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How To Use Adoration In A Sentence

  • Like all those who have gone before us, may the revelation of Christ in our hearts compel us to lay down our lives before him in worship and adoration.
  • The Go-Betweens reside in a strange hinterland full of candyfloss and loneliness that hovers between critical adoration and public ignorance.
  • There are times of praise, adoration, extolment, when thankfulness is more exuberant, runs over into bursting joy, and times when longing desire carries us into the very bosom of God. The Right Knock A Story
  • But in furnishing its imaginary, cultural platform for the revival of liberal politics in America, The West Wing has also slipped into an uncritical cult of personality — much as the adoration of Bill Clinton has in the real-life house of liberalism. The Feel Good Presidency
  • He gazed at her with pure adoration.
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  • We allow our feelings to flow out towards him in adoration, confession, thanksgiving and praise.
  • Horace does not say that he adores Lalage; Tibullus does not adore Delia; nor is even the term adoration to be found in Petronius. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The more wine he drank the more obvious his adoration for her became.
  • The curly haired, dark-skinned child who stared up at him with “hero-worship” adoration was oblivious to the fact that his white shirt was pulled halfway out of the waist of his pants or that his clip-on bow-tie was askew. Who Said It Would Be Easy
  • For the athlete, if he's lucky, it's a medal, world recognition, splashy endorsement deals, the adoration of millions of compatriots, whatever.
  • Ali, however, remains an icon, a figure of adoration.
  • The painting depicts the three wise men kneeling in adoration of the baby Jesus.
  • The adoration commences from 10.30 am to 7pm each day.
  • I had a contemplation of the sufferings of Christ, and I besought him to let me feel his sorrows with him, and prayed five paternosters in adoration of the five sacred wounds.
  • -- In this solemn and impressive prayer, in which they make public confession of their sins, and deprecate the judgments due to the transgressions of their fathers, they begin with a profound adoration of God, whose supreme majesty and omnipotence is acknowledged in the creation, preservation, and government of all. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Wickham pocketed a small box, and Miss Darcy looked up at him with glowing adoration.
  • The building's modernist beauty and grandness is a reflection of the adoration that Miró is held in by Barcelona. New Europe: Juan Miró, a titan of art whose presence is still felt
  • During the month of May on Sunday evenings, Adoration will finish with Rosary and Benediction at 6pm.
  • Overall, the heavenly hierarchy moves from the freedom and might of contemplative adoration (by the seraphim, cherubim, and ophanim) through principled order and sovereignty (ruled by the dominions, princedoms, and powers) to active service toward others in a spirit of compassion and care (by the virtues, archangels, and angels). Archive 2007-09-01
  • Tatiana was quite embarrassed and wished Alexander wouldn't look at her with such mouthwatering adoration. THE BRONZE HORSEMAN
  • But both confess that they originally learned to play guitar and did so from an adolescent adoration of Western pop music.
  • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place on the 1st April.
  • In the predella, which is full of charm, are three scenes in distemper -- the Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple, her Marriage, and the Adoration of the Magi. Lives of the most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 06 (of 10) Fra Giocondo to Niccolo Soggi
  • Above all, the system is destructive of faith, having a tendency to substitute passive acquiescence for real conviction; and therefore I should not say that the excess of it was popery, but that it had once and actually those characters of evil which we sometimes express by the term popery, but which may be better signified by the term idolatry; a reverence for that which ought not to be reverenced, leading to a want of faith in that which is really deserving of all adoration and love. The Christian Life Its Course, Its Hindrances, And Its Helps
  • Their previously clear-eyed look of adoration is now decidedly jaundiced. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, he had no right thus to besot himself with adoration! Chivalry
  • But her adoration goes beyond poring over pictures in magazines and playing their albums. The Sun
  • As she walked down the aisle her heart brimmed over with love and adoration for Charles.
  • And then follow it up with Eucharistic adoration and benediction services in every parish.
  • All these she studied long and carefully, while the dancing glow of the firelight played over the child's delicate flesh, and it extended its little arms in the pleasant warmth, holding them up, as in act of adoration, towards those gracious unseen presences, still, apparently, hovering above the flood of instreaming sunshine against the ceiling overhead. The History of Sir Richard Calmady A Romance
  • Is it the thought of prizes, a tenured teaching position, the long-shot of commercial success and critical adoration?
  • It was a cloudless summer morning, and all Nature, smiling in her felicity, sent up a hymn of adoration to the author of her beauty.
  • But if you're tagging along for the adoration you get by being her bud, eventually people will see that you're just a hanger-on.
  • His lips quivered as he spoke and tears made his eyes misty as he looked up with utter adoration at the tall first mate.
  • Generative adoration refers to the cultural phenomenon that people worship at the male and female genitalia to beget and conceive offspring.
  • But both confess that they originally learned to play guitar and did so from an adolescent adoration of Western pop music.
  • You can see this year's programme here; but one point certainly worth noting is that the conference will conclude with a Pontifical Mass according to the usus antiquior in the Papal Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican (Chapel of the Eucharistic Adoration), celebrated by H.E. Msgr. Raymond L. Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, on Sunday 18 October at 10 a.m. Usus Antiquior Pontifical Mass in St. Peter's, Rome
  • Wilder captures the childlike adoration of the father and absorption in the way the world works.
  • Putting an end to abortion is just one of many reasons why every parish should have perpetual Eucharistic adoration.
  • Lastly, this commandment conveys the obligation to dissent from, and reject, every superstition and every error, requiring us to preserve pure and intemerate the adoration due to the Supreme Being, who, in this sense, is represented in this text as jealously watching over human actions, and a not indifferent spectator of good or evil; therefore a sure punisher of the guilty, and an eternal remunerator of him who faithfully adheres to His law. A Guide for the Religious Instruction of Jewish Youth
  • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place on the 4th March.
  • A person on his or her face has surrendered their persona or ego identity in repentance or in petition or in adorational worship of that which is greater, be it to a person in fealty or to God as devotional prayer. Hogwarts Professor
  • Herbert states that Attila is represented on an old medallion with a teraph, or a head, on his breast; and the same writer adds: "We know, from the _Hamartigenea_ of Prudentius, that Nimrod, with a snaky-haired head, was the object of adoration of the heretical followers of Marcion; and the same head was the palladium set up by Antiochus Epiphanes over the gates of Antioch, though it has been called the visage of Charon. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • Is it the thought of prizes, a tenured teaching position, the long-shot of commercial success and critical adoration?
  • Adoration continues in Rathduff Church every Sunday during lent from 12 noon to 5pm with Holy hour from 5 to 6pm.
  • In recent times Adoration also takes place every Wednesday in the Parish Church from 10.30 am and concluding with Benediction at 5.45 pm.
  • The painting is called 'Adoration of the Infant Christ'.
  • I love how Mary leans against a doorway holding baby Jesus to the adoration of a couple of dirty-footed pilgrims, with all the slightly bored insouciance of any matron chatting with the neighbors.
  • The object of his adoration was the most romantic figure of his time and its greatest image-maker: Napoleon.
  • That is the only small price he has to pay for his unmatched adulation and unparalleled adoration from his countryman.
  • Her smile beamed adoration, shining the glow of her affection upon her favorite son.
  • Even when I am typing this testimonial, my heart swells with so much adoration, love, pride, and joy for the Lord and His children.
  • Nevertheless, the powerful reminder of the link between credal formulation and liturgical adoration remains.
  • A. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament is an act of divine worship in which the Blessed Sacrament, placed in the ostensorium, is exposed for the adoration of the people and is lifted up to bless them. Baltimore Catechism No. 3 (of 4)
  • What really rubs him the wrong way is Lawson's puppy-dog adoration for the newcomer.
  • Some depictions of heaven are strongly theocentric, portraying the blessed as caught up in an endless rapture of adoration; others are sociable and anthropocentric.
  • If Cressida brushed back his hair or touched his hand, he looked up long enough to give her a smile of utter adoration, naive and uninquiring, as if he were smiling at a dream or a miracle. Youth and the Bright Medusa
  • Do not show your absolute love and adoration for the product you have selected. Times, Sunday Times
  • What honour he offered to the angel: He fell at his feet, to worship him; this prostration was a part of external worship, it was a posture of proper adoration. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Adoration and veneration may be the stuff of religious vision.
  • There was such poignancy as McQueen spoke about the adoration of his Scottish roots and duplicitously being a London boy. Tamie Adaya: Enjoying A Quick Stop In New York
  • O Lord, to kneel in adoration before Yourdivinity incarnate in this world. Religion
  • Lastly, this commandment conveys the obligation to dissent from, and reject, every superstition and every error, requiring us to preserve pure and intemerate the adoration due to the Supreme Being, who, in this sense, is represented in this text as jealously watching over human actions, and a not indifferent spectator of good or evil; therefore a sure punisher of the guilty, and an eternal remunerator of him who faithfully adheres to His law. A Guide for the Religious Instruction of Jewish Youth
  • Dr Jean-Louis Sebagh is famous for his Gallic charm and for having the adoration of supermodels and actresses.
  • She was also an avid bingo player and a regular attendant at the Adoration Hour in Ballon Church.
  • He had been used to female adoration all his life.
  • God, it should be adored with the adoration of _dulia_; not any kind of _dulia, _ such as is given to other creatures, but with a certain higher adoration, which is called _hyperdulia. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • The painting depicts the three wise men kneeling in adoration of the baby Jesus.
  • It invokes in him a raging torrent of adoration; when he talks, his face lights up with radiance. The Sun
  • As a sump for adoration that might otherwise be misdirected at political leaders and go dangerously to their heads.
  • George's adoration of his small children tended to evaporate as they grew older.
  • The decline in the proper understanding of the Holy Eucharist and the consequent decline in reverence and adoration, are not phenomena in isolation.
  • The exhibition, at Cliffe Castle Museum, Keighley, from today until March 10, also features examples of Victorian hand-painted cards, with words of adoration written in the finest copperplate.
  • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place every Tuesday in Knockmore Church.
  • There is no room in the end time for individual distinction and self-assertion, but merely for adoration of someone far beyond the self.
  • While Greek love is not a sentiment, it may be sentimental, that is, an _affectation of sentiment_, differing from real sentiment as adulation does from adoration, as gallantry or the risking of life to secure favors do from genuine gallantry of the heart and self-sacrifice for the benefit of another. Primitive Love and Love-Stories
  • The blind adoration is getting old, he's the leader of the free world, not a rockstar. What Obama's reading on the Vineyard
  • Frank spoke about dear memories of his former schoolmaster and about the school trips and adoration of football they both shared.
  • His Adoration of the Magi is modestly inscribed by "the son of Master Rodrigo."
  • There is reason to believe these wells were the objects of adoration before the country was christianised, and that such adoration was a survival of the earlier practice to which Seneca and The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • Her visible tears and public display of emotional disappointment at her failure earned her instant worldwide adoration.
  • After the Lord Mayor's show of Andrew's trial, came the dustcart of the second trial: that of Alice Edith Ross, n-e Pritchard, one-time secretary at the shop, secret lover of sly old James, whose adoration for his wife went without question. Final Resting Place of The Pen
  • Even in the past, with just a limited number of newspapers and broadsheets, this phenomenon has taken place, as the public adoration of Admiral Nelson demonstrated.
  • Many who backed him did so because of resentment for the opposition rather than adoration.
  • Football fans make themselves vulnerable by their adoration of a single club. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are at great expense in beautifying and adorning them: They lay them over with gold and silver; because these are things people love and dote upon wherever they meet with them, they dress up their idols in them, the more effectually to court the adoration of the children of this world. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • The Adoration Chapel in Swinford Church will re-open on Sunday August 25, with adoration from 2 to 6 p.m.
  • Yet the musical prodigies keep coming, and we keep heaping adoration on them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Right up to the end, Enron was described in the exalted realms of management theory and business journalism with virtually unmodulated adoration.
  • Sowho are these merchants of noise, who work so hard, and so unobtrusively to dominate our attention, while hiding their malignance behind the frenzied smiles and desperate flim-flam of others who more effectively command our loyalty, respect, admiration and even doting adoration? Have you a radio or tv?
  • It belongs to the first half of the fourth century, and is said by Marucchi (II, 343) to be almost the latest catacomb fresco of Our Lady, a kind of hyphen between the primitive frescoes and the early Byzantine Madonnas; it seems at the same time a very early evidence of the adorational use of paintings in public worship (Le The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Thus, while all the pretty girls flipped their hair around the boys then, I could only act as the servants of these girls - fanning them and feeding them seedless grapes while looking up at them in adoration.
  • He was revered like a movie idol, with an endless supply of adoration.
  • Just because she had a direct line to the throne and its power, she was dotted over and swarmed with flattery and adoration.
  • The adoration commences at 10.30 am to 7pm each day.
  • Churches will not draw young people to their doors if they shy away from any mention of adoration as a matter of embarrassment.
  • So the comedietta went on, to the running accompaniment of laughter, with Mr. Bullitt and Mr. Watson swept by such gusts of adoration they Seventeen
  • People pray to these deities because they have an adoration for the deity and have a feeling of awe about it.
  • By contrast, the modern philosophers of self-esteem encourage a complacent adoration of the unperfected self.
  • Football fans make themselves vulnerable by their adoration of a single club. Times, Sunday Times
  • They become so blinded by adoration they manage to convince themselves their child has qualities of genius.
  • Gradually, the adoration turns into unabashed devotion, as people try to clamber onto the stage.
  • More people are invited to come along and take part in the adoration.
  • My heart will join with yours and bubble over with effervescent adoration.
  • Pillars of marble and alabaster support the base, and the tabernacle, also of alabaster, is surmounted by four beautifully carved angels in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. More Encouraging News from the Franciscans of the Immaculate: Their House in Lanherne, England
  • The goal of Hall's meditative practice is "an inward adoration of God".
  • We begin to live out the demands of our day perpetually bowed in worship and adoration. Christianity Today
  • In an age in which young girls were sentimentalized as emblems of purity and beauty, Carroll regarded little girls with great adoration, almost worship.
  • We begin to live out the demands of our day perpetually bowed in worship and adoration. Christianity Today
  • But her adoration goes beyond poring over pictures in magazines and playing their albums. The Sun
  • He's after stamping and cheering adoration, and by the end of the show he has the audience doing just that.
  • It is also a lasting souvenir of their mutual adoration. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her eyes shone with bright adoration and what seemed to be respect.
  • Mass adoration is a highly addictive drug.
  • As the boys wrestle at his feet, there is no mistaking their adoration for the father they so strikingly resemble.
  • Thus, in their enthusiasm -- which is only a minor madness -- whether the Hindoo bramin or the Spanish bigot, the English roundhead or the follower of the "only true faith" at Mecca, be understood, it is but a word and a blow -- though the word be a hurried prayer to the God of their adoration, and the blow be aimed with all the malevolence of hell at the bosom of a fellow-creature. Guy Rivers: A Tale of Georgia
  • So, how can one inspire that kind of lustful adoration? Devra Maza: A Twilight Seduction: What Men Can Learn From Edward
  • He presses his undamaged left hand with bent fingers and out-stretched thumb onto his chest in a gesture of adoration and self-dedication.
  • As Mr. Finck has said, "Not till Dante's 'Vita Nuova' appeared was the gospel of modern love — the romantic adoration of a maiden by a youth — revealed for the first time in definite language. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • And they childishly trifle who make a pretext for their idolatry, in the words dulia and latria, [455] since the Scripture, in general terms, forbids adoration to be transferred to men. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • Look at him like only you would, with love, adoration and appreciativeness.
  • Still, a large part of the adoration must be nostalgia for past glories on the basis of the dreary recent material which bulked out their set.
  • It may be there was something humble in my stintless adoration; it may be I was like a child for the pleasure of her nearness; it may be my eyes told all too well of the fire that burned within me, but O, the girl was kind, gentler than forgiveness, sweeter than all heaven. The Trail of '98 A Northland Romance
  • He smiled at her with the uttermost respect and adoration.
  • In a slightly unhealthy relationship, they perform scenes of mutual adoration, like conspiratorial actors in a play written together. Times, Sunday Times
  • Behind him he heard Rosalie's voice, caressing, tormenting by turns; and, glancing around for her victim, beheld Grandcourt at heel in calflike adoration. The Danger Mark
  • If ever there was a modern-day character to emboy the saint/sinner, hero/villain Janus-faced idea of adoration and deploration then it's Gavin Henson. WalesOnline - Home
  • So one network out of all of them has the audacity not to fall in adoration at his feet. Obama takes aim at Fox News
  • The name expresses the object of this sodality, which is to collect faithful hearts around the Saviour for constant adoration and love and to make reparation to Him for the ingratitude of men. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • It invokes in him a raging torrent of adoration; when he talks, his face lights up with radiance. The Sun
  • A side chapel holds Jan van Eyck's Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, a huge altarpiece designed to be folded into sections, painted in 1432.
  • Add to this a UK music press obsessed with novelty in the post-punk era, and you've got a microwave recipe for compartmentalization via xenophile adoration.
  • Initially, the tribe venerates the spastic being and rewards him with worship and very intense adoration. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Small wonder children and female passengers regarded him with an almost breathless adoration, she found herself thinking.
  • But in this case the flowers are carefully chosen: sunflowers for adoration, roses for love, grapes for charity, ranunculi for radiance, campanula for gratitude, and corn for fertility.
  • Gradual_, a _Short Sequens_, the _Gospel_, the _Nicene Creed_, and a number of other matters, not excepting even the _elevation_ of the host, but not for adoration, which latter he retained till [sic] _till twelve years after the Diet at Augsburg! American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics Including a Reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann
  • Each of these individuals incarnated certain character traits which made them suitable for mass idealisation and adoration.
  • The anticipation and adoration that shone from his eyes was unmistakable.
  • When the work is completed it will be known as the Chapel of Adoration and will be unique to Abbeyleix.
  • For the athlete, if he's lucky, it's a medal, world recognition, splashy endorsement deals, the adoration of millions of compatriots, whatever.
  • I don't know if he's quite that reckless ... or stupid, but his adoration of all things self and his delusional infallibility is going to be the death of his lucky stumble towards 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. “The Mouth That Roared”
  • I am seriously going to try this recipe as soon as I can. ok, enough blathering, insert as much * food adoration, picture drooling from a faithful reader* as you want here. Barbecue shrimp by Ralph Brennan | Homesick Texan
  • But both confess that they originally learned to play guitar and did so from an adolescent adoration of Western pop music.
  • When she was well again, her confessor directed her to the Society of Mary Reparatrix whose members were dedicated to Eucharistic adoration in union with Mary at the foot of the Cross, making reparation for the sins of the world.
  • Christianity, in bringing its Divine light to our world, has taught us to refer our adoration to the only object to which it is due.
  • This leads naturally to prayer: praise, adoration, thanksgiving, petition, repentance, resolve.
  • The congregation suggests organizing Eucharistic adoration for young people around Palm Sunday.
  • John doesn't hide his adoration for the girl.
  • Yet this scenario of male sadism and necrophiliac fetishism, this duality of adoration and humiliation does not feel quite right.
  • Readers who have been positioned as admiring subjects of Cavendish's deific heroines will understand that the author's creations have a great need and desire for triumphal vindication and adoration.
  • Over the years he's had connections up to Downing Street level, the support of the Orange Lodge and the adoration of the RUC. A SEASON IN HELL
  • The hurt, the fear, the dependence, then the absolute adoration when the hurt eased, had sold Peter on being a pediatrician. SUDDENLY
  • We begin to live out the demands of our day perpetually bowed in worship and adoration. Christianity Today
  • Praise normally precedes adoration. Christianity Today
  • Like anything else of importance (goodness, understanding, God), adoration (or love, as we might as well call it) is plagued by false semblances.
  • The work of the lunarian, though seldom practised in these days of chronometers, is beautifully edifying, and there is nothing in the realm of navigation that lifts one's heart up more in adoration. Sailing Alone Around the World
  • A visit to the Chapel of Adoration in Abbeyleix last week was a unique and rewarding experience.
  • But both confess that they originally learned to play guitar and did so from an adolescent adoration of Western pop music.
  • Football fans make themselves vulnerable by their adoration of a single club. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some depictions of heaven are strongly theocentric, portraying the blessed as caught up in an endless rapture of adoration; others are sociable and anthropocentric.
  • Pennons snapped in the winds, and the smells of incense rose from two vast temples, to the peripheral sound of thousands of voices raised in loving adoration.
  • Nick and his bandmates -- sans drummer for some reason -- have just finished their set, and Nick's handling bitch duties with the equipment while the other guys are basking in drunken adoration of both boys and girls. Rabid Reads: "Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist" by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
  • She gets adoration from her supporters by talking publicly in speeches against the MSM, then clamors for the attention when she's getting withdrawl symptoms from being out of the limelight for a few days. Start spreading the news: Palin in New York
  • For this reason, the "propositiones" voted by the Cardinals and Bishops at the March plenary foresee a return to the sense of sacredness and to adoration, but also a recovery of the celebrations in Latin in the dioceses, at least in the main solemnities, as well as the publication of bilingual Missals - a request made at his time by Paul VI - with the Latin text first. Tornielli: The "Reform of the Reform" Proposals Approved by the Pope
  • Towards two o'clock in the afternoon the Pope and the palatine clergy moved in procession barefoot from the Lateran to the stational basilica, where the Adoration of the Cross took place, followed by the reading of the Passion according to St John, and the Great Litany for the various ecclesiastical orders and for the necessities of the Church. She Doesn't Pay Her Musicians!
  • In an age in which young girls were sentimentalized as emblems of purity and beauty, Carroll regarded little girls with great adoration, almost worship.
  • It is certain the country people would soon degenerate into a kind of savages and barbarians, were there not such frequent returns of a stated time, in which the whole village meet together with their best faces, and in their cleanliest habits, to converse with one another upon indifferent subjects, hear their duties explained to them, and join together in adoration of the Supreme Being. The Coverley Papers
  • It seems that the documentarian can no longer bear his adoration. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The painting is called 'Adoration of the Infant Christ'.
  • In those times of ignorance, infidelity, and idolatry, the devil, by the divine permission, thus led men captive at his will; and he could not have gained such adoration from them as he had, if he had not pretended to give oracles to them, for by both his usurpation is maintained as the god of this world. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • He looked down at her with absolute adoration in his eyes.
  • For a long time I still had intense feelings of love and adoration for Tariq.
  • First, I throw a big welcome party for myself and everybody else to earn the adoration of the people.
  • The children's 8pm mass of the Lord's supper is followed by adoration of the cross until 11 pm.
  • Where Hughes, convulsed with adoration, agonised over the "engineering problem" of simultaneously freeing and confining her breasts, she simply threw aside the seamless, aerodynamical "bullet" bra he made for her and covered her own with Kleenex to achieve the same effect. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • Perfumers need adoration," said Ms. Wright, a flavorist at International Flavors and Fragrances, who declined to divulge her age. The Tastemaker in Her Flavor Factory
  • And ah foolifh and ungrateful creatures, that form excufes to keep them off from his fervice, and that prefer their fwine, their fordid gains and traffic, to him 1 How worthy is he of our Faith and love, adoration and obedience! The practical expositor, or, An exposition of the New Testament, in the form of a paraphrase : with occasional notes... and serious recollections
  • These people are called Shakers from their peculiar form of adoration, which consists of a dance, performed by the men and women of all ages, who arrange themselves for that purpose in opposite parties: the men first divesting themselves of their hats and coats, which they gravely hang against the wall before they begin; and tying a ribbon round their shirt-sleeves, as though they were going to be bled. American Notes for General Circulation
  • The Count de Beaunoir still continues to be particular, in what he calls his adoration of me; but his tone and style are too romantic to authorize me in any serious remonstrance. Anna St. Ives
  • Once his name was cleared of the charges, the adoration for him was spontaneous.
  • The woman who educed such adoration was raised on a farm in Janesville, Wisconsin. LAST CALL
  • In our Votive Mass today we are thinking particularly of adoration of the Cross on which Christ died.
  • He is said to have shown his adoration for her by kissing her holy manuscripts and having them richly bound for her.
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  • His adoration, like a jealous lover's, is only rhetorically distinguishable from contempt.
  • He was ultimately bored for, even for him, the continuous coos of adoration could become quite noisome after the first thirty minutes.
  • Street painting is sustained in equal measure by the public adoration of icons and artistic self-denial.
  • The painting may originally have served as the left panel of a small-scale portable diptych - the right side would have depicted a donor in adoration.
  • The tiny purr was brought forth and placed in the manger beside the swaddled child and began to snuzzle and bonks the babe and the babe glowed with heavenly light and the angels came forth and began a chorus of jubilation adoration for all was well and right and good in the little shelter under the stars etcetcetc Gold, frankensence, - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • He looked at Julia in obvious adoration.
  • The placement of the tabernacle, the gestures of adoration (especially kneeling during the whole Eucharistic prayer), and the renewal of perpetual adoration are all based on the desire to reinforce belief in the Real Presence.
  • They become so blinded by adoration they manage to convince themselves their child has qualities of genius.
  • Most religions teach adoration of the supreme being in whose image all humanity was formed.
  • Rabbi Berger's pious respect for Schneerson's memory severely compromises his best efforts to combat the Lubavitchers' adoration of him.
  • Thus the figures in the Glasgow painting seem to be subtly caught between grief, tenderness, and adoration.
  • The former relate to the cosmism and adoration to the mysterious nature strength in ancient times, it is based on the Yin-Yang and Five-element theory.
  • Care should be taken to instruct the faithful that genuflection is the appropriate sign of adoration in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, “whether reserved in the tabernacle or exposed for public adoration.” Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend: "Concerning the Central Placement and Noble Design of Tabernacles..."
  • The cherubim and seraphim were gentle and polite, but their conversation revolved mainly around falling down before Him in adoration and singing praises unto His holy name, and she rapidly tired of it all.
  • The Novena is followed by adoration of the Blessed sacrament.
  • John doesn't hide his adoration for the girl.

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