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How To Use Adolescent In A Sentence

  • I learned how to negotiate fights between adolescent girls without making it seem like parental interference.
  • This isn't helped a great deal by the characterisation of Lady Teazle: rather than manipulative coquettishness we get a slightly nervous adolescent.
  • My writing partner is a violent, chauvinistic semi-literate adolescent.
  • The conceptus, like the infant, the child, and the adolescent, is a being who is in the process of unfolding its potential; that is, the potential to grow and develop itself but not to change what it is.
  • Objective To study the event-related potential N400 character of semantic matching of sentence-ending words in childhood and adolescent schizophrenia.
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  • The adolescent and teenage birth rate has fallen by nearly half since 1992.
  • Life is more uncertain, so the task of launching an adolescent into the world has become more complicated.
  • To answer the 300-odd posers on the questionnaire without then being persuaded to sign up for the religion was an essential rite-of-passage for any spotty adolescent struggling to find their own voice.
  • Type 2 used to be called adult onset diabetes, but we can't call it that anymore because it is onsetting with adolescents and even preteen kids. Campaigning for a Healthier America
  • I find the fetishization of hairlessness strange… I wonder sometimes if it is not the result of the idealization of adolescent body types. The Most Hairiest Man in the World? » Sociological Images
  • Santelli, who will present new research findings next week at a meeting of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, says his study — to be published later this year — shows a downturn in contraceptive use since 2003. Unmarried women boost record '07 U.S. birth rate
  • The parents were permissive with or neglectful of their children, and the adolescents had developed a certain degree of independence.
  • The TB vaccine is good at protecting against the severe form of disease found in young children (called "miliary" TB), but not as good at protecting against the lung infection commonly found in adolescents and adults. Tuberculosis Vaccine
  • We begin with the nut cutlets of a vegetarian household where Harriet and Vesey meet as adolescents.
  • Avoid anything too long - they might be fine for adolescent surfer dudes, but look tragic on the rest of us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fortunately, the media also represents the most easily remediable influence on adolescents.
  • One week after this story was written, the top 20 pop albums in the United States included records by fresh-faced adolescents the Beatles, teen sensation Bob Seger, twentysomething heartthrob Frank Sinatra, a barely-postpubescent but preternaturally-talented Bob Marley, recent high school graduate Rod Stewart, former boy band member Johnny Cash, newly-discovered youth sensation Barry White, and a band whose name is synonymous with "teenage rebellion": Pink Floyd. Sirilyan Diary Entry
  • Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Infarction: An Unusual Complication of Posterior Spinal Fusion Surgery in an Adolescent with Idiopathic Scoliosis.
  • A popular explanation for these findings is that adolescents who are depressed begin consuming alcohol as a way to self-medicate.
  • Young adolescents are happiest with small groups of close friends. You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
  • Despite the exuberant breasts in the snug sweater and the lissome hips in the tight-fitting mini, there is a certain adolescent gawkiness about this woman. Alice in Jeopardy
  • The Mercury said there were fears that the event, in which thousands of mostly adolescent girls parade bare-breasted wearing traditional beaded skirts, had become a target for pornography syndicates.
  • Many older adolescents and many adults abstain from alcohol, too. You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
  • To blame their youth, however, is to question the gimmick: two dewy adolescent Russians adding a lesbian jolt to teen pop's fading schoolgirl fantasies.
  • The cognitive capabilities of the adolescent with fully developed formal operations are qualitatively equal to those of the adult.
  • It had something to do with sex—complete with pictures—and the dog-eared corners attested to its being quickly stashed under mattresses in numerous adolescent occupied homes.
  • Contemporary American adolescents have become much more work oriented generally then those of a generation or so ago, mostly because they have been exposed to the costly allurements of a consumption-obsessed America.
  • Most of the children are dispirited because of some adolescent problem.
  • Instead, here she was, going weak at the knees like an adolescent schoolgirl.
  • He was also an adolescent with retarded social development, a Peter Pan who never grew up.
  • One of the explanations provided for this finding is the importance of work investments as a buffer against the challenges of parenting adolescents during midlife.
  • This is an eruption of postadolescent, you know, perversity, which found its voice in unions and in the media. President Gingrich?
  • Because she has the perfect "wifely" ways -- always on the republican message, and always smiling adoringly at her adolescent hubby. VA-SEN: Second Appearance In Court Records Of A "George Felix Allen" In 1973 -- Confirmed
  • The adolescent period is one's best time.
  • Objective:To explore contents and characters of mental self-supporting of adolescent students.
  • This perpetual postadolescent watches movies on a mini-VCR as he slouches around midtown Manhattan in a knitted hat and a purple funk. 'Alice': Half a Wonderland
  • But to get back to the criticism: Games are flashy, degraded, violent little entertainments for adolescent boys.
  • This study found that adolescent girls are failing to ingest the daily adequate intake level, as most adolescents are consuming more carbonated soft drinks than milk.
  • This response mode ensured the privacy of adolescents' responses, in the event that parents or siblings were listening to the interview on a telephone extension.
  • Ben, an awkward adolescent, is closer to being a successfully evolved man than the grown ones he encounters.
  • Murakami, who at 63 still looks like an adolescent skateboarder, divides his time between homes in Hawaii, Japan and a third venue he calls Over There.
  • Even silverback men will pointedly go back to adolescent clothes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Objective To explore the relationship between network dependent behavior and self acceptance in adolescent.
  • However, adolescents who held more favorable attitudes toward drinking were relatively unaffected by the program and did not abstain or moderate their alcohol consumption.
  • Frequently these informants were simply adolescents seeking to frighten peers or parents, by fabricating evidence of cult ritual.
  • Many older adolescents and many adults abstain from alcohol, too. You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
  • Consultant Breast Surgeon Nader Khonji explained that the growth, known as gynaecomastia, was normally observed in adolescent males or people taking prescribed medication. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Rao H, Wang JJ, Giannetta J, Korczkowski M, Shera D, Avants BB, et al. Altered resting cerebral blood flow in adolescents with in-utero cocaine exposure revealed by perfusion functional magnetic resonance imaging. Recent Neonatal Research Publications
  • In almost all situations adolescents are both children and adults at the same time.
  • Indeed, the early autonomy for the young child of divorce may preclude adolescent individuation.
  • The pair play natives of that country - sweet, carefree adolescents whose blithe athleticism and pert demeanor are just a little cloying.
  • Given that your persona is rough and tough (I gleaned this from your frequent mentions of having been "in the can"), it's not so shocking that you're an action movie fan; but it is surprising that you frequently go to bat for women, picking up on gender issues that many reviewers might miss, especially ones trying to gain a female audience while still impressing adolescent fanboys. Caroline Hagood: On Yippee Ki-Yay Moviegoer!, Movies, and Manhood
  • The blame-if you can really call it that-can be placed on their active adolescent hormones.
  • Consider it a hip-hop equivalent of sexually frustrated, adolescent foreplay.
  • A little adolescent rebellion is commonly believed to be healthy.
  • Adolescents who are depressed may be hypersensitive and overreact to minor problems or embarrassments.
  • Their client was lean and tall, with the peaky face of an adolescent who was still growing.
  • Screening to detect problem drinking is recommended in all adult and adolescent patients.
  • Above all, war is rejuvenating, and journalism is the only métier in which you can remain an eternal adolescent - if you survive.
  • Part of France's botheration could be the absence of new adolescent aptitude.
  • Musicals answered my need to give that inchoate adolescent passion form, to embrace experience and then see a pattern in its marks on me.
  • Freud's Jewish family fled Berlin for London in 1933, when he was just eleven (his father, an architect, was Sigmund Freud's son), yet his adolescent drawings retain a German tinge, feeling their way between the chilly stares of Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) or of the Magic Realists (Alexander Kanoldt, for instance) and the more recent, doom-laden stridencies of neoromanticism and noir. The Way to All Flesh
  • In our region, the home is precisely where the most widespread and alarming forms of violence against women, adolescents and children - such as femicide, rape and domestic abuse - occur," the activist said. IPS Inter Press Service
  • Both young women are experiencing adolescent discontents at the beginning of the ballet.
  • Along this line, depressive symptoms and violent behavior have been found to co-occur only in about 5% to 8% of adolescents.
  • Does the government see adolescents and youth as a cohesive group that needs separate attention?
  • Oh and then just the pure babyishness of the adolescent politics in the damn thing. Intertribal: the good thing is, I kept thinking of movies I liked, not movies I hated
  • It is as difficult for us to understand adolescents as it is for them to understand us.
  • It's very common for adolescents to deny that they have asthma, so they may stop taking medications and have more flares and symptoms.
  • This is a potent glimpse of the lure and the danger of magical escapes from adolescent reality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Objective To explore the effect of arthroscopy in diagnosis and treatment of osteochondritis dissecans of elbow joint in adolescent.
  • It is important that an adolescent boy should have an adult in whom he can confide.
  • These camp experiences provide adolescents with the opportunity to foster self-identity and develop interpersonal skills.
  • Objective:To investigate the interaction effect of parathyroid hormone(PTH) gene polymorphism with calcium intake on bone mass accretion in Chinese adolescent girls.
  • It expects two things of adolescents: that they achieve academically and are law-abiding.
  • Consequently it should be clear that individual adolescent behaviour should only be considered within a social and cultural context. Educational Psychology in a Changing World
  • Objective To explore reasons for adolescent self-abuse behaviors and to provide basis for adolescent mental health education.
  • But both confess that they originally learned to play guitar and did so from an adolescent adoration of Western pop music.
  • Sexual morality issues of adolescent students are becoming increasingly prominent due to the anomie of traditional sexual morality and the alienation of public concepts.
  • Do you believe that parents should do what they think best and ignore whiny complaints from adolescent girls?
  • A kindly Fagin who harbors a nest of adolescent thieves as runners for his goods.
  • In Martin Scorsese's film Taxi Driver, Robert DeNiro played Bickle as an older and more confrontational Caulfield, with a dangerously higher level of adolescent frustration.
  • The adolescent life is most important.
  • It was in the locker room that he felt most vulnerable to the aggressive behavior of the other early adolescent boys.
  • This practical manual offers a step-by-step guide to the treatment of anorexia nervosa in adolescents.
  • When the war ends, the city is left with gangs of pre-adolescents armed to the teeth, who have neither qualms about murder nor basic reading and writing skills.
  • How does adolescent recuperate good body?
  • Over the past five years or so, even as the work-in-progress story spread into our culture, the discipline of adolescent brain studies learned to do some more-complex thinking of its own.
  • Moreover, while many adolescents wrestle with these feelings, the auxiliary parents' struggles would invariably involve their charge.
  • Psychologists who work with children, adolescents, couples and families often include various configurations of individuals in their work.
  • Prevalence of a metabolic syndrome phenotype in adolescents: findings from the third national health and nutrition examination survey, 1988-1994. References
  • In a culture and a region where the old story of boy meets girl is not only frowned on, but downright discouraged, love, or at least adolescent yearnings, will often find a way.
  • Was she a silly adolescent girl to be so confused and seduced by a handsome face? a beautiful body?
  • But none, I assure you, of an age or inclination to elope with an adolescent foreigner!
  • Adolescents from intact families and stepfamilies reported similarities and differences in the discipline they had experienced.
  • If you squinted hard enough, they became streaks of red and green fire, a condition known as the preadolescent Doppler effect. The Metrognome and Other Stories
  • These rates cannot help but influence the development of adolescents attempting to survive on a day-to-day existence.
  • Lately he had been as moody as an adolescent and about as helpful.
  • Detection of the diapause adolescent of Paragonimus in boar's organs, such as liver, was doen by using normal saline-releasing technique.
  • It's easy to stereotype all adolescents as alcopop-swigging, hoodie-wearing, dope-smoking delinquents.
  • It was not until Mike, an adolescent male, climbed down and picked up Aimee that the team knew Aimee had been reaccepted. Iowa State Daily
  • Adolescent girls are the largest group of new smokers in the United States.
  • Whatever understanding Hong Kong teenage girls were piecing together about the postadolescent world from these sources, it is safe to say that it was not unconflicted. Crazy Like Us
  • Adolescents, men, the homeless, and people with sexually transmitted diseases may not feel comfortable in a health centre.
  • Eight Maryland seniors taught fellow students and teachers about psychology and adolescent health.
  • The use of androgens by adolescents who have not completed their full growth will eliminate further growth by closing the bone epiphyses.
  • There is a certain irritating sort of journalist - perhaps unfairly, Zoe Williams of the Guardian is the first name that springs to mind - who affects an adolescent offhandedness in his of her writing. Simon Titley: Against jargon
  • The developmental trend of religiousness has differences on gender and grade of the Muslim adolescents who live in the local minority municipality.
  • In contrast, ethnic identity conflict, stemming either from acculturative stress or from adolescents' perception of racial discrimination, has a negative effect on adolescents' psychological and behavioral adjustment.
  • The attitudinal change of adolescents makes its conspicuous presence in the domestic environment.
  • The significance of adolescent idealistic feelings for adolescent behavior are explored later in this chapter in the discussion of adolescent egocentrism.
  • An adolescent confesses to the murder, but Tennison does not believe him.
  • Unsurprisingly, they found that highly self-disciplined adolescents out-performed their more impulsive peers, again and again. It's our narrow view of education that holds pupils back | Yvonne Roberts
  • Part of this is a taxonomy problem-the term gamer connotes a certain type of adolescent, a definition that doesn't come close to capturing reality. Slate Magazine
  • O'Connell has created a tale that appeals to many adolescent girls.
  • Fourth, the risk in using images of adults would be similar to the risk of using images of adolescents, so the previous paragraph would apply. Christianity Today
  • He had outgrown it in his adolescent years, but hadn't been able to give it up, the way a toddler must touch base with a blanket that links him to the certainty of his mother.
  • It's about a lonely adolescent called Blakemore and meditates on education, faith and teen friendship in the distant days before the Chatterley ban and the Beatles' first LP.Hare denies South Downs is entirely autobiographical and yet Blakemore's absentee father is a sailor, just as Hare's was, and his mother sees education as a tool for creating a secure adult life. David Hare: 'It's absurd, but I feel insecure'
  • But underneath it, in the emotional and psychological content, the plot is very ingenuous, almost adolescent.
  • It was the advent of a new day, however, when the activist decided to help administer the treatment for the adolescent and help the Admiral fight this adverse situation.
  • Shu mu-needle acupuncture applied by Professor Sun is an effective therapy for adolescent anovulatory functional bleeding.
  • Results show the very strong influence of friendships on tobacco initiation and continuance among this national sample of adolescents.
  • The success of films about adolescent males coming of age has boosted box office receipts at the country's biggest cinema chain over the summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Está masa electoral está integrada por 9 millones 111 mil 162 ciudadanos, 715 mil 972 analfabetos y, cuatro sectores que, por primera vez sufragan por así disponerlo la Constitución: 55 mil 066 militares, 39 mil 501 policías, 507 mil 534 adolescentes entre 13 a 18 años, y 86 mil 426 extranjeros con cinco o más años de residencia en el país. Global Voices in English » Ecuador: President Correa Wins Reelection
  • Dietary supplement use is a well-documented practice among adult and adolescent athletes.
  • But if his sensibility is adolescent, it is in the best sense: his anarchic entertainments exist somewhere between Alfred Jarry and Terry and the Pirates. GreenCine Daily: Interview. Paul Verhoeven.
  • With the culture awash with Barbie doll ideals of beauty, adolescent girls take a hypercritical look at their developing bodies and judge themselves to be too short, too tall, too fat, too busty, too plain, etc.
  • “Platonic love,” which by philosophers and poets of the Renaissance was understood in a pro - foundly mystical sense, was castigated by the enlight - ened authors of the rococo as the naive enthusiasm of immature adolescents. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Objective To explore the relationship between network dependent behavior and self acceptance in adolescent.
  • In conclusion, this exploratory analysis highlights the importance of promoting HIV testing among gay, lesbian, and bisexual adolescents.
  • adolescent insecurity
  • Parents worry about the effect of music on their adolescent's behavior.
  • But both confess that they originally learned to play guitar and did so from an adolescent adoration of Western pop music.
  • Disaffected, dissatisfied adolescents are being kept away from the adult world for too long.
  • There are special programmes for adolescents, young adults and for single and step-parents, each geared for the different age needs.
  • At times she's a gangling, anti-social adolescent, and at others a snobbish know-it-all, but she's always riveting.
  • The most recent instrumentation innovation for the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosisAIS is pedicle screw.
  • Don't I know they're a company of crazies, cranks, and puling adolescents of all ages who major in moral minors in order to divert attention from what in their lives they really should feel guilty about?
  • Or indeed any of the adolescent tyros who have broken through into top-flight football in recent years, only to collapse under the weight of expectation.
  • You recall, perhaps, that eloquent passage in his noble defence of the poet Archias, wherein Cicero (not Kikero) refers to his own pursuit of literary studies: "Hæc studia adolescentiam alunt, senectutem oblectant; secundas res ornant, adversis perfugium ac solatium præbent; delectant domi, non impediunt foris; pernoctant nobiscum, peregrinantur, rusticantur! The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac
  • Wow, a president who gathers data and considers it vs. an adolescent one who studiously avoided serving in Vietnam yet launched two incredibly costly (in blood and dollars) wars impetuously, with the Iraq war based solely on deceit and arrogance and in violation of the UN and the Geneva Conventions. Obama: Decision on U.S. troop strength in Afghanistan 'soon'
  • When participants were divided into quartiles by level of serum cotinine, the prevalence increased from 7.53 percent in nonexposed adolescents to 17.05 percent of those with the highest level of this marker of tobacco exposure. ABC News: Top Stories
  • Is it just a deeper than normal journey into adolescent angst or a modern fairy tale?
  • As an adolescent, Bennett Lang relishes word math problems but is stumped by the things people say.
  • Rozema's adaptation uses the novel as source material, but also incorporates biographical information about Austen herself and excerpts from her adolescent writing.
  • I was an adolescent numb to yuletide cheer, a glutton for material sustenance, mainly of the toy variety.
  • Further research is needed to replicate and extend the current findings about adolescent suicide, using expanded samples of personal documents and other methodologies.
  • Further, adolescents are in a dependent position, unable to leave the family or to challenge the parents' superior authority.
  • All these books have strange, often adolescent protagonists to whom weird and grotesque things happen almost by accident, casually disturbing their otherwise suburban lives – and also a certain sense of timelessness and placelessness (this is an America we recognise, yet it is not real, and its cities are rarely named). Daniel Clowes: 'You've got to be obsessed'
  • This sentiment was repeated a few years later by the Newsom Report in relation to average ability working-class adolescents.
  • The object of the bronies' fascination is "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic," a remake of a 1980s animated TV show for preadolescent girls featuring plucky, candy-colored equines. Hey, Bro, That's My Little Pony! Guys' Interest Mounts in Girly TV Show
  • Adopting sampling survey method, this research conducted an investigation into the problem of the sports injury among 1548 adolescent students.
  • Adolescents are most likely to get into trouble when they're at a loose end.
  • In other words, it's the adolescent confusion and the exposure to the real world that make youthful days so special.
  • Ben, an awkward adolescent, is closer to being a successfully evolved man than the grown ones he encounters.
  • Floyd and Morman with a sample of 506 men and their adolescent sons found the men who were most affectionate with their sons had fathers who were either highly affectionate or highly unaffectionate - a kind of compensation effect.
  • In our view, this integrative approach to prevention offers the best hope for working effectively with adolescents and families in the highest-risk categories.
  • Many adolescents suffer from/have acne.
  • In fact, depressed or suicidal adolescents may be those least likely to obtain help.
  • As it turns out, these two D.I. releases were put out by a later, unbeloved version of D.I., a band founded by ex-members of the Adolescents.
  • It contributes substantially to adolescent motor vehicle crashes, other traumatic injuries, suicide, date rape, and family and school problems.
  • You are only one of many influences on your adolescent. You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
  • The two men sat on the front steps at "Elm Bluff", and as Prince's eyes wandered over the exceeding beauty of the "great greenery" of velvet lawn, the stately, venerable growth of forest trees, wearing the adolescent mask of tender young foliage, the outlying fields flanking the park, the sunny acres now awave with crinkling mantles of grain, he sighed very heavily at the realization of all that adverse fortune had snatched away. At the Mercy of Tiberius
  • This also provides a convenient and acceptable way of avoiding adolescent friction with parents.
  • Increasing our understanding of the developmental processes most prominent during adolescence may enhance our conceptualization of adolescent suicidality.
  • Iron deficiency can retard mental development and impair physical growth in children and adolescents and often leads to anemia, which is a deficiency of red blood cells.
  • Adolescent thought initially is idealistic-logical, and often it is manifest in criticism of society and an elaboration of ideal worlds.
  • The developmental trend of religiousness has differences on gender and grade of the Muslim adolescents who live in the local minority municipality.
  • And to what adolescent striving to define an identity do inflated self-esteem and grandiosity not appear attractive?
  • In many ways, we were still adolescents. Times, Sunday Times
  • One study showed that adolescent girls do 17 more minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity every week for each park within a half mile of home.
  • And it is a traditional coming-of-age story, the struggle of an adolescent girl to find her voice.
  • (Even when I was a high school student I might have been titillated by them in the usual adolescent manner, but I wouldn't have been horrified or unduly influenced by them.) Literary Study
  • The adolescent period is one's best time.
  • It contributes substantially to adolescent motor vehicle crashes, other traumatic injuries, suicide, date rape, and family and school problems.
  • When this method is used, it is quite possible to misclassify experiences, particularly when assessing sensitive subjects such as adolescent sexual experiences.
  • Desmoplastic small round cell tumor is a rare malignant small cell neoplasm which tends to occur in adolescents and young adults.
  • Behaving like wiry, wired adolescents on a merry spree, this extrovert community breathes fresh air into the mechanics of daily existence.
  • Even more foolishly, the besotted adolescent attempted to extend the relationship, and chased Byron to Geneva.
  • Being engaged is no longer a necessary condition for premarital coitus, and sexual activity has become a common aspect of adolescent relationships.
  • The thought occurs: maybe older people are happier because they are no longer living with mardy adolescents or midlife miserymongers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes I talked to Tatum O'Neal, a redheaded actress I admired for her role as a precocious adolescent capable of falling in love with Richard Burton, who was old enough to be her grandfather.
  • As the individual adolescent seeks to grow more independent of the family, peer groups and friends become important points of reference.
  • You are only one of many influences on your adolescent. You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
  • The reality is that adolescent and preadolescent humans generally do have sensitivities and anxieties about discussing sex in what used to be called “mixed company”, and provoking these anxieties inevitably makes a difficult discussion even more hazardous. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Education, Dirty Words, and the Due Process Clause
  • While most of the patients are children and pre-teens, there has been an increase in adolescent clients in the past two months as word has got out about the center.
  • RE: The "say-az-dam" rather than "shazam", I'd just like to point out that since these were pre-adolescent girls doing the Greek translation, it might be even weirder if they'd gotten the word completely correct. Radioactive Pocket Lint and the 2007 Scott O'Dell Award
  • Some degree of acne is seen in 85% of adolescents, and nearly all teens have the occasional pimple, blackhead, or whitehead.
  • In conclusion, the findings suggest that adolescent girls from varying age groups, backgrounds, and school environments are in touch with their ethical self-concepts and related behavioral decisions.
  • Considerable scientific progress has been made in understanding the causes and correlates of adolescent drug problems.
  • It feels like a scale model, the work of an ingenious adolescent, rather than a fully fledged artist. Times, Sunday Times
  • We know, present adolescent has been an early group, any trying that hurried back them " Tong Zhi " the purpose of the times, be proved to be infructuous .
  • Young adolescents are happiest with small groups of close friends. You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
  • Soon, he could hear adolescent voices: most likely two younger guys and two girls.
  • Adolescent languor returns too, and a slower pace of life: lazing around all day talking, laughing, listening to music, skulking around so as not to get caught by adults.
  • It feels like a scale model, the work of an ingenious adolescent, rather than a fully fledged artist. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the folk culture, adolescents receive a world view and an identification with a unique cultural system.
  • The divine figure suckling adolescents, the widest plaque and situated almost in the center, dominates this side.
  • Young adolescent boys are aroused by sexual imagery, and they burn with longing for sexual contact.
  • The success of films about adolescent males coming of age has boosted box office receipts at the country's biggest cinema chain over the summer. Times, Sunday Times

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