How To Use Adopt In A Sentence
Buyers are a good deal more cautious, and sellers have to adopt a less bullish approach.
Times, Sunday Times
Spanish-American War of 1898 Edison suggested to the Navy Department the adoption of a compound of calcium carbide and calcium phosphite, which when placed in a shell and fired from a gun would explode as soon as it struck water and ignite, producing a blaze that would continue several minutes and make the ships of the enemy visible for four or five miles at sea.
Edison, His Life and Inventions
Still, for the medium term, either the government needs to scutinize refinery activity much more closely, adopt new regulatory authority and aggressively enforce antitrust laws, or it must intervene to deconcentrate the market.
Robert Weissman: What To Do About the Price of Oil
This also suggests that this deity was first adopted by the tradition of the monastery of Sa-gya, [26] a hypothesis further confirmed by the reference in the founding myth to his being taken over by the holder of the Sa-gya throne So-nam-rin-chen (bsod nams rin chen).
The Shugden Affair: Origins of a Controversy (Part I)
On the taxes proposed she said, "Those concerned by our wish list's ` nanny state 'implications might helpfully redirect their focus to the many unseen measures intentionally adopted by the food industry to shape our behaviour … It seems that without our knowledge or consent we are subject to the pervasive' nannying 'activities of industry.

The potential adopters of siblings are simply not there.
Times, Sunday Times
The "fruitily perfumed pineapple weed" that came to Britain from Oregon in the late 19th century and then began to spread throughout the countryside, Mr. Mabey says, "exactly tracked the adoption of the treaded motor tyre, to which its ribbed seeds clung" as if the treads were the soles of climbing boots.
Stow the Mower, Stop Pulling
The primary reason for the adoption of this life-style is the attitude to the economic rewards of work.
Named Tecumseh after the Shawnee leader, he was rechristened William in a Catholic ceremony at age 9, after he was informally adopted by a prominent Ohio politician when his father died.
Words regarding the necessity to change the souls of human beings to effect real change in the world should not be interpreted to mean that black religious leaders were adopting a quietistic approach to civil rights.
The New Style (NS.) was adopted by Catholic countries.
Anson's Voyage Round the World The Text Reduced
The scientists cannot say if the "hominin" was male or female, but adopted the name tag "X-woman" because the discovery was based on maternally inherited DNA.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Adopting, the additional computative burden imposed by it notwithstanding, Schonfeld's modification of Airy's formulæ, he introduced into his equations a fifth unknown quantity expressive of a possible stellar drift in galactic longitude.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
Early adopters will include utility and energy companies, local councils, and companies and individuals who want to be seen to be green.
Times, Sunday Times
This has caused many theoreticians to adopt a philosophical approach that mirrors the ideas of Plato.
We adopt special lift technology; choose import bearing to entitle products with legerity and agility.
Present-day performers commonly adopt practices of earlier periods whether or not they use historically accurate instruments.
This initially meant they were loath to adopt a reportage style, preferring empty streets and unobscured buildings, with people represented only to provide an area of scale or as pure portraiture.
The microprocessor adopts 89C52, and serial interface has adopted RS-485, can download and debug online, and connect with other equipments.
Adopt a written constitution, of which the Bill of Rights will form the centrepiece.
This product series adopts bridge commutation mode with rectiformer attached , featuring energy saving And efficency.
Now the tags automatically adopt the defined styles.
The Front adopted an aggressive propaganda campaign against its rivals.
She contends that U.S. officials overreacted, rather than dealing pragmatically with adoption procedures in a country where poverty and a long-running insurgency fueled widespread child abandonment, impaired record-keeping, and hampered official investigative capabilities.
Despite Hurdles, Families Pursue Nepal Adoptions
In other cases, generating a demand requires the emplacement of an infrastructure of maintenance for the successful adoption of innovations.
Donnelly's PNAC report -- a blueprint followed faithfully by the Bush Administration -- openly yearned for a "new Pearl Harbor" that would "catalyze" the American people into adopting PNAC's global militarist agenda wholesale.
Here again he is adopting a course of confrontation, a course of deliberate challenge to established authority.
The former schoolteacher is already a national hero in his adopted homeland.
Times, Sunday Times
Let us adopt then words sanctioned by usage, and give the distinction between intelligence and instinct this more precise formula: _Intelligence, in so far as it is innate, is the knowledge of a_ form; _instinct implies the knowledge of a_ matter.
Evolution créatrice. English
But its record suggests it will continue to earn enhanced returns by adopting the proactive approach.
Times, Sunday Times
In addition there were various protocols to the Treaty and declarations adopted by the Member States.
She decided to search for her biological mother after her adoptive parents died.
They distanced themselves from the upper class and adopted a communist ideology.
The government has adopted an aggressive posture on immigration.
Is India "constricted" because we have adopted "old standards" like HTML and Unicode?
Archive 2009-07-08
This was referred to as ‘adoption’ and was distinct from binding them to labor for a master under indenture.
The county council has introduced pool cars for business trips, and last year adopted mileage rates of 40p a mile for staff using bikes on business.
Commentary has pretty much adopted him as their science guy, and he has published a steady stream of flapdoodle in their pages over the last decade.
I very much doubt Wales would take quite as long as Ireland did in adopting a sensible fiscal policy.
The £6bn lie
Imposition of hands was a ceremony used especially in paternal blessings; Jacob used it when he blessed and adopted the sons of Joseph, Gen. xlviii.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
The measure of core column is adopted to superhigh column, in order to making up the ductility of aseismic performance.
The system adopts vector control scheme of rate opening loop and magnetic linkage closed loop.
The following year the ‘Marseillaise’ was adopted as the national anthem, and the 14 July as a national fête, to join the tricolor as the national flag.
While the Magnum definitely brought the real deal in terms of power and increased utility over a traditional sedan, some were not sold on the style of the vehicle which adopted Dodge's characteristic "crosshair" inspired front grille that permeates the entire lineup.
Ride Lust - Motion + Mobility
The north, he said, would continue with the dinar and south Sudan would adopt the new Sudan pound.
My first desire was to learn the language of my adopted country as soon as possible.
Times, Sunday Times
Their conceptions of the battles between good and evil were almost identical, with Christianity adopting millennial epochs that were integral to Mithraism from Zoroastrianism .
A five-day week has found an immediate welcome and much popularity since it was officially adopted across the country.
Some two-long alkyl chain amphiphiles can adopt stable tubular structures including twist ribbons, helices, and cochleate cylinders in aqueous media.
The reference here to distrust of the judiciary once again accentuates Dicey's adoption of the ancient conception of the rule of law.
Next, we examined characteristics of 18-month old alloreactive T-cells in a transgenic adoptive transfer model.
Elites TV
Adults adopt an essentially Kantian moral perspective that seeks to transcend and judge all conventional moralities.
I think America should adopt the motto of one of my heroes, General Vinegar Joe Stillwell.
The refutation of this new form of Adoptionism, as it rests altogether on the interpretation of the hypostatical union, will be found in the treatment of that word.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
The second generation of immigrants often adopted British forenames.
Save Our Secret Ballot amendments prevent adoption of card-check laws by other states—but the NLRB's lawsuits could sweep those protections aside as well.
Then the committee takes a vote and the amendment is adopted, 12-11, with the 11 “no” votes all coming from the Green Team.
Matthew Yglesias » Strange Tales of Congressional Procedure
Since divorcing their drummer last year, the trio adopted samplers and beatboxes and has been steadily gaining a reputation as one of the best live acts in town, albeit with one of the shortest sets.
He practiced for weeks," said Scott Lechert, 50, an instructional designer, who along with his partner, Paul Kelly, 55, a physical therapist, adopted Dru from a Romanian orphanage in
Sweetness & Light
We will adopt their suggestions in mass.
The supercomputing crowd tends to set the pace for technology adoption across the server market.
So great is the danger of such injurious results, few careful practitioners have cared to adopt the heroic "antipyretic" medication recommended by experimenters, preferring to allow their patients to burn with fever, mitigated only by such simple means as are commonly employed by nurses, than to require them to combat the poisonous influences of a drug in addition to the morbid element of the disease.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 455, September 20, 1884
Employers could also adopt policies such as offering workers paid sick leave.
We have three of the greatest kids there are, simply because some other people were prepared to allow us to adopt those children.
However we adopt healthcare reform, it isn't going to save major amounts of money.
She adopted an elaborate disguise to help her pass through the town unrecognized.
The legislature also passed the National Rifle Association's bill to prohibit cities and counties from adopting local gun-control ordinances, the same measure I had vetoed in 1989.
A toothed rack was commonly adopted for the automatic screw thread rotational unloading.
Is the Secretary of State required by law to adopt the judicial view of the tariff?
For this reason a number of states have adopted no-fault systems for settling personal injury claims arising from auto accidents.
The increasing adoption of less intensive agriculture should further encourage a hare recovery.
It's comparable to the strategy adopted by writers like him in using untranslated native words in literature written in English.
Hence, an isolated piece of tissue removed from an organism—for example, the eye of a sea slug—will maintain its own daily rhythm but will quickly adopt that of the whole organism when restored to it.
For this final experiment, we are adopting a new method.
The laws of Nature, that is to say the laws of God, plainly made every human being a law unto himself, we must steadfastly refuse to obey those laws, and we must as steadfastly stand by the conventions which ignore them, since the statutes furnish us peace, fairly good government and stability, and therefore are better for us than the laws of God, which would soon plunge us into confusion and disorder and anarchy if we should adopt them.
Sampling techniques were adopted from statisticians working in the fields of biology and botany.
There have been cases of female animals ‘adopting’ motherless young ones of other species.
Trade Unions Encourage and support employers to adopt good practice in risk assessment and management.
We are concerned to get as many people as possible thinking about adoption and fostering.
Times, Sunday Times
The earlier one is a form of adoptionism, in which Jesus was born human of natural parents, but later elevated by God to a subordinate divine status.
Philocrites: Isaac Newton's anti-Trinitarianism in the news.
Adoption of this view requires a small modification to the sketch of the patterns of linguistic construction given in Chapter 1.
Perhaps it felt betrayed that one from its midst could adopt such views.
Times, Sunday Times
A similar story is the adoption of the DVD to replace the old analog VHS video system.
It was French culture and French institutions which the Khedives had tried to adopt.
In particular, where a stimulus is applied to the most rostrally situated regions, the cat adopts the normal posture for the physiological deposition of faeces; therefore the stimulus activates the skeletal musculature, which is innervated by the cerebrospinal axis, and which is also responsible for the abdominal muscular pressure.
Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
Adopt a positive approach and stay away from negative and destructive people.
I called Hania, an animal rights activist who had helped me after I adopted Shaitan.
Day of Honey
The push for interracial adoption is redundant and behind the curve.
One part of our task is to draw attention to implicit, underlying assumptions which inform the theoretical stances adopted.
Most SMEs planned to take a mixed approach combining productivity and cost-saving measures (such as adoption of Software-as-a-Service and increased outsourcing – see my posts here and here) alongside promotional and revenue-generating tactics (such as e-marketing and search engine optimisation).
The internet as a lifeline for SMEs « pwcom 2.0
We shall not speak as they do, nor shall we adopt their surnames.
Christianity Today
That convention needed a consensus, while the London Dumping Convention adopts its resolutions by a two-thirds majority.
Following its adoption by the Object Management Group in 1996, it became an accepted industry standard [OMG03a] [OMG04] [RJB05].
They adopted a synergetic approach, assimilating native deities with gods or goddesses from their own pantheon.
The present pose of horror adopted by media and government officials with regard to revelations of torture by the military is a sordid farce.
Expand factory area and adopt the construction method of and assemble at workshop , reassemble at fairground.
The constitution of the League was termed by Mr. Wilson a Covenant, a word redolent of biblical and puritanical times, which accorded well with the motives that decided him to prefer Geneva to Brussels as the seat of the League, and to adopt other measures of a supposed political character.
The Inside Story of the Peace Conference
Another of Mia's children, 14-year-old Moses, repeated allegations that Allen had sexually abused his seven-year-old adopted daughter Dylan.
According to laser radar echo characteristic, the difference filter and the match filter were adopted. As a result, the SNR is advanced about 1.5 times.
What we need is to adopt whole river catchment plans from mountaintop to estuary, instead of the fragmented approach we have at present.
When the first mode is adopted, the person whose meaning is misrepresented, thinks that an opinion, not his own, has been calumniously attributed to him.
The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 1
Statistical Reports Future annual statistical reports will adopt the same format and will incorporate information similar to that contained in this Update.
Farmers and crofters can apply for annual payments for up to ten years for adopting environmentally friendly farming practices.
The President has adopted a tough stance on terrorism.
Even in the atonal phase, before he adopted serialism, he presented obstacles for his listeners.
Meanwhile disagreement among the 72 deputies to the Assembly over the draft Constitution delayed its formal adoption until Feb. 9.
Mugabe, speaking on the second day of the OAU summit, emphasised that the pillars of the AEC were the African regional integration bodies specified in the Abuja Treaty adopted in June
ANC Daily News Briefing
Adopted children and their biological parents may suffer stress long after the adoption. 4.
All an RDF (or "interlingua") proponent will say is that RDF can be even cheaper and less error prone, and much of the reason not to adopt it is down to developer preferences, lack of familiarity, tooling and so on - i.e., much the same reason developers don't adopt XSLT, summarising the issue as "XSLT sucking".
Planet XML
Most likely he would have adopted this course in the end, had his will and his self-regard been stronger; but neither, it seems, was proof against the blandishments of the match-making perruquier.
Story-Lives of Great Musicians
Adopt the experimental and questionnaire method, measuring the effect of self - composing calisthenics on of girl - students creativity.
Adopting the language of restitution leads to the return of unjust enrichment, while estoppel enables the son to receive his expectations.
A great many (not all) liberals adopted embryonic stem cells as a cause for the same reason that they have embraced Global Warming: because they like the policy implications and automatically oppose the Bush Administration, the “neocons” and the “Religious Right”, not because they are willing to follow science whithersoever it leadeth.
Stromata Blog:
There is a painful contradiction between what is in my head and the facade I adopt for the public, my friends and family.
If you can not have children of your own, why not consider adoption?
Thus far, Dole has shown no signs of adopting such a strategy.
But other reasons and rationales exist for adopting and strengthening an historical perspective.
But next day when the cobbler ventured to criticise the legs, the painter came forth from his hiding-place and recommended the cobbler to stick to the shoes -- advice which in the words of the Latin version of the story also has been adopted as a proverb, _Ne sutor ultra crepidam_ ( "Let not the shoemaker overstep his last").
Little Folks (November 1884) A Magazine for the Young
Probably more significant is the fact that Brown was one of the many neutral names adopted by clansmen who wanted to be rid of their politically incorrect Gaelic patronymics.
I concluded, and the cabinet supported me, that a third access off Canvey was a better proposal than adopting the other request to dual Canvey Way.
Funes says that "dollarization" and the adoption of the Central American Free Trade Agreement in 2006 have had negative effects such as inflation and unfavorable competition for small-scale farmers but that it is too late to scrap these policies.
A comedy about becoming fully conscious, AND SOPHIE COMES TOO follows the three Abramowitz sisters and their mother Sophie, who may or may not wake from a coma before her daughters take control of their increasingly chaotic lives: Barbara, a single lesbian, doesn't want her wacky family's calamity to interfere with her sex life or the pending adoption of a baby girl from China. Featured Content
The research method used for system assessment is quasi - experimental design. The experiment adopts nonequivalent - control group design.
And this lamb needs ewe ... the adoption agency that's proud of its woolly ways.
The good news, based on research that we and our colleagues at McKinsey & Company recently completed, is that the United States could dramatically increase the number of top students who choose teaching by adopting some of these countries 'practices.
Why aren't our teachers the best and the brightest?
Little concerned to adopt the tonal idioms of opera for the sake of dramatic expression was Nicolas Bernier.
In practice, this situation will arise only very rarely if a regime of symptom control and no more has been adopted.
The adoption of this policy would relieve them of a tremendous burden.
But even harder to make are decisions about adoption when Marian knows that she is severing families in a permanent way.
For by this one name we are made to understand that all our mercies are the offspring of God, and that we also who are called are his children by adoption.
The Riches of Bunyan
From this he adopted the name Plantagenet, and the kings who descended from him and ruled England for more than three hundred years are called the Plantagenets.
Famous Men of the Middle Ages
In this programme she revisits them to hear about the emotional ups and downs and complications of interracial adoption.
Times, Sunday Times
Governments were forced to adopt a carrot and stick approach to the trade unions.
When it comes to digital textbook adoption, it looks like Florida's turning into a global trendsetter.
To remove a conviction so generally adopted, Quentin easily saw was impossible — nay, that any attempt to undeceive men so obstinately prepossessed in their belief, would be attended with personal risk, which, in this case, he saw little use of incurring.
Quentin Durward
By lawmakers' own admission, Ireland lagged woefully behind its Western counterparts when they introduced adoption legislation in 1952.
If fact, the only time I ever read or hear the word transracial it is connected with adoption.
Trans Identity–Sex Changes, Race Changes, Drag, and Passing
Hazen called on officers to pay careful attention to the superior Prussian system and urged the United States to adopt policies that evaluated and promoted officers meritoriously and to create military schools to train them better.
Between War and Peace
This revival of ancient architecture and interior styles was also readily adopted by America.
Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
Paul of Samosata - Bishop of Antioch, adoptionist, condemned at 269
CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
Mechanically the entry level Polos remain the same, bar the adoption of fuel injection.
Haslett, a noted tough guy, knows how to mold a swarming, aggressive unit, and he could be the perfect fit for the mentality St. Louis wants to adopt.
an adoptive country
Why not respect the intention implied by the choice of impermanent materials and the adoption of quick and casual techniques?
At the age of 15 he entered the noviciate of the Capuchin Friars in Morcone, where on January 22, 1903 he adopted the clothing of Saint Francis and was called Padre Pio.
A VUV soft ionization source was adopted in the mass spectrometer, which can avoid the formation of fragment ions and analyze volatile organic compounds in ambient air without pre-separation.
If we consider the complex character of our people, the variety of races which we have adopted into the Canadian family, the extent of territory over which they are scattered, the diversity of their interests, the difference of languages and resulting handicap in intercommunication, we have cause to marvel that the Canadian nation in so brief a period has become so united as it is.
Some Canadian Problems
More generally, there are the well-known patterns whereby plants with large genomes cannot adopt an annual or ephemeral lifestyle and in which weeds tend to have small genomes.
From the outset a policy was adopted which aimed at eliminating unnecessary jargon and the mystique normally associated with computers.
And now guidelines advise on same-race adoption policy.
Other features of the act were the adoption of the first-past-the-post system and the establishment of the High Court as the court of disputed returns.
Unfortunately, rather than considering specific solutions, opponents of spam are currently adopting a blunderbuss approach, latching on to every anti-spam technology going in the vain hope that one of them might do the job.
Clinton consistently supported women's right to abortion at a time when Bush adopted an anti-abortion stance.
We should not assume that peaceful coexistence is possible only if all, or nearly all major nations adopt the same social behaviour.
A High Standard
With the LPEX editor base profiles, you can configure the editor to adopt the keyboard and command personalities of several popular editors, such as ISPF, XEDIT, VI, and Emacs.
It will be observed that this hymn provided syllables only for the six tones of the _hexachord_ then recognized; when the octave scale was adopted (early in the sixteenth century) the initial letters of the last line (s and i) were combined into a syllable for the seventh tone.
Music Notation and Terminology
It is all typical of the dismissive attitude adopted by those at the Executive who seem to think that an airy-fairy, and probably timorous, arts lobby will go away if told that everything will be all right.
Priors, but to increase their distinction the word signori, or lords, was soon afterward adopted.
History of Florence and of the Affairs of Italy
Mineral process of hematite in the early time often adopted gravity separation, and it mainly included jig, centrifugal separator, spiral chute, spiral concentrator, shaking table and so on.
If this leave-taking is difficult, complex and conflict-filled for most young adults, it is doubly so for adoptees.
Ninety-seven percent of those qualified to vote did so and a new democratic constitution was adopted by unanimous vote.
If there are good internal literary reasons why the author of Mark might have invented this story as the conclusion of his work, then the community that was the presumptive audience for the gospel simply may not have perceived the embarrassment that arose later, as other communities adopted and literalized the narrative invented in Mark.
Mythunderstanding The Criteria Of Authenticity
This structure can neither impose law upon its members nor force one of them to adopt a policy with which it disagrees.
The photo was accompanied by a story about the children's origins and backgrounds and details of their adoption by American families.
This expansive alteration of the Federal System was to have been achieved by converting the rights of the citizens of each State as of the date of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment into privileges and immunities of United States citizenship and thereafter perpetuating this newly defined _status quo_ through judicial condemnation of any State law challenged as "abridging" any one of the latter privileges.
The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 30, 1952
Adoption of Technology Standards Adoption of standards is a major barrier to the I-way construction.
Surely, some say, these elites should not be entirely exempt from pressure to adopt more climate friendly lifestyles.
Mazda 6 passenger car adopted the advanced automotive technology, and its emission reached Euro 3 standard.
He acquired his love of horses and dogs from his adoptive mother, who adored animals.
Times, Sunday Times
MPs have also spoken out against the unfair adoption system and are campaigning for a public inquiry.
Times, Sunday Times
In the next chapter the writer focuses on the topic of adoption.
Nor do the figures include the women who still honour the curious custom of adopting their husband 's surname on marriage.
Times, Sunday Times
Expect the form to be widely adopted, since its sponsors include the VHA Health Foundation, which counts major hospitals among its members.
A drop in prices could also improve adoption of SSDs and stabilize a slowing NAND flash market, Samsung's Elliott said.
He led Israel out of the bloc of unaligned nations and adopted a pro-Western orientation.
Here I want to clear one thing, that it is not vanity that has actuated me to adopt the doctrines of atheism.
The right time to consider what kind of contact natural parents are to have to children being adopted is on the occasion adoption is under consideration.
But the buyers were mostly charter members of the class of consumer dubbed early adopters.
At last realizing the futility of superior "kinetics" — roughly speaking, putting a lot of metal in the air — American forces belatedly adopted a counterinsurgency strategy.
The Surprising Lessons of Vietnam
Since then, the company has stayed in the vanguard of the market by consistently promoting technology standardization and adopting state-of-the-art technologies ahead of others.
The 13th CGPM (1967) adopted the name kelvin (symbol K) instead of "degree Kelvin" (symbol °K) and defined the unit of thermodynamic temperature as follows:
Having adopted the drape-against-wall style for my bumf-hanging activities, I find that it allows one to tear the paper off one-handedly and very neatly.
The French adventurers, however, seem always to have restricted the word "boucanier" to its proper signification, that of a hunter and curer of meat; and when they developed into corsairs, by a curious contrast they adopted an English name and called themselves "filibustiers," which is merely the French sailor's way of pronouncing the English word "freebooter." [
The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century
The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a halt to hostilities.
A witty wigmaker adopted the sign of Absolom hanging to a tree, with King David lamenting at a distance, who was represented with a label issuing from his mouth, containing these words --
Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. Or, The Rambles And Adventures Of Bob Tallyho, Esq., And His Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall, Through The Metropolis; Exhibiting A Living Picture Of Fashionable Characters, Manners, And Amusements In High And Low Life
These harmful effects can also be exacerbated by the adoption of increased protectionist measures by trading blocs against non-bloc countries.
Both boys and girls were being conditioned into adopting this stereotyped image of men and women and this indirectly affected their personalities, the study has pointed out.
The criminal is the guy who comes up short, who gets caught, who fails to adopt a respectable cover.
What accounts for the difference in adoption of adjustments from place to place and time to time? 5.
On the other hand, the ward staff should adopt a uniform standard and method throughout the hospital.
She had a friend who was abandoned at birth, a foundling, and she began to realise that abandoned children were in a far worse position than adopted ones.
But others would be sold for adoption.
Eutectic composition should be adopted for high - Cr white cast iron used under high - stress impact abrasion condition.
This system adopts dynamic redundancy structure, using software to switch hardware redundancy system waiting and in function.
Booth Recoding multiplier is adopted to further improve the hardware implementation efficiency.
Over time, we think that consumers will adopt the mobile phone to be the payment method of choice," Schulz said, though she added that people won't completely abandon plastic credit cards.
Federal departments in France, Germany, China, and even the US have adopted Linux servers.
Until recently English courts have generally adopted the standard of accepted medical practice.
Providers linking broad strategic ends with high-cost means adopt what we refer to as maximalist logics of action.
The current ensign wasn't adopted as a fully fledged flag until 1981, when the Queen visited and personally gave her assent.