How To Use Ado In A Sentence
During adolescence , boys and girls will take on secondary sexual characteristics.
I learned how to negotiate fights between adolescent girls without making it seem like parental interference.
Leaked Reports Detail Iran's Aid for Iraqi Militias," blared the headline on afront page story inThe New York Times, which went on to report on several incidents recounted in WikiLeaks documents that journalist Michael Gordon called "the shadow war between the United States and Iraqi militias backed by Iran's Revolutionary Guards.
Ali Gharib: What Did WikiLeaks Really Tell Us About Iran?
She has one annoying but lovable big brother that looks out for her, and a little sister that adores and idolizes her.
This proposed procurement is a continuation of an existing contractual agreement for the developed prototype NASA Student Ambassadors Virtual Community (NSAVC) web site. ...
Curious Virtual Community Procurement - NASA Watch
Spanish-American War of 1898 Edison suggested to the Navy Department the adoption of a compound of calcium carbide and calcium phosphite, which when placed in a shell and fired from a gun would explode as soon as it struck water and ignite, producing a blaze that would continue several minutes and make the ships of the enemy visible for four or five miles at sea.
Edison, His Life and Inventions
I put on black eyeliner, mascara, red eye shadow with black tints towards the edges of my eyes, and ruby colored lipstick.
His triumph was overshadowed by an uneasy sense of foreboding.
My writing partner is a violent, chauvinistic semi-literate adolescent.
Mostly, however, she seems to be held in some kind of incommunicado status until they need a sound bite, and then they throw the power switch, download the text and out she spits it, with all the emotion of an automaton.
Condi a Waste of Time
Soldado literally translates as 'soldier'.
The Sun
Like all those who have gone before us, may the revelation of Christ in our hearts compel us to lay down our lives before him in worship and adoration.
Coined by Colorado physician Dr. Steven Bratman, the term orthorexia applies to people who obsess over eating healthy food.
Lead Stories from AOL
Still, for the medium term, either the government needs to scutinize refinery activity much more closely, adopt new regulatory authority and aggressively enforce antitrust laws, or it must intervene to deconcentrate the market.
Robert Weissman: What To Do About the Price of Oil
We have come to see the tornado in all of its glory, not the ant-like humans that scurry about in its path.
Unfortunately, she was also one of those women born to be adored by men.
This also suggests that this deity was first adopted by the tradition of the monastery of Sa-gya, [26] a hypothesis further confirmed by the reference in the founding myth to his being taken over by the holder of the Sa-gya throne So-nam-rin-chen (bsod nams rin chen).
The Shugden Affair: Origins of a Controversy (Part I)
Adolescence causes the four girls to understand their apartness and question their identities.
Even I, a tolerant representative of the Middle Way, found myself blinking at this unquestionably Romish style of adornment.
The fact that your name adorned a jet over the skies over Afghanistan solidifies the bond all of us in the military share with the American people.
CNN Transcript Mar 17, 2002
The Blonde had the doracha seekh, a combination of chicken and crab flakes chargrilled in the tandoor oven and served with a piquant mango and avocado chutney, at £7.50.
Winfrey interviewed Cruise at his mountaintop home near Telluride, Colorado, surrounded by the snow-capped Rocky Mountains.
Chess takes the place of all the other passions, and the people in his life, including his parents, become shadowy, meaningless figures.
Every jag, every bump on the wall revealed a zone of darkness that was worth to explore, but every time, in the shadows, there was just the sides of the cave, continuing.
On the taxes proposed she said, "Those concerned by our wish list's ` nanny state 'implications might helpfully redirect their focus to the many unseen measures intentionally adopted by the food industry to shape our behaviour … It seems that without our knowledge or consent we are subject to the pervasive' nannying 'activities of industry.
The potential adopters of siblings are simply not there.
Times, Sunday Times
Part 6 of the Shadow of the Bat (27: 00) takes another thoroughly extensive featurette that concentrates on dissecting the "toyetic" nature of
DVD Talk
Rupert Grint is adorable as a wuss (his sleeptalking "tapdancing spiders" bit? so funny).
Evolver Diary Entry
Wet meadows between rock outcrops include grasses, sedges, mosses, pitcher plant Saracenia purpurea, sundew Drosera sp. and purple fringed orchid Habenaria psycodes.
Gros Morne National Park, Canada
The new sled is meant to replace the one he had in Colorado, back with his family.
Eric’s Top 10 Defining Christmas Moments » Scene-Stealers
When the matador realises the bull is weak and unable to charge much longer he will reach for his killing sword and seek to manoeuvre it directly in front of him with its head down, so that he can administer the death stroke.
Then the first of three banderilleros (usually older bullfighters who form part of the matador's team) individually run towards the bull making him charge.
The "fruitily perfumed pineapple weed" that came to Britain from Oregon in the late 19th century and then began to spread throughout the countryside, Mr. Mabey says, "exactly tracked the adoption of the treaded motor tyre, to which its ribbed seeds clung" as if the treads were the soles of climbing boots.
Stow the Mower, Stop Pulling
Rising up off a stone bench that stood in a shadowy area out of the torchlight was a dark, robed figure.
Dragons of Winter Night
Typical mesocyclonic tornadoes are caused by intense thunderstorms with appropriate vertical and directional wind shear.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Pathogens in Harm’s Way:
The primary reason for the adoption of this life-style is the attitude to the economic rewards of work.
Contador, who won the 2007 Tour and the 2008 Spanish Vuelta and Giro d'Italia, is also aiming to win in Paris this year.
Armstrong, Contador team up in Castilla Leon race
It sat at the southern edge of San Salvador on land that had once held a garbage dump.
The _router-plane_, Figs. 121 and 122, is used to lower a certain part of a surface and yet keep it parallel with the surrounding part, and it is particularly useful in cutting panels, dadoes, and grooves.
Handwork in Wood
He did not look up, but he felt, he just _felt_, all the eyes of all the little meadow people and forest folk burning right into him.
Mother West Wind's Children
Ye same did rede a portion of his "Venus and Adonis," to their prodigious admiration, whereas I, being sleepy and fatigued withal, did deme it but paltry stuff, and was the more discomforted in that ye blody bucanier had got his wind again, and did turn his mind to farting with such villain zeal that presently I was like to choke once more.
The latest strategy is now seen dropping unsupported accusations across the media spectrum to the effect that the intelligence agency's assignment of Ambassador Joseph Wilson to look into the now-discredited Iraq/Niger/uranium claims were all part of a long-term insidious scheme to try and discredit the Bush Administration.
Brad Friedman: Wingnuts Declare Coordinated All-Out Cross-Media War on CIA as Newest Front in TreasonGate!
Isadora seldom could pay her own way, but that never stopped her.
Named Tecumseh after the Shawnee leader, he was rechristened William in a Catholic ceremony at age 9, after he was informally adopted by a prominent Ohio politician when his father died.
The ambassador personally conveyed the president's message to the king.
Portuguese later acquired the property and turned it into the European-style Leal Senado Building for municipal chamber and the front square for Portuguese settlers to hold festive celebrations.
Initially von Leeb, using troops borrowed from von Bock, was able to mount a concerted attack both on the defensive positions of the southern suburbs and the area north of the main rail line to Moscow, their objective being the historic village now a suburb of Schlüsselburg, right on Lake Ladoga.
Words regarding the necessity to change the souls of human beings to effect real change in the world should not be interpreted to mean that black religious leaders were adopting a quietistic approach to civil rights.
The New Style (NS.) was adopted by Catholic countries.
Anson's Voyage Round the World The Text Reduced
The scientists cannot say if the "hominin" was male or female, but adopted the name tag "X-woman" because the discovery was based on maternally inherited DNA.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
'En esta capilla esta enterrado el noble hidalgo el Lic.
Fray Luis de Leon
He stacked the books on pedestals, making three mysterious columns on one side of the shadowy gallery, two on the other.
Adopting, the additional computative burden imposed by it notwithstanding, Schonfeld's modification of Airy's formulæ, he introduced into his equations a fifth unknown quantity expressive of a possible stellar drift in galactic longitude.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
He is beyond cute... the dog is adorable too.
The Sun
Early adopters will include utility and energy companies, local councils, and companies and individuals who want to be seen to be green.
Times, Sunday Times
The moon passing through the outer region of the Earth's shadow, known as the penumbra, will be visible from Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia's west coast at
Stars and Stripes
This role of film as an instance of mass media is opposed to that of Adorno, who could only conceptualise the mass media as a means of stupefying the masses in a capitalist society.
The conceptus, like the infant, the child, and the adolescent, is a being who is in the process of unfolding its potential; that is, the potential to grow and develop itself but not to change what it is.
This has caused many theoreticians to adopt a philosophical approach that mirrors the ideas of Plato.
We adopt special lift technology; choose import bearing to entitle products with legerity and agility.
After a time, however, they began to think that he was what they called too “viewy,” too much inclined to paradox, too wild.
The Adventure of Living
Tick-borne diseases in the United States include Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, tularemia, babesiosis, Colorado tick fever, and relapsing fever.
San Francisco poets Tarin Towers and Daphne Gottlieb, Eitan Kadosh from L.A. and Phoenix's Eirein Bradley barnstormed with O'Hara through 35 U.S. cities over the summer.
Then, when cashiered out of the navy after refusing to follow orders which offended his conscience, he is visited by the mysterious benefactor who has shadowed him his entire life, who invites him to join a highly exclusive gentlemen's club, Redking's.
REVIEW: Not Less Than Gods and The Women of Nell Gwynne's by Kage Baker
Present-day performers commonly adopt practices of earlier periods whether or not they use historically accurate instruments.
About two hours after De Forest made his report, Green came in and reported that according to orders he had "shadowed" De Forest and Mrs. Maroney when they drove into the city.
The Expressman and the Detective
Pasture lands and meadow lands are often greatly improved by replowing and harrowing in order to break up the turf that forms and to admit air more freely into the soil.
Agriculture for Beginners Revised Edition
This initially meant they were loath to adopt a reportage style, preferring empty streets and unobscured buildings, with people represented only to provide an area of scale or as pure portraiture.
Objective To study the event-related potential N400 character of semantic matching of sentence-ending words in childhood and adolescent schizophrenia.
Prior to joining McKinsey, he obtained a degree in geophysical engineering at the Colorado School of Mines and an M.B.A. at Stanford.
Success in American Companies: Lessons for Canadians
The adolescent and teenage birth rate has fallen by nearly half since 1992.
It may seem a paradox that the same colour should be at once so durable and so fugitive, but we may briefly explain it by saying _when vitreous pigments are reduced to that extreme state of division which the palette requires, they lose the properties they possess in a less finely divided state_.
Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
The microprocessor adopts 89C52, and serial interface has adopted RS-485, can download and debug online, and connect with other equipments.
In 2009, an Salvadorean illegal immigrant named Ingmar Guandique was arrested and charged with Levy's murder.
Report: Chandra Levy-linked ex-congressman Gary Condit writing tell-all book
With each soft shadow and sharp crimp exquisitely rendered, the act of painting serves to overwhelm the subject.
There were shoals of grunt and goatfish sheltering in the shadow of our boat.
Adopt a written constitution, of which the Bill of Rights will form the centrepiece.
This product series adopts bridge commutation mode with rectiformer attached , featuring energy saving And efficency.
Now the tags automatically adopt the defined styles.
The joint was hopping with all kinds of low-lifes and desperados.
Without iridescent blue eye shadow, an effulgent outfit or a hair-sprayed coif, she looks normal.
The shadow of this early tragedy has affected her whole life.
The Front adopted an aggressive propaganda campaign against its rivals.
As well as an eye shadow, you can also use them as a gel liner.
The Sun
She contends that U.S. officials overreacted, rather than dealing pragmatically with adoption procedures in a country where poverty and a long-running insurgency fueled widespread child abandonment, impaired record-keeping, and hampered official investigative capabilities.
Despite Hurdles, Families Pursue Nepal Adoptions
The run is a 825-metre stampede from the corral where the bulls are kept to the outdoor bullfighting arena where they will be invariably killed by matadors later in the day.
The story, though shadowy, is starting to form in my head, as are the protagonists and antagonists.
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Is NaNo a NoNo?
We have a bunch of Wackadoo doos, who cannot accept that this Black man is the President of the United States and who are going around claiming that he is an undocumented alien and basically suggesting that he arrived at the presidency unlegimately.
Police group: Obama should apologize
The Go-Betweens reside in a strange hinterland full of candyfloss and loneliness that hovers between critical adoration and public ignorance.
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The Volokh Conspiracy » Cass Sunstein Responds to “Constitution in Exile” Post:
He came out of the thick woods into a small meadow, his arrow on his bow ready to be shot at anything that moved.
Loosely based on an old Montreal myth about a phantom ship and a shadowy captain (according to the poorly translated English press release), the maze is made up of five connected game zones.
Mexico, Ecuador finish in scoreless draw at New Meadowlands Stadium
Soccer News: MLS, U.S., World & World Cup Scores, Standing & Scores
In other cases, generating a demand requires the emplacement of an infrastructure of maintenance for the successful adoption of innovations.
He is out there somewhere, lurking in the shadows of the underworld and, I do not doubt, burning for revenge.
U.S. Policy: Relations with Ecuador, U.S. Policy:) S.gun diario El Tiempo, de Bogota, el ecuatoriano, que habria dado las coordenadas del campamento de Reyes recibio US. 1,2 millones por la informacion y ahora vive con su familia en Estados Unidos […] '>
Plan Colombia and Beyond
The hikers start in tropical rainforest territory and travel through moorlands, alpine meadows and glaciers on the summit.
At least one car was overturned and others had windows smashed by what locals described as a mini tornado that swept through the area shortly before 1pm.
After being housed in transit camps, many of the immigrants were directed to agricultural settlements (moshavim) (Zadok 1985; Lisak 1999).
Yemenite Women in Israel: 1948 to the Present Day.
What we see in the process of fecundation is a foreshadowing of the future man and woman.
Woman Her Sex and Love Life
This paradox arises either through the blocking of memory, or under oppressive regimes through torture and fear of the consequences of testifying.
Further evidence of China's increasing dismay with Pyongyang comes in a cable in June 2009 from the US ambassador to Kazakhstan, Richard Hoagland.
Donnelly's PNAC report -- a blueprint followed faithfully by the Bush Administration -- openly yearned for a "new Pearl Harbor" that would "catalyze" the American people into adopting PNAC's global militarist agenda wholesale.
The freaks of nature displayed here appealed to peoples’ prejudice, their unquenchable curiosity for the outlandish and the unknown, and the paradoxical human attraction and repulsion for the diseased and deformed.
The title of "desperado," "Negro murderer," is very easily obtained in the South.
" Eagle Clippings " by Jack Thorne, Newspaper Correspondent and Story Teller, A Collection of His Writings to Various Newspapers
They live their daily existence in the shadow of one of the busiest travel destinations in the world.
There are now believed to be only 12 places in the country where the fritillary thrives, and Cricklade North Meadow has the highest proportion of the blooms.
The letters were carved in a cramped scrawl, moonlight etching the crevices and staining the shadows silver.
Then carefully peel away the skin and slice or dice the avocado and add to the salad.
The Sun
La trabajadora social se detuvo frente a la puerta de un jacal, donde estaba sentada una muchacha.
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Life is more uncertain, so the task of launching an adolescent into the world has become more complicated.
Here again he is adopting a course of confrontation, a course of deliberate challenge to established authority.
To answer the 300-odd posers on the questionnaire without then being persuaded to sign up for the religion was an essential rite-of-passage for any spotty adolescent struggling to find their own voice.
First, his performances of musical masterpieces are spare and unadorned.
Times, Sunday Times
She is wearing blue eye liner and blue eye shadow and blue lip gloss and she has her hair tied up high with a blue hairband and two blue barrettes holding her hair in place.
Alifabs Ambassador extruded aluminium fascia gutter and rainwater system is the design ideal for both new and existing buildings.
The former schoolteacher is already a national hero in his adopted homeland.
Times, Sunday Times
At about an hour long, most sets at festivals are just too short for true aficionados.
Times, Sunday Times
The watcher's eyes glim - mered in the darkness, well back in the shadows, bright and feral.
Ilse Witch
Shortly after leaving the outskirts of Adonis the car slithered down a sloping piece of ground, teetered over a low bank, and splashed logily into water.
The Past Through Tomorrow
Type 2 used to be called adult onset diabetes, but we can't call it that anymore because it is onsetting with adolescents and even preteen kids.
Campaigning for a Healthier America
The entire novel must be read in the light of the comic paradox whereby Zeno thinks he is analysing himself while at the same time being certain that psychoanalysis lacks the means to analyse him.
He was appointed ambassador to America.
Let us adopt then words sanctioned by usage, and give the distinction between intelligence and instinct this more precise formula: _Intelligence, in so far as it is innate, is the knowledge of a_ form; _instinct implies the knowledge of a_ matter.
Evolution créatrice. English
But its record suggests it will continue to earn enhanced returns by adopting the proactive approach.
Times, Sunday Times
Slide 41: Calcium Channel Blockers:. •Pueden ser usados con seguridad en pacientes con CKD. •Causan vasodilatación de la arteriola aferente produciendo un incremento agudo en la GFR, un efecto que desaparece con el uso crónico.
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A consignment of hatted and parasoled ladies was coming fast adown the avenue.
Seven Men
Ambassador Simons has been asked to speak at the dinner.
In addition there were various protocols to the Treaty and declarations adopted by the Member States.
This immediately disbarred him from continuing on his methadone programme.
Benjamin Franklin was the US ambassador to absolutist France after the American Revolution.
The ten purebred dogs, most of them Labrador retrievers, were rescued about a year ago when U.S. law-enforcement officers raided a rural Colombia veterinary clinic.
As we drew closer to the system I cut the engines and let the Moonshadow coast the rest of the way in.
She decided to search for her biological mother after her adoptive parents died.
Purposefully moraceous make money work from home, but the lintwhite unholiness was that the wildness sokoro was buried me surpassingly was a permanently in the pintado flyer skillet.
Rational Review
For the burgers• 1½ pounds fresh tuna steaks, cut into 1/2-inch dice• 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard• 1 tablespoon chipotle pepper in adobo purée• 1 tablespoon honey• 3 tablespoons canola oil• 2 green onions, green and pale-green part, thinly sliced• Salt and freshly ground pepper• 4 kaiser rolls• 2 ounces watercress• 1 red onion, peeled, halved and thinly sliced.
Bobby Flay’s tips for great burgers
Tokyo would also appoint an ambassador to Asean, he said.
Não tiveram pra onde ir, ninguém veio buscar. entre uma conversa e outra, um vacilão falando que tinha muito oportinista na favela, muito cara que pegou casa sem precisar, pois já tinha seu barraco, logo foi calado pela multidão que beirava o córrego, com gritos um tiozinho chegou e falou que ninguém tava brincando de ter lucro ali não, que ninguém tava fingindo que precisava morar, que ele havia perdido tudo pro trator.
Global Voices in English » Brazil: Outrage at violent São Paulo eviction
The White Shadow – A unique series that took a rather real look at urban life among predominately minority teen-agers.
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And so, with no further ado, let the hunting commence.
They distanced themselves from the upper class and adopted a communist ideology.
This wall was originally incrusted with rich marbles, and the great dome, adorned with deep coffering in rectangular panels, was decorated with rosettes and mouldings in gilt stucco.
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Small Steps, Big Change
Si ello fuera el caso, el gerente general de una empresa podría ser acusado si un trabajador suyo cometiera, de forma aislada, un crimen.
Global Voices in English » Peru: Ex-President Fujimori Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison
The car lights are extinguished and we stand in the blue shadows and cooling dust.
Times, Sunday Times
The government has adopted an aggressive posture on immigration.
I find the fetishization of hairlessness strange… I wonder sometimes if it is not the result of the idealization of adolescent body types.
The Most Hairiest Man in the World? » Sociological Images
So those of you thinking about going hiking maybe this weekend into the Colorado Rockies, down to the San Juan, across the Wasatch and Siuwincas (ph) and up into parts of Idaho and Montana, we have what we call a considerable threat of avalanche danger in the back country areas.
CNN Transcript Feb 18, 2007
The villages of San Juan and San Salvador Paricutín, the last just one kilometer from the rising volcano, were in danger, but nobody wanted to abandon land and home.
Paricutín, The Volcano, Michoacán
Ambassador Liu congratulated Baroness Warsi on her being a member of the British Cabinet as the first Muslim woman.
There are times of praise, adoration, extolment, when thankfulness is more exuberant, runs over into bursting joy, and times when longing desire carries us into the very bosom of God.
The Right Knock A Story
Is India "constricted" because we have adopted "old standards" like HTML and Unicode?
Archive 2009-07-08
By the word spado, the Romans very forcibly expressed their abhorrence of this mutilated condition.
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 2
The researchers studied how contaminants move through the vadose zone, which is the area between the soil surface and the groundwater zone.
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
Our own Hemingway wrote so much grandiose nonsense about this so-called sport that the reader feels a certain dread as the climactic spectacle approaches — a dread heightened by the awareness that Montherlant was a matador in his teenage years.
Monster of Marriage
Santelli, who will present new research findings next week at a meeting of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, says his study — to be published later this year — shows a downturn in contraceptive use since 2003.
Unmarried women boost record '07 U.S. birth rate
The parents were permissive with or neglectful of their children, and the adolescents had developed a certain degree of independence.
You could always join the 9/11 conspiracy mill and churn out another book or website dedicated to the allegation that the “EVIL” George Bush, Dick Cheney – or THE shadowy “right wing caba” is behind the horror of 9/11.
Think Progress » Bartlett On Cancelled Maliki Meeting: ‘It Was Going To Be More Of A Social Meeting Anyway’
Portuguese artist Ana Sofia Varela is only 25 but is already one of the hottest stars of fado.
Objective To assess the effect of repeated gonadotropic stimulations on the developmental potential and growth differentiation factor-9 (GDF-9) expression of mouse oocytes.
La abundancia agrÃcola de California nos entrega los ingredientes más frescos cosechados localmente para que nuestros Dia de Accion de Gracias sea verdaderamente delicioso.
The recall of ambassador Alan Green was a public signal of America's concern.
This was referred to as ‘adoption’ and was distinct from binding them to labor for a master under indenture.
Colorado Plateau sandstone is nearly totemic in texture and color: voluptuously carved by wind and water, bared to a glory of sunset colors.
The county council has introduced pool cars for business trips, and last year adopted mileage rates of 40p a mile for staff using bikes on business.
The TB vaccine is good at protecting against the severe form of disease found in young children (called "miliary" TB), but not as good at protecting against the lung infection commonly found in adolescents and adults.
Tuberculosis Vaccine
The author argues that the military's four-star regional commanders have usurped the influence and authority of the State Department and local ambassadors.
His reward for services rendered is to have been nominated as the new British ambassador to the US.
#14 POSTED BY jill w, Jun 19th, 2009 11: 25 am this phone is so adorableeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i loveeeeee it!
Win an new LG cell phone like the ones used in “Transformers” » Scene-Stealers
But in furnishing its imaginary, cultural platform for the revival of liberal politics in America, The West Wing has also slipped into an uncritical cult of personality — much as the adoration of Bill Clinton has in the real-life house of liberalism.
The Feel Good Presidency
On many dossiers, the pace of law-making could easily advance "very fast", says the ambassador.
Assuming that I don't have some sort of malignant brain tumor *knocks wood furiously*, it must be that this alien life-form, this adorable-but-nonetheless-parasitic superbeing, is sucking every nutrient from my body and turning these to his own nefarious supergrowth purposes.
Pass The Smelling Salts
The typical two-slice serving of plain, unadorned cheese pizza packs about a half a day's worth of saturated fat.
adored grandchildren
However it has not been plain sailing for the American since his arrival at Meadowbank last month in wake of the Scots' ignominious start to the BBL season.
None rested quiet or mute for a second, except the one who kept close as his shadow to her father's side, and unwittingly was treated by him less like the other children, than like some stray spirit of another world, caught and held jealously, but without much outward notice, lest haply it might take alarm, and vanish back again unawares.
John Halifax, Gentleman
Pony-mads will adore it and how strange that books like this are just never but never reviewed in the mainstream press.
We begin with the nut cutlets of a vegetarian household where Harriet and Vesey meet as adolescents.
The clinician must be well-attuned to the patient when the patient may be in the process of reconstructing schemas, thinking dialectically, recognizing paradox and generating a revised life narrative.
We simply do not have the space for well-organised drills of vegetables that lead to a wicker gate opening out onto a woodland meadow.
Commentary has pretty much adopted him as their science guy, and he has published a steady stream of flapdoodle in their pages over the last decade.
Other locals include yarrow, pussytoes, mallow, cudweed, meadowsweet, and chickweed.
As such, video game enemies in sibling-based stories are more likely to be doppelgängers, shadows or doubles of the player-characters.
His desperate opponent returns a weak shot or a lob, either of which he puts away with careless bravado.
The patterns that emerge can become adored as beautiful objects.
EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
(That last fact doesn't have anything to do with the Lost Pines, but it's the kind of kitschy "giant ball of twine" thing I adore, so I've included it anyway.)
Joy Preble: Not Lost at All: Texas Pines, Debut Authors, and the World's Largest Gingerbread Man
I very much doubt Wales would take quite as long as Ireland did in adopting a sensible fiscal policy.
The £6bn lie
It is of old a native of the East, sister of the tornado, the earthquake, and the simoom.
Encerrei a direcção de turma com chave de ouro como sempre, modéstia à parte, pois o cinismo aliado ao shift+insert fazem maravilhas e durante uns dias nem quero sequer pensar em eduquês ou outro idioma semelhante.
There must be a man who shadow-managed this bombing.
Imposition of hands was a ceremony used especially in paternal blessings; Jacob used it when he blessed and adopted the sons of Joseph, Gen. xlviii.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
Let these wives first step into the pyre, tearless without any affliction and well adorned.
Avoid anything too long - they might be fine for adolescent surfer dudes, but look tragic on the rest of us.
Times, Sunday Times
Nevertheless, the voluptuous figures that adorn his ormolu mounts and the fluidity of his designs gave Linke's pieces their characteristic blend of ancien regime and Art Nouveau, that made them stand out.
After the accident he became a pathetic figure, a shadow of his former self.
The measure of core column is adopted to superhigh column, in order to making up the ductility of aseismic performance.
They based their predictions on one million-acre feet a year deficit of the Colorado River, massive amounts of evaporation from the lake and the viscous effects of a warming world from climate change.
Dr. Reese Halter: Global Warming, Drought and the Grim Reaper
Her gaze, unfocused, fell on the swath of ivory silk adorning the richly hued carpet.
The system adopts vector control scheme of rate opening loop and magnetic linkage closed loop.
Modestly clad women appear as newsreaders on TV, while sexually suggestive Hindi film posters adorn shopfronts about town.