair, and sexy British accents, and have true musical talent (the dude can play guitar/piano and sing), and has a wonderful sense of humor, nice tail section, and looks at his chick so adoringly (yes, I mean Kristen), I would have to shockingly go with Robert Pattinson. 'Twilight' coverboys: Who's hotter, Taylor or Robert? |
  • So as adoring aunts we're going to call her smelly Nelly. Moschikat Diary Entry
  • A last chance for her adoring public to acclaim her. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, for an adoring readership did Laurie Lee foster the myth we demanded.
  • An American media circus will perform like an adoring choir of angels. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is the very definition of chivalry, with its valiant knights and adoring maidens. Times, Sunday Times
  • All it took was one tiny violation and the adoring crowds turned into a baying mob.
  • And Amonte's new team, the Blackhawks, played to adoring capacity crowds every night in one of the grand old shrines of the NHL.
  • This set-up doesn't sit well with Plath, who is torn between adoring her husband and resenting his success.
  • Intoxicated by his success and the enthusiasm of his adoring crowds, he cranked up his rhetoric and piled on the symbolism.
  • Now she channelled her excess energy into her body, adoring the concept of controlled rhythm, the duality of tension and relaxedness that dance afforded her. The Ninja
  • The logistics of opening night were carefully planned to keep the adoring crowd at bay. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • A bit of spangle and the dreariest band gets to count the raves on a hundred adoring hands, even if their records are then roundly ignored.
  • Kindly, gratefully and adoringly Jason made love to her and she to him, replacing the frenzied passion of their past couplings with an exploration into genuine lovemaking. I.O.U.
  • Her own future had been mapped out for her by wealthy and adoring parents.
  • It seemed that the whole of nature was affected by a tremor of excitement, adoring the creator.
  • If the customs officer snatches a piece of my luggage, it will in general itself be luggage; if adoring groupies snatch an article of my clothing, it will be clothing; for ˜luggage™ and ˜clothing™ are mass nouns. Tropes
  • In his heyday, Nader could arrive at any college campus in the US and fill the largest auditorium with an audience of adoring students.
  • He embraced/endured traditional ambassadoring--here he is enjoying the heck out of a photo opp with the Easter Bunny--but his cause from day one was the corruption that has severely hamstrung Romania's growth, demotivated its citizenry and created a highly problematic climate for free enterprise, including American businesses and investment. Daniel Ben-Horin: Beyond the Easter Bunny: Ambassador Sparks Open Government Web Challenge
  • Lance Armstrong has the friendship of the President of the United States, an adoring, bright-eyed family and millions banked with Chase Manhattan.
  • Tours take busloads of curious tourists round the winding side streets, peering at security gates behind which celebrities hide from their adoring public.
  • Go to Christ's cross, and trust in him; then, and not till then, will you be capable of adoring the most High God in a style in which he can accept your worship.
  • He spoke with authority and enthusiasm, apparently oblivious to the adoring gazes of his star-struck coeds.
  • Wrapped in blankets, her adoring fans braved freezing temperatures to welcome home the record-breaking yachtswoman.
  • That kind of overlap might be what you'd expect from a guy who recalls adoring his college political-theory class "because it was funny. In 'Sycamore Trees' at Signature Theatre, Marc Kudisch stays true to his roots
  • Even before the main acts came on, adoring fans made a beeline for the stage to make sure they got as close as they could to the stars.
  • I refuse to play the part of the adoring wife.
  • He is several hundred miles away, ambassadoring to a backwoods strip of nothing which as far as I am concerned deserves no more of Shakallor's attention than a botfly.
  • Yesterday morning, the hugely popular politician was mobbed by adoring crowds before his big speech. The Sun
  • We love Apple in that sheepishly adoring way that causes us to want to run our fingers lovingly over our favorite Apple product when nobody is looking just because it makes us happy.
  • There are groups with jolly ladies-in-waiting in colorful crinolines attended by adoring cavaliers, as well as court jesters.
  • Susan enthused over the quality and colour of local apples, and the greengrocer's wife, with adoring eyes, offered her a bagful free. SPLITTING
  • George, tall, handsome, in a well-cut business suit, is staring adoringly into her eyes.
  • Freddy put his arm around her shoulders, and she wrapped hers around his waist, pulling him close and gazing up at him adoringly. Myrtle Beach Daze
  • We saw the development of what you might call a Stepford wife there, in which the spouse of the candidate steps back during speeches, looks adoringly at the candidate himself and generally fades into the background. No Surprises: Two Decades of Clinton Watching
  • John McCain, meanwhile, is talking gas prices and pocketbook issues and tweaking the media for what the McCain camp calls adoring coverage of Obama. CNN Transcript Jul 23, 2008
  • A set of trimmer figures and new tattoos show a band that's been sharpened by extended tours of an obscure but adoring and importantly, swelling international circuit.
  • It is the very definition of chivalry, with its valiant knights and adoring maidens. Times, Sunday Times
  • But here, where an admiration almost adoring was fixt of the character to which she submitted, she was sure to applaud the motives which swayed him, however little their consequences met her sentiments: and even where the contrariety was wholly repugnant to her judgment, the genuine warmth of her just affection made every compliance, and every forbearance, not merely exempt from pain, but if to him any satisfaction, a sacrifice soothing to her heart. Camilla
  • This work of organization was fitly entrusted to St. John, who for so many years was left upon earth to "tarry" for the Lord, on Whose Breast he had leaned, and Whose teaching had filled his soul with adoring love, and with those depths of spiritual knowledge which are stored up for us in the "Theological Gospel. A Key to the Knowledge of Church History (Ancient)
  • Yes, her adoring base will support her no matter what, but she cannot win a national office outside Alaska (and maybe not even there as even AK Republicans seem fed up with her), she HAS to draw major support from moderate Republicans (the few who haven't been excommunicated from the party yet) and independents. Palin defense fund may be unethical, investigator says
  • Christine passed her cigarette to the other girl, who smiled clumsily, adoringly. The Landscape of Pleasure
  • Like Mr. Kammer, I lament the many needless deaths caused by self-adoring amateurs playing war from the safety of Washington offices.
  • Cathy Freeman's 400m victory would by itself have been enough for a crowd of 112,000 adoring Aussies.
  • When a loser and a quitter is put on a pedestal by an adoring public who value her looks more than her brains, you know we are all in deep, deep trouble as a nation ..... CNN Poll: Palin's popularity on the rise
  • For example, we learn that Milton's three daughters did not, as legend has it, serve as adoring amanuenses to the blind poet when he was writing "Paradise Lost" but instead were illiterates whose rebellious behavior so infuriated their father that he left them nothing in his will. A Sleuth Goes to the Library
  • There's a panel in which a mounted allosaur is is blown up, and the skeleton has been pencilled with adoring detail; it even has recognisably Saurischian hip anatomy and is lit really dramatically by the explosion. The Week's Comics: GA/BC #19, Oracle #2
  • I'm adoringly staring the miracle maker in the face.
  • The singer, for instance, believed himself to be a great tenor performing before an adoring audience at La Scala.
  • For Cadillac and GM's part, the calculation is simple: It costs a few million to develop this, the last and best riff on the CTS, and building it guarantees endless buff-book magazine covers; dozens of YouTube videos featuring the V-Wagon performing fluffy, white cumulonimbus burnouts; and miles of adoring type online and in print. Cadillac's Insane, Unnecessary, Awesome Wagon
  • Stella followed again, feeling like a third wheel in this adoring little procession. JUST BETWEEN US
  • They are pictured as happy students borne aloft on gusts of mirth from their adoring audiences.
  • I recall adoring magazine cover after magazine cover at the supermarket checkout line with hagiographic photos of Obama. "I love movies like that..."
  • Brad was patience personified as he signed hundreds of photographs for adoring fans.
  • I went to parenting classes and learnt how to bath a baby and how to change its nappy, but I never really thought about what happened after the baby came out and was placed on my belly for me to gaze at adoringly.
  • It had no chance before his covetous hands, his adoring eyes.
  • For better or worse, it turns out every generation gets its own resurgence/glut of the bloodsucker phenom; 30 years ago it was all about Anne Rice -- whose Vampire Chronicles I fully admit to absolutely adoring in the '80s and which, from a sheer kinky, hypersensual writing-quality perspective, still run circles around Meyer (mind, this was well before Rice got drunk on way too much Jesus and neutered the whole vibe) ... Mark Morford: Enough With the Whiny Vampires Already
  • Was that truly desire to help the people I saw in her empassioned gaze -- or rather demagogic joy in being loved by a mass of millions of adoring fans? Karin Badt: Benazir Bhutto: Saviour of Pakistan? New Biopic Released Today in the U.S.
  • I'm sure your adoring fangirls will just eat that up.
  • Your adoring wife, Adina Below this, the date: September the Second, 1863 So they were Civil War soldiers in the sketches, Rachel thought. GALILEE
  • When you're a superstar performer and you've mainly humiliated yourself (and your family) and haven't done anything to directly betray or cheat your adoring fans, all you have to do is let time pass to allow your ADD followers to "rubberneck" some other star's or celebrity's personal train wreck, then come back and perform superbly and not only will you be forgiven, you may be re-anointed as a hero. Just Listen -- "All Is Forgiven Tiger"
  • You have such a selection, any non daff lover should be easily swayed to adoring them. Daffodils 2010 « Fairegarden
  • Nothing like nailing a beautiful female acolyte to boost self-image, over and over again, as she coos your name adoringly and feigns surprise that you just bought her a Mercedes. Mark Morford: 101 Reasons why Men Cheat (Tiger Woods Edition)
  • More importantly he dashed into the hearts of his adoring public and entered the realm of legends. The Sun
  • He meets a good woman (Martha Hyer) and tries to clean up his act, but his acquaintance with adoring Chicago floozie Ginny (Shirley MacLaine) and card sharp Bama Dillert (Dean Martin) undermines the romance. John Farr: The Best of Sinatra on Screen
  • The logistics of opening night were carefully planned to keep the adoring crowd at bay. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • I was just recalling the adoring crowds at Obamas Ich-Bin-Ein-Berliner speech. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Ironic, too, that he's diffident to the point of sheepishness, even in front of the most adoring audience.
  • And, Mary, inthralled, enrapt, adoring her father, and seeing every picture conjured up by his sonorous rhythm or quaint phrase, was much more familiar with the deeds and gossip of King New Faces
  • Introduction from Schumer | 10: 09 a.m. From Chappaqua to around the world, Senator Schumer now lauds her years as a public servant as he looks at her adoringly. Live Blog: Clinton’s Confirmation Hearing - The Caucus Blog -
  • Su-Bo was also given presents by her adoring fans, including a £6,000 bracelet from her label boss MTV UK
  • Almost as he spoke, Rajoelina was parading triumphantly through the capital surrounded by armed soldiers and an adoring crowd after seizing control of one of the city's presidential palaces and taking the oath of office there as president of what he called a transitional authority. Undefined
  • he looked at his wife adoringly
  • Scout's slightly condescending love becomes adoring pride. Times, Sunday Times
  • He then went away to sell a considerable parcel of tea and fine grogram, with which he bought two fine girls and a ship-boy, whom he took back to his own country, adoring Tien, and commending himself to Confucius. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Billy is survived by his loving wife Jackie and his adoring daughter Karina.
  • 'reconciliation' -- is already completed; how much more will He do all that remains to be done, since He has it to do, not by death agonies any more, but in untroubled 'life,' and no longer for enemies, but for friends -- from whom, at every stage of it, He receives the grateful response of redeemed and adoring souls? Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • She can still pull in adoring audiences.
  • Roger is home with the beauteous young Jane, who adoringly presents him with copies of his memoir, Sterling's Gold. William Bradley: Mad Men : Breach One 'Chinese Wall' and You Just Want to Breach Another One an Hour Later
  • In the view which is given here of the retribution on the wicked as an instance of God's wise and holy ordering, we may well pause in adoring wonder and faith. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • To sum up, she was a cynic, a rake, an excellent literary critic, a sardonic and brilliant novelist, and she had a passionate, adoring and protecting affection for Neville, who was the only person who had always been told what she called the darker secrets of her life. Dangerous Ages
  • Dick Tuck, the grandfather of political high jinks, arranges for an adoring crowd, holding signs in Chinese, to greet gubernatorial candidate Richard Nixon in Los Angeles's Chinatown.
  • The French chanteuse, actress and street entertainer has delivered delights to her adoring masses of European fans for many years.
  • A cheque submitted without fuss or fanfare would prove their real commitment to the cause but would not, of course, garner as many gushing puff pieces or adoring photographs.
  • The logistics of opening night were carefully planned to keep the adoring crowd at bay. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • adoring grandparents
  • With his permanent tan and slick white mane, he’s more like a kinder, gentler Latin American caudillo, who wants nothing more than to be cheered on by adoring throngs. Charlie Crist is the diversity candidate? NRSC FAIL - Erick’s blog - RedState
  • Stuck in limbo for 37 years, the album has finally been unveiled to adoring acolytes, frothing critics and celebrity fans by its creator.
  • When a political columnist describes a cabinet minister in slavishly adoring terms, shouldn't we be told whether the two are pals?
  • Death cannot stop true love. That’s why it’s pointless for me to try to murder all my adoring female fans. Jarod Kintz 

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